
00194 Warfare

Immediately after the opening ceremony, the non-conference preliminaries take place. The opening ceremony is the first unarmed place where the Celestial Dragon Dance is based, and then the second large unarmed place where the Blind Dragon Dance is based. The preliminary round is in two days. Although the Heavenly Dragon Ball is not a big deal, the inauguration of the Blind Dragon Ball is concluded in two days and 32 main contestants are decided.

“... So, I'll be going now. ”

Azin rises up. After the opening ceremony, the wall of the Muslim blind takes a big march for two days. The non-ballers and the mere spectators went to check it out. But he didn't have to do such a nuisance. He participated in the non-conference because he received his nomination through the system. Azin smiles thinly at the blood that stares at him without getting up yet.

“It has been an honor to meet the great master of the Gateway. Next time, then. ”

Asin turns away, not listening to the blood. You can never kill another person during the Black and White Commandments. Although it is not unacceptable to not only kill but also to attack, Safa Muslim masters will have a serious damage to his reputation if he attacks because his poor, unprepared successors are simply offended. Do you think he'll take the blood? Originally a popular sect, the Black Blade emerged as a gateway wave of Safa at once. He participated in the Black and White Ones even though he bought expensive magic tools and jewelry from the Merchant Guild to improve the status of the Passage Gate. Do you think a blood transfusion like that would dishonor you?

‘Enemies boil. But they don't attack. ’

Well, you think there's a lot of opportunities. I'm not giving it up because of his extraordinary personality. Azin smiles in relief. If we attack, we can stimulate the blood supply even more... Are you sure you want to be that sensitive? Azin opened the system window and checked the progress of the sent non-conference. Qualifications for the Blind Dance are divided into 16 pairs, with each group eligible for a winner and semi-winning entry into the main event. The group that belongs to Ajin belongs to 4 trillion. In order to qualify for headquarters, he had to defeat the opponent at least three times in a row.

‘Two trillion white man swords. Devello is one trillion.’

The preliminary luck was not bad. It was unlikely to be defeated by the Backcutter, but it needed to be brutally defeated onstage in order to stimulate blood transfusions. Among the members of the Blood Dragon Group, there are 7 trillion poisonous acids, 11 trillion female passengers, and 14 trillion rabid women. Since they are top rankers and don't have bad experience, they should be able to climb to the mainland okay. If you're not unlucky.

"Some of the players in the Blind Man Dance may have gotten Hiddenpiece. ’

A fierce, non-lethal event involving players in the top 100. There were also quite a lot of players who experienced sharp changes in ranking. Not all of them, but some of them would have gotten a performance, and it was likely to be Hiddenpiece.

“.. you're a different kind of associate than Master. Thank goodness."

“What's the good news? It was nice to meet you before the preliminaries. I'd better finish that disgusting bastard quickly. ”

The black snow scent puckered my lips while grumbling. I thought I would contact you after the opening ceremony, but unexpectedly, as soon as the opening ceremony was over, I took the sword and Devello and left the chairman.

“.. and by the way, the master is fearless and immortal, isn't he? What are the results of the shampoo?”

“The one who falls first loses. ”

I answered with a quick voice that smelled of Raw Snow. Throughout the opening ceremony, they looked at each other, and it seemed that they had already reached an agreement with a tone.

“or when one of the limbs is damaged. ”

It is a fatal wound that will make you think you can no longer continue the battle from where you see it. Azin nods. I had no idea what I was praying for because of the Black Snow victory, but she didn't seem to have any intention of losing.

“The preliminaries are said to begin immediately. I have to go to the eighth arena, and you have to go to the third arena. ”

The preliminary war takes place at the training ground of the Moorish Blind. Fighting relentlessly on the small medicinal stage. After finishing all the preliminaries in two days, there is no time to rest as we have to decide who goes first. Such a hard schedule would be in the middle of not being able to control the pace.

“I'll come back victorious. ”

Raw Snow raises her fist, speaking with strength. Asin is a little frightened of being beaten down like her. How desperate is she to make a wish?

“.. if, Master. What if I win... and Master wins? ”

“Let's grant each other a wish. But you can't undo their wishes. ”

The smell of Raw Snow was definitely nailed. “Then I should cheer for Azin.” Persian clings to Azin's arm, pouting on his lips. Seeing that, the smell of Raw Snow shook my shoulders. “No one's looking, but it's a little off, right?” In a furious talk, Persian sticks out his tongue.

“We're engaged, but it's much more natural to do this. ”


The black snow scent twists as Persian twists his teeth. Whether she expected there to be more than ten complaints, she headed to the third arena where she held her preliminaries aloud. Looking at the back of the Raw Snow, he shrugged his shoulders and turned away.

“Well, let's go, too. ”

He said that, and headed to the eighth arena. When I checked the march, there was no one to stand in the way of winning the Qualifier. Of course, there may be an architect who has a number that he did not know, but he was confident that he would win the preliminary match without much effort and go on to the main line. Devello is the only obstacle to Azin's victory at the Blind Dance. Azin thinks so, but he intends to slap the opponent with overwhelming skill differential from the first round, even though it's called a Qualifier. This dance was kind of like a debut for him. How strong the Bloodline dragon that was trapped on the wall is, and how strong the player's azin is. He was going to make sure to inform Jin Jin Moo-Rim.

I need wings. ’

It's going to fly. If he wins the Dance, he will gain wings. And then...

We need to flap our wings.


On First's bulletin board, there was a bet going down. It was a kind of gambling board with game money and items, but First's management did not impose any sanctions on it. There were some who had briefly placed a payout on NPCs, but the majority of the players were paid, and the overwhelming were Azin and Devello.

