
00378 Entering

Azin's words make Hermione's face numb. You can win with your eyes closed? Hermione sounds absurd to hear that. Cloud Percival is a strong enough knight to stand in the way of the death squad.

“Are you serious? ”

“I'm not kidding. ”

Asin nods and answers Hermione's question. Hermione gives you a hollow smile. The Near Crisis Legion is considered among the Imperial Knights. They are comprised of knights more powerful than any other because they exist and are tasked with escorting the Emperor.

“Well, I know you have strong ears. ”

Hermione clears her throat low. I know that Azin is strong because I've seen him defeat Ekidna, but no matter what. But Hermione didn't take it personally. Covering your eyes was exaggerated because you thought Ajin was stronger than the cloud.

“.. Hermione. I'll be going back now. ”

Ekidna opens her mouth. Hermione looks back at Ekidna. I've assigned you a escort mission in this investigation, but she is originally the leader of the Steel Knights. With her return to Imperial Verzola, she should return to her knights as well.

“Well done. ”

Hermione nods. He approaches Ekidna and chokes on her ear.

“Don't get noticed for a while. ”

“.. Yes. ”

Ekidna nods. The return of Hermione, and the existence of the Guardian. It is a simple act, but Hermione has not done so far. It will provoke Verzola.

“The only one who has returned to Verzola now is Prince One, my first brother, Xavirt von Gracia. ”

Hermione opens her mouth as she looks at Ekidna's farther back.

“Cloud Percival will come. ”

“.. maybe. ”

Savirt and Cloud are relatives. In order to be recognized as an escort, you must compete with one of the proximal knights to win. If Xavirt breathes in, the cloud is likely to be the opponent of Azin.

“.. is it really possible to defeat? ”

“I thought you said it wasn't a joke. ”

Ajin smiled and said. I'm not exaggerating. I looked at Cloud's sword for a moment. I also peered at his vigor. He's definitely strong. I have enough strength to be regarded as one of the nearest death squads.

But he's no match for Azin.


You waged a battle.

A corridor with a red rug and an invisible end. Every time I walked this path, Hermione felt like she was in a heartbeat. No, the heart won't stop. Rather, he jumps up and down like a burst. I think my heart will protrude from my ribs and tear up my chest.

Such extreme tension. Press it down and continue to reach your feet. Slowly, slowly again. Calms down while being careful not to make a mistake. Every step forward, he sweeps the cloak across his back to the ground. He felt his hands tremble. The trembling hand was wet with cold sweat.

Hermione clenches her fist.

“I'm here to see my fourth prince, Hermione von Gracia. ”

Two men, standing guard at the giant door, bow their heads. Short cut hair on each ginger face. The massive door crosses Helbert in their grasp and stands in the way. Hermione nods her head with a stiff face.

“... to see the Emperor. ”

Helbert moves on that one word. The door began to open slowly. Hermione feels her legs twitching and shaking. It's a feeling I've always felt. I feel it every time I come here. Fear, tension.


The center of the Imperial Verzola, ElCast. Hermione walks in. His legs are still shaking. My body trembles. My head bends naturally.

“It's been a month. ”

And the voice. Hermione shrugs her head and shrugs. I don't want to lift my head. He looks down and walks. The floor of the ElCast is filled with strange symbols. Runic. Every time the Emperor changes, the symbol on the bottom of the Elcast changes. It was engraved by the greatest sorcerers at the top of the Pentagon, the most historic sorcerer society in Gracia, and it contained all kinds of magic spells that guarded the emperor of the time.

The stairs reach the end of Hermione's words. Hermione kneels there. Then I waited for the next word. Reminds me of the first time I came here. I was 15. At that time, Hermione met the father who made her feel confident for the first time.

“Raise your head. ”

Nothing has changed. When I was 15, I entered the ElCast for the first time, trembling with tension, raising my head.

Raise your head.

There is a huge throne on the tall staircase. The emperor of Gracia sits there. Albiette von Gracia. Hermione looks up at her father with trembling eyes. The round ceiling made of glass pours down light from the eyes of the Creator, the Lord of Gracia, and the bright sun. The emperor sitting on the throne, who receives the light as it is, has no expression on his face. I bend my chin with my hands and look down at Hermione like that.

Albiette von Gracia. He was different from the emperor in many ways. 27 years ago, the first thing he did after ascending to the emperor was to purge all but himself of the brothers and sisters. The nobles who opposed him, who supported the Purged Palace, raised their heads and purged again. For five years after Albert von Gracia became emperor, such a history of blood had passed.

Iron Emperor.

