
00373 Hermione

So, what should I say first? The opponent is an Imperial. He has been pushed from the throne for a long time, but his position as the Fourth Crown Prince is not going anywhere. This is where you should bow your head.

‘The arrogance was trembling. ’

The more arrogant you are here, the worse it will be. Azin turns away. First, he saw the way he looked at himself. The first thing that caught my eye was Baron Frank, who looked agitated. There are Valfrid and Marianne beside him. Ajin swallowed his inner smile as he looked at Marianne, who was dressed in her skirt, in her own way. It's because even a country girl like a gazelle felt like a noble girl because she put on makeup and dressed well.

I move my gaze. I see a clean looking man. The bright blonde looks neat, and the clothes look better than Baron Frank or Valfrid. That must be Hermione, the fourth prince of Gracia. So who's the girl next to you? Shiny armor and an engraved shield symbol on the chest. A Steel Knight, one of the Imperial Knights.

“.. to meet the Crown Prince. ”

This is the end of the quest, and Azin bows his head deeply. Hermione smiles low.

“I thought you were a very disrespectful person. That's not how it looks. ”

“I'm sorry I missed you. ”

“No, it's fine. I don't blame you enough for that. ”

Hermione's eyes narrow.

“What were you doing? ”

“.. I was warming up. ”

I answered honestly. Hermione smiles and asks. “Am I interrupting something?” In that question, he waves his head slowly.

“How dare you. ”

“I hear you're an excellent knight. ”

Hermione speaks.

“I've seen some people from the Jinsun. Did you know? Some of the proximal Knights are Muslims from the Jinn Dynasty. ”

This is the first I've heard of it.

“But not one of them uses weapons, and not one of them fights with his bare hands. Apparently, you caught an ogre with your bare hands. I don't know if it's exaggerated or not. ”

Haha, Hermione laughs.

“At parties in the Imperial Court, I sometimes call clowns. ”

I don't know what you mean.

“Famous theater group. There are a lot of people that are that big, that have that many mysterious talents. Some of them are advanced. ”

Azin doesn't say anything but listens to Hermione. At the silence of Azin, Hermione continued to speak.

“Some clowns smash rocks with their bare fists and draw swords with their bare bodies. When I was a kid, it looked really strange. He would, because he really didn't cheat at all. I wasn't using magic, I wasn't using special artifacts. ”

Now I know what you're talking about. He had a thin smile on his mouth.

“They say it's an outer space. ”

Hermione smiles low.

“A knight from the Near Crisis Brigade told me. That's outer space. It's a degraded aerospace with a sole purpose in physical training. Repeatedly abusing the body, using special medicines to heal wounds... and simply hardening the tartar. Mana... I mean... In the Jinjin, it's internal. I heard that those who can't handle him properly are getting used to it. ”

“That article. ”

Ajin smiled and said.

“You're pretending not to know anything. ”

Hermione's eyebrows twitched slightly. “You mean the knight lied?” Hermione asked. The question shook his head.

“That's not very wrong. The lower-level exterior, according to the article. But not all artisans do. ”

Azin raises his hands.

“The mason is magic. Just as the magic that exists in Gracia cannot be counted, and its depth and its end cannot be counted. The same goes for no man. There are high-quality masonry, there are low-level masonry. Similarly, there's a low-level exterior, there's a high-level exterior. ”

“How are you? ”

I was curious about Hermione's face.

“What kind of artisans have you trained? How strong are you as a Muslim? ”

“You may be hearing this because you're bluffing. ”

Ajin glances at Ekidna. Ekidna's expression changed as she met Azin's eyes. Azin lowers his head slightly toward her.

“I'm sure that knight can be subdued. ”

Hermione's eyes widened and Ekidna's face became frozen cold. Baron Frank opens his mouth wide. He knew that Ekidna was the leader of the Steel Knights.

“.. do you know who Lord Ecidna is? ”

“Aren't you the Steel Knights? ”

“Lord Ekidna is the head of the Steel Knights. ”

Quite the big one. Azin looks at Ekidna, surprised. Ekidna stares at him with a cold, stiff face. “I see.” Azin nods, smiling. He lowers his head slightly.

“I'm sorry if I offended you. ”

“You said you could defeat me. ”

Ekidna opens her mouth.

“It's, I'm a woman. Does that mean it looked decent? ”

“That can't be right. ”

Azin laughs low.

“If so?”

“That's just a word I thought I could suppress. ”

Ekidna's hand rests on her waist. She grimaces and grabs the sword. Then I glanced at Hermione. “Your Grace.” Ekidna calls out to him in a low voice. A strong will was a young voice. Hermione nods, smiling bloody.

“It doesn't matter what entertainment is. ”

At that, Ekidna bows her head. Ekidna draws her sword with a creaking hiss. She points her drawn sword at Azin. Azin glances at the baron Frank. The restless Baron Frank takes a few steps back. It was a permission of something.

“You said oppression. ”

Ekidna's eyes narrow.

