
00224 Rumor

“It was a strange energy. ”

You mutter as you look at the other half of the cup. The lotus flower, which was murmuring and looking at the mirror, turned its head and looked at the enemy. The red eye creases its eyebrows and clutches its chin with its hand. The lotus flower, which was repairing her makeup, smiled and woke up.

“What do you mean? ”

The lotus flower approaches behind the enemy's back, shrugging her shoulders. The lotus flower sweeps the black hair of the enemy down like a comb with long fingers.

“It's been two months since he left the Wall. But... I felt like I was a completely different person in between. ”

“You seem to have the same personality. ”

“I'm not talking about personality. His... no balls. The prayer that flows out of your mind... or the internal air in your body. ”

“You mean stronger? ”

“And that includes, of course. He's stronger now. He's twice as strong as he was three months ago. I have to do everything I can right now. ”

“If you're a hemorrhage, you're one of the swordsmen of the Moorish teens. You're telling me that a bloodthirsty man like that can only be killed with all his heart? ”

“The Collector has been away from the Moorish for far too long. The blood is steady, but it's not wielding the sword like before. My sword is too dull. It's nothing compared to the old days. ”

He mutters, leaning his head against the softness of his chest. She looks down at herself and smiles thinly at the smiling lotus.

“.. his energy resembled the Heavenly Horse of Hell. ”

The mouth of the enemy is open. Her cheeks were slightly stiff.

“Very little, but very similar. Violent and dangerous... Very little. The Heavenly Mother saw the Heavenly Mother herself and her own shaman. I can see that. His work was, perhaps...”

“Don't say that. ”

Shh. The softener says, fingers on the red lips.

“It's too much elixir. The astronaut of Mahjong is also a Safa master. What's broad and overwhelming is the substrate that's embedded in most of Safa's masonry. ”

“.. maybe so. ”

“Don't think bad thoughts. He's not sure, and... he doesn't know anything about religion, right? ”

“I can't trust humans completely. ”

The sound gives her strength, and the softening pauses and gazes at the enemy. Soon, she sighs and nods.

“Of course. But... I don't want to think bad thoughts. ”

Cough. The lotus flower grabbed hold of the enemy's shoulder firmly.

“I want to believe him. If he could, really, if he could swallow it. No, if you can't make the safari... if it's as influential as a slew star. The chandelier he protects will be a peaceful paradise. Even if we don't sell laughter and time. ”

“It's possible right now. ”

“In order to do that, Ruiz, you have to be a bleeder. I don't want that. We've lived too long. And most of the lives we've lived have been terrible and painful. Now... so... ”

Softening smiled bitterly.

“Isn't it time for a break? ”


“Thank you for your time. ”

The woman with curly brown hair did not stay still for a while, but was busy looking around. Seeing him touching his chin, he glanced at her as he met her.

“I've been too busy lately. I've seen a few emails from you, but I wasn't able to respond to them because I wasn't able to make time right now. ”

“Oh, that's okay. Of course you're busy.You must be prepared to be a non-dancer... In fact, you're the real culprit here, right? It must have been hard managing the tribe. ”

The woman said with a big smile. The brunette sitting in front of her was wearing a robe, but the air I felt was weak enough to make me smile.

Bebe. She is a game reporter affiliated with Progress, a virtual reality game target site. Since the Boarding Party, Progress has been constantly asking for interviews with him since Azin became the leader of the Blood Dragon Clan and has publicly recruited players. Although the request was always consistent with disregard, Azin this time invited reporters from Progress to accept their interviews.

“This is your first time since the boat party. You're not customizing your own avatar. ”

“There are characters that are made for games. But this is the face you know of me, isn't it? So...”

Bebe smiles widely and says. I think it's meant to make you feel intimate. Azin smiles bloody and gestures at the maid sitting politely behind him. The maid approaches on her knees and follows the tea to Bebe's empty cup. “Oh, thank you.” Bebe glances at the maid with a slight smile, but the maid does not give Bebe one glance, but just fills the cup with tea with an expressionless face.

“Are you... a player? ”


Ajin replied casually. “Can you say that?” Bebe tilts her head in surprise, and Azin shrugs.

“It doesn't matter. That's why I didn't send the maid out. So you don't have to be careful what you say. ”

The maid is a vampire. She obeys what Ajin says and has no complaints or doubts. Talking about players or NPCs and talking outside the game does not make me think about it. She was ordered to do so. Bebe hesitated for a moment as she looked at Ajin's natural face, nodding her head with a big smile.

“In that case, yes, I understand. Thank you for inviting me first. ”

“It was a long time ago with Progress. In fact, there were offers from other aggressive sites besides Progress, like Furben. ”

“.. is that so? ”

Furben is a targeted site that specializes in First. It is more in-depth than a programme covering virtual reality games as a whole and has a lot of users of First. Purben naturally competes with Progress.

