
00344 Desert

“Gargasia..! ”

Leg shouts, Garcia does not answer. Azin swallows a gulp and raises his head toward the direction he sees. A long blonde female elf with brown skin tightens her red eyes and stares this way. It was beautiful, but I could see that it was a dragon, Gargasia, all at once.

‘Crazy. ’

At the same time, it was ridiculous. Gargarcia's magic is powerful. I feel a tingling sensation and trembling just by looking at it. Fear exists. But it is rather small compared to the fear Azin had previously felt. When I first saw the Heavenly Horse on Cheongseong Mountain. It reminds me of the energy of the Heavenly Horse who killed Triple and fought the Twins.

My heart trembles. A thousand horses are stronger than Garcia's. I felt stronger as a Christian monk than a thousand years old dragon.

“You just show up and interrupt me...! ”

Agin's frightened leg shouts. Black magic seethes as he shouts. Looking at it, Garcia frowns a lot.

“Have some respect for me! ”

Gargasia shouts. It was a blaring shout. The space shakes and the ground trembles. In a eerie mood, he took a step back without even knowing it. The Dragon Pier. Unlike Azin, the Leg does not budge a bit. Rather, I leaned forward and shouted to Garcia.

“This is my land! ”

Leg shouts. A dark magic twist. He lost his mind in anger. He doesn't seem reluctant to work with Garcia. It was the other black wizards who were frightened by his appearance. Though this place may be the territory of the Legones, there is no escaping death if you go into battle with the dinosaur Gargasia. Even if it comes to the end of Leg's dark magic, it is still human. If you take on the Infinite Mana and fight the Infinite Mage Gargasia, the Leg will die.

“Shut up, shut up! ”

Gargasia exclaims. Her eyes flash red. It has become the eyes of a ferocious dragon in the eyes of a beautiful elf. The sharp one shines sharply through the open lips.

“What you're doing is an insult to Garcia. How dare you try to unleash your filthy magic on my desert! ”

“Filthy? Filthy? ”

Leg snickers at Garcia's work. Thanks to Gargasia's sudden intrusion, the Legnom doesn't care about Ajin. He eyes tighten and stares at Garcia.

“I never thought I'd hear that from you! Who does the nasty, dirty work? It's you, isn't it? Thousands of years old, a female bitch tangled with a human. ”


Gargarcia opens her mouth and screams in close succession. The earth shook and the sky turned dark. Gargasia's body flutters with the giant Mana. The beating heart sounds loudly and the dragon's eyes fill with rage. The leg raises the staff as if it won't lose. A large enchantment resonates with the magic of the Legnom and emits evil tone-dimensional magic.

“... it's a good place to run. ”

Azin mutters in a small voice. The situation was favorable to him because he lost his mind in anger. Gargarcia intervenes in the great magic he's about to unleash, and it provokes the dragon to anger.

‘I hope Garcia kills the Leg. ’

Or he kills Garcia. Or they both die. Either way. Even when reason is clouded by anger, there's a cornerstone to believing that stimulating a dragon like that. I need you to wear something serious that you can't move right now. Azin thought so, and then he stepped back.


A quiet voice breaks in. In an instant storm of Mana and magical power, the cool man's voice was rather strong. Gargarcia reaps Mana, startled. The eyes of the dragon, called the most powerful creature on the face of the earth, return to the bewildered woman. The surprise was the same with Legnom. However, his surprise was different from Garcia's. He opens his eyes, his face furiously distorted.

“Yugaha... You...! ”

Asin, who was about to resign, stopped. Yugaha? A man called King Toma and the Magistrate of the Bully Desert. The loud footsteps rang out loud. I see a man tied up with a rough cloak with his head held high. A big scar across the face.

A little glamour.

“That's enough. There's nothing good about trying to kill each other. ”

He doesn't have a weapon. I'm just stretching my arms out and doing nothing, but I can't see any gaps. Both arms, both legs. No, the whole body. It felt like everyone was a weapon. He had nothing, but he was fully armed.

I feel good about it again.

“Have you come to die with your wife?" ”

The Leg raises its voice and shouts. He tilted his head as he cried out, and smiled. “I didn't come here to die.” He mutters like that and glances at Garcia floating in the air. When Yuagaha's eyes meet, Garcia comes back to the ground slowly, helpless.

“I apologize for getting in your way. We were so surprised. You used to be so meek, you suddenly released such powerful magic... Half the desert flew away, but it wasn't too much magic. I panicked and overreacted. That's all.”

He said in a quiet voice. His eyebrows twitch when he hears it.

