
00334 War

“... what? ”

The shivering sensation of azin makes the eyes of the swimmer blur. Don't you remember? I am numb from swimming. I thought I was being reckless. I play the same game, but someone got lucky and gained the power of Hidden Piece. I thought it was unfair and ridiculous. I didn't even know what I was missing.

The swim is aiming for Azin. The azin she knew was a man whose decisions were as absurd and unfair. I won the same beta service and played the same game. Was the starting line different? No, he thought he was a little late. I remember wandering around the woods alone and killing wolves. I thought I was pretty good, so I invited him to my party. Yes, it was a favor.

And then what? Everything started to go wrong. I just wanted to play the game normally and become a top player. However, the greed, which was nothing, creaked. Azin did not hesitate to attack other players, nor did he hesitate to commit evil deeds. More, I thought it was unfair. It was absurd to think such a villain had the power to dominate other players.

And finally, he was abandoned from the cliff. The no-swim takes a deep breath. She tightens her eyes and stares at Azin. Her hideout stops.

“.. you don't remember me? ”

“No, that's not it. I remember. I know who it is. Yeah, he's the one with the... spear. It was a woman... a woman. ”

Azin pressed his temples and said. Azin's lips tremble as if they weren't swimming. Is it intentional? Asin frowns deeply as he looks at the no-swim.

“It was English, but it was English. The sewer... the sewer? This guy was Japanese. Yeah, I remember. It was a tanker. I used to use lions... I liked it quite a bit because it was quiet. What are you doing these days? No, this isn't it. And... one more... Lina... Lina? Was it Lina? No, no. He was a wizard. He was shy.”

“Daisy. ”

The swim was impatient, so I said it myself. In response, Azin nodded his head, shouting elastically.

“That's right, Daisy. It was Daisy, the one with the spear, the leader of the party, the one who lost her seat and was jealous of me. Yeah, now I remember. I'm sorry. My memory isn't that bad, but I don't remember him that well. ”

Ajin smiled and said. That said, the no-swim broke its teeth. Azin tilts his head as he watches the shameless swim.

“You changed your face. Ah, the avatar, of course... You can change it however you want. If you're gonna change it, why don't you make it more plausible? You can make a pretty face. ”

Azin is dead. The no-swim does not answer. Azin shrugs at the silence of the no-swim and opens his lips.

“It's been a while. I tried to kill myself a few times, but... well, I never died. And I was a little sorry to leave you guys behind, actually. So let's pretend it never happened. You attacked me, I abandoned you. Why don't you do that? ”

Azin smiles brightly, saying so. At that, the eyes of the non-swimmer twitched. Let's pretend we didn't? The words muttered in her mind, she clenched her fists. I wanted to repay you somehow. Actually, it wasn't Manny's job to pay him back, but no swimming, not Daisy's idea. Everything got tangled up. After being abandoned from the cliff, the party with her was scattered. I did nothing and the beta service ended. I thought everything was Azin's fault. I thought it was wrong to have him at the party in the first place.

“Go on your way. I still have work to do. ”

Azin turns away, saying so. It was just a few steps away from him, making a loud noise. Azin's jaw rises. He immediately twists. Sammy! The dagger grazed Azin's chest.

“Let's pretend it never happened. ”

Azin stares at the no-swim eyes in front of him. No swimming faced Azin with a stiff face. Azin wrinkles his lips, looking at her face.


I didn't listen to the answer. Chuckle! The knee is tucked into the abdomen of the swimmer. “Cough!” The swim is dull and vomits of blood. Azin kindly reaches out and presses her back to prevent the body from bouncing up.

“I can't help it if I don't want to. Let's solve each other's stacks. ”

Azin's hand grabs hold of the hairless head of a swimmer. “Ugh...!” The swim is frightened and tries to pull back, but Azin holds her head tightly and swings her hand. The body of the non-swimmer crumbles and collapses. Ajin swung his foot and lightly kicked the shin of a swim free. Kwak 'jik! Even with a light kick, his strength is not great. The non-swimming legs twist at an angle that should not be folded.

“Doesn't hurt, does it? ”

Azin asks, "No swimming answers." Instead, she tries to shake off the pain with a big wave of her hands. It couldn't have been hit. Ajin twists his grabby hair alongside him. The swim is staggering wildly. Kwak 'jic! A short, cut fist pierces the face of the swimmer.

“I mean, I don't want you to do it when you ask me to do something that never happened. ”

Azin mumbles like that and raises his head without swimming. She sighs and stares at Ajin with a crushed face. You're not screaming. Did he turn off his pain sensor? Azin smiles in relief.

“The past is the past, okay? Then how good is it? ”

Azin is exhausted. He spits out the lack of swimming. “What do you know..!” At the low shout, Agin tilts his head.

“Do I need to know? ”

Yikes! Azin's swinging hands grind the no-swim's claws. The grabbed head snaps, and the body of the swimmer rolls around the ground. Azin snaps his neck to the left and to the right, and he taps his hand.

