
00349 Hizen Territory

My senses were numb, and the ground touched my feet. The sand is soft. Azin blinks and looks away. A tall wall is visible not far from here.

“This is...”

You turn your head to find Garcia. But she was invisible. After finishing moving the space, he immediately returned to his nest. Azin smiles and looks at the Raw Snow and Persian flavors. After entering into the covenant, Gargasia does not use space travel as a pretext. In fact, I didn't have to make the covenant in the first place. No matter how insulted you are, you are a dragon. We don't trick people.

“.. I twisted it around, but you're still earlier than I expected. ”

Azin mutters as he looks at the distant wall. The original schedule was a month. Lawrence Mercenaries said three weeks. Even though they were tasked by the Black Wizard to do magic tricks, they kept their promise. In three weeks, the scent of Azin, Persik and Raw Snow reached the Heisen lands beyond the Desert of Bubbles.

Even though Lawrence's mercenaries were wiped out.

“Wait a minute.”

Before heading for the wall, Azin manipulated the system window. Send a message to a member of the Blood Dragon Clan who has settled in the Hizen. If you ask for a pass through the walls, you'll be bothered.

I told Lawrence mercenaries I'd be arriving around today, so it was quick to reply. When the answer to leave the front door came back, Azin turned off the system window and looked at the Raw Snow and Persian sides.

“I think we should go. ”

Azin's words were blocked. Then there was no camel that came this far. Along with him, the camels lost their cargo. Ajin kicks his tongue small. It doesn't matter because the money was kept separate. The supplies on the camels don't matter.

It was hard walking to that wall just a little farther. It'll be quick if you use a landscape, but I don't want to draw attention from the beginning. But there was no right way. Azin wears his tongue and looks at the smell of Raw Snow and Persian.

“I'll run.”

“Through the skylight?”

Raw Snow scent received the horse. The words pucker Persian lips. “I can't run as fast as you guys.” That said, Persian chuckles at Azin.

“I think he needs a hug. It's a bit ugly, but it's okay to ride a lantern. ”

“You can fly with magic. ”

The scent of Raw Snow frowns and snaps at you. He puffs his cheeks. “I can't,” she replies. He asked again as if the smell of raw snow was ridiculous.



Persian straightens his chin and replies. I can't. No, I don't. The eyebrows of Raw Snow twitched.

“Then go into the shadow. ”

“I don't want to.”

Persian wags his head. The stubborn struggle begins. The black snow flashes its teeth and stares at Persic. Persian glances at him with an elaborate smile. Ajin sighs heavily and goes into mediation.

“... Then I'll carry Persian.” "Hey! What about me?”

The roar of Raw Snow was heavy. Azin scratches his cheek and looks at her. “Master, don't you know how to use a guard?” When asked, the smell of black snow lifts its eyes and stares at the pain. Suddenly, it staggers and grabs its legs.

“Oh, um... In fact, I think I overdid it in the fight with that lizard. I can't use the landscape. ”

The black snow scent avoided her gaze, saying that she was a little embarrassed and blushed. After seeing the black snow scent, Persian said he was close. The word "don't talk nonsense" rises up to her throat, but the Persian side was the first to say nonsense, so she clammed her lips.

“.. then I'll carry you.” Azin shrugs and replies. I was surprised by the smell of raw snow. “Me, you want to carry me?” Asin nods his head as he groans and asks. The frowning Persian immediately rebukes you.

“Why am I on my back? ”

“.. then hold Persian.”

“You promised to hold me! ”

Azin grabbed his head. What the hell am I supposed to do? When Azin was embarrassed, the black snow scent and Persian eyes met. The smell of Raw Snow clenches his fist first and reaches forward.


It was a fair solution. I wish it were like this right away. Azin sighed and watched the two women take the scissors with a serious face. Soon after, a winner emerges. The black snow scent raises the winner's smile, placing his hands on his waist and glances at Persian with a delightful face, and he chews his lips as if furious.

“.. are you done? ”

Azin asks. When he asks, the smell of Raw Snow hits him with a big nod. Azin knelt on his knees in a squat position. After reaching out for a few moments, Raw Snow hesitates with a red face and hangs an arm around Azin's neck.

“Don't be nervous; do it quickly. ”

Persian shoots, but the smell of Raw Snow seems hard to hear. Azin carefully supported the body of the black snow scent. A firm thigh touched my arm. The scent of Raw Snow lowered its head in red to see why it was so ashamed.

“... Huh. ”

Persian clutches his lips and puts arms around Azin's neck. “Try pulling your butt back a little bit.” Thwack. Persian grumbles, kicking Ajin's ass lightly. Ajin pulls his butt back, as Jamzako Persik instructs. Soon after, the weight was on my back.