“I heard a funny story. ”

Albiette opens his mouth. Every time he spoke, there was a golden light in his eyes. On the floor of ElCast, there are all kinds of magic spells to protect the Emperor. Not only that. The entire Near Risk Legion is hiding in ElCast, and the Knight Leader in charge of the Near Risk Legion also guards the Emperor's side.

But their existence is actually meaningless. No one can kill the Emperor of Gracia. Gracia is home to Gladiolus, the continent's greatest empire and creator. And the emperor of Gracia is the highest and pope who believes in such a Gladiolus.

Those golden eyes. That is the symbol and power of being the emperor of Gracia. The emperor of Gracia is also one of the finest spirits in the empire. As they become emperors, they contract with all the Spirit Kings, and the Spirit Kings contract with the Emperor give power to the Emperor. If the Emperor wishes, the Spirit King is wise and the Emperor will never get sick while the contract is being maintained.

In other words, it is impossible to deliberately kill the emperor.

“I heard you brought a Escort Knight. ”

“.. Yes. ”

Hermione replies with a trembling voice. I never thought the emperor would mention him directly. The emperor had never interfered with the palace disputes. The emperor cannot be killed deliberately, but that does not make him immortal.

At the time of his first son's twenty-five years, the princes of Gracia must have had a violent quarrel. And if there is a victor in the imperial dispute, the current emperor must surrender his place to the emperor who takes over the imperial throne. That is the only condition for the emperor's power.

“I've never seen you act like that before. ”

The emperor mutters. His jaw rises a little higher.

“I also wondered, did I give birth to an incompetent martyr? Maybe he wasn't such a incompetent scoundrel. ”

Hermione bows her head in silence at the laughter she hears. Despite his nickname, the current emperor was cruel. The Purge was clear and merciless. The emperor was a fair man. I didn't particularly care about my children and didn't particularly hate them.

“Where did you get this? ”

“.. in celebrity territory. ”

“Selbridra. Small territory to the west. Yeah, that's where you were assigned. Where there was a monster raid. ”

The emperor thumped his temple.

“You've come up with something quite interesting. I thought you said you trained skilllessness? ”

“.. Yes. ”

“I see. I've already checked. A year ago, a knight was recognized in the temple of Adim. The first place he appeared was the Hizen beside the Bulsal Desert. We haven't picked up a trail on the trail yet. Well, it's none of my business. ”

The smile disappears from the Emperor's face.

“What did you see in the western lands? ”

“.. everyone was praising the Emperor and Gracia. ”

“That's the same answer from a year ago. ”

“Because it's true. ”

Hermione bows her head. The emperor looked down at Hermione with a expressionless face and said it again.

“What specifically should I report? ”

“.. nothing. ”

“Didn't the lords of the West Sea tell you about Galios' invasion? ”

“.. I've never heard of such a thing. Since the warrior Rivera defeated the invasion of Gallios, Gallios has never invaded the West Sea. ”

“Warrior. Don't the lords of the west compare warrior to emperor?" ”

“.. what would they do? ”

In Hermione's reply, the emperor laughs low and shakes his head.

“I see. I was hoping to come up with some more interesting stories. Stand back.”

“.. Yes? ”

“I told you to back off. ”

Hermione raises her head, swallowing a gulp in the words of the emperor. I reported that I did not take proper documentation or procedures, but this was always the case. Hermione lowers her head deeply and barely turns away. The emperor glances at Hermione's back as he walks toward the door and glances at the nearby commander.

“I think there are some Muslims from the advanced branch of the Near Crisis Society. ”

“I have three. ”

The commander replies. The emperor nods and asks again.

“Which of them is the strongest? ”

The question caught my attention for a moment. There are a total of three unaccounted for in the Near Force. All of them have outstanding skills, and in the advanced world, they were mathematicians directly in the old file room and then moved to Gracia for the article's recognition. He remembered their faces, and immediately said the name of a knight.

“... there is a man called Jinwol. I learned the sword from a shaman, one of Jinjin's old chambers. After that, I learned the sword from a moonlight sword named Eunuch. ”

“Jinwol. Yeah, right. I remember. I took down the castle myself. Maybe he was the commander of the Second Crisis Squad. ”

The emperor nodded. I've seen his sword. It was at the Imperial Swordsmanship Competition, and Jinwol, the second blacksmith, won second place in the Imperial Swordsmanship Competition after defeating the other knight captains.

“Yes, you're good. You're good at being stuck within five fingers of an approximation. ”

“Send him. ”

The emperor's eyes narrowed.

“Then ask for information on the frontline. Whether or not the self named Ajin is famous for his advancement. ”

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I'm eating bananas with apples...

I'm hungry...

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