
00208 Non-ash free

What the hell is this?

I looked up at the sky with dazed eyes. The field of vision is still shaking. He moves his hand and stammers his face. I touched the broken jaw. What... what is this? Why am I looking at the sky? The memory was a little distorted. I heard cheers from a distance. Shut up. What are you talking about? Irritable rises from annoyance.

“You lost, kid. ”

As he lowered his raised fist, he said the scent of Raw Snow. She rubs her cheeks and swallows a smile. She glances at the rawness with a dull face. “Lost? Who?” Jin-seop grits his teeth. You're not dead. Your head isn't flying. There are no factors of defeat. I stared at the scent of raw snow with no irritation.

“Don't bullshit me, Blood Witch. I didn't lose.”

“Are you going to say two words with one mouth as a man? ”

The scent of Raw Snow spits out, staring at nothing. At this point, Jun-seop gritted his teeth and shut up. If you fall once, you lose. That was the rule that the two of you set at the non-conference. And Jun-seop collapsed. Before the Black Snow scent, he trembles and turns away, his fist clenching.

“Damn it! ”

He steps down under the chairman of the ballroom, which he smashed with his own feet. You hear the sound of the judgment shouting, but Mo Jin-seok does not hear it. It was because if I let myself go, I would slaughter everyone in this place. Today, as he gnashed his teeth, he jumped to the top.

“Let's tease.”

Raw Snow smiled with a pleasant smile. I felt like I was losing weight after staying for twenty years. But it was not a perfect victory. The speed beyond the Heart Blade was also putting a serious burden on the flesh of the Raw Snow. If there's a seamless sequence of heart swords...

‘We need to supplement that a bit. ’

I can't believe I can't take it. The scent of Raw Snow widened my heart while grumbling. But the winner was her. She waves her hands, smiling brightly. Getting a lot of attention from a lot of people, winning a non-event. It was a sense of accomplishment I had forgotten for a long time. No, more than that.

I don't know what to wish for.

“You see?”

Raw Snow opened her heart wide and said. “I saw.” Azin nods, smiling. In fact, it didn't even look right. The bitterness of raw snow and dandruff was still an area of transcendence that was hard to follow. Perhaps none of those who were at the dance saw the recital of the two.

‘The game will flip. ’

Swordsmanship on the sperm, salt on the safa. It is the name of the best men who have been in Moorish for a long time. But it will turn upside down as of today. The finals of the Heavenly Dragon Ball, the sword and the blood witch's dance were overwhelming and mythical for those who were illiterate about the shaman. Starting today, people will regard the Blood Witch as the first of the Muslims, and then the Sword.

‘A disciple of the best Muslims. This is too much.’

It's good to overdo it. Ajin grins. Even if the black snow scent doesn't appear in the rainforest after that, the struggle to become the disciple of the first Muslim becomes one of the career of Azin. And the winner of the Blind Man Dance. It is a career suitable for the Godlike Master who appeared like a comet.

"Next up..."

Return to the Bloodstream. Then you must prepare to attack the Passage Gate. I needed a reason, but if I couldn't get one, I'd have to beat the patriarchal gate with a little insult in mind. If you slam the Gateway, you'll get the help of the Gold Tribe Guild. It was an opportunity you couldn't miss.

“.. but more importantly, what is Master's wish? ”

Azin postpones his thoughts about him later. It was because I had a lot of work to do before that. There was a whim of Raw Snow and his wish. What shall I pray for? There was something I wanted to try... but Ajin licked his lips with his tongue.

“... a wish. ”

The scent of Raw Snow mutters in a small voice. She blinks and sees pain. Ajin pulled his chin back because he felt a burden on his gaze.

“I told you, as far as I can go...”

“A day.”

Raw Snow opened her mouth. “Yes?” Asin tilts his head, not understanding what she just said. Raw Snow's scent raises her hand and touches her hair.

“.. for one day, don't say anything. Follow the Mainlander as she says. ”

“... is that the end? ”

“Then, did you think she would do something great for you? ”

Honestly, I was hoping you'd ask for something big. Azin looks at the black snow scent and nods his head. “Then I...” Persian opens his mouth, quickly adding the black snow scent.

