
00283 Blind Line

Against the disappearance of Acacia, Ajin approaches the squatting Persian. Her pupils are hollow. Azin lowers his knee and grabs Persian's shoulder. “Persian.” As you shake lightly, the light returns to Persian eyes, trembling.

“Oh, yeah? ”

Persian raises his chin in a daze. “What, what is it?” Persian was surprised and asked. Ajin shakes his head, smiling bitterly.

“You've been out of line lately, haven't you? ”

“Th-the runga? Dizziness, uh, um..."

Persian seems confused. Vampires are dizzy. Ajin raises her up and frowns at what Acacia has left. Internal injuries die and remain intact after reconnection. I thought it would be better to receive a death penalty, but it was found meaningless to Acacia, so I had no reason to try it myself.

‘Thousand Horses Trial on the Lines. ’

Ajin chewed his lips well. Eventually, it was planned. As long as Heavenly Horses exist as trials, their friendship with Heavenly Horses has become completely impossible. No, that, too. Just as Jabes became a friend to the Queen of the Black Forest, who was a trial in Gracia, Ajin would rather stand with the Emperor of Heaven...

‘I'm not Harvest. ’

Harvest was able to do that because he was a Necromancer. Necromancers do not need to make other npc or players allies. They are an individual and a powerful force. And behind her are Necromancers like him. But what about the bridge? The idea of the Bridge is too dangerous. To exterminate the waves and the safaris. All that's left is the bridge. The forces of the Bridge are strong, but in the end they are all NPCs. There is no behind. It is doubtful that the Emperor will accept him, but even if he becomes the Lord of the Bridge and becomes the Lord of the Bridge, the opposition of ordinary players will be severe. Eventually, you cannot lead the players.

‘You have to pretend to be a martyr. ’

It would be better if the martyrdom had not spoken. After the martyrdom was announced, transforming to the appearance of the martyrdom after taking control of the Murim that was originally planned became a useless way. I'll have to convince him of the smell of Raw Snow. He said he would make progress on the Bridge for her, but he couldn't until the Bridge of Advancement was announced. If the chief says he is the province of the Church, it will be hard to resist.

I thought about what Acacia said. Look for the Twins of the Rainforest and the Great Beyond. I remembered about the Feast of Pentecost. Apparently, he was a teenage scholar in the sect. It was smokier than the sword, and now it's holed up. I heard about the Red Cross. The reason Sword Blade is considered to be the best of the sects is because the Three Days were hidden, and if the Three Days crossed the human wall, it would be stronger than Sword Blade.

‘The Iron Throne challenged him to abstinence and disappeared. ’

And the Iron Throne was now a martial law. Asin thought, frowning. Acacia mentioned it because the power of the Three Seasons helps to prevent the spread of the church. Then, does the Passover mean that it goes beyond the wall of man? Stunned, Swordsman, and Spear King. However, even though I had knowledge of the Three Days, it was a no-brainer for those who called themselves the Twins of the World.

Should I ask Chanhyeong-lu about him again? I've heard the story of the blind senator, but the answer to the question about the blind man is yet to come back. Chan Chi-Loo doesn't have all the information. Ajin sends a message back to Archer First. Ask for specifics about the Twin Peaks and the Red Cross. Shortly after the reply that you received, the scent of Raw Snow creeps into the shadow.

“I think we're here. ”

The black snow scent speaks. She doesn't seem to know that Acacia has come and gone. Azin nods and goes out into the shadows with a whiff of Raw Snow and Persian. He gasps and looks around.

It was a town.

“Looks like there's a blind man in town. ”

“.. how did you know? ”

“I've been asking around. ”

As if the smell of Raw Snow was natural, I looked at the pain and asked. Didn't expect her to do this, Azin bowed his head and thanked her. Thanks to the power of the black snow scent, it didn't take long for it to pass from abstinence to exhaustion. How many hours would it take? Azin looks around. In Jinju, next door, the Qingxia and Huangbo-sega were destroyed by Mahjo, but there may not have been any news yet. Or is there no Moorish doorway around here? Once Ajin is logged out. I'm not looking for a congressman right now. I got a meeting with the senator in two days. It was because of the thought that if I met someone who knew me in Cheongcheon immediately after the Qingcheong faction was destroyed, this position might become embarrassing.


Two days later, he reaches the First and catches a passerby from an alley.

“Let me ask you a question. ”

He smelled like a rural man. He opens his eyes and looks at Azin. He looks surprised to see the black snowflake and Persian scent standing behind him.

“What? ”

The man wipes his extended beard and asks. Are you a lumberjack or a herbalist? Maybe both. Azin opened his mouth, looking at the man's muddy shoes and the pockets on his waist.

“There's a senator nearby. Did you know that? The Blind Line...”

“Oh, you mean the lady? ”

The man replied, "Lady?" Azin tilts his head, and the man points his hand outside the village. “Head that way for bamboo grove. She lives in it. I don't know about the Blind Man or what, but if there's a free man around here, he's the only blind man.” The man said so, and passed the pain.

