
00316 War

Stunned, Swordsman, and Spear King. In all three, the saints called it the Feast of Pentecost. About 10 years ago, they settled on Mount Gonwol, and now they are returned to the Muslim blind with the call of the Twin Moon Sword Zone and the Sword Sword Sword Sword.


When Azin asked about the third feast, the thousand shook his head. The lower half was higher than the third half, and the third half was lower than the lower half in their prime. The disciples praised the three feasts as the greatest masters of the sect, but the three feasts were only children who flew a little in the corner when the twins raised their names.

“Well, it should hold some wrinkles, though. But how can these three children compare to us? ”

You're blessed, son. I grinned at Ajin with a big smile. Azin trembled with such a huge gesture. Blessed is not to be denied, but it was not a pleasant feeling to be winked by a man. The reactionary twins were young enough to look young, but in fact, they were old people who lived for almost a hundred years.

“It's not enough to ignore. ”

Serious opened his mouth. In response, he turned to the truth. Standing on the crutch, the sincere expression was a horse with narrow eyes.

“I saw it the other day, and it worked. One of us can handle the three of us at the same time. ”

“You have to try that to know. ”

A thousand words of sincerity came out. He seemed to have a broken ego. However, he did not strongly disagree with the seriousness of what he said, as though he admitted to some extent. “What do you care?” A thousand bangs shrugged, muttering like that.

“Mind your own business and do your own thing. You look like shit lately. What's up? ”

Thousands of questions asked. The question hesitated for a moment. Thinking about it, Azin had no one to talk to about his concerns. Mungyeong-hee told me to use myself as a toilet and tell you to spit out the pain, but the cause of the bullying is not just Mungyeong-hee. Why did you tell Mungyeong-hee to keep her distance from the Black Snow and Persian flavor?

“.. that is..”

I think again. There were fewer men around him. There was, but not a single opponent was open enough to express his concerns. The friendliest thing you can think of is salt, lyrics, toxic acid and cerebral cortex. How can you tell them about the relationship between Raw Snow and Persian and Mungyeong-hee? When Ajin hesitated, his eyes frowned.

“Son of a bitch, don't be a man. ”

He grunts and turns his head to the side to spit. Seeing Azin's appearance, it seemed that the progress was quite interesting. He narrows his eyes and looks at Azin.

“Bitch trouble. ”

The sincere murmurs. At this point, he looks at the sincere, flawed. “What? Are you serious?” Seeing such an azin reaction, a thousand bangs whistled. He chuckles and shakes his head.

“Of course! I didn't really feel like this. Hmm. You were so young compared to us. Yeah, I see. He was young. Everyone was. Don't you think?”

I looked at the seriousness as it was killing me. He avoided looking at me without answering. “.. how did you know?” Azin groans and asks. The question remained silent, but Thousands said instead.

“You don't know it, but seriously. Do you know what the stars used to stick to before you kicked ass? ”

“.. I'm not sure. ”

“Speak and you will die. ”

The seriousness growls. The words chuckle. “Kill me, you bastard. What are you ashamed of? I'd make you proud.” That's what Cheongyang said, and then she approached her head to the point of pain.

“It was a ghost.”

“.. Yes? ”

“Ghost. Turtle ears. Do you know what I mean? ”

Azin's face became numb. I didn't understand for a moment, but I didn't know what the turtle ears meant. Ear, ear... Azin looks at the seriousness. He turned his gaze and sighed heavily. A thousand laughs.

“Fantastic! In Society, I used to spend a lot of time sitting in the guestroom with him. And then a decent woman walks by, or sits down, and I sneak up and I say something. So I get them to join us, have a drink, and... if they feel like they're in the mood, then they can go to their rooms. Yeah, that's fine.”

I laughed a lot.

“Every woman I've spent the night with wants to spend the rest of their lives catching his crotch! The night skills are amazing, the size of things... Hmm! Well, I wouldn't say this. Anyway, it turns out that chubby guy was a total bitch, too. I have nothing to say! Do you know how many decades I've lived before you? You must have met a few times as many women as you. So, fuck you. If you have a problem with women, talk to these brothers. Not that I'm old enough to call you brother. ”

“I told you not to tell me! ”

“Oh, fuck. What are you ashamed of when you grow old? ”

“I even taught him to do it without telling him! ”

“Then you can take back the shaman you gave me." ”

I was trembling and trembling. Seeing the two childish quarrels, Ajin sighed loudly. I thought it would be easier if I told someone. In the past, Azin had never told anyone about his problems like this. He shared his sincerity with only Raw Snow and Persian, both of whom he could trust and cherished. But the twins?

Are you sure you can trust these twins?

“Son of a bitch, are you selling? ”

Thousands of questions. The question raised his head. He looked at Azin and smiled as if it was ridiculous. “Knock it off, asshole.” He muttered so loudly that he lifted his foot and lightly kicked Azin's shin.

“I won't tell anyone. What, you don't believe me? There's nothing you can do if you don't believe me. If you struggle and struggle alone, nothing will be solved. After all, it's only hard for you. It's not just about women, it's all about the world. ”

He said that and looked up at the sky.

