
00416 Reanimation

I saw his coming fist. Haveth's spirit is white. It was a mistake. He stepped forward too far, and there was no escaping Azin's approach and attack. You built a wall of defense based on the magical power of Carmadon, but its absolute barrier was smashed into a fist of Azin.

What the fuck?

I honestly exceeded my expectations. I didn't think it would be possible to do this. Haveth did not notice Azin's approach, nor did he notice Azin's existence. There's been a mistake. It was a short while ago, but she coldly pointed out her mistakes and circumstances.

This is a loss.

The Emperor of Gratia was not defeated in the end. We have harmed them, but until we have killed the Emperor, the Dark Star cannot live under the same sky as the Emperor. They will have to go deeper into the darkness. Azin's fist approaches directly to Harvest.

And Azin's fist smashes her head. A grey bribe flashes along with the sound of a purr. Near death, she was a little relieved. But the Dark Star's power was preserved.

And I still have my condolences.

Harvest's body falls down. Azin wipes the blood and bribes off his face and bends down. He glances at the falling karmadon, crouching. Was that ominous staff the source of magic? Can we smash it? Azin reaches out to Carmadon thinking that way.

He stops there. He feels the threat beneath his feet and blows away as he goes along. The black darkness has just penetrated the place where there was pain.


Ajin looked down at the absurd face. Harvest, whose head has been smashed in, is shaking and scrambling. The black robe he wears wiggles ominously as the food spreads.

“Crazy bastard.”

Azin realizes what she's done. Haveth's body crumbles into dust. Haveth's body is completely destroyed, but the robe that covered his body does not go down. Rather, Rob inflated more and more ominously.

And in it, a white light twitched. Azin's eyes narrowed. ‘Life force battle.’ That was her last blessing. He designed his body in the first place as a Rich, which is forced to trigger when Harvest is critically wounded. Yeah, it doesn't change the fact that he's dead.

If you become rich, you can move around ignoring the death penalty. For a player with no complete death, it was like having an infinite life. If you send a death penalty with a switch to Rich, you can immediately reconnect to the player's body.

“You have a head. ”

Azin was deeply impressed. I didn't think she had that kind of insurance. After his flesh, muscles, and organs disappeared, she became a skeleton. Of course, the skull was shattered halfway, but the void of the body comprised of bones replaced the enormous magical force that harvez possessed. Harvest rises from the crack of his skull with a black fog. A red glare emanates from the inside of your eyeball.

“I didn't think I was going to use this. ”

She spits. His voice is completely different from his. Haveth's voice, mixed with the creaking of his bones, sounded as if he was crying from deep inside the cave. She presses down on Robb's hat and stares at Azin. Azin, standing on the ground, grins at Harvest.

“How does it feel to be rich? ”

She doesn't answer. He twitches his fingers and moves Carmadon to himself. With Carmadon in his hand, she swallowed a great deal of breath.

Being Rich felt horrible and dirty. This is how the Undead feels. You don't need to breathe because you don't need oxygen. I have no desire. Only emotions remained, and they were intense killings and anger toward Azin.

‘This body has too many weaknesses. ’

The body is optimized for magic, but ultimately the body is undead. Too vulnerable to divine magic. Moreover, the magic available is limited to dark magic. There are no senses, so everything should be reliant on magic.

Of course, most of those weaknesses can be overcome with carmadon. Haveth inscribed the spell of richness on his body because he believed in the performance of Carmadon.

But I don't like them very much. She wanted to frown, but Rich didn't have any muscles to move her glabellar.

“I learned a lot thanks to you. ”

Harvest mutters. The magic cast by the dungeon master and other dark wizards is fading. Even though the magical power was infinite, there was no wizard left to keep it.

“The Wizard, especially the Black Wizard, should not be near him. I should have done tricks in the back. I'm so excited. ”

She mutters and moves the staff. Of course. A wizard needs to be prepared to act. I believed too much in the power of Carmadon, in his power, and in the power of the Dark Star. That became the mark of Harvest.

“But it's not over yet. ”

Haveth mutters like that and takes a picture of Carmadon down. Kuang! A huge rumble shook the ground. He maintains the undead's resurrection magic, and gives enough magic to those already summoned. Azin stretches out his feet, gazing at her like that.

The space between the two disappeared. Ajin reaches out to the Life Force Basket, which Harvest has, inside the robe. If Rich loses the Life Boss Battle, he can do nothing and vanishes. However, Harvest, who had anticipated Azin's approach, quickly practiced teleport magic.