“What you feel for me, what you mean, well, it's none of my business. Like I said, there's too many people calling me a dick. Other than you. Does that mean that I'm going to go to them every day, and I'm going to hear all the reasons why I suck, and I'm never going to ask for their forgiveness again, or... Or, in fact, you don't have to say," This is why I did it. "Right?"

Baaak! Ajin's swinging foot kicks away the non-swimming boat.

“You think of me like you fucking do. I'll do the same. I don't even want to understand your dick, and I don't need to ask you to forgive me. I didn't know why you did it in the first place. ”



Phew! Azin's swinging foot smashes the no-swim's mouth.

“Don't tell me. I told you, I don't want to understand. So you don't have to listen, and you don't have to explain. I told you to pretend this never happened. You're the one who said no and tried to put a knife in my back. Then I do whatever I feel like, whatever the fuck it is. Like you chewed up my favors and fucked me over. ”

Azin leans over and smiles as he looks up at the face of the no swim. Swimming away, he looks at the azine smiling at him as he trembles.

“You fucked me three times to kill me, didn't you? Well, that's 'cause you're a dick. I've failed, but that doesn't erase the fact that I tried. ”

Yikes! Ajin's hand slaps the cheek of a swimmer.

“I mean, yeah. Unlike you, he's cool... I don't remember much about the old days. Well, I didn't like you at the time, but I don't want to fuck you with it. Even when you're not at the dance. That was a few years ago, wasn't it? I mean, I'll take care of that, too. The raid earlier... Yes. That and a while ago. I forgive you for that. No, let's just say I've been beaten up more than forgiven. Huh?”

The smile disappeared from Azin's face.

“I'm going to kill you. ”

It was a low voice.

“Since you're a player, it won't matter if you die. So I can kill you with ease. It's got nothing to do with anything so far. I'm just killing you 'cause I feel like shit right now. ”

Azin's mouth twists.

“I think it's bad luck. Or think you got bit by a son of a bitch. It doesn't hurt anyway, right? So, close your eyes. Don't resist.”

“Bastard..! ”

Asin nods, smiling bloody. “Now what?” He mutters like that, grabbing the remaining arm of the swimmer. The smile disappeared from his face. Qazi! Asin pulls out the arm of the swimmer. The body of the swimmer trembles. Even if he could not feel the pain by blocking it, it was a terrible unpleasantness to have his arm torn off and flew away while his senses were still transmitted. Azin mutters as he throws his ripped swimless arm to his side.

“Honestly, right now I just... I just need someone to blame. ”

Azin acknowledged it with a bold voice. You killed the thousand horses. The war against the Bridge is over. The trials prepared for the jungle are over, and it is pained to finish them. Most of the work came to Azin's mind. As Ajin had hoped, Thousand Horses killed him. It did a lot of damage to the jungle, especially to the faction.

The faction was hit beyond reproach. Wudang and Shaolin were exterminated. Apart from that, there are the Hearing, the Hannam and the Huangbo. Only they can count those who were killed by 1,000 horses. Half the strength of the authentic mosquito forest has fallen away, but it is not authentic. The biggest thing is that Wudang's Tai Qingqing and Shaolin's Hundred and Eighty-Eighth Gins are gone. If they can't recover, it will take fifty years.

‘You don't have to go to war. ’

Unlike the sectarian Muslims, Safa and the bloodline were not severely harmed. Unlike the sectarian Muslim blindness that rushed towards the Heavenly Horse, the bloodline fought as far back as possible. Thanks to this, bloodthirsty blindness was able to preserve most of its power. Moreover, it was Safa's bloodline that killed the Heavenly Horse.

There is no need for war. Jinsun Moorhim must bow his head. Rather, forcing war is against the popular vote, and at worst, the Imperial Army may intervene. Fifty years for a sectarian moat. I don't think this game will last fifty years, so it would be better to go after other factions than to be greedy enough to eat the sperm.

“Almost everything is as I thought. I should be feeling good... It just sucks. ”

Azin mumbles as he looks down at the swimless.

“People who shouldn't be dead are dead. ”

Ajin shakes his head slowly.

“They didn't want to kill me. I thought I'd finally be able to open up and get along. There seems to be something left to learn... and there are things I want to talk about... rather than talk... Yes. I wanted some advice. ”

Azin raises his foot, muttering like that.

“Those people are dead, and I feel like shit. ”

Qaczyk. Azin's foot falls on the head of an unswimming man. The no-swim is dead without even screaming. Ajin looked down at the body of the swimmer with his expressionless face. His gaze slowly glances around you. The battlefield is last. The horsemen don't seem to want to retreat. Well, where would they go if they ran away? Azin sighs and turns his head.

“No sign of him. ”

Asin mutters in a small voice, even looking at the unseen soot on the floor.

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Sorry I'm late!

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