
00297 Conversation

There was a lot of trouble when it came to death. It was happening inside the commander. Those of the sects who were filled with complaints and anxiety gnawed on each other and protested against the Safa's unaccounted for minor things. The person who was badly injured or dead has not come out yet, but the redness of his face has not stopped every day.

How to react to it. Should I ignore the blatant squabble or confront it? Bloodthirsty's position was embarrassing. The Muslim blind were not in control of the Unsullied, and they were pushing their heads here and there like a broken-down calf. He was a beekeeper and wanted to catch some of them like a chimney, but if he did so in the bloodline, the relationship between the sect and the Safa would fall to hell.

Of course, since we don't intend to keep the alliance forever, it is also necessary to exacerbate the relationship moderately. But not yet. The bridge was still intact, so it was necessary to continue to maintain an alliance that was nothing but a shameful one.


Azin has a low voice. In order not to make the situation any worse, the cerebral cortex commented on the reconnaissance of the Bloodbath executive division. After all, they are not strangers of the Old File Room or the Six Generations. They are strongly controlled. Out of control are small and medium-sized people who do not belong there. At that rate, you won't be able to grow up in front of the Bloodthirsty executives.

“Scouting is no different than taking a walk. ”

The scent of Raw Snow loosened her hair and took off her eyelids. In the past, I wore a mask and participated in the blind dance, so I did not show my face with black snow scent. Taking off her eyelids made her look quite different, so that others wouldn't doubt her identity even when she was around her if she gave her a proper alias.

“The problem is players, not NPCs. They think of the world as a game after all. ”

Although there is a huge quest called the Bridge Subjugation, they do not have great constraints on their actions. Even blindness is out of control. There were countless players in the cult and Safa, and they were also gathering at the commander's table.

“I just can't do anything about it once. If we start a good fight, it'll be less like this. ”

The emissary has not returned yet. There is no answer to the story of the Twin Worlds spreading to the front line. I'm tied up here after all. I'm just putting my head in like a turtle. Complaints and stress will not be resolved. Players who are tied up here complain because they can't go on a hunt or quest. It leads to minor quarrels and it doesn't break.

“It's hard to be on the high ground. ”

The black snow murmurs. Azin puts Banglad on his head, covering his face with a slight tilt. “I don't know what's hard, and there's a lot of trouble.” Azin walks forward muttering like that. Originally, he didn't have to stand up as a blind man of the bloodline, but Azin hoped to scout on his own. He was assigned to a commercial district in the vicinity of Moorish blindness. Zhang Shen was the capital of the imperial palace where Jinsun's emperor resided while being the center of the sectarian forest. The Imperial Palace's dragon and Muslim blindness were fairly remote, and the unmanned did not invade the dragon. This has always been about the jungle. It was so as not to provide a billy for the imperial army to intervene after going to the Emperor's Palace for no reason.

Thanks to this, the commander was saturated. It was impossible to push the Muslims into the walls of the blind. Even players other than sperm, saffron and NPC. Despite putting as many people in the blindness as possible, unaccompanied people stayed in almost every accommodation in the area except Mercury.

“For now, I will focus on accommodation. ”

It wasn't just about squabbling among the unmanned. Although he is heavily blind, he is also the capital of Jinsun, and there are many people in the commercial district who do not have anything to do with it. Suddenly, they were struck by unarmed men with swords in their land, so they had no choice but to feel anxious.

“Welcome! ”

The windless guests were particularly large among many in the commercial district. As Azin opened the door and went inside, the busy spots shouted in unison. Azin narrows his eyes and looks around the inside. No one looked at the man who was wearing a bungee in a loud noise. Azin looks around the inside and calls out the spots.

“Don't you have room? ”

“Let's go upstairs. ”

Spot immediately led me to the second floor. Azin climbs the stairs behind him. It was also noisy on the second floor. According to the information I learned, the faction that was staying in the windless guest glass was a hearing. It's not enough to go to the old file room, but it's a doorframe that's about the size of it.

“What would you like to order? ”

Azin glances at the scent of Raw Snow and Persian. In that question, Raw Snow shrugged her shoulders and said everything was fine, and Persian's answer was the same. He ordered three bowls of soy sauce and tea because he wasn't that hungry. The point where the order was placed was returned and Azin looked around the second floor.

They wear blue heroes on their foreheads. There were a lot of people who wore blue heroes or something like that at lunch. Ajin casually wears his armband without taking off his bungalow and waits for the dish to come out.

“You said scouting. Are you done eating? ”

“To be exact. ”

Soon after, I was relieved. Ajin said with his chopsticks, he loosened the cotton into the soup.

“Waiting for someone to pick a fight with me. ”

“... what? ”

The smell of raw snow opened my eyes wide and looked at the pain. Aji picked up the stirring noodles with his chopsticks and was a horse.

“Those scavengers are picking on Safa. He's completely out of control. What's too bad is theirs. Moreover, if you give them a lot of reasons why they shouldn't argue, they'll eventually fold up. So, this is what scouting is all about. ”

“If they get into trouble, does he beat them up? ”

Persian blinks and asks. I beat him. He smiles and takes a nap. He wipes his lips with his fingers and nods his head.

