
00324 War

Kwak 'jic! Your foot smashes the head of the Thousand Horsemen. Azin clears his smile and raises his feet. He straightens his feet without turning down. Last time, I remembered the battle with the 1,000 Horsemen in Cheongseong Mountain. At that time, Azin stopped being equal to a thousand year old monarch after opening a thousand rainforests. But not now. Azin did not open a thousand rainforests, but killed a thousand dead lords in vain.

‘I was careless.’

I admitted him boldly. The Lord of the Thousands was careless. He looks down at Azin, so he doesn't respond well to his sudden attack. Would it have been a little different if he hadn't been so careless?

He's already dead. Being careless is the problem. Azin turned his back and headed forward. What he needs to find is the eclipse, which is one of the Heavenly Magic Law. But I couldn't find her around. She's acting like a little girl, so there's no way she won't recognize it.

There are too many people.

“A lot.”

Thousands of horses murmured with a smile. I stared at him, grinding his teeth. Those who were advancing towards the Heavenly Horse were facing the forces of the Church, and those who were springing them and in front of the Heavenly Horse were afraid of the power of the Heavenly Horse and did not move. Wudang and Shaolin disappeared. The two tribes, the oldest of the Old Testaments, disappeared without the support of just one unarmed person.

Who dares to step forward?

He looked at the Twin Moon Sword Zone. He bragged so much that he would slaughter the bridge, and even the commander saw the hardened unarmed man who had never tried to do anything with the bridge before. Twin Moon Sword Zone avoided the gaze when the angles and eyes met. Yeah, he was. He swallowed his sigh and looked at the volcanic leader. Wudang is said to be the most inspected of the Old File Chambers, but even the Sword of Volcanoes cannot do that. Volcanic shamans were always offended by the presence of Wudang above them.

That volcanic leader tried to move forward, but someone grabbed his arm. Someone did it, and he was a priest of a volcanic leader. Seeing him shake his head desperately and dry up the workman, he was discouraged.

Someone walks forward, making a loud noise.

“The Feast of Tabernacles is called Sword. ”

It was the third day. He stepped forward slowly, without taking possession or bowing his head. Two more of the three feasts stood beside the sword. The Passover and the Spear King. When they saw the three, they twisted their mouths.

“Feast three.”

He just muttered like that. Thousands of horses who survived the martial arts war a hundred years ago crossed over to Gracia and immediately lived on an island in the Namhae, so they do not know when the Feast of Three was active. But I heard about the third verse. That they joined the Muslim blind. They are the strongest swordsmen in the Constitution Faction except for the Sword.

“Do you want to do it in threes? ”

Thousand horses ask. Thousands have a hunch that these three are the enemy. In his question, the Swordsman looked away. He nodded his head. So did Chang Wang. Just as the thousand horses had made them their enemies, the three of them were also intuitive. I can't take that monster on my own. Then on three.

Is that possible?

There was no answer to my advice. I didn't notice, and I didn't ask. As the sword is drawn, the spear in its hand is aimed forward and shot like an arrow. It was a piercing stab through the whole body. A wedge! The spear pierces where the thousand horses used to be. The pierced object collapses into a blurry vision. Thousand horses did not support the back. It wasn't like he was holding or lifting a sheep's fist. This was a poor posture, but I can't see any punctures. The passage hit the ground. He rushes forward to the Heavenly Horse, and the Heavenly Horse smiles and raises his right hand.

The right hand of the thousand horses and the sheep's fists of power were intertwined. The workshop came and went so fast that you couldn't see it. The attack was all a setback. His power never ceased, and he was driven to the thousand horses. Chang breaks in. He turns away, aiming his spear out. Indeed, he was worthy to say Chang Wang. That long weapon moves freely like his paw, but the power close to the Heavenly Horse is not threatening at all.

The Sword Zone approaches. The gaze of the thousand horses reaches the Sword Zone. The Sword has hit the ground. The sword he was holding in his right hand became dozens of pieces of machete. The left hand of the thousand horses that had been lowered went up.

Sword, Kwon Chang. Sizes, shapes, useless birds and other weapons began to attack one thousand horses. The spear blocks retreat, and the right leads to the Heavenly Horse defense. And the sword will be sheared. Those three movements were sophisticated and perfect as if they had been accepted into each other's lives.

Perfect is just as perfect. Flexible as water flowed. Maybe it's a vision. I thought of power. Even though I had so limited my movements, Thousand Horses ruled the space and were hovering on it. I feel shallow on my fist. It doesn't strike properly.

“That's pretty good. ”

Thousands of horses languish, and their faces stiffen. The attack on three seasons has become faster and heavier. It could be said to be the most underneath. Thousand horses' bodies were pushed back and forth. Heave-ho! A spear from the spear grazed the thousand horses' lapels. A sword wielded by the sword cuts the thousand-man's chest. The passage hit the ground. Qasim! His fist pierces the face of a thousand horses.

Thousand horses stagger back. He turns his head slowly to the side. He raises his hand and touches his mouth. Her lips twisted. He raises his hand and touches his chest. The slashed collar is sharp. I swiped my side.


Thousands took another step forward. He took a deep breath and rushed back to the Heavenly Horse. He clenched his fist, snapping his neck to the left and to the right.