“Alone. ”

“That's right.”

Azin shrugs and tells Persian. Persian puffs his cheeks, but he doesn't say anything. You look at Persian, looking at the pain, as if the black snow scent was too close.

“So, what is your wish? ”

“I'm still thinking about it. ”

Azin stood up and said so. He checked the time. Soon it was the awards ceremony. "Go ahead. Shouldn't the Lord receive his inspiration?” Azin said so, smiling brightly. As Azin reaches out, the smell of black snow tingles on his lips and grabs his hand.

Originally, the Prime Minister of the Dance was supposed to be held at the Heavenly Dragon Dance Hall, but the stage was destroyed, so the award ceremony was held at the Blind Dragon Dance Hall. The crowds are crowded, and Ajin takes a deep breath. Winning was good, but what he wanted was a systematic reward. Level up 30, desired weapons, and no government work.

Azin does not use weapons. If you use it, you can use it as a memorizer, but it was a great memorization by itself. And a weapon of your choosing. There are no restrictions. It is the ‘weapon of choice’. You can't spend that kind of opportunity remembering.

‘It's so blurry, even without a job. ’

There is no need for any other balloonists as long as they are complete. Shortage of ranged attack means can be replaced with zero-gravity secrets, and I don't intend to learn anything other than skilllessness. Should I ask for advice from the Black Snow first? It seemed difficult to say "no public works." If it had been superpowers or magic, I'd have had a little more choice.

For the Prime Minister, Ajin walked forward. The salt on the stage is calling out to Azin. Winner of the Blind Hog Dance. Best reviews on the market. Do I have to say something? I'm not so sure about that. Azin walked forward smiling in disgust.

It was that moment.

A flawed and rushing sensation caused the pain to twist. Saab! A swift stabbing sword grazed his shoulder. An ambush? It wasn't an attack aimed at the neck. The target is the arm. How the hell? ’I didn't feel it. The place where they attacked was right next to them. There was an ambush from a nearby location, but I couldn't feel it. I thought it was ridiculous. Azin became enlightened and became a celestial archangel. I didn't feel a presence even with my extended senses. The moment the ambush came, it was the only response.

“What the hell! ”

The eyes of the salt opened wide. What do you mean, an ambush after the rehearsal? He hurries to the ground and leaps into the air. Asin, who stood back, touched his forearm. The only thing cut is the clothing collar. If retreating had been a little late, your arms would have been blown off. Azin looks at the assailant, watching his back get creepy.

"A woman?"

You wear a black mask, and you wear black clothes that stick to your body. A dagger with a unique grip. The visible flexion was clearly a woman.


It was before it was over. The masked man takes a step back. Azin's eyes widened. Obviously, I was looking straight in the eye, and I didn't even blink. The masked person disappeared from the spot as if it didn't exist.


Threatening, the senses send a warning. Azin quickly twists his body. Shhh! A swinging sword grazes Azin's neck and passes by. I was watching. I was preparing. Nevertheless, Azin takes a few steps back and grabs his neck. It's not a big wound. HP has also decreased marginally.


It was a moment when the salt was falling out loud. Azin's gaze crossed with the assailant's.

“Congratulations on winning. ”

The sound of grief approaches. “What?” Azin bites back, and the assailant takes a step back. Her body disappears again. Kuang! The salt hits the ground, quickly turning its head back.

“... this nonsense...”

The salt mutters as if it were absurd. I couldn't feel it. Obviously, it disappeared in front of my eyes, but I didn't detect any signs of it. Azin reaches up his hand and grabs his neck. I can feel the moist blood on the wound that hasn't healed yet. Peek. Ajin clenches his teeth and clenches his fists.

“Are you all right?"

Salt looked at Azin and asked. “It's not a deep wound.” Azin replied, lowering his hand. The salt spills a low groan. “Where there are so many people, who attack...” The muttering shrugs.

“They must be jealous. ”

He squeezes his palm and straightens. Was it a player or NPC? Azin felt a little confused. I don't think I've ever bought a grudge enough to get ambushed. Is that NPC? Ajin grits his teeth. I never thought I'd be so humiliated.

