
00363 Cellbrid

Ogre Slayer.

That's what the lords and residents of Celebrity territory are calling him. It was a not-so-expressive nickname for Azin. Once a month, Celebrity territory heads to the entrance of Varga Forest, which is adjacent to the Monster Mountains, to subdue monsters. It's because they let the monsters descend to the entrance, but not for long before they crawl into a nearby town and attack people.

Soon after Azin entered Baron Frank's palace and became a Knight of Celebrity, the lord ordered the monster be subdued. There were five knights in Celebrity territory, including Azin, and they were running a squadron of soldiers supported by the colonists. In terms of the number of soldiers, there are 500 left.

It was the lord who ordered the subjugation, but the chief knight, Valfrid, was actually in command of the subjugation. Valfrid lets five knights, including himself, lead a hundred, and Azin takes a hundred of his own into Varga Forest.

The monster mountain range at the northern tip of Gracia is large enough to be called the roof of Gracia. If the Black Forest is the Holy Land of the Undead, then the Monster Mountains are the land of monsters crouched in their names. There are all kinds of rare monsters in the rugged mountain range that can't reach the human foothills. Of course, only the weak and trivial monsters are pushed from the center of the mountain range. Orcs, Nols, Goblins... They're fertile, so there are lots of monsters, but they don't have much power. Most of those monsters come from the outskirts and descend to Varga Forest.

Most monsters encountered at the entrance of Varga Forest were like that. Weapons are all clubs in shape.

But very rarely, monsters appear that are more threatening than Orcs. t < 65533; and an ogre is such an axis. If you encounter an Ogre, you're out of luck. Ogres are powerful monsters. Heavy, powerful, and powerful regeneration several times larger than humans. And fierce. If Varga is an Ogre who has come down to the forest, most of the Ogres are exiled or old enough to stand there, but no matter how old and tired they are, some people will laugh at his limbs.

I encountered an Ogre, the Ogre screamed, the soldiers were frightened and tried to run away, and the horses were startled with their front legs.

You killed the ogre.

That was all. It wasn't a big deal. The ogre shouted loudly, and the soldiers who were trying to run away with fear didn't even listen to the commander. The man who received the horse jumped at the ogre's shout at once, and the armor he received did not fit him properly. To be precise about things and things. At that time, he felt bad and was starting to get angry. It was unfortunate to meet an Ogre, but unfortunate in that situation was the Ogre.

So I killed him. I jumped on the back of a racy horse and smashed the ogre's head in with my fist. No matter how powerful he is at regenerative power, if his head is smashed in with a single blow, he will die. The ogre's head falls, and the horse stops twitching. The deserted soldiers gape and look at the azin standing on the corpse of the ogre. The scream subsides, and the pain feels a little better.

He was also nicknamed Ogre Slayer.

“There's too little training. ”

Ajin said in a grumpy voice. At that point, Valfrid turns his gaze and looks at him. Valfrid and Azin were returning to the Lord's House after midday prayers in the arena and watching the soldiers train. Azin stares at the soldiers running in a blanket of heat.

“I think the fitness training should be three times more intense than it is now. ”

“The soldiers won't make it. ”

Valfrid wags his head. Since Varga's work in the forest, Celebrity knights have struggled with Azin. They were all appointed knights by Adim a few years earlier than by Ajin. In the case of Valfrid, 15 years earlier than Ajin became a knight. However, it did not mean that any of them could smash the ogre's head with their bare fists.

Selbridge is a small territory. The baron is also the baron, and he has no ties to the nobles. Becoming a Knight of Celebrity is like giving up a career as a knight. So was Valfrid. When he was young, he had a dream of wind, but there were too many knights in the world, including him. Among many of them, there are very few knights who enter the palace of a nobleman or belong to a knight.

I traveled for years as a free knight. The Imperial Knights couldn't even get help. I've also worked with mercenaries. You go to the erl, you get the door slammed, you go to the erl, and you are politely refused. After a few years, I lowered my gaze. I had no place to write an unprecedented freedom story. After a few years, I gave up and returned to my hometown of Selbrid, where I became a knight. It was blocked, but there was no problem with eating and living.

Valfrid, the chief knight of the territory, said so, but what about the other knights? The Knights of the Celebrity Territory all did. This was their hometown, and they became knights, but returned home because they wouldn't write it anywhere else. Those who have stopped dreaming of advancement before and are satisfied with just living a day. Such people and azin were immiscible like water and oil.