A little stiff. Thousand horses clenched their fists. Baaak! A lightly clenched fist knocks the snout out of his throat. The passage fainted and retreated. Thousands smiled, looking at his embarrassed face. He stretched his feet forward, grinding his teeth. His fist twists and flies toward the thousand horses. Phew! Getting beaten up was abstinence. He staggers back and looks at him, his fist clenched.


Chang blows up the reaper. A spear that the spear had grabbed with both hands was stretched out after slipping. It soon became tens of hundreds of windows. Watching the attack cover the front, Thousand Horses snap their necks to the side.

Oops, there's a hiss. Baaak! The scroll reaches through Changyoung and touches Chang's chest. “Cough!” The Spear King steps back, spewing blood. The steed retreats and walks slowly with him. The sword wields its teeth. It was a sword fast enough to move through space. Thousands of horses raise their hands. Phew! His swinging arm and the Sword of Sword collide. Sword Jon bites his teeth as he feels the pain of tearing his grip.

“You monster..! ”

He spit out the blood on his mouth. The Spear King who vomited black blood also corrected his posture. It was worth mentioning. He survived even though he was well powered. Thousands of horses smiled because they felt joyful. The color of the dark forces that surrounded his body darkened. It starts to boil as it bubbles.

It's okay. The Feast of Triplicate caught my mind. I was just a little embarrassed. Honestly, I didn't think I'd be able to do it alone, but I thought three would be enough. The Sword takes a deep breath and grips the blade. A sheer force wraps around his sword and rises. It was soaring high in the sky and soon compressed to a thin layer of black. The Spear King lowers his knee. His spear was compressed just like the Sword itself. White strength aggregated into the fists of the abstinence sheep.

It was the same as the first time. The three of them charged Thousand Horses simultaneously without warning. Thousands stretched out their arms wide. The Hellish Force that destroyed the Shaolin Drawers was shot from all sides. You are not harmed. The dagger wields its breath and slashes all its strength. The gap created was pierced by the Spear of the Spear. Even though it was a short distance away, his spear sprinkled merciless power and tried to pierce the Heavenly Horse. A thousand horses clenched their fists.

Kuang! You hit your fist and the Spear King's attack. A high-leaping nod bites the tooth and falls toward the Heavenly Horse. The thousand horses grinned and shoved their feet back. Kwack, bang! Every fist and fist touches you, the whole world shakes. Everyone stopped fighting and watched the battle of Heaven and Three.

Every time I touched my fist and fist, I felt like I was upside down. I chewed through my lips. I've learned the book my whole life. All my life, all my life.


Kwak 'jic! A thousand thousand pounds smashed the fist of power. His mouth widened. Before he could scream, a thousand horses dug into his arms. The shivering eyes of power met the eyes of the thousand horses.

The thousand horses were smiling.

Baaak! A punch raised by the Heavenly Horse is lodged in the belly of the Passover. Blood gushed out of his mouth. He clenches his fist and extends his knee. A loose nod leans against him powerlessly. He tapped his shoulder with a thin smile.

“Not bad.”


The King of the Spears shouted and rushed to the Heavenly Horse. The thousand horses smiled and looked at him. He pushes his flinching power to the side, leaning against his body. Slurp! The spear thrown by the spear is shot out in front of the thousand horses. As soon as the Emperor tries to avoid him by pulling his foot to the side, Chang Wang's attack changes. The spear spins from his hand. The rotating spear is swirled by the thousand horses' shoulders. The heavenly horse leans its torso back and dodges the attack. The assault on the Spear King has not stopped. The hand holding the spear changes again, and the window is oriented. The continuous spearhead pushed towards the thousand horses. Stab him, swing him. The heavenly horse staggers back, avoiding it. The sword is strong. The sword and spear blend together. The attack that the two of them poured out with all their strength during the three feasts was difficult to avoid, even if it was a thousand words.


A thousand horses step back caught on something. I glanced down. He sighs, his arms tightly gripping the thousand horses' legs. The eyes of the thousand horses met the eyes of power. He looked fierce and looked at his eyes as if he was expecting something, and he felt embarrassed.

“Oh, my God. ”

Thousands smiled. He turns his head and looks forward. The ferocious expressions of the Spear King and the Swordsman are unleashing a full-blown attack on the Emperor. A thousand horses sighed.

I don't think it's a bad idea to get beaten up like this.

Thousand horses put their hands down. His waist lies to the side as he follows his descending hand. Blood runs from his hands to the ground and his muscles fill with sin. As I felt the strength, I felt a slight tremor in my body. Even though it was true that I did a little bit of thinking, "Will you take it?"

I didn't think it was necessary.

Thousand horses' hands soared upward. A black force wrapped around his right hand scratches the ground like fingernails and cuts through the air. The sword wielded by the sword has been smashed to pieces. The same was true of Chang Wang's spear. Sword Jon sees a lifetime of affection vanish before his eyes without a trace. I knew I couldn't stop it. The Sword opened its mouth and tried to speak. The Eye of the Spear meets the Eye of the Sword.

The two bodies disappeared. Quadruck! A thousand horses' attack on the ground has taken place long enough to destroy the land and kill people. He vomits and squeezes his hand. He looks down with a bold face. The power to hold the legs of Heavenly Horse was shivering as he looked up at Heavenly Horse.

Thousands of thousands of people smiled at such power.

Passion died a little later than the Sword and the Spear King.

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You're the man, Shem.

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