
00226 Rumor

I heard about Gratia from Rivera. Gratia is currently struggling with the misdeeds of Dark Wizards who are affiliated with Dark Stars, and Rivera has become a warrior, helping people who have suffered damage to Dark Stars. In particular, what is active against him is Basrodel. She is enthusiastic about subjugating Dark Stars, as Dark Stars have decided to make their first debut as warriors.

- was an approximate summary of Rivera's story. After listening to Rivera's rambling tales for hours, she feels like her mind is rotting and rotting. Her story was simple, and Azin was unfamiliar with it. The protagonist of Midham suggested coffee and overly sweet cookies and cakes in front of him, so I felt like going crazy.

“I see.”

The face piece you put in so many times, the conscious smile on your mouth was so annoying. Ajin is thankful that his avatar looks like a fox. If it were a real face, it would not have been a facial expression.

“Yes, they are very bad people. Even if you subdue them a few times, they'll only catch your tail.”

Rivera grunts and grumbles. The tale of the warrior is about to unfold again. “I see.” Azin reaches out and blocks Rivera's words.

“I've heard the stories. I don't know what's going on with Gracia, how much pain the people are going through there. ”

“Right? That's too much. ”

Rivera flaps her cheeks, and Azin raises himself up. Rivera's eyes are frozen. “Are you leaving?” Asking a tilting head, he nods. “I came here today to hear Rivera's story.” With a scratching smile, Ajin said.

“By the way, time is... hahaha. My story has gotten too long. ”

“It doesn't matter. Rivera's story was pleasant. ”

Rivera smiles as if she didn't care. Are you a good person or a jerk? Even though it was a blatant question, Rivera gave all the answers, and didn't ask for any other payment for it. It was rather nice of her not to ask questions, but seeing as she was trying to show off with such a nice smile, she became cautious this way.

“Next time you'll be able to listen to Ajin's story, right? ”

Leaving through the door, Rivera smiles brightly at Azin. Seeing Rivera, who looks like a loving rabbit, Ajin smiles with the face of a fox. “I don't think my story will be pleasant.” Rivera shakes her head for saying so.

“I think it'll be fun. ”

Rivera's smile grows.

“Ajin is not very good at telling his stories. ”

The unnecessary words caught my mind. Azin glances at Rivera and bows his head. “I'll be on my way.” Asin leaves Rivera's house with a grave greeting. Your story. Rivera grins, contemplating what she said. I don't want to do it. He mutters like that and logs out of Cosmic.


The Passage Gate shows no particular movement. As if nothing had happened, they were running the doorway as usual.

At least, on the surface. Although Chonghyung Ru is becoming the eyes and ears of Ajin, the information obtained through Chonghyung Ru is limited. What they get is customers who stop by Chonghyung Lu. There are many men in Changyeong-lu, from the archaeological masterpieces to merchants and unaccounted for. And they tell stories they know to get drunk or to show off to girls. It's messy and vast. In addition, Azin hears rumors from members of the Blood Dragon Clan scattered across the line. It is filtered by the lotus flower of Chanhyeong-lu and arrives at Ajin.

Even if he focuses on the defeat gate, none of Chan Hyeong-lu's clients are disciples of the defeat gate. There is nothing about the Passage Gate in the rumors the Blood Dragon crew hears. After all, all you get is the surface. At first, I thought this was the limit.

And it didn't matter whether the inspection showed any special moves or not.

There is a reason.

Ajin moves the brush. After considering several ways, he decided to publicly write a torture. On the way back from the Black and White Pilgrimage, the blood relative's granddaughter was attacked by a sword gate and killed. Bloodstains, the fiancée of the White Vote, will not ignore him, but will get a price for blood at the Passover Gate. I grabbed the contents and wrapped them. It is filled with vengeance and vengeance. I hope for the silence and support of the murim.

This is a matter of blood and paternity.

It's their war.

I don't want the blood of others. I'm willing to accept him if he forgives me. However, you will have to give blood accordingly. If you cut off the head of the Masked Sword, the son of the Observer, I will forgive you. If not.

Ajin stopped the brush. Otherwise... what do we do? Azin clutches his chin with his hands and thinks for a moment. It was a damn worry.I had my answer anyway. Azin ridicules the brush with a bloody smile.

Cut off a passerby's limb and then cut his last throat. The throat will be hung at the gate of the Passenger Blade, and under it will be placed as a ornament for the head of the family. The reader felt a chilling anger, so he exaggerated his expression. When I put down the brush, I even felt fabulous. It is written in Korean, but will be corrected by the system so that everyone can read it. He was going to put it on the doorstep of the bloodstream himself, without asking anyone.

But first...

