
00175 Destruction

What the heck. Hematology looks at the bloodstreams surrounding themselves with confused eyes. Where the hell are you? When was this discovered? No, that's not the problem. Why is the Blood Dragon Master here? The Blood Dragon Master did not come to the blood gate today. I was engaged to the White Paper, but the Blood Dragon Master lives outside the blood gate.

Why would he be here? You might have been spotted. No matter how careful you were, you could be trampled on. However, hematopathology could not understand the existence of the great blood dragon master here. Hemodyngology leaves home to exhale the wind, then goes to prison. And now, even if his movements are detected, the news will leave the bloodstream, arrive at the bloodstream, and the bloodstream will arrive at the bloodstream. Even if I try my hardest, it won't be time.

“Take off your mask and show your face. ”

Azin, who laughed at me, said. Hemodyngology was bitten backwards, staggering. Worst.If his identity is discovered here, everyone in the bloodline will know about the Black Gate and his involvement. The meeting a month ago was buried in a silence of joy, but the situation is completely different now and then. A month ago, the majority of the blood relatives were on the side of the blood. As long as it was known that he was in deep communication with the Gateway, he was able to take the position of the doorbell by force.

But now? The forces are dispersed, and the White Paper ahead of the Hematotrop is getting stronger. In this situation, if the pain with the old family members is known, it will only wait for the fall.

‘Damn it...! ’

Hematoadenology underneath the mask chewed the lips well. I felt like my head was going to burst. I had all sorts of thoughts and all sorts of numbers, but none of them seemed to open their bows.

“If you can't take it off yourself, ”

Azin's lips twisted, staring at hematogenology. He takes a big step and raises his hand. A long sleeve is dragged down and Azin's fist thumps.

“I'll take it off myself. ”

Paan! Ajin's feet hit the ground. Hemodyngology looks at the rapidly approaching pain and is startled and bitten backwards. The absence of hematogenology is also not shallow. But it was nothing compared to the pain. Following the distance that haematology retreats, Ajin's foot slides the ground. Paak! A light swing of the back slows down the nose of haematology.


Hemodyngology gripped his face with a painful sound. Seeing that, he smiled low. Kwak 'jic! The long, swinging foot grabs the hemodynamics' thighs. The body of hematopathology was greatly twisted by the sensation of stretching the legs. Ajin does not stop.

"I wanted to smash your fucking face in. ’

Azin held on to the urge to die. Ajin casually backed up while looking at the positioned hematopathology without falling hard.

“.. it's very easy to catch you and kill you. I don't want you to kill yourself.

Azin's mouth twists and goes up.

“I'll make you a fun offer that will make you desperate. I'll use my left hand, so if you let me get my knee to the ground... I'll send you and the scabbard. ”

“Gong, Gong Gong! ”

I shouted in a surprised voice. Azin looks at the breathing haematology, waving his hands as if it were fine.

“I promise you my honor and my name. If you make me use my right hand or touch my knee to the ground, They will let you and the scabbard go. ”

What the hell was he thinking? Haematology gazes at azin, swallowing a gulp. In front of him, Azin turns his right hand behind his back and taps it to his waist, clapping his left hand as if to come. Hematology has sharpened its teeth.

I know you're a master, but...

Arrogant bastard! Haematology swallows its prey and rushes to Azin. The stiffness of the bridge settles roughly on the ground. I wanted to pull out my weapon, but I couldn't do haematology. It is because if you use your own work without doing it, the viewers will see it. However, even so, I can't once put dirt on his knee, saying that he only wants to use his left arm.

Shhh! Your fist stretches out like an island. Ajin twists his body lightly with a swirling smile. The fist inflicted by hematogenology grazed the chest of the achin, and the palm of the hand of the achin, which reached lightly, cracked the neck of hematogenology.


Hemodyngology retreated, gasping for breath. Seeing that, he shrugs.

“It's too much to use your left arm. All right, here's the deal. I won't move my legs. Come here. ”

That said, under the mask, the face of haematogenetics was pale red. A gentle scratch roughens the breathing of haematogenetics. Son of a bitch. Hematology swallows swearing and moves for a while. He rushed in and got hit, so he wanted to be careful. Ajin slumps down to the left arm he was preparing for.

It was not a taunt. He was about to completely break the blood flow at this opportunity. The removal of the mask of hematogenology informs the internal pain with the inspection gate. Then the division line is finished. However, if the sectarian devours the mind and completely cuts off hematopathology, If it turns out that this was a hemogyngological dictatorship and you don't know it,

‘That won't change anything. ’

Azin smiles in relief. The charter is already tilted. However, he can show off his skills against haematology, bring humiliating defeat to him, and make him skeptical of those who still speak authentically and support the hemorrhage.

‘You're a store, after all. Not unmanned, not human. ’

Azin smiles in relief. The current level of azine was 50. Over the course of a month, his level has only risen to nine, and his ranking spans somewhere in the top 600. The level up speed of Azin is no different from the pace in which he took his first place, given that Devello's level is over 100.

