
00419 Reanimation

The downfall of the kingdom of Galios without dark stars was as easy as breaking a child's wrist. You clear the battles in the plains, and Gratia's forces march across the city to the palace of Galyos.

The palace is empty. On the throne where the king would sit, only the corpse of King Gallios, who had a sword in his chest, was laid. Engaging the Black Wizard was an adventure that took place because Galios' death was at stake. There is no future left for Galios, and for the royal Galios, as long as it is a failure.

So what the king chose was suicide. He would not be honored as a prisoner. He would have thought it was a convenient death to put a sword through his heart when he was about to die miserably beaten by the mob. The emperor was the face of the grave. He opens his mouth, gazing at the throne soaked in blood.

“What a stupid death. ”

It was a clear and correct assessment. If you die here, the king of Gallios will be recorded as the king who waged the worst war in the history to come. He led the Black Wizard into battle and turned his soldiers into undead. The emperor turns around, frowning.

“Search the palace. ”

That said, Gratia's army has breached Galyos' palace. Most of what they found was dead bodies. The Queen, the concubines, the Gallios born of them. Everyone killed themselves, or was dead.


Azin truly thought so. It would be better to die than to be caught and insulted. You can't insult a corpse without knowing it's dead.

“Please, help me. ”

The maids and servants were taken captive and brought before the emperor. The emperor shook his head, and a brief execution took place.

“What about the other nobles? ”

The emperor asked as he looked down at the bloody battle. The swordsman bows slightly to the Emperor.

“Soldiers are loosening the city. As long as this is an island, there's no way to escape. ”

“Be sure to capture it. Don't miss out on any more nobles than the Earl. The Wizard?”

“Five-star, Muren, and Magic Troops are casting navigation spells all over the island and opening up a teleport jammer station. There's no escaping. ”

“Capture the Court Wizard. I have to ask if you're in bed with the Dark Star. And Gallios' vision. The king died quietly, so I have no choice but to ask the underlings. ”

The emperor spits it out, being blatantly offensive. After the battle in the plains, it took me four days to arrive at Galyos' palace. The army moves relentlessly, and there is no resistance from Gallios. Galios' army has fallen apart, and all soldiers and knights who were in the army have become deserters. They fled to cities and mountains.


The emperor's voice pauses for a moment. He frowns and looks up at the ceiling. You caught him. Azin grins. He already knew the steps that were crouching beyond the ceiling, but Azin did not let him know. Because I wondered what he was up to.

“There's a rat. ”

The emperor mutters and raises his hand. The wind flew away with a light swing. The ceiling cracks with an apparition, and a man falls from the ceiling.

He had a hot beard. The armor was clotted with blood, and so was the face of a man. The slightly opened eyes contained even madness. The emperor blinked at such a man.

“Who are you? ”

The emperor asks, "The man who stood up to the question distorted his face." He raises his gaze as if to hold his sword in his arms.

“I am Albert Pragram, the proud head of the impending death squad of Gallios. ”

He opens his chest and says, The emperor looks at him with expressionless eyes. Albert grips his sword while grinding his roots.

He put a sword through his chest on the will of King Gallios and killed all the other royal families. After that, I disbanded the Near Crisis Satan and crouched on the ceiling of the palace for a few days.

To kill the Emperor of Gracia. Albert raises his voice and talks about his noble mission. The emperor listened to him quietly.

“So, do you know where the Chancellor or any other nobles are? ”

“How do I know where my runaway mobsters are doing what they're doing? ”

Albert nods at what he says. The emperor waves his hand as if chasing the fly, and Albert's body burns. The emperor turns away, ignoring Albert, who roars in the fireball.

Since then, the emperor and key executives have stayed in the palace of Galyos, and the soldiers and wizards released by each commander have scoured Galyos Island and searched for Earl or higher nobles. After occupying the palace, the emperor formally declared to the people of Galyos that the kingdom had changed.

“I had four kids, but they're down by two. ”

The emperor suddenly said. Hermione, holding the knife, pauses and raises the emperor. The emperor shakes the glass halfway through with a frowny face.

“Two, three. Ironically, only my firstborn and youngest left. ”

Xavirt doesn't say anything. Rufel, the third prince, was killed in battle in the plains, and, of course, no bodies were found. Hermione moves the knife again without answering.

“I originally tried to see who would be the most fit son in this war, but it became meaningless. You mean the survivor is close to the Emperor? It should be easy to pick since it's reduced from four to half. ”

The emperor glances at Xavirt, saying so. Xavirt doesn't say anything. Two of the princes died, but the emperor saw no sorrow or grief. Savirt was different. He cried for days because he felt sorry for his dead brothers, and still barely touched the dish.

