
00285 Blind Vessel

The sore pain was short. Though I was about to turn off the sensors, I felt a bit regretful to leave them alone in case I didn't notice something wrong with my body after turning them off. It was because the painful pain was not severe, but I thought it would be a waste if I moved my body and spit incorrectly.

Even as he laughed at such worries, the irony of the oxen was not too strong. It was unknown whether it was a stabbing or just a stabbing, but the cow continued to stab around the body of Ajin, changing colors and lengths. The saliva digging the bloodstream continued to cause some pain when it entered. The saliva in his urethra was anxious, but unlike when his blood pressure was rising, there was only a slight pain and no reaction was relayed to the body. I guess the rumors came out of nowhere. Ajin was slightly relieved.

“Do not move your body while healing.” After turning around and sticking a few more needles, the cow says, Ajin opened his eyes and looked at the cow.

“... is it over? ”

“Yes, today. The saliva will slowly melt away from your body. I'm going to give you two days of salve, and then I'm going to look again. ”

He raises his head. The elongated needle entered the body, but there was no awkwardness in moving the body.

“.. do not use unprotected. What does that mean? ”

“Literally. Don't lift the air, don't make any violent moves. ”

“What if I do? ”

Azin asks. The bull smiles bitterly at the question. “Woojin is curious.” The cows mutter and close their hatches. She clears her throat and looks at Azin.

“If you lift the inner air, you will spill blood on the turkey and die. ”

The bull speaks in an unsettled voice. In saying this, he looked at the heifer as if he was not answering. At the silence of Ajin, the bull smiles as if it were awkward.

“.. is a joke. Just now, I put a needle in his bloodstream and left a small gap open. My spit will melt into it and melt the evil tablecloth that remains in it, flowing through his bloodstream. And the elixir I offer will help him. and slowly release the kinked blood. But if you push too hard, the needle I put in won't work. That means the treatment is delayed. ”

“... I see. I can't believe the senator said that. ”

Azin mutters like that and reaches for his naked clothes. He slowly dresses up and scowls at the cows. She smirks and laughs. Azin asked, dressed.

“Who has judged you for your medical skills? ”

“The cure is over. Get out. ”

Lee opened his mouth even before the bull replied. Ajin sent his gaze of goodness to Lee Han. Lee looked at Ajin's gaze as he tried to become one. Son of a bitch. Azin swallows a rising swearing tongue and smiles.

“It seems that Yihan really cares about you. Are you a brother or sister? I don't see any resemblance. ”

“I asked you to leave. ”

Phew. Lee gritted his teeth and said. At that, Ajin smiled in relief. “What's the rush? Aren't you wearing clothes?” That's what he said, and he flared the sleeve of his clothes. Tendon sprained on her forehead.

“Didn't you just say that? Don't move so hard. So just take your time. Take your time. What can I do to help you? ”


Lee shakes his fist trembling. Azin smiled gladly with such a reaction. He glances at the cows. The cows wiggle their fingers and look around as if they were insecure. Since you can't see but not hear, you feel anxious about the conversation between Yihan and Ajin.

“I'm sorry for the inconvenience. ”

Azin shrugs. “It's okay.” The bull raises its head. Azin stares at the cow's face. This face is still spicy. I was naturally curious because I thought medicine was quite excellent on such topics.

“Who forgives you for medicine, and he can't tell you? ”

“That's... medicine was taught by my foster parents. ”

“Deputy? Hoho. Can I at least hear your name? ”

Ajin asks. Lee stares at him. Azin looked straight at the cow, ignoring such gaze. The cow scratches her cheek and replies. “He called himself white.” The bull replies, and Azin nods. I didn't know the name Yubai, but I was going to ask Chan Hyeong-lu about it first.

“When you're all dressed up, let's go. ”

Yihan spits. Ajin shrugs and follows. Tac. After closing the visit, Lee looked for Ajin. Ajin smiled as he saw Lee's face chewing his lips.

“What a reaction. ”

Azin opens his mouth. Lee took a big breath and let go of his fist.

“What are you so upset about? I thought you should know at least that you're a healer. ”

“You don't have to worry. She's a great congresswoman. ”

Lee spits it out. He wipes his open hand on the hem.

“I decided not to heal the unarmed, but the lady took a special look at you because you were in distress and grief. So be thankful for it. Don't ask useless questions. ”

“That's a strange thing to say. ”

Azin smiles low.

“You don't seem to care much about whether you're unmanned or not... Why do you fall for the fact that you're unmanned? ”

“There's no reason to answer. ”

Yihan spits. He turns around, rumbling past the pain. Azin narrowed his eyes and stared at the back of his head. You arrogant bastard. Azin swallowed that grumbling and followed after Lee. There seemed to be a story, but I wasn't really curious. All Azin wanted was for his body to be healthy.

