
00260 Navigation

Place a small dice on a lengthened plate. Cover it with a bowl the size of a palm. Ten bowls. The barbarian moves ten bowls quickly in front of everyone, and people pay with the dice under the second bowl.

It's a simple gamble, but the technique is quite subtle. Fast hands and fast eyes. It's easy to be fooled if you're unfamiliar with the arts. No, even knowing a man without a job wouldn't be easy to spot.


No, I bought it. A fourth bowl lifted by the firefighter while being single. The dice were in it. Ajin was amazed at my heart. When he saw it, the dice clearly went into the seventh bowl. The dice came out of the fourth bowl. It's a trick. Hao Mundo doesn't need to be on the gambling board if he can spot a skilled drone easily.

What's left is six, six, two. It was pretty fun to gamble for the first time in my life. I'm not losing, I'm winning. The fire department was putting the dice exactly where they promised Azin. I got a feeling about it. There are many people who do rock as simple as it is. One person doesn't make a lot of money, but it's a fair amount. No, Saya! People are shouting loudly around you. Either he's a cheater or he's just a jerk.

“Wow. You got it pretty good, huh? ”

As you try to get up after the rocks are over, someone taps your back. I looked back and saw Elder Tub Seok beak smiling. The owner of the Pokémon. Ajin scratches his cheek with a smile.

“Yep. Good luck today. ”

“You've made quite a bit of money, don't you think? Let's do this right. There aren't many people on the other side of the board.”

He speaks in secret and points to Mahjong. Ajin pretends to think for a moment and shakes his head. “Oh, no. I had a bad dream last night...” He smiles as if it were embarrassing. At his words, the owner chuckles and grabs his wrist.

“Huh. Where are you going to eat and bounce from? Dreams are useless. Let's go play a game. Did you know? This is going to blow. ”

“Th-that's okay. ”

As Azin made an embarrassing face, the firefighter approached him suddenly and grabbed his shoulder. “Ooh. Let's go have a drink.” The firefighter spoke to him intimately, and the butcher rested his appetite and placed Azin's wrist. “Hmph.” He clears his throat in dismay, and the firefighter tugs his tongue at the owner of the spinning mill.

“I don't know where to put it. ”

He grunts and grabs Azin by the wrist. Because he didn't think the firefighter would take care of him, Azin looked at the firefighter with unexpected emotions. As you come out of the heat rising gambling board and enter the next room, there is a soothing glass of wine unfolding. Cheap whores spread their crotches for a few coins, and drunken rowers burying their faces in their breasts. The firehouse grumbles, pushing the bitch off her feet.

“Beasts. I don't know about wind currents. ”

The firefighter grumbles and sits in a clean seat. “What are you doing? Don't sit down.” Against the fireman's words, he leans his head and sits down in front of him. As the firefighter gestures, a passing prostitute waves her butt toward him.

“Hey, don't be nervous. Go get me a drink. Not what the other one ate. ”

“Brother, are you just going to drink? ”

I smile deeply with one face. With that smile, the firefighter burst into laughter and struck his hand. “Do as you're told, bitch.” Ouch. The firefighter chuckles with an open palm tapping the whore's butt. Soon after, a prostitute came out with a liquor store. It's an old bottle and two glasses that look clean. The firefighter uncovers the bottle and pours the liquor into Azin's cup.

“You made quite a bit, didn't you? ”

“Thank you."

Azin bows his head toward the mill. “Hold.” The firefighter raises his glass. The glass struck lightly, and he turned his head and drank. It was a damn tasteless drink. I felt like my throat was burning and my throat had sour taste. Azin frowns and puts down his glass, but the fireplace is a dull face. He filled his glass again.

“I'm talking about me, okay? Last time I tried to cut your wrist. Well, I had no choice.”

“Oh, yes. ”

“Well, the past is past. You're doing well with me now, aren't you? I gave you strength again today. ”

The firefighter grins. What the fuck does he want to say? I wanted to find out, but Lockwood originally thought the depot was very difficult. I almost cut my wrist, so it's obvious.

“Let's say you won the weak price today. ”

Let's drink. The firefighter lifts his glass. The cup struck again, and Azin drank a drink that had no flavor or support. It was hard not to get drunk, but it was hard to drink something without this flavor.

“I told the station chief about you. ”

The carnivorous girl brings out the jerky late. The firefighter grabs the maiden's wrist and sits next to her. The firefighter bites the jerky into his mouth and chews the thistles, putting his hand on the edge of the girl's clothes sitting next to him. The girl snores. The firefighter rubs the breasts of the girl with a plump face.