“In the end, people can only do what they want. You don't get to make decisions you don't like, even if you die. Pride, pride... yeah, that's good. But you know, sometimes it's not a bad feeling to speak up and tell someone about your rotten problems. I can't imagine what I'd do without him. ”

“Don't tell Augrad, you liar. ”

The truth spits out. A thousand laughs at that. “Son of a bitch, I don't deny it.” The truth shut his lips.

“Practice telling the truth, even the smallest of things. ”

“... a practice of telling the truth, right? ”

“Look at the problem with women. How trivial. You have to laugh at it. If you can't say something like that, you can only live a little for the rest of your life. You think I want to talk to you about me having fun? Well, well. I can't say that's not true. But I'm still your master. Teacher number two, master number three. He's your master, and you're my pupil now. I'm a master, and I want to help you. ”

“That's a nice thing to say. ”

Seriously grumbling. He looks at them and bursts out a big smile. A trivial concern. Azin laughs as he mutters a thousand words. He was right. It was trivial.

It was also an important concern for him.

“.. would you like a drink? ”

“Good. I've never had a proper drink with you, either. ”

I laughed a lot. Ajin took a thousand tons and seriousness and went to the nearest sperm. Soon after I gave the servant a lecture, a simple liquor statue was set up. Azin cleared his mind by pouring a glass of wine into a thousand wonders and serious glasses. Are we trustworthy? I questioned that, and now I'm a disciple of the true nature of the berserker. I realized that Cheonang and Seriousness took Ajin as a disciple and handed over their lifetime of work.

He's not unmanned. Ajin in the world is Avatar after all, and the mind is bound outside. It is impossible to fully understand the values of the world's npc and its inhabitants in just a few years of gaming. But he was unmanned, so he understood how precious it was to dedicate a lifetime of unmanned men. They gave the bastards to Ajin without a doubt. Can I do it? Ajin thought for a moment. Giving others a trained worker. I couldn't. This was the property of Azin. I could never give it to anyone.

Reliable. I came to the conclusion that they were doing him a favor, and I thought I could open up a little bit over here. Has it changed? It's changed. Azin smiles in relief. I wouldn't have done this before. In just a few years, it's changed a lot. whether to like it or not.

“.. that is..”

What should I explain first? He talked about the relationship of the Raw Snow scent. After hearing the story, my face was distorted. They shared an unknown gaze with each other. Azin was intoxicated by his story and did not see their reactions. He also briefly explained Persian. What is the relationship between Raw Snow and Persian and Azin? And about Moon Kyung-hee who suddenly appeared. About the last three of you getting along.

“Son of a bitch. ”

I hit my head. I punched my tongue in pain like it was ridiculous, and I drank without saying anything. “Yes, you did. I think I know why that little girl saw us and changed her teeth. A woman's jealousy scares me.” The truth mutters, staring at the distant sky like an enlightened pioneer. It shook its head more as if it were a side of that kind of seriousness.

“Well, the teacher and his disciple are enjoying each other, not my problem. It's not something to brag about, but it's not something you can brag about. Hmm... hmm. She's pretty, too. Hmm."

A thousand bangs muttered as if they were nothing. Ajin frowns, touching his right head. “Why are you hitting me?” As Azin protested, he opened his eyes, lifting the bottle into the air.

“I didn't know it was such a pathetic concern! ”

I shouted aloud.

“You're not a man and you're worried about a woman! Eri, you bastard. You're pathetic and disgusting! ”

“Didn't you tell me to say something small? ”

“What is trivial and pathetic is different. ”

He said with a serious face.

“But... something pathetic could be a deep concern for someone. Yes, a woman... a woman. ”

He sighs.

“My advice is, a woman eventually gives her heart to a good man. ”

“.. Yes? ”

“Listen, dear old man. ”

A thousand thunders die. I raise my hand and smash the face of a thousand thunderbolts with my fist. “Ouch!" A thousand screams spread the earth. The seriousness opened its eyes with such spectacles.

“Keep your mouth shut. ”

“Son of a bitch punched him! You want to get your foot kicked? ”

A thousand times I lifted my foot and spit it out. The seriousness ignored such a great deal and looked at the pain with a serious face.

“Ignore that idiot. Being a person, not just a silk woman, is a way of giving heart to those who treat them well. I've heard of women who sometimes get upset by bad men, but that's the first time. If you keep acting like a dog, you're gonna get robbed. Then, if there is someone who is nice and farting by your side, I feel inclined towards you. I don't know about you...”

The man shakes his head.

“To put it bluntly, it's simple. I heard a child named Mungyeonghee likes women. That means your master and the Persian? Isn't she like a girl named Mungyeong-hee? He must be fighting with you because he's a good man. If you have any doubts about their transformation, you should treat them better than the child named Mungyeonghee. You don't have to feel crisis and distance yourself at all. ”

I kicked my tongue. Azin blinks and listens to the truth. I have never had a relationship counseling session before. I never asked for counseling, I never needed it.

“This is the yo-yo. ”

A thousand laughs.

“Don't you think we should send you to heaven tonight? ”

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I want to go to heaven...

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