You rise, and as he gets up, the maid kneels down behind him and gives him a wrap around her. Blood red robes and a black dragon on the back. Ajin leaves the office with two dozen scrolls in his hand. Every step of the way, the long wrapping creaks across the floor.

Outside the office, there was a gathering of blood dragon squads at the training ground. It wasn't just that. On the left side of the bloodstream was a bloodstream, and on the right side was a bloodstream. Afterwards, the whole bloodline gathered to look at Azin. Among them, there were over 200 players who had been disciples in the last month.

Azin looks back at them. I've been back in the bloodstream for a month. He recruited players, as he said in an interview with Progress, with which his blood relatives had nearly doubled in power. Although limited, the system was able to interfere with disciples belonging to the blood text. The reason for the interference was also based on the daring recruitment of players.

If you use it on a disciple who has sinned, you can take away the stats raised through the bureaucracy and the bureaucracy of his bloodline. I was able to courageously let my disciple in because I could give him such a penalty. It was all for today.

Azin opens his mouth.

“Strike the Passage Gate. ”

It was a bold, dull voice with no emotion. But the shaking was great. NPCs were speechless, and the players were stunned, staring at Ajin and muttering. Azin shuts up for a moment and watches their reactions.

“The White Void Sawyer, the granddaughter of the Lord Bloodmoon, died in their assault. ”

This was a fact that had not yet been made public. For a month, everyone was questioning the whereabouts of the White Voucher, but she was thoroughly concealed that she had been attacked and died. I haven't even finished the funeral yet.

The reaction was as expected. Players were just surprised, but NPCs who had been disciples for a long time shook their shoulders in horror.

“It was a despicable attack. ”

The voice is still bold. Like ice, no height, no height.

“I couldn't keep it. ”

Slightly, I felt it. I sighed like a sigh.

“In front of me, she was pierced by the sword... and so she died. ”

Azin clenches his fist. Knuckles, teeth cracking. Thud, fist clenching. Azin carefully observed the responses of NPCs. I saw their expressions of anger.

“Below, I strike a patchwork. ”

I wasn't so confident in my speech. I was accustomed to lying, but I wasn't accustomed to telling the truth. It is true that the White Milky Way died. But whether she was saddened by her death, the pain had yet to be answered.

Then is this false?

“I don't use mean methods. They've been invading their identities in masks, but I don't intend to. Head to the front. I'll lead the elite to Dara with the Pathfinder's Gate and knock on the closed Pathfinder's Gate. If the Gatekeeper comes out, he will rip his throat out without asking. If he does not come out, he will break down the door and kill everyone who sees him, and if he comes out to confront them, he will kill them all. ”

Still confident, Ajin said without mixing a smile. Gulp. Someone swallows the saliva. That unshakeable, emotionless voice was conveying the truth.

“The Lord wanted him too. ”

Azin raises his hand.

“I will acknowledge it and accept it. What the gatekeeper did was an insult to the blood. It was an insult to put the name of the glowing blood in the gutter and trample it with a dirty foot. I, Bloody Gate. I will not endure that insult. ”

The scroll unfolds with a raised hand. The wind thunders with agony.

“This is war. If you don't want someone, step back. ”

No one stepped back.

“I don't think about losing. There is no loss below. I don't know tactics and I'm not good at group warfare. I will be an incompetent commander. It will be a ghost that only thinks of revenge. ”

Azin walks forward. The disciples of the blood family gathered and made their way to the side.

“If you don't want him, I'll ask again. If you don't want to follow, step back. ”

There was still no turning back. Only then did Ajin smile.


The door of the bloodstream opened with a bold spit. Azin came out and looked up at the sky. I didn't write a speech. I spit it out immediately. My face looked a little hot. ‘You look like shit.’ He grumbled and hung a torture on the door of the bloodshed.

“Until the end of the war against the Passage Gate, this door will be sealed. ”

Kwung. You close the door and bolt yourself.

“I was insulted by vengeance, but what would I walk through the front gate with? ”

Azin turns to look at his disciples.

“Do not look up at the sky. Don't look at the ground. If I did not avenge myself, what was it that came upon me that looked up to heaven and looked down at earth? Eyes front. Do not place your weapons in your hands. Don't drink. Do not enjoy the color. ”

I vomited a split voice.

“The journey is tomorrow. ”

And I took a dot.

“Tomorrow, we go to Dara, where there is a checkpoint. ”

We've driven them, but we can't take them all. NPCs, however, cannot hold the game all day long. Take only those who can. I can't be emptied of blood and robbed of an empty house.

“The bloodline and bloodline remain in the bloodline. They will be charged with the glorious duty of guarding the door and the blood gate. The attack consists of blood dragons and bloodlines only. ”

The Bloodstream and the Bloodstream. That's half of the blood gate's power. Ajin smiles thinly.

“Beating up a rude son of a bitch is a lot of work. ”

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