
00198 Non-Flashless

“Youth is very good. I'm confident in everything. ”

He said, touching his beard with gold. It was a great advantage to him that the gold medallion was interested in Azin's contest. It was out-of-the-box about how to treat a 13-year-old girl, but in a nutshell, she could do what she wanted. She was hoping for Azin's propaganda, and Azin was willing to do as she wished.

“Your next opponent is an unmanned member of the Blood Dragon Corps. ”

“It doesn't really matter. because you want to win a non-conference. ”

Azin answered without hesitation. He masqueraded as an ideal unmanned figure. Courteous but ambitious, confident and sometimes humble. Even if your affiliation is private, you need to act in accordance with the ideals of the faction. But this is not enough. Azin's eyes narrowed. The Gold Coin Merchant Guild led by Gold is the target group. How many flying flies stick around him with the same heart as Ajin. To stand out among them, even the same fly has to be golden.

‘Even if you get the favor of gold coins, you can't get what you want. I wouldn't even be there if I were a lightweight person who drives deals by liking it. ’

In a single game, Ajin once lived on his own. It was a star zone completely different from the world of the unmanned. In one word, tens of thousands of gold came and went, and the transaction that worked well for one action was wrong, and everything was like gambling. To be on top of that, emotions had to be thoroughly killed and armed with a cold, hard reason like ice. Value everything; look at the understanding room, one relationship at a time So, how much do you think I'm worth? If you're short on ransom, you'll have to pay for it.

“10 seconds.”

Azin stared at the gold coin and said.

“I will crush the opponent to the semi-finals in 10 seconds. ”


The eyes of the golden coin opened wide. The eyes of Gold beside him caught my attention, and there was a slight shock in the eyes of the two unmanned men escorting him.

“This is a promise with the antidote. The Frenzied Bandit of tomorrow's match, and day three... I think the opponent is the Masked Swordsman at the Defensive Gate. I will finish those two matches in 10 seconds. ”

Ajin pointed his pinky toward the gold coin. As he blinks and looks at Azin, the golden coin grins, placing its finger on Azin's finger. Seeing him, he muttered in a surprised voice.

“That's what tomorrow's game is all about, and you're going to finish the third one on the mainline in 10 seconds? ”


“Not for sure, but if your third opponent is a back-slice... Rumor has it that even the Masked Sword is extremely skilled. Isn't that right?"

Gold asked the escort sitting next to him, gazing at him. He nods.

“The Masked Sword at the Passage Gate is rumored to have achieved 7 stars in the difficult and defeating method of the Passage Gate. It is higher than the blood of the current Hand Gatekeeper in his youth. ”

“So... you're stronger than you were when you were one of Safa Moorish's finest? Haha, what a young man. ”

I glanced at Gold.

“Overpower that back-scissors in less than 10 seconds. It's good to be confident.

“We can conquer them. ”

Azin grins. Already he climbed on the tiger's back. The tiger did not come to him, but the tiger he called himself. There's no turning back from this. “Do you want to make a bet?” Azin looked him in the eye and said, He laughed loudly at Gold.

“Bet! That'll be fun, too. But if you made a bet, what would you bet? This old man only pays if he says bet... I don't know. A light bet wouldn't be so much fun... But no matter how much money you bet, you won't be able to spare this old man. ”

The eyes of Gold glow. It was not the eyes of a loving old man who came out to see with his family, but the eyes of a merchant who regarded the room of understanding.

“I can't give you the conditions to satisfy your curiosity. I mean...”

Ajin opens his hands.

“I'll put my money on the bloodstream. ”

“... what? ”

I opened my mouth a little. “I'll put my money on the bloodstream. It's probably the most valuable thing I have.” Azin's words narrow his eyes. He looks at the pain with the appraiser's eyes, feeling the value of the jewelry.

“Maybe the Blood Dragon Clan belongs to the Blood Clan. Even though you are the master of the Blood Dragon Clan, you must be tied to the blood gate as well.”

“If I couldn't give you something, I wouldn't bet on it. ”

Azin didn't say much, but drew a line. that the armed forces of the bloodline can move at their own will. When he heard that, he let Gold imagine whatever he was doing. “Are you serious?” Gold asks. Azin answered without hesitation.

“I mean it.”

“That's interesting, then. It would be great to have an army of Gatekeepers like blood gates. Haha, then what should this old man bet..”

“Use a bloodstream. ”

Ajin said.

“It doesn't matter in any way. Use the Blood Dragon Squad as a bodyguard for the ascent of the Gold Emblem, or as a sign of the Mark. One month.Use the Blood Dragon Stand for just one month. ”

“.. the repayment of the escort or plagiarism is not that big. ”

“There is no need for compensation. ”

Azin's laughter intensifies. That was the moment. A flame rises from the glass wall. Fireworks began. “Wow!" The smell of black snow rises and sticks to the glass wall, listening to the commute. “That's tacky.” Persian glances at the fireworks, muttering to himself. The golden ornament stands next to the black snow scent and clings to the glass wall. While the light of the pyrotechnics drenched his face, he confronted each other with azin and gold.

“Do you want to?”

“It's good to win, and there's no harm in losing. You don't want to be a merchant. I don't think he's talented. ”

I raised my cup with a smile of gold. “I'm not excited about the car. Would you like a drink?” Gold asked. Ajin pushes the teacup aside and replies.