“Which one of you wants to be emperor? ”

The emperor asks. Hermione glances at Xavirt. Savirt chews his lips well. Hermione takes a short breath. Do I have to answer here? After a brief hesitation, Hermione opens her mouth.

“I want to be emperor. ”

Hermione opens her mouth. Savirt's eyes go up, looking down at the plate. He glances at Hermione with his fierce eyes, and Hermione does not avoid Savirt's gaze.

“I like an ambitious one. ”

The emperor swallowed the wine with a bloodshot smile. He puts down the glass. The silence passes. Hermione continues to eat food pretending to be Tae-yeon, and his plate is empty. Xavirt chews his lips.

“I have no taste for mouths, so I'll go back first. ”

“Suit yourself. ”

The emperor murmured and replied. Xavirt takes his escort outside the gate, and the emperor glances at Hermione.

To be precise, the azine behind Hermione.

“You killed him, right? ”

The Emperor's question was sudden. The question made Hermione look stunned. Ajin looked at the emperor with a slightly surprised face. The emperor frowns and clutches his chin with his hands.

“Well, it's a symptom. It may be possible for someone to die during a war, but the first thing you can think of is assassination. Of course, the only thing that will benefit from an assassination is a surviving prince. Xavirt is not a great man, but...”

The emperor's eyes narrowed. He stares at Hermione.

“You're a little bit, aren't you? Not before... but your face is feeling much better. I thought you didn't look that much like me, but now you do. So... what do you think? Did you kill him?”


“I don't blame you for the murder. That's why I brought you here. I gave you an award for proving who's the most useful, looking at each other, and you're the first. I enjoyed that, too. ”

The emperor freely condemns Hermione to the murder of the Crown Prince. It doesn't matter if it's true or not. That's the emperor's decision, and that's just it. And he didn't really want to blame Hermione for assassinating another prince.

Azin did not give Hermione any advice. You can be unfair, or you can be defensive. Rather, silence is the answer in the current situation. Hermione knew that, too. He kept his mouth shut, and the emperor saw Azin.

“I defeated the Horsemen. ”

The emperor opened his mouth. It was the first time. Since the plains battle, the emperor has not asked Azin about the Horsemen. Thanks to the emperor's silence, no one else asked Azin about the Horsemen. Rivera comes to you, pouting at you because she couldn't do anything.

“Were you summoned by the Dark Stars? ”


And this was the first time I ever asked you about the Dark Star. Azin nods, and the emperor kicks his tongue small. He twitches his chin with his hand and frowns.

“The Dark Star has done a terrible thing. There were no traces of the Black Wizards left. Do you know where they went? ”

“They escaped the island with long-range teleport magic. ”

“To teleport from here to the mainland, you'll need a few dragons to move that many. ”

“But they got away with it. I don't know exactly what method they used, because I'm not a wizard. ”

“So, what about the head of the Dark Star? ”

“I made it back alive. ”

Dead, but she's a player. Azin's words grimace at the emperor. He taps the table with his fingertips and mutters in an unpleasant voice.

“It's bigger and stronger than the Dark Star ever thought. I can't believe this is just some wizard's secret. ”

“Then we'll have to cut it. ”

Azin is exhausted. His finger stops tapping the table. The emperor frowned and looked at Azin.


“Do you know anything about the Black Forest? ”

Azin asked in a quiet voice. The flow of conversation reached here. The emperor decided to condemn the Dark Star, but the Dark Star was unable to capture it.

Here, Azin stands in a position where he can persuade the Emperor. Faster than I expected, but now Azin has the power to move the emperor. The Prince's Escort Knight. They were dragonslayers there and killed the Horsemen. I also know that I have had a brief direct contact with the Dark Star's chief.

“... the Black Forest? ”

The emperor opens his eyes and asks. You never know about the Black Forest. Black Forest. The forest to the south of Gracia is a Dead Man's Forest that prohibits the invasion of human and living beings.

“I overheard. When the Dark Star's leader moves the other Black Wizards. I'll see you in the Black Forest again. ”

The emperor cannot tell if it is true or false. So speaking is Azin's freedom. There's no connection between Harvest and the Dark Stars here.

“It looks like the Dark Star's stronghold is in the Black Forest. Even if it's not home, there must be some clue there. The Black Forest. You put your nest in a dangerous place. I don't want to get involved in that. ”

The emperor whispered as he grabbed the horse. It was not an emperor's word. He was more arrogant than any human being in the world.

“.. for now. If there's a Dark Star clue in there, it won't be too bad to find out. I don't want to enter the territory of the Undead, but it's a different story if they're spreading the Black Sprout in a country I rule. We have to cut the roots, no matter how much damage we take. ”

The emperor pours wine into his cup, saying so.

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