“Use this room. ”

Lee Han guided me to a small solitary facility. Azin glances over at the bedding in the corner and looks at the sliding door that occupies the wall on one side of the room. As I approached, I opened the door, and I saw the garden.

“Don't come out of the room. ”

“I didn't do anything wrong. You want me to stay here? ”

When Ajin asked, she frowned. “You never say yes right away." Is it your habit to catch each horse's tail? ”When Lee asked, Azin grinned and laughed.

“Because you tell a funny story. You have to say something that makes sense to say yes." ”

Lee looked at Ajin quietly. He taps the sword tied to his waist with his hand. “Do you want to die?” Lee asks. In the question, he shrugged his shoulders, smiling bloody.

“Proud of a patient. Very impressive.”

“.. you're making rude noises. ”

“I don't even know who's being rude. Haven't you? You're making me uncomfortable while I sit still. Don't you know?”

When Ajin asked, she smiled with a twitch on her mouth. “How can you say something nice to an uncomfortable guest?” Lee turned away, spitting out like that. After crossing the threshold, Lee looked at Ajin.

“Again, do not leave the room. If you need anything...”

Lee Han reached out his hand and pointed to the bell on the mattress.

“Ring the bell. Then the acolytes will come. Take a leak in the urinal in the corner. The meal will be served with three breakfasts, a lunch and a dinner. The bedding will be sharpened by the servants during breakfast. You won't be able to come out of the room, and you won't feel any discomfort. ”

Ajin did not answer and stared at Lee. After staring at Ajin for a while, Lee turned around and left the room. Percussion. When the door closes, Azin clenches his fist, clenching his lips. You son of a bitch. That kind of swearing got in your mouth. Azin pulls out the bedding and lays it wide. Then I closed the door to the garden.

“... Master. ”

Azin opens his mouth. You hear no voice in the shadows. Azin sighs and sits facedown on his bed. He scratches his head and opens his mouth.

“You're angry.”

The question did not return an answer. Ajin shrugs his shoulders and improves his posture. He twists his shackles and puts his hands on his knees. The moment I took a slow breath,

“If you've spoken, listen to me. ”

A fat voice came out. Ajin opened his eyes, smiling bloody. In the shadows, the scent of black snow that sticks its head out is raising. Azin widened his hands and said.

“I won't. We have to get out of here as soon as we're done. Why would I have a weather breakfast? ”

“... yes. Let's get out of here.”

Raw Snow's scent rises from the shadows, grumbling. Persian glances at Azin without a word. Azin shrugged his shoulders, taking his gaze.

“.. was a force majeure. ”

“Hmph, I bet you are. ”

Persian grunts, his lips twitching. The fragrance of Persian and Raw Snow sitting on the floor stares intensely at Azin. Azin pulls his chin back as if it were unfair.

“I stayed put. ”

“I know. So you don't say much. ”

The black snow spits out. She scratches the back of her head, looking at the pain and reaching for her hand. “Give me your hand.” In the words of Raw Snow, he unsaid the old armor and reached out to Raw Snow. The scent of Raw Snow grimaces at Azin's hand.

“... you're not a quack. ”

She mutters and closes her hands. Azin opens his mouth again, filling his old pack.

“Of course I do. I even undressed.”

“Do you have to take off your clothes every time you heal? ”

“You should be. He needs to be drooled. ”

“I don't like it. ”

Raw snow grunts. Azin shrugs. “What can I do? He says he's blind.” Azin mutters and clutches his chin.

“Thanks to you, we're tied up here for a while. We have to treat internal injuries, so there's nothing we can do... But now we can't get out. ”

“That guy, Lee Han. You look pretty good. ”

“If he's feeling better, I'll have to take care of him first. ”

Ajin recalled the face of Lee who was staring at him. As Azin's expression frowned, the smell of Raw Snow shrugged his shoulders and raised his body.

“Just do as you're told. He eats too much, he drinks too much, he uses too much strength. ”

“.. I don't have to use this body to go to the bathroom. ”

“Huh, yeah. What a comfortable body. ”

The scent of Raw Snow disappears into the shadow, grumbling. The lone Persian glances at Azin and tilts his head.

“.. not to make violent moves, how far is it? ”

“.. I don't know. ”

In Azin's answer, Persec puts his finger on his lips and thinks for a moment, then chuckles. And I said, "Oh, come to think of it, it's just an avatar.” Persian said so, smiling at Azin. Suddenly, his back gives a chill, and he trembles. Persian fades into the shadows, hissing.

“Hmm. ”

The remaining pain closed his eyes, clearing his throat low. You can't use it. You can't have weather breakfast. So let's meditate. Ajin recalls a battle with the Heavenly Horse. It was so unilateral that it wasn't a fight.

There was nothing else I could do.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I have something I want to write, so I'm writing a new one. This is an action-driven hunt, and I've never written anything like this before!

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