
00251 Exit

“.. once again, it's sudden. ”

The enemy swallowed a sigh for a year. A vampire wouldn't have changed his appearance after that much time had passed. Asin enters the room of the enemy, smiling thinly at her. “Begging your pardon?” You sit before the enemy without asking permission. The red is the color that doesn't bother me.

“If you'll excuse me. It's already in there. ”

The enemy replied with a dark face. “Would you like that?” The enemy tilts the bottle by himself. The enemy waves his head, pointing to the cup in front of him.

“It's okay, if you'll give me the car. ”

“The blood lord didn't drink at Chonghyung Lu. Is there a reason? ”

“I'm afraid I'll get drunk and make a trend. ”

His words fill his glass with laughter. She shakes the glass with a light golden sensitivity.

“I see you're not a foolish man enough to get drunk because you can't win. ”

“There's a lifelong gin with a sweet drink. Even the coldest of men won't shake a bit. ”

“Does the bloodstain think he's cold? ”

“I didn't say that. I'm an emotional person. It breaks easily by impulse. even though we're packaging it like it's cold. ”

Azin shrugs, smiling bloody.

“So I don't want to do anything that clouds my judgment. I appreciate the liquor, but... I don't want to do this in a place like this. ”

Respect for Rouge. You surround her with lies adequately in a line that doesn't offend her. In fact, it is because of the horror of Raw Snow who said that if you drink alcohol at Chanhyeong-lu, you will be killed.

“A place like this. Does that mean you want to drink it in private? ”

The enemy smiles and asks. His smile was slightly stiff. What's that vampire talking about all of a sudden? Azin, who had been looking for answers for a short time, smiled deeply.

“... did the Lord want to have a private relationship with me? ”

I deliberately led to that atmosphere. I was about to think of the heart of the enemy who is the master of Chanhyeong-lu. At first, the enemy was not very favorable to Ajin. It was not because of her kindness that she threatened to use Chonghyung Lu's intelligence in the past that she was actually a hemorrhage. What about now? Azin thinks he's had a steady encounter with the enemy, building his own kind of affection.

“.. personal relationships. Well, there's nothing you can't do if you want blood to be your own. But can you afford it? ”

“.. Yes? ”

The enemy smiles bloody.

“So is the vampire by your side... and the stench of another woman. Heroic colors. I don't care about the Heavenly Lady, but what if she wants to have a private relationship with the Heavenly Mother? ”

Arzin snores. Seeing that, the enemy smiled. “I don't mean the bloodstream stinks. Vampires tend to have a keen sense of smell, so that's just how a heavenly woman feels. Never mind.” The enemy waves his hands.

“Let's get down to business. ”

And she hung up. You don't let him back away from the pain. Ajin looked at the enemy with a strange feeling. She sweeps her black head with her bare hands and asks.

“Why did you find the Heavenly Mother? ”

The enemy bites. Azin takes a moment to take a breath and looks at the enemy. Despite not answering, the enemy seemed to have guessed the answer. The enemy's gaze at Azin was sharp as a predator's gaze. I didn't feel it a year ago. But now I could feel it.

“.. didn't you make a pact a year ago? ”

The words slightly raised the tail of the enemy's mouth. She raises her hand. Her hands reach up to the table as if trying to reach her chin. Your elbows are bent on the table... and your hands are pointing to your chin.

At that moment, papa! The sword splashes. Azin's head falls back. Kwung. The chair rolls over, but the pain doesn't roll around. The leg stands on the ground like a horse's stance. Azin bent his head forward and twisted his neck to the left and to the right.

“How many deals? ”


The enemy lowers his sword and replies. He said he would avoid it next time. Like he said, Azin avoided without stopping him this time. The enemy swings his sword lightly and lowers his hand. She bends her left hand over her chin and stares at Azin's face.

“Were you alert?”

“I'm always vigilant. ”

Ajin smiles thinly. He raises his fallen chair, raising his gaze. I thought about the enemy for a moment, but then I got up.

“Do you want to try some more? ”

“If you'll excuse me. ”

Azin grins. The enemy nods and looks out the window. “This place isn't a good place... Can I use the Bloodstain's Training Ground?" ”Pain shakes her head at the question of the enemy.

“There's no need for that. If you need a stage, you're here. ”

Azin raises his foot and pounds the shadow lightly. The enemy's head tilted. Azin grins as he approaches the enemy and grabs her wrist.

“Excuse me.”

The enemy looks down with a expressionless face. Looking at her wrist in Azin's hand, she smiles bloody. “It's been a long time since a man caught me.” She mutters in a low voice. Azin does not answer the muttering, but looks down at the shadow.