“I feel uncomfortable. ”

My talking chest pressured my back. Azin wakes up, clearing his throat low. If I had a mirror, I would love to see what I look like now. The princess embraces her in front of her, and the Persian backside. Persian stretches out his feet and sins against his waist. Thanks to this, Azin had to hold his Raw Snow scent a little higher.

“It's not heavy, is it? ”

Phew. Persian blows the wind into Azin's ears. Ajin shakes his head trembling. “.. that's fine.” Ajin empowers his legs.

A gruesome run unfolds. Ajin opened the airstrip while moderately controlling the speed. The black snow scent on his chest tilted his head against his chest as quietly as it did on the first day, and Fersik did not stand still for a moment like a cat on a shroud, but did not let the wind blow in his ears or break him. Azin squeezed his lips as he felt the shape of his chest pressing against his back.

Soon after, the three arrive in front of the wall. He was also drooling, and he was trained without holes, so he didn't sweat a little. I don't know if it's cold sweat. Azin lowers his Raw Snow and Persian flavor, ignoring the gaze of those looking this way with strange eyes.

“It's more comfortable than I thought. ”

Persian smiles mischievously, and Azin doesn't answer. He clears his throat and approaches the guards guarding the gates. What will the group look like? Ajin didn't want to think about him.

“... W-what's going on? ”

The guard swallows and answers. Azin tried to ignore the way he looked at himself as if he was a journalist. “.. I heard there was a call from the top of the gills.” The guard hesitates and looks at his companion next to him.

“Just a moment, please? ”

One of the two senior figures turns around and enters the gate.

“Confirmed. You can go inside. ”

I wonder what kind of tricks he used. Bribe? It doesn't matter. Azin nods his head and walks through the gate. Approximately two years after entering the full service. Finally, he left the line and entered Gracia.

The world beyond the gates was not the same as before. The clothes, the look of people who pass by from building to building. How many of them are there? The largest player's chosen faction in First is Gracia. It seems that the progress of the Gatekeeper is difficult for novice players to grow. Almost no monsters show up, and most of the time they are asked by NPCs or trained without jobs to grow up, so they stand out like that and get scouts into other doorways.

But Gratia is different. This is Monster Land. Hunting monsters in the field is easy to earn experience, money, and many monster hunting quests. Moreover, since it is easier to do magic than shamanism, most people choose Gracias unless they are passionate about Eastern art.

The continent of Gracia is that big. Players can use Teleport Gates in every territory, but it can take months to cross a territory if they are on foot.


Someone calls for Azin. There are a limited number of people who call azine a minority in the Hizen territory. Azin turns his head and looks at you. Azin tilts his head. I know who the man is coming for me. One of the crew to land from the bloodstream and escort the Merchant Guild. Must have been a bad nickname.

But who's next to him? Azin blinks at the girl who hides behind the back of the storm and only looks at her head. It's not like there's no girl in the bloodstream, but there's no one with an avatar that young.


“I meet the Viceroy! ”

The windmill takes possession while speaking cheerfully. Azin nods and greets him. As the windmill took possession, the girl standing behind his back hesitated to come forward and bow her head.

“Oh, hello. ”

The girl greets you with a blush of shame. Azin's expression was blurry. “... who?” That's what I ended up asking. That said, the girl's face went up. She bows her head and wiggles her fingers, stuttering and answering.

“Th-th-that's a gold coin. ”

Gold coins, gold coins... Azin silently mutters his name. Soon, Azin could recall the name.

“The Gold Merchant Guild..? ”

“Oh, yeah, it's the first time since the dance." ”

The gold coin barely smiled and said. After saying that, he hides behind the back of the wind as if he were ashamed again. Daughter of the Golden Coin Merchant Guild. The reason Ajin was able to establish friendship with Gold was because of the existence of gold coins. Because she was cheering for him at the dance, he made Willy invest himself for the reason of his promise to her.

I think it was much smaller back then. It's been about two years since then, but is it that big? Azin nods his head, looking at the gold medallion as if it were strange.

“Ms. Seon Hwa was also in Hizen? ”

“Yes, I'm learning to work under my grandfather. ”

That little girl wants to learn something. Ajin tasted it. Well, what can I say? I did not want to interfere in the education of Gold's successor. Azin, who nodded his head, was surprised at the way he felt behind his back.

The smell of Raw Snow was staring at Azin.

“Master? ”

Azin calls out to her, anxious. Raw Snow glances at Azin, glancing at the gold coin over his shoulder. She hides behind the back of a rubella, stunned by the look of the Raw Snow. Seeing such gold coins, the aroma of raw snow smiled favorably.

“Cute little lady. ”

She nods, saying that. Then I glanced at Azin. Don't do anything stupid. Her eyes seem to warn her so.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I pressed down on it and swallowed it, and it scratched my head.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The protagonist has been very gentle since the beginning.

And it's a girl! Tight!

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