“It's an affordable expression, but it's true. And if they do, they won't be able to argue with it. It won't take long, but you have to hold it like this. ”

“But do you think it'll be easy? ”

“That's why I'm taking you with me. ”

Azin glances at the Raw Snow and Persian faces. I asked the Black Snow to take off her hair and take off her blindfold, and I asked Persian to change her hair color. They are both outstanding beauty. And where there's a beauty, there's usually a...

“Where are you from? ”

There are some who talk. Asin stopped chopsticks and looked at the direction in which his voice was heard. The man with the blue hero on his forehead is staring down at me, single. Azin looks at his face and opens his mouth.

“I'm from Hungry Forest. ”

Zulim, where the Sapine Green Gate is located. The man's jaw twitched slightly. But he doesn't say Moore, he looks at Azin, looking at Raw Snow and Persian. I didn't know what to do with the smell of Raw Snow, but Persian handled it well.

“We are also from Hungry Forest. ”

“Oh, really? Do you think...”

“No, I don't belong to the doorway. It's just a wandering romantic. I met them on the way, and they're following me to the Elder General. ”

Azin hung up on him and quickly said. No Gateway affiliated. Reveal that there is no background. I met her on the way here and told her that there was no other connection. Now that we have enough food, we just have to wait for him to burn.

“Oh, it's too late for introductions. I am Kang Sou, a first-class student at the hearing. The other disciples called me the Council of Solitude. ”

He said as if he was ashamed, but the look on his face made him proud. Azin lowers his head slightly.

“My name is Woojin. ”

“Let's call it hostile. ”

Persian quickly made an alias. Dan's name was Chan Hyeong-lu's enemy, and Azin almost spits his guts out. The hesitant smell of raw snow opened my mouth.

“Th-they 're called h-perfume theories. ”

She was embarrassed. I couldn't help but follow her without listening to her properly and then joined her in this obvious act. While hesitating, I vomited heavily and picked up chopsticks. Kang Sao glances at the black snow and Persian scent, kicking his tongue as he looks at the face in front of them.

“These beauties are too trivial to eat. How are you? There are my colleagues over there. Would you like to join us? There are so many dishes that I can't eat them all. ”

Kang Si-woo smiled. This is how I give you a chance to escape. Ajin looked at the direction Kangxiu was pointing. There were four young men staring at each other. They were all disciples of the hearing, wearing blue hoods on their foreheads.

“Uh, joining us.”

I stared at the azin hesitantly. Azin moves his feet under the table and kicks the Raw Snow scented leg lightly. The eyes of the Raw Snow were flickering. She shudders and shakes her shoulders, forcefully smiling.

“Yes, yes. Okay."

When the black snow scent responded, he smiled. Raw snow hesitates, pulling the chair back up, and Persian rises to his feet. When she sees them get up, she slowly pulls the chair back out. Azin raises his head and glances at Kang Siu Azin, but he ignores his gaze and follows the black snowflake and Persian to where the disciples of the hearing were.

Tongyeong Nam is back and forth. Everyone was a first-class disciple, each with a pretentious star sign. They began to brag a harsh story about Raw Snow and Persian persuasion.

“I don't know about the Saugers, but there are five of us, and they're called the Chong-Oh Girls. ”

“Oh, yeah, that's great. ”

The smell of Raw Snow stuttered and replied. Asin smiles bloody. It was a smile to listen to, and it was a little loud. It was a sign I had never heard of. After hearing Ajin's smile, Kang Si-woo opened his eyes and looked at Ajin.

“What are you doing? ”

“Oh, yeah? No, it's nothing. ”

Azin shakes his head, pulling his chin back. He shrugs slightly and lays his voice to rest. After seeing the reaction, I empowered my eyes and tried to shoot Ajin. Ajin leans his head down and does not make eye contact with the rain. While Kang Si-woo was staring at Ajin, a dish came out. Kang Si-woo smiled at the pain in his mouth and raised his chopsticks.

“Did you find a place to stay? The guests' glasses are delicious and the rooms are clean. If you wouldn't mind staying here? ”

“Oh, is that okay? ”

Persian smiles widely and replies. Unlike the reluctant, stiff black snow scent, Persian enjoyed the situation quite a bit. Persian reacts positively, and Ganxi nods, smiling heavily.

“I'll post a message to the owner and get the best room. ‘

Kang Si-woo confidently said. You talk as much as you want. Azin thought, grinding the dish with chopsticks. Those who claim to be Chongcheon Ogil ignore Azin thoroughly and constantly talk to Persian and Raw Snow. I kicked Azin's feet under the dining table as if I couldn't stand the smell of raw snow. Then I sent him to the finish note.

Do I have to keep listening to these bastards brag?]

Asin shrugged his shoulders at the fluttering question of raw snow.

[Just hold on a little longer. He's farting like Persian.]

The words made my face distorted with the smell of raw snow.

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