
00279 Raid


I didn't understand the meaning of the word. Azin paused and thought that he had heard it wrong. He didn't know the taste of black snow to say this. Laugh at whoever you meet, make fun of your opponent. Well, she had the power to be here.

However, the smell of raw snow was speaking now. Run away. About what? The time stopped has been shattered. Azin flinches, startled, and pulls back. Whoa! A huge shout shook the heavens and the earth. The trembling footsteps shake the earth. Wudang's grand examination was underway. Two hundred Taegeuk swordsmen come together. One hundred yields, one hundred yields. In it again, it circulates indefinitely. Shaolin Baekhwanajin, no. The greatest truth of all. It was the first time I had actually seen it.

There was tremendous pressure. Azin was not in the examination, but he felt a great deal of pressure from the outside. The infinitely swirling taegeuk felt like a black hole that swallowed up the incoming and incoming whole. Azin swallows a gulp. Run away? Shouldn't that be more like it over there? I thought the inner faction was inferior to the pagans. The thought disappeared as if washed away. If we go in there, we won't last much longer. Maybe we can kill a thousand horses here.


Unlike the screams of the Taegeuk inspectors, a quiet voice with a relaxed smile rang out. It's the voice of a thousand horses. He turns his sword in his hand and looks at Taegeuk's examination. Already completed, it was trying to move itself and swallow everything. He stepped forward and restrained the Heavenly Spirit and the Heavenly Spirit Sect from doing so. He frowns without clearing his smile.

“Know when to stand up. ”

The thousand horses smiled. A dark energy rises from his body.

“It is the script. ”

Thousand horses walked forward. Azin looks at it, swallowing his breath. I thought it was reckless. If it's random, we're marching alone against the 200 men who made the move. Was it madness, madness, madness, madness? In the chaos of Azin, Heaven did not stop. His pace is accelerating. Soon, his body flashes like lightning.

Kuaaang! The mountain seems to shake. Azin catches the swinging body. It's too late to run away. Then, Ajin sharpened his teeth.

“Blood Dragon Squad! The Crusade Squad! ”

The Bloodmen, who were already preparing for the shouting, draw their weapons. Heave-ho! Ajin sharpens his teeth, wrapped around his arms and legs with an old armor.

“Attack! ”

[Run away...!]

A whiff of Raw Snow cried out. I ignored it. It's too late to run away, Master. Azin ran forward, swallowing his horse. The first checkup I saw was incredible. So greedy. That's enough to kill 1,000 horses. Then, all that remains is the thousand killers and four defenses. How many? There's more over here. I have enough to try. The Blood Dragon Clan were all the top ranked players, and the Bratva Clan were the elite of the Killer Clan, Safa's largest moon. No matter how elite martial arts are, they can't miss a battle.

“This, really. ”

The Hundred Horsemen who chewed the jerky chewed the thistles spit out the jerky that chewed the head. He draws his sword from his waist and looks at the running bloodstream and the Confucian Swordsman. He wipes his beard and spits it out.

“Those kids, they have no manners. ”

He mumbles like that and walks forward. Following him, a thousand killers followed. Wearing black robes, they appear to be crawling with dirt spiders. “He's the Blood Dragon Master... I mean, the Blood Horse.” The eclipse was overwhelming. At that thumping, he opened his eyes and looked at Ajin. Seeing Azin approaching from the front, the Thousand-Man Old Master grinned.

“Oh, yeah. You have thick hair for a baby. ”

You raise your sword as you struggle. The earth spider became a storm that blew in the dark of night. As you leap over the thousand kill lords, the thousand kill lords rush in. Aaaaah! There are 500 elite members of the Blood Planet and 300 horsemen. The sound of iron colliding with iron, the sound of shouting. Fast-forward. Without hesitation, Azin makes his way through the Great Mountains. The red devil howls with both arms.

Thousands of horses took a slow step and entered the examination hall. The moment he comes in, all of his senses tangle and rumble. The earth shook and the sky fell. A fiercely rotating taegeuk presses him constantly. Thousand horses grinned loudly, pushing their gray hair out with their hands. The sword in his hand spins.

“I see. This is the drama. ”

Thousand horses muttered with their arms outstretched. The black packing he wears flutters relentlessly in the wind within the true law. This is pretty impressive. Thousands laughed and murmured. It couldn't contain the Black Sea of the Sea. You cannot contain the flow of the clear black water. But shaman. The most swordsy shaman in the Old File Room, you still have Tai Chi.

Very little.

A dark force rises from the Thousand Horse Sword. It looks like a flaming flame in hell. He swings his sword slowly. Kuaaang! A thunderstorm of swords strikes within the Taegeum. The blow shakes the inspection altogether. You continue your inspection and move your feet without rest, move according to the crown mold and forearm, and swallow the flowing blood of the Taegeuk inspectors who wielded the sword.

Again. The Heavenly Horse's Sword swings. It was hilarious to say that it was his black sword that was swinging across. Even a child with a crude toy wooden sword can wield a sword like this. Most commonly referred to as the Three tails sword method. Three herbivores are the basis of the sword method. Taishan shaft cutting down, big cut across, trajectory, piercing, thunderstorm.