“The Furben offered you a good deal: 100,000 won per minute. I was attracted to Gourmet... but it was Progress where I used to be a striker. ”

Bebe swallows her saliva. Progress asked Ajin for an interview, and the condition was 50,000 won per minute. It was not an excessive condition. Today, First is a game that is not overplayed by all gamers around the world. The pinnacle of the game, ranked # 1, is the azine in front of you. Not only that, he belongs to one of Safa's most famous clans, and has been known to deal with all the major causes of blood on behalf of the diseased text. Even now, it was good enough that none of the players were as advanced as they were. Furthermore, he was almost definitively the next bloodline, and if he did, it would be the first of the developed users to be the doorway to the Great Moon.

“.. we would be honored if you think so. ”

Former Faction Rank # 1. The winner of the Blind Hound Dance. The reality of the Sapa Gate family. Not only that, Master Shifu won the Celestial Dragonfly Champion. Azin is a giant. Bebe's eyes narrow.

“Then, let's go straight to the interview. ”

Bebe checks the clock on the table. It's been seven minutes since I entered this room. Quickly, Bebe licks her lips and opens her mouth.

“First, I'm going to ask you a lot of questions. Among all the advanced players, Ajin is an expert in the art of shameless, even though he is the most powerful. Teaching the shaman was the Celestial Witch who won the Celestial Dragon Ball. How did you meet her? ”

“No comment. ”

Azin smiled and replied. Bebe's lips twitched in question.

“There was no guarantee that you would have to answer. I know it's an interview, but I can't talk about my work. ”

“... about the Master? ”

“Of course.”

Azin smiles in relief. Bebe's eyes tighten and stares at Azin. If I had enough time, I could convince her or take a hint... Unfortunately, she didn't have much time. Bebe quickly brings up the next question.

“We hope that many players who start from the front line will belong to the Great Gateway. because if you enter as a minor student, you get a plus in unofficial books and experience that can evolve as a top not-for-nothing. Some of the top rankers on the line belong to the Great Gate Clan, but there are no real masters like Ajin. Can you tell us anything special about him? ”

“You're trying to mine. ”

Azin smiles in relief.

“Well, it's not that hard. In my case, I was lucky. I stumbled across a White Void Saucer, a rumored mountain, and I was able to enter the bloodstream through a relationship with her. There's actually a lot of examples of that, right? There are a lot of coincidences in the form of performance on the progress line. Some of them also discovered a secret non-public secret. Likewise, the Crimson Flame Face that confronted me at the dance right away. ”

“Can't everyone get a performance? ”

“That's obvious, isn't it? You don't get a fair chance for everyone. At least try to find an opportunity... or hope for an opportunity to come to you like luck. In my case, it was both. I tried to find a performance, and I got a performance. And then came the blood. ”

“A tribal tribal tribute...”

“I told you, it was a coincidence that I came to the bloodstream. It's a coincidence that the doorway here got sick and weakened, and the blood was rotting internally at the time. I just ripped it up and grew it into the ideal shape that I think it would be. If that's the secret, then that's the secret. ”

“What are your plans for the future? ”

“I'm going to take a break for a while. Sadly, his illness worsened, and he gave me most of his power. This will be a great opportunity to recruit the right talent for your bloodline. ”

Bebe's eyes sparkle. This is amazing. She asks as she approaches her face toward Azin.

“Does that mean...? ”

“Not only blood dragons, but also qualified players who want to be disciples of the bloodline. ”

“Qualification... what qualification are you referring to? ”

It's bait. Ajin smiles a little later. Progress has been pushed out of the race against Furben recently. What they want is an issue that works great within the game.

“I originally put in a bid to recruit players according to the Blood Dragon. Be in the top 200 rankings. That was the condition of the walk. We're going to change that, and this time we're going to bring in more players as pupils. Separated by level, hemopericardium from level 120, hemopericardium from 110... hemopericardium from 100. That's all I have to think about. ”

Ajin smiled softly. Bebe's head spins fast. Bloodshed is a great gateway to the famous Safa. The bloodline is trying to recruit a large number of players. No, of course not. NPCs in First are not aware that they are NPCs. That was why players could not easily be part of the doorway. Player has no background. Since First Operations itself is a player, it does not give any special advantage to being part of the gateway, it was rare for players to enter the gateway like a drought.

Meanwhile, the blood door opened. It will greatly increase the power of the bloodstream itself while giving many players the opportunity. Rumors do not blind ears. Although it is said to be spreading since the blood gate has recently been heard, it has been a much more colorful door wave than any of the other three doomsday slaughterhouses or doorways. In this situation, if you have a large number of players in your bloodline,

‘The balance of power will be broken. ’

Bebe swallows a gulp.

“.. what is offered to players in the bloodline? ”

“It's unofficial. It's also a family context, and it's a systematic reward coming from the family. Ascendance is strictly a skill set. Although initially belonging will be divided into levels, it will then periodically screen for advancements and change your membership based on your skills, rather than your level. ”

“Are you sure you don't want more players in the bloodstream? ”

“If you have the best skills in the bloodstream, you will move to the bloodstream according to your hopes. There are a lot of holes because they haven't been planned yet.”

Azin folds his hands together and speaks in a calm voice.

“I want to give a lot of players a chance. Well, it doesn't matter what I did in the beta age. ”

The more hands, the better. After all, war is a headfight. No matter how strong he is, he can't stop ten hands with one hand.

If you raise it so that it can be used, it's no problem.

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