“We made a mistake. We don't want to argue with you... so I'll be going now. So finish what you came here to do.” “Hmmm! ”

When Yukawa said that, Legnom was no longer angry, but calm down for a moment. I thought calmly. It's worth a try if it's just Garcia. This is the spirit of the Leg, and magic is already ready. The door of the sonic dimension is also open. If you push fast enough, you can threaten that enchanted dinosaur.

However, the story is different when it comes to oil prices. If the beast is defeated by Garcia, there will be no victory for him. It seems like Yoo Ga Ha is trying to save his face, so it is wise to step away from this.


It was the achin who raised his voice. He stares at the face of the oil field. He tilted his head and looked at him. The two of them looked back and forth. Azin does not blink, but looks at his face.

“... what is it? ”

He tilted his head. Azin continues to look at his face. In Azin's head, the oil field looked different. The scar on your face disappears... and your head goes down calmly. Put a smile on that grave face.

The face that was made in this way was the face that Azin knew.

“... black and white? ”

You mutter in a quiet voice. The expression on his face stopped. Soon, his expression changed completely. Without even knowing it, Ajin steps back and opens his distance. The left arm rises up naturally to form a defense. It was a completely melted motion on the body by performing the work with Cheongyang and Jingu.

Papak! Oil fall and azin's arms collide. Azin's feet continue to push back. You continue to push the attack without giving the oil a break. The oilfall pierces his left arm. Azin reaches out his right hand and presses his arm down before his attack comes. The attack is pressed, and oil prices respond immediately. Lean your torso as Azin presses down and press your shoulders together.

I placed my left hand on the shoulder of the oil field. Walk backwards as he pushes and use the hands on his shoulders to control his speed. I switched poses by rubbing my left foot. I swung with the side of a loose fist. Perch! Yuagaha's hand grabs onto his forearm. The fist that had just been broken stopped stiffening.

They stared at each other at the breathtaking distance between Ajin and Yugawa. Both arms are firmly intertwined. Ajin realized the feeling of witchcraft that he felt in Yugaha. Not because the oily season is greasy, but because it is a different reason. Azin's lips opened.

“... what are you? ”

Yoo Ga Ha also seemed to feel it. He narrows his eyes and looks at Azin's face. What I wanted to ask him was Ajin. A man who taught her medicine with both sides of a bull, and a man who taught Yi 'han how to double-sword. Those who put up strange laws to protect the dead and let those who gave grace stay there.

The look of grease in Ajin's head was a Middle-aged woman who grew a beard in a clean outfit. But how about oil? No beard. The head is more like a hoof. It is not only the middle-aged age that will appear in the thirties.

You got the wrong guy? No, I reacted to the name of oily white.

‘Half measures.’

Azin's eyebrows twitched. Half a convulsion, maybe. I think so, but you don't want to risk it. Duck... They tighten each other's muscles. Azin stared at the eyes of the whitewash.

“.. very, very serious. ”

Azin's lips opened. The eyes of the oil field trembled because of the words. Seeing it, he was sure.


“Underworld Twins.”

You've mastered the art of dual craft.

He didn't answer. However, he chewed his lips well and pulled his feet back. Suddenly, the battle was over. I lowered my arms. He no longer shows hostility. Instead, what he saw was some vanity. He stares at Ajin with a blank face, and asks in a small voice.

“.. and you two? ”

“I don't know who you're talking about. Tell me clearly."

Azin looks at the oil field and spits it out. Oil white, oil white. He was working on the duodenum. Why? I haven't heard that from the twins.

“.. very, very serious. Two... minutes. ”

He did not refer to them as Master. I didn't know what that meant, Azin. “He's dead,” but he answers honestly. Regardless of the reason, there was a relationship with the oily twins. It was natural to announce their deaths.

“... dead? Why?”

His face turned white. Azin tilted his head because he couldn't understand. The Gracian mercenaries knew about the thousand horses' death. But Yoo Ga Ha didn't hear?

“.. don't you know? There was a war of martyrdom in the White Night Plains... and the Twin Worlds died with the Heavenly Horsemen. ”

“... really, really dead? ”

The oil hyacinth groped and asked. Azin nods slowly. Yuga staggers and sits down. He grabs his head with both hands and asks with a trembling voice.

“... the body...? ”

“Burned. Your last will and testament. ”

Ajin answered with a firm voice. Leg's eyebrows twitch as he listens to them. You told me to finish the job, so why aren't you going? Leg opens his mouth.

“Aren't you going? ”

I looked at the legmoids who were buying the question. “Mask?” He opens his mouth.

“If I go, will you kill him? ”

“Kill it.”

Leg nods without hesitation. When I heard that, I kept my oily lips shut. He waves his head slowly, thinking for a moment.

“I'm sorry, I can't do that. ”

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Heehee! No!

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