
00307 Conversations

The atmosphere of the meeting was a mess because of what Ajin spit out, and the conversation did not go wrong in the icy sinking air. Hang the head of the new charioteer aloft in front of the gate of the blind. At least that was the opinion. It was intended to stimulate the bridges to hide their appearance and move, and incorporate the public's voice that they deserved to be beaten by the martyrs. It was accepted and the meeting was over.


After the meeting, Devello rises to his feet. Azin raises his body and looks down at Devello with a cool face. Devello looks up, his eyes wide open, as if it didn't matter what the atmosphere was before. “What?” Asin asks in a harsh voice.

“I want to talk to you. ”

Devello told me. Devello tilts his head, speaking for himself. Azin looks at Devello, his eyebrows twitching.

“Suddenly what? ”

“It's been a long time. ”

Devello doesn't seem to think of the right words. She grimaces and lets out a small groan. “Anyway, just the two of you.” Devello finished his sentence. Azin glances at her for a moment and scowls at the salt that is looking this way. He lowers his head slightly to the salt, then looks back at Devello.

“I don't care, where? ”

“In my room. ”

Devello replies. It was misleading enough, but Ajin is not responding. Instead, he looks back at those who are still in his seat. Chains and doorways of Muslim folk. Bloody Blind Masters. What do you think? He looked at the balance in his heart. I thought about Devello.

She is a disciple of the sword. On the surface, yes. Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Such a Devello, the blind and the doorman of the bloodline. Accept Devello's personal invitation and see what he can do. Can we carve her up with a damn motto? Thinking about it, Azin smiles bloody.

“I understand.”

In Azin's reply, Devello raises his head with a big smile. Azin glances back at Devello, leaving the conference room. I could see the face of the angle looking at this side. Azin lowers his head slightly toward him. Very, very little. Then I left the conference room.

[It's another girl!]

He shouted at the tone of his voice, the smell of Raw Snow. [When was it not a woman?] Azin grumbles and replies.

[Also, you know that there is no way that she and her master can have that kind of relationship.]

Does that mean you can have that kind of relationship with someone other than her?]

[What nonsense.]

Azin grunts and dismisses the words of Raw Snow. Then he quickly chases behind Devello, who is heading ahead. [If you follow that woman, you'll find the Sword.] The smell of raw snow grumbles. Probably would Mujin-seop didn't come here, so he must be staying at Devello's residence. It was not expected to meet him, nor was Ajin.

Devello's residence was the shrine of the Elder Yega, a short distance away from the Muslims. The building was large and glamorous according to the name of the Cheonghae family, and it was quiet because the owner of the house swordsman had left. Ajin chases behind Devello, speeding across a well-decorated garden. After leaving the conference room, she walks without a word.

“Over here.”

Devello stops. The cottage where she lived was especially beautiful. I heard that there are no children under the sword. Such swords and examples are like those of the swordsman Devello. You must have excellent work and talents like that. Azin nods, looking at the elegant cottage.

“What do you want to talk about? ”

“Tea, aren't you going to drink? ”

Devello asks. Asin pauses and stares closely at Devello. Devello blinks at Azin.

“The sword said, It's a courtesy to serve tea when you bring guests in. ”

“Do I have to sit across from you and share a car? ”

“I don't know about that. ”

Devello tilts his head. Azin frowned at the frustrated heart.

“What do you want to talk to me about? ”


Devello replies. Azin frowns and looks at Devello's face, shrugging as if it were nothing. “Then let's go in and talk.” Devello smiles widely in Azin's reply and goes into his chambers. “Welcome.” Devello said something new. Azin looks this way, staring at Devello's smiling face, and sits facedown.

“So, what do you want to say? ”

“How have you been? ”

Devello asks. Azin doesn't think she's going to ask you something like this, so he stares at Devello with a frozen face. Devello smiles and stares at Azin with his mouth turned white.

“Well, just like that. ”

Azin shrugs and replies. In response, Devello nods his head and gathers his hands together to look at the pain, his eyes shimmering. “I'm stronger than ever.” Devello is troubled. His eyebrows twitched.

“What do you want me to do? ”

“Do you want to try again? ”

Devello asked me secretly. What the hell? You didn't have to ask. Azin narrows his eyes and examines Devello. I could feel that she had progressed more than the last time I saw her. Can we win? At that moment, I wondered, and Azin laughed.

"It was the thought in the first place..."