“I see you're quite interested in your medicine. Looks like you're thinking of expanding your business this time around. ”

“.. Yep. ”

I said, what are you talking about? This is it. They'll do anything for money. You don't care if the Dark Magic Potion is dangerous or not. You wouldn't even know it.

“By the way, ”

Ajin opened his mouth some time ago. It has nothing to do with whether or not you accept this offer. But we need to act like Lockwood right now, so we need to draw the horses in first.

“I don't have a lot of medicine right now, so... it's going to take some time to make. ”

“There's no rush. First of all, know this. ”

The firefighter chuckles and laughs. The only unilateral way to put it is that the Rockwood doctors don't care. Azin bows his head. The girl's tickle bothers my nerves. The firecracker rubs its chest, grabbing the girl's head and pressing it toward her groin. You're a beast. It's disgusting enough that you can't even taste it. Ajin drinks sour liquor.

“Well, I'll leave you to it then.”

Ajin unties the bag he was holding around his waist strap and lowers it down. There was an unpleasant sound. At the sound of the thumping, the pain rises up with a low clearing.

“I'll go back. ”

“Oh, yeah. Go, go, go. Will you come tomorrow? ”

“.. no. I'll try to make medicine without coming for a while. ”

“Ugh.. yes.. I'll come to you if I need to."

Azin bows his head and turns. You taste foul. He leaves the gambling den, ignoring the unpleasant sound behind him. How many times do I have to look at this? A day in Lockwood's impersonation. I started to feel skeptical as to whether I should take this seriously. There's nothing we can do to catch the Dark Star's tail. Ajin swallows a sigh. I hope you show up soon enough.

For a week, I thought about it.

Stress builds up. I get used to carry-on bodies. I get used to face pads. The smoky cigarette smoke, the gracefulness of people, the cheap taste of booze, and the rowdy people who hug girls. I felt rotten. What am I doing here? With that in mind, Azin looks at the dice going back and forth into his dazed eyes. Win some money, lose some money. I hear the fire retardant rush about drugs, and I think I'm just gonna kill him. I've had a hard time, so I just keep my head down, and I drink bad wine. I secretly stared at the mill that was stuttering the breasts of the maiden who was pouting on my body. Bow your head to him and come out gambling.


Azin scratches his head. I thought it would be over in a day or two, but it's been a week. Azin chews his lips, returning to the Heroic Medicine. I should have risked stepping on this tail and asked Persian to open the navigation spell. Regret is overdue. I've been doing this dog shit for a week, but now that I've chosen that method, resin doesn't fit. Azin gritted his teeth, pouting. You clear the boiling water and return to the pharmacy. The moment you open the closed door and want to go back to your room.

“Are you here?”

Azin's steps have stopped.

There was someone standing in the room with the lights out. He was wearing a black robe from above his head. Azin stares at him without saying a word. I can't see my face thanks to the deep, pressed robe. Voices... voices. Where have you heard of it? I don't know. He kicks his tongue out of Azin's gaze, staring at him.

“Have you been drinking? Greetings.

“Son of a bitch. ”

Azin's mouth opened. The words of the man who turned the robe upside down stopped. “... what?” As if it were absurd, he said. He glances at Azin's face and bursts into laughter.

“Are you out of your mind? All of a sudden...”

“Son of a bitch. ”

Ajin spit out his swear words. It was long and long. He walks forward. The Black Wizard was confounded when he saw the coming azine. What the hell is he talking about? He's supposed to be on his knees and his head on the ground when he sees himself. Are you drunk? The pronunciation is still intact... The Black Wizard raises his hand. It's because I thought the blurry man should wake me up. The moment he opens his lips and casts.


The bone echoes from Azin's body. The Black Wizard's eyes are wide open. My back was straight. The narrowed shoulders widen, arms and legs lengthened. Azin raises his hand and covers his face. The stammering hand grabs me by the chin. Took! The pull tore the indentation socket. Not only that, I also took off the wig that was on my head. The Black Wizard is stunned, forgetting his glory. Azin breathes heavily and breaks his neck to the left and to the right.

“Well met. ”

Azin stares at him. The Black Wizard who was stepping back was confused. What is this, magic? No, it's not magic. There was no sense of magic. So what the hell was that all about? He had no time to think. A swinging fist shatters the Dark Wizard's face.


He was lying on the ground screaming. Azin pushed the internal air as hard as he could. You can't die whilst you're beaten with furnace. He stomps his feet on the Black Wizard's Robe, stumbling across the ground. Then he kicks him in the side with his other foot. Phew! The Black Wizard roars through the earth.

“I have so many questions. ”

Azin throws up his breath and clenches his fist.

“Let's get it right. ”

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