‘It doesn't belong here. ’

Valfrid glances at Azin's side and thinks: Valfrid was not racist, but he knew how deeply the nobles of Gratia despised the human race. However, even so, someone with the skills to smash the Ogre's head into a single blow came to this small countryside and entered the Lord's temple. Valfrid couldn't understand it.

“If the soldiers can't hold out, we'll have to hold out. ”

Azin spoke in a grave voice. Although it is said to be the Lord's Soldier, Azin is only of a village vigilante rank. It wasn't forcibly recruited in the first place. It was organized with the support of the colonists. In other words, they volunteered to become soldiers. And the lord was paying the soldiers that much.

“If you get paid, you have to do what you get paid to do. ”

“But... the subjugation of Varga Forest is over. ”

“Aren't you going to subdue me next month? ”

Azin glances at Valfrid with cold eyes. In his gaze, Valfrid flinches and shakes his head. “That's not true.” In response, he nods.

“The regular clearance of Varga Forest is once a month. Even if we subdue them, the monsters keep coming down. There was only one Ogre this time, but how do we know how many Ogres there will be next month? Is that all? What if the Barbarians of Gallios cross the sea? ”

“I've had enough military training so far. ”

Valfrid clears his throat low. The Barbarians of Galyos invade nearby lands across the sea, and several Ogres appear in Varga Forest. How many times has it been since Valfrid became a celebrity knight? And the soldiers and knights of Celebrity territory are here because they have overcome all of them.

“Don't you want to overwhelm and not be satisfied with what you're dealing with? ”

Azin asks, “... overwhelm?” Valfrid's voice is a little dazed. Asin nodded his head in question.

“When I encountered the ogre, the soldiers were desperate to flee. I told them to calm down and adjust their lines, but no one listened to me. There's only 100 of them. ”

“.. the people assigned to you were relatively young. They were inexperienced. ”

“Just because you have little experience and are young doesn't mean you have to listen to the commander? Had I been given the right to execute, I would have killed a hundred people who were there myself. ”

Valfrid swallows a gulp as he looks at the pain that comes out without changing his face. Ajin continued.

“Of course, I've only just become a knight here, and I don't know how this territory works yet. Now that I'm a knight here, I'd like to fix anything I don't like. I've been reading about the soldiers' training lately... and their training in weapons. I think it's too loose. Physical training is like a morning workout. Weaponry is like a child's knife fight. ”

“... I'll ask the lord. ”

Valfrid barely said that. Azin nods. “I'm begging you.” Azin bows his head to Valfrid. Valfrid grunts and groans as he looks down at Azin's head. The opponent is ten years younger than himself. However, I could not treat him comfortably because he was the successor. He's a knight, and he knows he can't handle the pain. Valfrid is stubborn, but he thinks he respects someone stronger than himself.

“Consider increasing your fitness training... What about your weapons training? A worthy instructor...”

“I'll do it myself. ”

Azin answered.

“I'd like to teach you some useful spears. ”



Azin replies with a grave face. I thought of other ways, but it seemed best to teach spear. He teaches only with his brother, based on his work without him. You won't be able to carry it around, but you'll be able to produce good power just by using your body. When Azin talks like that, Valfrid nods his head, not reacting anymore.

“Then, let's go see the lord. ”

Valfrid rises up. Azin looks at Valfrid's back, moving his feet towards the mansion. You pathetic old man. Ajin sighs and thinks. Everyone in Selebrad did. I don't like it. He kicked his tongue and looked at the soldiers who were running the goose. This territory is futile in peace because of the constant hovering of monster attacks. The lord is incompetent, the knights are vanquished, and the soldiers are the same. A village that could be anywhere. So I chose this place, but...

‘I don't know where to start. ’

You need that case to build a ball. Invasion of the monsters, invasion of the Gallios Kingdom... That's all I can think about. Honestly, I don't feel threatened by monsters. The same is true of Galios' involvement. However, even if he raises the ball, if there is heavy damage to the territory, it is a horse-drop cake. So we need to reinforce the area... How do we make those bastards poisonous?

‘They're fleeing the Ogre Cry. ’

Ajin thought, kicking his tongue. The Lord's army has 500 men. Five knights... Not as messy as a middle-scale doorway. Individual skills don't compare. Soldiers are commoners with some weapons. Nothing as a soldier. So do knights. He rides a horse in armor, but he's as good as a second-class master. At least the Knights of Celebrity did.

‘I miss blood. ’

To be precise, I miss blood blindness. What the hell am I doing here? Azin sighs, feeling compassion for himself.

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The title of the novel in the Dal Neighborhood is Levangie Hunting.

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