
00330 War

I didn't feel bad.

Rather, I felt good. The oscillator is held from birth, and the amount of oscillator is blown as it lives. When the oscillator is at the peak of the body, the peak is likewise taken, and the strength is reduced during the aging age when the body is weak. In other words, the oscillator is the life force that man possesses.

A thousand things, really. They pull up the oscillator without hesitation. If they had been ordinary people, they would have remained old and gray hair, but by the time they reached the pole of nothingness, their disfiguring and reflexive bodies had more power than they had in their youth. The amount of oscillators in the body of such a pair surpassed the inner air they had built all their lives. Cheongyang smiled.

“I feel like this. ”

He clenches his fist and mutters in blood. Intangible water created by the air, now the oscillator has replaced the air. A tremendous amount of power fell on both arms. A vibrator is life force. Unlike internal medicine, it is not replenished. And when you're done,


I couldn't have known. If you consume all the oscillators, you will only end up dead. My life's work, my life's work. All of that is useless. A miserable death. Your body will be humbled to age, no more than that. Maybe it'll twist dry like a neck. Maybe the body will turn to dust. Either way, it won't be a comfortable death. The loss of a lifetime of everything. Blurred fear of death. And when he's dead, then what?

It was a story that did not apply to heaven and earth. I already felt desperate when I cut off both my arms and legs. Fear of death? I wasn't so scared.

They lived a long time. A long time ago, there was not much sense of life. There was something minor, but it wasn't that important at the moment. Rather, the twins were delighted at their current position. I never imagined it. Before entering the cave, the twins looked down at the world. Even after I came out of the cave. I thought I'd never have to fight again, risking my life. Of course I was proud.

He shook the sky with his fist, and it was serious because he was shaking the earth with his feet.

“It's a big world, isn't it? ”

The oscillator that surrounded his body, the life he had. It was white enough to make my eyes pop. He walked slowly forward. Thousands felt a great shiver of energy watching over them. There was a huge, rumbling mass in there. Thousand horses squeezed the only hand left. His hands were slightly damp, and he was surprised. His hands were soaked with cold sweat.

“You're strong. You're the worst, you're the richest. ”

The truth is, he was a peaceful face. As a human, it reached the end, so I thought of the logarithm. It was my last hope that I really wanted to be fresh. But I threw it away, because there was more joy in front of him than being fresh.

“It's an honor to meet the most expensive man in the world. ”

A thousand thunders die. The words make me smile less seriously. Thousands moved the hammer without saying a word. A distant black mist spreads out from the center of the thousand horses. Like the darkness of the night, the power of the thousand horses was contrasted with the dazzling white that was emitted by heaven and earth. Thousands of thousands of people took a serious look. I looked at the progress.

“Well, looks like we're the Purgatory here. ”

I was trembling. I couldn't agree more and nodded my head. Jeong Pani, Safari. The distinction was meaningless. They were neither a wave nor a safa. I just lived my life according to my heart and wandered according to my heart. Saints called them crazy for being gangsters. He was right. He did not cooperate, nor did he empathize with Samar's principles. The person who didn't like him was beaten or killed, and he forced himself into something he didn't like. My greed was to see the end of nothing.

That was it.

The seriousness reaches out. His body disappears. Thousand horses immediately reacted. I didn't even have to wave my hand. His sword and shield were the only natural guardians to fall completely under his control. The interior air shot from everywhere pierced all around the Heavenly Horse, as a hedgehog erects a thorn. Evil. The light has broken the space. Thousands of eyes opened wide.

Every natural keeper following the Celestial Shrine was cut down. Just once, with a swing. The falling seriousness lowers a thousand horses. Thousand horses twisted their mouths and reached their hands forward.

Tsk, tsk! The world is shaking. A thousand horses' work and serious kicks struck me. The thousand horses bend their knees, swallowing the throbbing blood. Earlier, the seriousness was fast, but the attack was not this heavy. But it's different now. The life burning attacks were heavier than anything else in the world. Thousand horses shouted as they tightened their bent knees. Krrrrrrr! A fragment of the smashed ground rises above you. Every time the seriousness moved its feet, they disappeared without a trace. His feet were swifter and sharper than anything else in the world. Dozens of them became hundreds, hundreds became thousands. Soon, it surpassed the numbers. Thousands gave up their defenses. It was impossible to defend itself. He chews his lips and wraps his arms around his head. The surrounding Natural Keepers wrapped around the bodies of the thousand horses and built a solid barrier. A serious attack spills over it. Every time a white light touches me, darkness breaks out. The ground beneath the thousand horses collapsed and his knees bent.

I raised my hand quietly. Right hand, left hand. I thought about it for a moment. Let's start with the left hand. I was right-handed, but I decided to start with my left hand. The truth can be seen later. He clenched his left fist tightly. You push your left foot back. A scratch lifts the dirt off the ground. Thousands swallowed his breath heavily.

You step forward with your left foot behind you and throw a left hand.

The sky shook.

Thousand horses' bodies flew like broken kites. At that moment, he lost consciousness. When he woke up, he was flying and blood was spilling from his mouth. His defenses are smashed in one blow. The defenses that survived the serious attack did not bear the full weight of the war. The body screams. He barely rolled his eyes and looked at the very side. I was smiling with a pale face. His lips opened. I couldn't hear because the sound was too low.