That was the sword that the thousand horses wielded. He wields his sword joyfully. It was a distant memory. When I was a child, I would have been on a mountain, not an island. When I was a first-timer. When he first grabbed the sword, he learned to use a triple edged sword. because that was the basics.


Thinking back to childhood memories, the thousand horses muttered their herbal names in a quivering voice. The mind was as joyful as a child, but not the sword he wielded. A light wielding sword wields the Taegeum examination.

“Taeanic tack.”

The thousand horses' swords have changed. He raises his sword high. Then, I took a picture downstairs. Kuaaang! The pressure that seems to be pressing down is literally taking down the inspection. The rushing Taegeuk swordsmen's knees bend, unable to overcome the pressing force. The shallow ones, among them, vomit out their black, unbearably dead blood.

“Hang on! Hang on! ”

The plaintiff raises a vein around his neck and shouts. His eyes were already bloodshot. I thought it was ridiculous. It is a checkpoint with 200 people. This is the most powerful sword Wudang has. No, I will leave Wudang and there will be no greater truth and sword in Moorish. The sword of a master Yega, called the Most Underworld, will bow his head before the shaman's sword and the sword of the Taegeuk Examiner gathered together. But there's only one. TianMa, the master of the Church, was shaking the Taegeum examination alone.

“Yu! ”

The plaint roars, and the blade of Taegeum changes with its cry. It was a sword that flowed like water. Yu was there. He grins. He fixes the sword and grabs it.

“Eight-bang thunderstorm.”

His sword extends with crookedness. Kuaaang! The soft flow of water pierces through. The Tai Chi inspectors vomited blood. Some of them couldn't stand it and knelt on their knees.

“Medium! ”

Song Oh shouted again. His beard is drenched in bloodshed. The sword has changed again. It was the sword that broke everything. The Heavenly Horse's Sword also changed. “Taesan's tack.” Thousands of horses sag, and his sword falls down. Kuaaang! Dozens of Taegeuk inspectors are rolling the ground. Songwon forced you to support yourself by bracing your bent knee.

“Delightful! ”

The sword became a fresh sword again. There were countless swords that could not be counted by the eyes, and the wind swept over the thousand horses one by one. Thousands laughed. A whirlwind blows. His blade pierces the wind one by one.


Now, I couldn't chant. But the black he wielded moved as he intended. The same was true of the swords of the Taegeum inspectors. It blurs like a mist that can't be caught in the swinging black shape. He vomited amazement. Yu, Medium, Pleasure, Hwan. There are four common things to say in a sword. Yes, is it true? The Heavenly Horse held the sword firmly. The Black Strength that burns on his sword still lingers like a flame because it hasn't killed his will. In an eight-storm storm, the transverse skyscrapers, and the Taishan Ping. The three stabbing, cutting and lowering motions spread smoothly across the tail.

Ka 'ang!

The sword shatters without being able to withstand. Thousands of horses put their swords back in their mouths as if they were a waste. I can't hold on much longer. The thousand horses shook their heads.

“What a fun sword. ”

If I had known this, I would have learned more about swords. Not enough fun to swing. One day, I'll hold more swords. Thousand horses raised their hands thinking so. The Taegeuk Examination was about to collapse by half, but the shamans of the Dark Gate were blinking their eyes as they swallowed blood. Looking at him, Thousand Horses spread out their hands.

“Wudang was quite satisfied. ”

Thousands of horses languish. The power that could not be contained in the sword was young in both hands. “Aah!” The chant shouts. He had a hunch that he was going to die here today.

The heavenly horse's hand slowly pushes away. It was as soft as touching the cheeks of a young child.... hug! The black force from his hands wiggles. Like bubbles of boiling water. Hug, hug. The spheres of strength stretched out from the hands of the thousand horses clung together like that. The thousand horses clenched their fists.

Kuang! The collective black sphere grows larger than before. The ground shakes. The shaman shamans wield their swords as they move toward it. The swords of the surviving potters, the changes in their swords, became one of the will and strength of their swords. It was the great sword itself. It was Wudang's greatest sword. The Empress smiles brightly as she sees the sword swinging towards her.

The punch of the thousand horses slightly pushes the sphere. The black sphere moves forward. It got bigger as it went on. He turned away as if he had nothing else to see. The world was returning to its original state. The world that was blocked continued. Scream, scream, the sound of iron and iron colliding.

It was fun.

Thousands smiled.

Knng! Asin looks back, startled by the thundering noise behind his back. Azin's eyes widen in horror. Thousands look this way, smiling, and there's nothing behind his back. The Taegeuk screening of the Wudang, and the Taegeuk screening that they held. Songwon, who led the Taegeuk inspectors.

“What the...”


Before the horrified muttering ends, the thousand year old lord hurls down upon him. Azin grinds his teeth and raises his arms. Kuang! A sword wielded by the Hundred Horsemen has fallen on Azin's arm. Even with self-defense, I hit the black armor directly. I felt a tingling pain in my arm. It was cut off by an old bag.

“When you're dealing with adults, you shouldn't look away. ”

You press the sword firmly, and the Great Sage Master grows weary. Azin distorts his face, looking at his wrinkled face.

I should have run.

I regretted it later.

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You're... strong...!

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