He didn't have the slightest intention of engaging in an approach with Ajin. Once inside, she will never be able to overcome Azin. Instead, he continued to practice magic. It was not magic to pinpoint azin, nor to attack azin.

What he was preparing was summoning magic.

Carmadon gave Harvest a magical diversity. Focusing on Necromancy magic, he was troubled by other dark magic. Curse enchantments, summon enchantments, and contracts. Contracts and summons are similar, but they are different. Summoning magic is a magical thing. They can be easily summoned as long as they have enough magical power.

But the contract is different. Contracts are literally contracts with the existence of magic systems. The target, of course, is the devil. The Horsemen do not ask for magical power in return for the contract. All they ask is blood and soul.

And that's all she's had so far.

At first, I thought I could use the player's advantage to easily contract with the Horsemen. The undead player thought he had an infinite soul. But it wasn't. The player was unable to contract with the Horsemen in the first place. Instead, she used a different method.

Common method of omission. Sacrificing the souls of others. As he learned Necromancy magic, he gathered the souls that had been turned into corpses and succeeded in making a duplicate contract with a higher level horseman. It's one of Harvest's spleen cards, with a penalty that it can only be summoned once.

Power is guaranteed. The long haul ends with the assault of Azin. Azin pursues Harvest's movements and sticks his hand inside his robe. Azin's hand grips the Life Force Battle of Harvest.

“If you're dead, just go. ”

Azin is troubled. The answer is, she wanted to show you a smile, but she couldn't show you a smile because all she had was bones. Instead, she clearly said goodbye to Azin.

“I'll give you a gift. ”

Harvest is paralyzed, and his body is completely shattered. What I got out of being Rich. A dark enchantment spreads around the shattering body of Harvest.

The creepy sensation sweeps through his body. Azin is intoxicated by something instinctive and turns his back without knowing it. The enchantment expanded greatly.

The undead's body trembles and trembles. It was all the beings gathered in this battlefield who felt it. Garcia's army, Galios' army. Five stars with the Emperor. Court Wizard. Everyone felt something ominous.

And something pops out of the enchanted circle.

It had a look that didn't fit at all with the misfortune of preaching. Dark hair was bouncy and pale skin and pale lips reminded me of the sick. However, his eyes were as red as blood. The creature with the small body was a horse with a bent sheep's horn.

The Earl's Horseman.

Azin passes through the enchanted camp and looks at the Devil standing on the ground. Of course, Azin didn't know that I existed as a Mage. I just felt a chill and a tingling ominous sensation on my body. The horse on the ground slowly looks around.

“The original agreement. ”

The Horsemen have opened their mouths.

“I asked you to kill everything you saw at the same time as the summoning. ”

The Earl's Horse, La Capentura. He was in charge of the brotherhood of the horsemen that Jabesh contracted. When she was killed, when he made up with Rich. When an enemy encounters you, you can't handle it with your own strength. The Hand prepared to kill the opponent, considering that Harvest himself will die.

Then, when she signed with La Capentura, she placed only one condition: Destroy everything you see. It was a simple and clear demand, and it had enough power to enforce it called Lacapento.

“The Horsemen?”

Azin asked. It's the first time I've seen the Mages in person. Although it is said that vampires are a type of Horses, only Alcadion, a vampire road, can compare to the Horses. You cannot compare to such an Alkadian Earl.

It's natural. In the beginning, the Demon King appeared to announce the end to the First, the last triumph in the world, and the power game between the transcendents. That is, the invasion of the Horses. Of course, the Mages were made more powerful than all the beings in the world, and so it was established. To the final ordeal.

The First Scenario does not allow the Horsemen to appear at this point.

Such a presence stood in front of Ajin. Lacapentura nods at Azin, nodding at the tomb.

“Are you human? ”

La Capentura asks. Ajin doesn't answer. This might be a little dangerous. That thought lifted my head.

Compared to mere threats, Lacapento felt even more powerful than the Arctic Serikrapa. Azin clenches his fist. What do we do? Let's hit it first and get out. Azin's legs bent.

The moment I came to think of that, Azin hit the ground. The ultraviolet angle made the streets zero. He immediately twisted his back and punched. It was a fist with a lot of wall power.

Qazi! Ajin's fist smashes the face of Lacapentura. The body of La Capentura shifts slightly to the side. He turns his surprised eyes and looks at the pain.

‘I was going to kill him. ’

Ajin thinks as he pulls out his stabbing fist.

You didn't kill him with a single blow.

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