“Here we go again. ”

That's what he said. Soon after, he throws a right hand. The crack in the sky broke. This space, the God-made world, could not bear a great deal of privilege. The web-like crack splits apart. Through that fragment, a thousand punches touched the thousand horses. Thousand horses reached out their remaining hand forward. The heavenly horses' internal air rushed out and the natural guardians who were ruled by the heavenly palanquin gathered there. The Emperor shouted.

The Thousand Horse's body rolled over the ground. The thousand horses vomited blood in throbbing tones. His right arm is badly crushed. Thousands barely got up. My eyes shook and my insides fluttered. “Eww!” The steed lowers her head and vomits black, dead blood.

“I survived.”

A thousand mutters. He breathes and stops breathing. His feet soar towards the ground. Thousands of them clenched their teeth and threw their fists at Thousand Horses. The Thousand Horses empowered the blood-footed eyes and opened the Thousand Dragon Ball. The internal air around him became a massive fist. I couldn't use my arms, but it didn't matter. The Celestial Shrine controls everything. Kwak 'jik! A thousand fists and a thousand fists were struck by the hammer. I was just handing out copies, and the Thousand Horsemen were smashed. He sharpened his teeth and opened the ball again.

The seriousness is heavy. Thousand horses are pushed back. A heavy heavy-handed fist smashes the Thousand Mascot and a rapid onslaught knocks him down. Thousands of horses are bent. Thousands of thousands asked evil questions. A thousand things, really. His face was pale and his whole body bones, organs and muscles screamed. But it doesn't stop. Not yet, not yet.

If I could kill him, I'd rather kill him.

Thousands saw the sea.

It was the sea I had seen all my life. He hated the sea. I didn't like it when I was a child, and I thought I'd overcome it, but I still hated the sea. There were no good memories in the sea. Even as a child, even as a thousand horses. The sea was the prison that held him.

So, when I got off the island, He did not look back at the sea. I arrived in Namhae and smashed the ship. It's because I decided not to go back to the island.

I thought I'd never have to go back to the sea again. Jinsun Moorim could not bear a thousand horses. For centuries, martyrs' horses were stronger than any of the Old File Chambers and stronger than any of the Safa. When the White Night Plain became the final battlefield. He was confident he would have a different outcome than he had a hundred years ago. Ant-like dimples gather, but they are the ones with nothing to stand for except the large number of heads. Taegeuk examination was funny and a hundred and eighty thousand. Plum swords, skyscrapers, Army girls, open beggars.

Everyone laughs. The Three Days was pretty good, but that was it. I thought I'd won. Bridge changes history, he changes history. I thought I'd overcome the past a hundred years ago.

But, now. In Thousand Horses' eyes, the sea lay open. The sea that oppressed him all his life. Thousands, seriousness, and twin monsters looked like the sea to the thousand.

And the thousand horses could not even see the sea. Phew! A thousand stabbed fingers pierced through the left eye of a thousand horses. The thousand horses turn back screaming. The left eye sees nothing more. Thousands of thousands sighed and laughed with a pale face.

“You're good at this, aren't you? ”


The thousand horses scream. The intensity and seriousness were no longer the same as before. The two were the limit, and so was Thousand Horses. He could no longer spread the hammer properly. The natural guardians around him were already exhausted, and his inner air was not enough to satisfy the Celestial Shrine. In the end, the duel between the twins and the Heavenly Horse turned into a fierce struggle. Kwak 'jic! A devastated invisible man turns his head to the side. The thousand horses staggered and twisted their legs. Baaak! A serious shape-shifting angle and a thousand horses' legs collide. Thousands of horses' bodies and sincere bodies twisted. Thousands flew away. He clutches the thousand horses' waist and lies on the ground. Thousands of horses shook their legs, but they did not reach Thousands.

“Fuck, I wish it was a real arm. ”

I sighed in a quiet voice. He empowers the obscured intangible. The left arm is gone. It was because I lacked the strength to make both arms. Chewed on dry lips. It was a pleasure to taste the bitter blood.

It's because I felt alive. Baaak! A punch shot from a thousand pounds fell on the face of a thousand horses. The thousand horses wriggle and wriggle, but there are few ways for him to resist without both arms. “Freeze, asshole!” I spit it out. The thousand horses opened their eyes. The soaring force pierces the abdomen. A thousand tons of blood vomited.

“Son of a..."

Thousands muttered. Thousands of horses stretched out their strength unlike anything he'd ever used. It's a oscillator. It also lifted the oscillator. Blood spurted out of his mouth. Thousands of horses panted and tried to tear themselves apart. Before that, his foot smashed the head of a thousand horses. Kwa-dang-tang! The body of the kicked thousand horses rolls.

“... arms and eyes. ”

You spit it out, and the seriousness nods. I stood up staggering.

“One leg. Will it work?"

“I think it will. ”

The sincere mutters. “Don't be a fool.” A thousand mutters. Razor planes, internal airways. Fell below half. “Now is the time to run.” A thousand words. The words shook my head.

“You want to run?”

“Are you crazy?"

Thousands answered. Thousands of horses woke up. While looking at the thousand horses wrapped around me with a strong red gun, I smiled heavily.

“.. you look like someone else. ”

I muttered a lot.

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It's tactical plus offensive, but it's a hole in the wall. It is the counter clash that can break the intrusion-free technique from the front, so it is superior to the intrusion-free.

Raw snow scent is balanced + speed, but the seriousness is deceptive. The counter is heavy with Raw Snow, so it is superior to Raw Snow.

By setting it up!

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