“.. I'm fine. So, come on. ”

Azin looked at the salt and said, ‘What an extraordinary man.’ Salt waved his tongue and nodded his head. You were ambushed, shallow, but wounded, and now you want me to pursue the award. The salt turns around.

“It wasn't a good opportunity. ”

The female king sneered and said. Percussion. Ascending on the roof of the front, she nods her head quietly. The ambush fails. All it did was cut a little, and you can't cut off your arm as you intended.

“But the hideout was fine. You said salt. You said it was the strongest cilantro in the Moorish. It's worth it, but tricking him... it's great. ”

“I couldn't hide my life. ”

She mutters as she wipes the blood from her sleeve. The female king nods. “If you had erased it completely to life, you would have been called the King of the Dead instead of the Underworld. Hiding life from the enemy is just that hard.” That's what the female king said and jumped to his feet.

“Still, it was great. You may have a clumsy ending, but your talents are not bad. You said you used to do spears? I think this side is more talented than spear. ”

“Thank you. ”

She puts the dagger in her sheath. “Maybe it's a good thing we failed. If you had succeeded in the ambush and killed the Blood Dragon, his master would have gone mad.” The female king giggles and laughs, and the woman does not smile. It was because I felt it while watching the Celestial Dragon Dance, how powerful the Master of the Blood Dragon is.

“Be content with your greetings this time. You must have felt the need for this failure. ”

“The blade is dull. ”

“The blade of death must be sharp above all else. You have to kill your opponent at once. But your sword is not so dull. In this case, you must have overly sharpened the Blood Dragon's senses than you were blunt. ”

Still, you did a good job slashing at least a little on the second attack. The female king grins.

“If I'd put poison on the blade, I could've taken more chances. It's hard to do that here with her master and a lot of unarmed men. If you want to go next time, go next time there is no master of the Blood Shining Dragon. As you can see, she's very ignorant. If you hide your appearance, I will try to kill you by destroying that space. ”

“Yes. ”

The woman nods, her expression stiffened. The female king rises up.

“Let's get back to it. If I hadn't killed him, his master would have been pretty upset. I don't want to get caught. ”

“Where will you go next? ”

“I don't know. Maybe I should go to the music. I wonder what kind of memorization and poison the Party of the World has. It'll be a good experience for you, too. Maybe we'll get some useful poison and memory. ”

Walking on the roof, the female king said. The woman nods and follows behind him. Then suddenly, I remembered and looked down. She kicks her tongue as she sees the pain of laughing on the podium.

“.. I should have said hello. ”

It's been a long time.

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International Economics

@, is it time to grant your wish?

Our wish is... no, Lori!

Lori... I don't think so...


I don't care about the personality of @! I want to see sweet, sour, sour, dark sugar.

I never thought you'd be so supportive.


@ Lori, if she's the same person, she's got a huge gap...!

Gap Mo seems to be Gap Mo.


@ Mujinseop is actually weed free. A man is the sky, I am the sky, I am your man. Blah.

More like an idiot than a real man.


@ Rory Raw Sugar and Rory Cat 3..

Lori Cat 3P is Muriello.


@ Honestly, "Heavens, it's so low." You used to think this was cool, right?

Raw snowflake

I wrote it without thinking.

Lee Ho-Seong

@ Laurie, don't use Laurie before Podol comes. I'm afraid that if I have a daughter, my daughter's friend will study.

It's too unpleasant. The federation is coming soon.

Hyun Oh

@ now the azine party is going to spread its wings. The azine party beat all the rivals.

We're gonna have to play a little game.


@ novels are fiction. Slim, that's the end of the second episode. If you confuse reality with fiction, you should reform Rory's frowny personality to a submissive wish.

Personality modification with a wish.

International Economics

Regarding @ Lori... the Grave Humans are even weirder when they see cute children.

Of course, it's weird to feel sexually attractive. I just want to see more cute sugar!

There's no sex drive there. I don't know if it's Persian.

In the comments, there are a lot of perverts who think puppies like puppies, even if it's not Rory.

I like them because they're cute.

Bang Bang Cura

@ Black-Scented Rory Transform!


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