“It's another woman! ”

dense, the smell of raw snow shouted. The people around you look back in astonishment. Azin looks at the black snow scent with a nonsense face. He looked at the seedy smell of raw snow and asked.

“What do you mean? ”

“Again, another woman! The Armed Forces, the Archers of the North Sea Glacier Palace, Chan Hyeong-Lu's chancellor... What's with all the women? And now she's a congresswoman! ”

The smell of Raw Snow thundered the ground with its feet. Azin looks odd to what she says. “What does that mean?” I stared at him as if I didn't know the taste of raw snow from Azin's question.

“There are a lot of women around you! ”

“I mean, what does it matter? I'm not yelling at them. ”

Azin grumbles and the smell of raw snow is silent, but he kicks the ground with his feet whether he still has a lot of complaints. “Everyone I meet is a woman. Does this make any sense?” Agin laughs in vain at the grumbling words. Better a woman than a hairy man. If I took it out of my mouth for no reason, I just stopped thinking in my mind because I thought I would get hit once.

As the man said, a little walk out of the village and you see bamboo groves. Strange. Bamboo grove all of a sudden. Azin stares at it, grumbling with the smell of raw snow walking beside him.

“It's true.”

The scent of Raw Snow says that Azin glances at the scent of Raw Snow. She raises her chin in a fat face and points to the bamboo grove. “Someone planted it. It's not much, but I don't know. We may be out of stock depending on the change.” That's what Raw Snow said. She glanced at the sore side.

“It's well guarded for the congressman. ”

“I thought you said you were blind. It's not unusual that it's well guarded. I heard you're really good. ”

Azin grabs the hand of the black-and-white scent that still seems to be hurting. “And is it my fault that the senator is a woman?” Azin grumbles and asks. In the question, the black snow scent shook its head with a sound of pain.

“.. that's not it. ”

“Then why are you doing this to me? ”

“Then who would I tell? What am I gonna tell God? ”

When the black snow smells, he shrugs. “Just think of it as coincidence.” That's how he grumbled. Before entering Bamboo Forest, he glanced at Raw Snow and Persian scents.

“.. I'm sorry, can you hide your appearance? Maybe someone will recognize you for nothing. ”

At the words of Azin, Raw Snow and Persian disappeared into his shadow without a word. “Don't do anything useless.” Raw snow smells like that before it disappears. With a smile on his face, Azin enters the Bamboo Forest. Although it was a dense forest, there was a way to know if it cared about people going and going.

There was a small mansion in a clearing surrounded by bamboo. I'm trying to get close to the mansion.

“Are you here to see the senator? ”

Questions fly. Azin turns his head to look aside. There was a man standing next to a bamboo stand. Even though it was an obedient face, the sword across the middle of the face was making an overall impression. He was wearing a black robe, and he had two swords in his waist. The energy I felt was excellent. Azin nods slowly at him.


“.. I'm sorry, but please go back. ”

The man says, with a slight frown in his eyes. “Can you hear why?” In Azin's question, the man stares at Azin's face.

“You're a Muslim.”

The man asked, "This is not a secret. Azin nods slowly. The man said, touching the sword in his waist with his hand.

“Muslims don't heal. ”

“.. a little different from the rumors I've heard. ”

“I don't know what you've heard, but I don't treat Muslims anymore. ”

The man narrows his eyes. He grips his blade firmly, warning him that if he catches the horse's tail again, he'll pull it out. Azin stared at the face of such a man. I thought I was a pretty good unmanned person, but I couldn't help but overpower Azin if he wanted to. It may take a little while to get internal injuries.

“... is that what you mean? Or the senator?”

“Either way, it doesn't matter. Go back.”

The man spits out a low smile. What a nuisance this is. He thought so and placed his hands on his waist. So what do we do? Maybe I should take care of that pompous prick and get the congressman out. That would ruin our relationship with the senator. I have to give up my body, but I can't have an uncomfortable relationship.

“... I'd like to speak to the senator. ”

“Didn't I tell you? I want you to go back.”

Grrr. The sword slightly slips from its scabbard. Azin glances at the man with a false laugh. “Where is this?” Ajin pushes his foot back slightly, "he said.

“I'm a patient. I can't believe you didn't meet the senator because you're an unmanned patient. How did you get here? Can't you just give me a reason? ”

I lowered my attitude and asked. The man stares at Azin without saying a word. The man who was looking for pain for a moment frowned and asked.

“You don't look like a patient. ”

“Internal injuries. Severe internal injuries.”

The man chewed his lips well. He looks around him and turns his head sideways. The man who looked around for a moment looked back at Ajin.

“Are you alone? ”

“As you can see, ”

Azin shrugs. The man sighs and sticks his sword back in.

“Follow me.”

He said so and passed Azin. Azin stepped forward and clenched his fist as he looked at the back of the man heading to the mansion.

‘You'll think you have no life. ’

While swallowing annoyance, Azin presses down on his undulating chest with his hands.

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You didn't write a line about internal injuries last time; internal injuries remain after death. We're sorry for the confusion.

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