Non-conferencing videos were being edited and uploaded to target sites such as the homepage and Progress. It was taken from the standpoint of the audience, and some of it was azin. The two-day Qualifier Azin defeats the opponent with overwhelming skill and wins the Qualifier. The runner-up was ranked 88th, and Azin had little difficulty dealing with him. It was because his level of azine had become too high, rather than too weak. Despite his character level and skill level, he was too familiar with one-on-one combat.

‘Master also won the Qualification. ’

It must have worked, Azin thought. Azin, Devello, and Raw Snow and Unsurprisingly stood out in the finals on the public headlines. Making a march is for Muslim novices who have not participated in the non-ballet. Although it is said that the marquee is cast in a lot of ways, not by skill, since the swordsmanship called the best swordsmanship in the sect is by the side of Mujin Seb, it will not be impossible to put pressure on the marquee in any way. This could be the main event of the non-conference, so it might have been an intervention by the transcendent.

‘It's better this way. Better to meet in the finals neatly. ’

Even if one is defeated, the semi-winning prize is attractive. I don't intend to lose. Azin drank from the water. Soon it was the beginning of the mainline, but before that he logged out briefly to check the body of reality. I went to the bathroom and drank enough water. The physical condition of the reality is not bad. Nothing to say in the game.

The target of the 1st turn is the Black Beast party from the Autobious Party of the Blood Dragon Clan. Not only did the name change slightly in the Four Thousand Party, but the Zion Party was as good at cancer technology and reading as the Four Thousand Party saw in the Moorish Wind. Cancer technology. Azin's eyes narrowed. He had already checked the contest footage of the party. He had cancer skills. When viewed from the video, the memory is flying so fast that the opposing Pokémon's limbs are caught in the memory in an instant. Even though I check with slow motion, I still can't feel it well. I have to check.

When I logged in, Azin was standing in the waiting room of the second unscheduled chairman. Today is the third day since the Black and White Ones were held. The Blind Dragon Dance starts at 10: 00 a.m. and the Celestial Dragon Dance starts at 3: 00 p.m. It takes 40 minutes for the Frenzied to defeat the opponent. The training ground is checked for 10 minutes, but less than 3 minutes until the match. I don't know what the next game will be like, but I need to finish the Blind Dance as soon as possible before I can watch the Heavenly Dragon Dance. Azin competed in the first match of the Blind Hound Dance, and if Azin defeats the party in this match, he will compete with the Frenzied Bandits of the Bloodline. What was the Frenzied Man's artillery? The tutorial skills he chose, in addition to being an anarchist, became a match while thinking about how to deal with the Frenzied. Azin rises up.

Wow! A great cheer rang out as Azin stepped out of the battlements and entered the non-ballroom. The preliminary round was too fast for the audience, but the stage was mainly full of seats. The deafening cheer takes a small breath. By the way, this is the first time I've been the center of attention. Should I wave to him? Ajin stops, but he laughs and quits. What the hell are you doing? No, the clothes you're wearing are disgusting. Azin laughed low, looking down at the red packaging engraved with the black dragon embroidery.

Well, let's make a splendid entrance into the showmanship. It's hard to find the natural remedy for salts, but it might be possible if you overcompensate. No, let's stop. Ajin stepped forward quietly and headed for the private ballroom. It's because I didn't want to feel embarrassed.

Unlike Ajin who appeared humbly, the appearance of the party was spectacular. The man leaves the standby, leaping high ahead of the unarmed, and makes a few rounds through the air, landing neatly. The cheer rises. Azin raises his hand and looks at the responding party and says it's absurd. You're good at showmanship, like a gagman. Azin shrugs.

“I call it the party of the Songsmith. The Moorish people are calling it the Black Forest Vee. ”

Responding to the audience, Dangyeong glanced at him. The party price of the magnetic song is tied to the faction, although it has a rough hand. It is said that Black and White Wolverine is for the unity of the sect and Safa, but it is a distant story. The Black and White Monkey King, among them, was a battlefield that did not shed the blood of the sect and Safa. Azin lowers his head slightly, looking at the proudly erecting party.

“I am Azin, the blood of the Wall bloodline. ”

The party smiled at the introduction of Ajin. “Dragon. The snake is also a dragon?” He lets out a lot of provocation, but Azin ignores him.

He's a comedian.

If you're a comedian, you have to be a comedian. Azin walks slightly up his sleeve with a slight smile. When Ajin didn't react, Dangyeong frowned and stretched his arms down. He was fully clothed. To hide her memory. I know a little bit about cancer skills... But Ajin's smile grew stronger. No, I don't use no-man 's-land secrets. Azin clenches his fist.

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I'll skip the preliminaries.

The dark one.

@ so how many! So let's only do three people who are the least Harlem...

If you suddenly add 1 more person

By the way, Euvin has a part to write.


@ to... Lori Black Snow!? Does it come out once? blah blah



@ Lori Black Snow... I can't wait to see it!

Heh heh;; if you get the chance;;

Super Technique

@ hassle... Laurie Raw Sugar... What an imagination... Come on... I want it! Laurie! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Jokuna!



@ Lori Raw Sugar... I'll lick it too... Wait, now Fernando is Lori too? Then lick them both... (Brawling)

Persian is Rory Aniyot.

Knng, knng, knng.

If @ Devello was taken away by Ajin, he would be NTR free. T_blah

It's not NTR.

Pokarihan Fund

@ itching arrogant... So it's like the old saying... itchy, spicy, black sugar xPersic...

Ajin's identity is not cheap.


@ Devello must be hard. But if it smells like Rory Snow...

There are a lot of people who want the Lowry Snow flavor. Heh heh.


I feel like everyone loves Laurie.

Because you're old!

Corrupt Wizard

It's nice to see a short but intense @. I love you, Writer.

Thank you, heh heh. We always keep at least 14 KB!

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