I'm not sure, I'm not sure. Azin came to a conclusion in his mind. Perhaps we can defeat her if we fight Devello now. I don't know. Against that uncertainty, Azin was not the only place to move by defeat. If he fights Devello and loses, the dignity of the bloodline will fall to the ground.

“I'll do it later. ”

Push back instead of declining. It'll be annoying if Devello sticks to you after you say no to his face. Devello nods, smiling broadly in Azin's reply. Later, it was a definite answer for her to do someday. Azin looks at her like that and clutches his chin with his hands.

“Is that the end of the story you want to tell? ”

“Wait a minute.”

Devello rises up. She opens the door and asks the servant waiting outside to bring her a car. What else are you going to tell me? Azin swallows his grumbling and stares at Devello's back. After returning to his seat, Devello blinks and looks at Azin.

“I heard you met Thousand Horses. ”

Devello opens his mouth. I thought you'd ask. Devello doesn't know a thousand horses. After coming here, you must have heard the story. Ajin met a thousand horses. As a woman, she naturally cares about the Celestial Horse. Azin was sure of it.

Devello seemed to be lacking in many ways. At least it was because he felt pain. No, the pain in the past lacked some empathy. Devello, as he had turned away from empathy with others, was even worse. Your satisfaction instead of empathy with others. It lacks many other things. At the very least, the old azin compromised the situation. I made a compromise with those around me. But not Devello. She was purely moving only for her own interests.

‘It's worse than Rivera. ’

Rivera is armed with ignorance and innocence and infiltrates the world of others. Devello is not. She destroys others out of ignorance, purity and interest. What she's obsessed with right now is power and a fight against the strong. Azin's eyes narrowed.

“Do you want to hear about the thousand horses? ”


Devello nods. “Why?” Azin asks again. Devello tilts his head slightly.

“I heard the Emperor defeated you. ”

“I did.”

“Then the thousand horses are stronger than you. ”

“Yes, that's right. ”

You're just spitting it out. Azin smiles in relief. Devello doesn't understand the azine that burst into laughter. Devello tilts his head for a moment.

“I want to fight the thousand horses. ”

Crazy bitch, the car's here. Azin pours it into the cup and drinks a little. Taste buds. If only death in this world could lead to complete deprivation. If he had, Azin would have gladly pushed Devello into the thousand horses. No, you didn't have to. You would have tried to kill Devello at any cost. Unfortunately, they were both meaningless ways for now.

“You lose. ”

“You haven't tried it. ”

“If you say so, I have nothing to say. I don't know where the Thousand Horses are. ”

It's endless. Ajin puts down his cup of tea. Devello was a born genius because he felt it. Talents annoy the opponent. It's a gift that cannot be used on vacation. Ajin sighs and says.

“So it doesn't matter if you ask me. If you brought me here to ask him, he's useless. ”

After saying that, Azin pauses. He glances at Devello's face and opens his mouth.

“Have you ever come in contact with a transcendent? ”

“The Transcendent? You mean the Chrysanthemum? ”

Devello tilts his head. “Yes." Azin immediately replies and looks at Devello's face. Devello blinks, silent for a moment instead of answering. One, two, three... I counted the numbers in my mind.

“We've never met. ”

Devello replies. Her answer is a little slow. There was contact. Azin was sure. Devello answered the question without hesitation. Like you don't think. But it was a little late. Is that too much to think about? But it's better to have a place to think.

‘The transcendent is making some kind of an intervention. ’

Gladiolus would have prevented him thoroughly. Was there any change? I mean, I've seen Acacia do a little interference. There is no law that the other transcendent should not do. Then how did they intervene? In the case of Acacia, he gave information to Ajin. Information to overcome the current situation. Devello? I don't suppose there was a transcendental intervention with her being so strong. No, it's an elixir. Azin frowns and takes in the tea.

“.. I can't see the blade. ”

Azin mutters. “Stay in the concert hall.” Devello replied. A concert hall. Is he training himself in his own way? Azin, who put down the cup of tea, slowly rises up.

“I have nothing more to say, so I'll be going now. ”

“Do you have anything to say to me? ”

Devello looks up at Azin and asks. When asked, Azin pauses and looks at Devello. Speaking of which, while thinking about him, Ajin laughs heavily.

“Thank you for the drink. ”

Azin says so and turns away. Devello blinks and looks at Azin's back, leaving the room. I felt sorry for myself. She squeezes her hand and rubs her lips in bloodshed. It's been a long time, so I thought we could have fun.

“.. but still. ”

Devello smiles widely and glances at the sword placed next to him.

“I said later. ”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Sorry I'm late.

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