As soon as I called, the shadow opened wide. There was nothing to explain the situation. Azin and his enemies fall into the shadows, landing lightly on the hall of the castle. Azin looks around. You see Persian in a chair with a thrown face, and a frowny black snow scent next to it. Persian vomiting was easy to guess. He's probably upset about breaking the pulmonary canal and not telling himself. Raw Snow scent? Is it because of my personal relationship with the enemy? We'll get sick of it later. Azin sighs and looks back at the enemy.

“Well, then...”

“... this is amazing. ”

I said, "Let's rub it together." But the enemy was amazed. She looks at the expansive fortress of shadows and opens her mouth halfway. Such a big shadowy space. The fire was a vampire, but I've never heard of a vampire with a shadow space of this magnitude.

“Do you like to call me sis? ”

In amazement, Persian grimaces as he opens his chest. The enemy shuts his mouth and tries to shoot Persian.

“.. you're a wizard, right? ”

“Huh. Am I the only vampire wizard? None of the other vampire wizards are as good at expanding shadow space as I am. ”

I could not refute the enemy. Although the enemy also had a shadow space, her shadow space was only about the size of a room. But what about Persian space? This ridiculous scale that brought the castle into existence was frightening as the same vampire.

“.. may I? ”

Azin asked me a few times to clear his throat. The question raised my mind and looked back at the pain. She holds the sword in her hand and nods her head.

“How many halos? ”

“With power.”

Azin immediately replied. The enemy nods slightly. Her sword rises above you. The enemy said he had never wielded a sword in the last 10 years. It must have been a little dull compared to its heyday. Then what about the enemy's level? Azin rubs his feet.

“I'll take the lead.”

“Do so. ”

The enemy nods, and at that moment, he rushes to the ground. Do not use the Rainforest. One year of obstruction, self-awareness and meditation. I was going to check what I got from it against the enemy. The enemy does not move in place, allowing Azin access. As the burning fist flies toward the enemy, she pulls her foot back and spins the sword in her hand. Sammy! You pull it in, and Ben's blade grazes his jaw. He stops, leaning to the side as if Azin's feet were going over.

Paang! You turn around and face the sword of the enemy. Both of you do not back down. The enemy picks his breath and shoots out a fresh sword. Azin opens his eyes and stares at the flying sword of the enemy. Azin's feet move dizzily. Papa Paak! The sword of the enemy pierces his body. The vision has collapsed.


I was impressed with the low aroma of Raw Snow. Ajin's bylaws evolved from the book of Genesis to the book of Genesis, but the book of Genesis is alive. It means it is possible to create a vision. However, the vision that Azin just created was far superior to that of the Thousand Horsemen in the Forest. There was a mixture of properly constructed hallucinations. It was thanks to the melting of the hallucinogenic rain pores.

You move your feet, and the vision of a wobbling creature envelops all sides of the enemy. The enemy moves his sword without panic. Papa Pot! A fresh sword shot like an islander pierces every vision. But the vision did not fail. Rather, it struck the enemy as a threat.


The enemy lets out a groan and shifts. It was not to be dismissed as a welcome. You do not mislead the eye, but hide from sharp attacks. Paan! The sword of the enemy trembles. I tried to stop it, but it was very heavy. The enemy staggers back.

I swallowed awe. It's only been a year. A year ago, I barely stopped a sword wielding the power of Chilhalle. Now he's overwhelming himself. Despite being swordsmanship for more than a decade, her shaman was worth her blood. But I can't help it. The Pokémon is in a hurry to prevent attacks.

The enemy hurries his head to the side. It was because his fist was flying towards his face. The body leans to the side.

The moment I avoided, I couldn't wait. It was a welcome. Baaak! The upright foot slaps the right wrist of the enemy. With great pain, the sword flies from the hand of the enemy. The enemy takes a few steps back with a hollow face. Azin takes a deep breath and slowly lowers his foot.

“Did you see what happened? ”

Azin looks at the enemy and asks. The enemy waves his head, hesitating for a moment.

“A woman's swordsmanship is less than bloodthirsty. ”

The enemy admitted boldly. Would it have been different if we'd fought for our lives? The enemy is a vampire. If he had been willing, he could have endured some scars and dared to attack. Could have spread the vampire's powers. But now it's not a life sentence. What Azin wanted to see in the first place was the sword of the enemy, not the power of the vampires.

Ajin knew that, too. What would have happened if we risked our lives for each other? Ajin strokes his hands lightly. A lot of what I hid was the same with pain. He had the secret of being immortal, trained in polarity, and had mental acceleration and heavenly forests.

‘It's the same as the blade of One-Blood. ’

Who will prevail? The blade of the enemy is quickly healed, but the heavy blade is better. Sort of. Overpowered by the sword. without opening a thousand rainforests. If you ever fight blood again...

“Thank you."

Ajin takes a polite hold of the enemy.

One blood sample is already dead and can't be confirmed.

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