“It's an honor.”


“I think I see people, but I don't see unmanned people. ”

You whisper gold as you take the pipe to your mouth. After the meal, the fireworks are over. First, he and his family get on the wagon and return to the Chancellor's villa. He left only two bodyguards in his wagon and rode a different wagon from his family. Slowly, the wagon began to run and the wagon was filled with smoke from the spit of crack.

“You'd be better off with an unmanned eye. Answer me honestly. Bloodline Dragon. How good do you think that young man is? ”

Black and white, the two masters who had worked around the government ten years ago were escorts to Gold. Among them, the Black Sword John replied.

“The party of the self-indulgent party was not a young man who would lose in vain. There was a limit to the fierce readings of the party, but the memory of the party never touched the collar of the blood-borne dragon. ”

White Sword John received the word.

“Distribution and use of body movements and internal air. In the contest with the party, the Blood Dragon was superior to the party in all respects and overwhelmed him. And I felt like I cared about power. It shouldn't be a bluff to finish an opponent within ten seconds of the third match. At least the frenzy of the second race will end in ten herbivores, as the Blood Dragon said. ”

“And then? ”

“I think it would be a little hard... if the anti-Semitic Mask Sword became the third opponent of the Blood Dragon. The back-slice is also a great skill that is not age-appropriate, and we don't know how good it will be. But when you look at the surface, I think the BL is better than the back-scissors. ”

“Is that so? Like you said, I'm the one who wins the bet. Losing a bet won't hurt anything.”

My eyes narrowed with cracks.

“It is said that the Bloodline Wins the Dance. How does it compare to the Wall Eye Painting? Word on the street is, there's a blood-borne dragon on the safa and a wallpaper on the sperm. ”

“If you only pick what you see in the first match, the mural will win. ”

Black Sword John said, and White Sword John nodded his head.

“The censorship of the Wall Eye Blade was so fast that even our eyes could not keep up. If the BL and the BL are superior to age, the BL has already exceeded the age limit. ”

“What is the master of the Blood Dragon? ”

Gold asked. The question made the black and white twin look stiff.

“... when I think of the Unsullied alone... I believe the Unsullied can stand against the Blood Mages in the Moors. I've never heard of a celestial medicine and a freelancer in my life. ”

“Her heavenly host was more than the salt I saw at the opening ceremony. ”

At their words, I nodded my head and touched my beard. Gold was naturally valued in his head. He is young and strong enough to be held in his hands on that nightstand. And as time goes on, he will become stronger. There is also a master who is considered to be better than the salt water of the current Moorish.

And his background is blood.

Said I'd give you the Blood Dragon Band. Through what Ajin spit out, he was able to infer various assumptions about gold. Maybe the Blood-Shining Dragon is responsible for the bloodstream's axes much bigger than the rumors show. You can take out the Blood Dragon Band at your own expense.

‘That means that the condition of hematology is worse than we thought. ’

When the bloodline retreats, there are two who are qualified to be the bloodline. Bloodstained Dragon and Bloodstained Dragon. Among them, Bloodstained Dragon is the fiancée of Bloodstained Dragon. If you think of its position and power, the following bloodstained Dragon will be bloodstained.

“You've got a pretty good head. Unmanned.”

He mutters with a low smile. Use the Blood Dragon Band for a month... Are you asking me to value it? The cracks mutter as they sweep the fire from the pipe out of the window. Those who want to line up with Goldwa are full of garages. Statues from high-end bureaucracy. They show the power they can give and try to curl the cracks. There were many ways they approached Goldwa. Bribery, threats... but Gold hasn't fully reached out to us yet. I used to run the merchant guild and drive when I needed to, rather than paying for their power.

“You cut a straight line. ”

He smiles and mutters. If you lose the bet, you'll need to use the Blood Dragon Band for a month. If Goldwa likes the bloodstream, she will continue to use the bloodstream. You must have thought of that. He smiles, smiling at Azin's face. If Goldwa acknowledges the Blood Dragon Clan, the value of Azin will be even higher. Not only that, but if he wins the non-dance like he said he would.

‘He wants me to wait in line. ’

Is it a gift you need? Too bad I missed it.It narrows my eyes with the crack. The background of the blood, the master of the salt. He is a young master who has the talent to reign in the jungle if only he had time for it. Gold chuckles.

“That's a little bumpy. It's been a long time since I've felt like this... It must be hard to satisfy this old man. ”

Eyes are elevated when you're up high. Goldfish muttered with his back to his backrest.

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I'm using Taker as my new novel. Read it to me if you're interested.


@ Give sugar lorries and sugar cats.

Rory Summoning. £65533; £65533; £65533; £65533; £65533;!

Laurie's cat, you're too greedy!

Infinite Trajectory

@ Here's a genuine pervert asking if he's 13 years old! I don't know...

I don't know what Rory's limits are.

White Bear Milk

Take a good look @! @!?

Well, judge the report.

Lee Ho-Seong

I want to see the version of @ Sugar Yan

The designers are full of Yandere...

Yandere Cat

It's not the same as a butterfly, but it's pretty fun.

Yep. Thank you.


Tore @ fork blah blah blah blah But I think I'm going to get beaten up by Persian black snow.

It's gonna hurt if I get hit...

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