“Do you want a wooden sword? ”

“It doesn't matter if it's an exam. Rather, it would be fair to do it with a sword. ”

Ajin looks at his hands widely.

“My weapon is sheep's fist and legs. Lord Echina is a prosecutor. I use my weapon, and it's not fair for Lord Echina to use a wooden sword. ”


Hermione bursts into laughter.

“I never thought a knight would say that to Lord Ekidna, Master of the Steel Knights! ”

Hermione was well acquainted with Ekidna's skills. The Steel Knights are considered to be the weakest of the Imperial Knights, but they have no power compared to the soldiers of other nobles. In particular, Ekidna, the knight commander there, is the seventh most skilled swordsman in the imperial court. This means that Ekidna is the seventh strongest among the active knights of Gracia.

“Then, let's learn a lesson. ”

Ekidna said with a cool face. She lowers her blade slightly forward. Ajin glances at Ekidna's sword. A long-extended sword. Sword sack. Sword blade. The edge of the blade is unusually long. I see. To stab through the gap in the armor. Stabbing organs? Azin raises his hands. I loosened my grip.

“Should I go first? ”

“As you wish.”

Ekidna replies, her eyes fixed in Azin's hands, not shaking a bit. Ajin stretches his legs slightly. I've never fought a knight before in this world. That's one of the Imperial Knights, the Steel Knight Leader. I thought it was a little too much, but it's not necessarily a bad thing. I can make sure this side is imprinted.

‘A year. ’

It's Azin's time in Celebrity territory. He has waited only for today. You turned the monster mountain range upside down for today and made the monsters var down into the forest. I made the monsters slaughter the colonists. That's how you tense up Celebrity territory and raise your military strength by gathering the conscripts.

That's half a year. You eradicate the monsters completely and wait for someone from the imperial side to arrive. I honestly didn't expect the Royal Highness to come as an inspector and the Steel Knights Master himself. Rather, this is an opportunity.

‘The question is whether Hermione is ambitious or not. ’

I don't care if it's nothing. It's my career that the Steel Knights Master was defeated. If Ekidna finds out and tries to hide him as an insult, the rumors can't be stopped. If word gets out, at least we'll get to a better land. Azin bends his knees thinking so.

So, what do we do? Overwhelming or moderate? Paang! Azin's body bounces off like a bow. Ekidna's expression changed. It's because Azin's charge is so fast. However, the shock was short. Ekidna's feet move swiftly. Her body turns smoothly. A sword that specializes in stabbing, but it's not impossible to cut. Her sword was sharp. Ekidna's sword flew to Azin's neck with a sharp crack.

‘That was fast.’

The knights of this world are powered by Adim, instead of using nothing. They are flying and stronger than ordinary people, and in particular they receive an infinite Mana infusion from the emblem of Adim engraved on their chest. How flexibly and skillfully you use the Mana is the judge of the strength of a knight. A white error has appeared on Ekidna's sword. Sword steel.

‘Manat's expression is rapid. ’

He's definitely skillful.It's rare for someone to make a sword this fast. Moreover, the body movement.I can fly even if I haven't mastered the art of skirting. I don't think it's a good idea to be the leader of the Steel Knights.

Paang! Akin's hand and Ekidna's sword collide. Ekidna's sword flickers lightly. Hermione opens her eyes wide, covering her woundless hand, even though she encountered a sword wrapped in error.

“Um... ”

Ekidna lets out a brief groan. This side is pushed even though it was a light brawl. The target is not to be trifled with. Her sword envelops the more intense of the order. Ekidna's feet are pulled back. As you open the streets, Ekidna's sword blazes. It was a good speed for a black bullet shot in the drawing of a residual image. Ultimate Moon is a Pleasant Sword.

‘.. because I wasn't playing this way either. ’

Azin reaches out. Ekidna's glance creases as she looks at Azin's approaching hand. Your hands will be pierced. That's what Ekidna thought.

The moment the sword touches, the hand's movement changes. A wedge! Ekidna's sword grazes Agin's collar. Riding up like a snake, the diggers grip Akin's wrist. Ekidna's eyes widen.

“Excuse me.”

Ajin chokes. Ekidna swallows her breath under the strain of her wrist. But he doesn't let go of the sword. Her wrist bounces off. A protruding sword rises over Ekidna's head. She immediately grabs it in her left hand and swings it toward Azin's flank. Ajin kicks his tongue and sets Ekidna's wrist free.

‘I was going to destroy it. ’

That's too much. Ajin takes a few steps back. Ekidna grimaces as she looks at her red-handed wrist. A little more power would break your wrist. Knowing him, Ekidna chews her lips well.

“Why didn't you break it? ”

Ekidna asks. Asin tilts his head. “Was it okay to break it?” Ekidna stares at him with fierce eyes.

“Break it next time. ”

Ekidna spits.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Ugh! We're so late!

Sorry I'm late.

I didn't drink and write the first time... No, I was drunk... But I always drink...

I didn't say I love you because I was drunk.

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