But he was at least twice as strong as he was a month ago. He spent most of his time being black and white, and his growth in terms of public was paralyzing. The Soma method was over 6 stars, the Celestial Shrine was over 7 stars, and the Seamless Secret was over 4 stars. Level 40 of the energy drain. For Azin, who had used all of them in harmony and had become accustomed to even living, the absence of hematopathology seemed ridiculous.

Hemodyngology thumps. Azin lifts his slow, falling hand. No matter how strong and low the artillery is, every battle is based on psychological warfare. Taunt, confuse pranks. Psychological warfare goes into a reading contest. It was a fight that Azin learned when he was hit by the Black Snow scent. Reading and preparing the number of opponents, dragging them to their own pace and creating opportunities.

I mocked you. Taunted you. The pressure of being surrounded, the only bow. He's cornered and can't use his manpower properly. Azin doesn't move. All he can do is twist his torso or swing his left arm. Since Ajin's leg is sealed, haematology comes first. You know that frontal confrontation doesn't work. Then we'll catch up, or we'll dig in blind.

The body of haematogenetics was lifted. If you twist your torso and look back, your vision is limited and you can only use your left arm, making your right shoulder vulnerable to defense. Indeed, that was where the hematopathology that came back was aimed. Azin smiles in relief.


Hemodyngology screamed. A sudden shot splint was lodged in the knee of hematopathology. He goes forward screaming, and azin grins. He did not say he would not use the weapon. Azin swings his wrist again. The master drew down from the sleeve and was held by Azin.

“I keep my promises. ”

He said as if ridiculed. A wedge! The shot scepter is lodged in the shoulder of haematology. He squeezes his shoulders, screaming. The scaly scales of Basrodel are so deeply embedded in his shoulders that the tip is invisible. Azin hums and snorts. “Cock!” Hematology screams again. The slasher throws again and stitches his wrist.

“And then...”

The pain still remains motionless. You turn your torso halfway around and just hold the scrub and shake it. The body of haematogenology trembled. Azin's splash hit the back of the haematology's foot. Hemodyngology screamed while rolling the ground.

“That's far enough.”

Azin shakes his head, speaking in a calm voice. He comes up to the haematologist with a slow step behind him. He was panting, exhaling blood from the wound he was stitched to his throat. Azin sits down in front of haematology and smiles.

“Yes, why are you rushing? I wouldn't look sick if I took off the mask myself. ”

A lightly slapped hand clenches the cheek of haematology. Azin giggles and laughs. The shoulders of haematogenology trembled again with humiliation.

“You're just in time, White Sausage. ”

The mask of hematogenology caught up with the pain. The words greatly shook the eyes of hematopathology. I quickly turned my gaze, and I saw a white sign standing on one side with a pale face.

“... what's all the fuss about? ”

The white sign swallowed and asked. I didn't need to ask. A feverish, warm-blooded mask that sits helplessly. And the azine in front of it.

“It's nothing. I just caught a foolish spy at the Blade Gateway. ”

Ajin pulls the mask of haematogenology in a daze. Hemodyngology resisted twisting its head, but eventually the mask was removed. I spilled my sweaty hair. Someone said "huff." The White Vowel raised its hand and closed its mouth.

“Oh, my...”

Azin shakes his head excitedly, dropping the mask of haematogenology to the ground.

“Oh, my God, it's you. Why is Lee Gong-ju here...? ”

Hematology chewed on her lips without saying a word. His nose sat down, and his bloodied lips were miserable. Azin gasps as he rises up.

“No way... I didn't think he was a spy at the Defensive Gateway. ”

He knew. He knew me. Hematology thought so. The eyes of wet hematopathology stared at the pain with shame and insult. Azin sighs and sighs again.

“I can't even imagine. If you knew what was going on, you would have put it in your hands.”

I was lying. Hematology was thinking. He knew he was the man under the mask, and he attacked him knowing it. It was an unsubstantiated certainty, but hematopathology had no choice but to think so. It was because of Azin's eyes that saw him. You sound surprised, but his eyes are filled with laughter.

“.. for now... I think we should talk about this properly. Do you have something to say? ”

Hemodyngology closed its mouth and bowed its head. I can see too many eyes. It is better to keep your mouth shut than to lay idle stools in this situation. Phew. Hematoadenology has sharpened its teeth. Seeing him, his lips twisted.

“Silence is the answer. Yes, I understand. We don't ask questions here. So... where should I ask? I think it's better to report it to the sector lord first. What do you think?”

“S-shut up."

It was before the end of hematopathology. Baaak! Ajin's foot blows off the jaw of haematology.

“You don't know the situation. ”

Azin shakes his head, looking down at the smashed teeth and the haematogenetics that are spilling blood.

“The dog barks with courtesy. ”

Azin kicks his tongue and looks back. He gestures at one of his disciples, looking this way with a dazzled face.

“Bring this son of a bitch. ”

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@ sweet frowny come out fast!

Give me a minute.


The conclusion that the phantom dark vein is the easiest person to coordinate.

Heh heh Who is it?


Isn't @ Ying Baek Seoin's granddaughter? You got the wrong idea.

The White Milky Way is the granddaughter of a happy marriage.


@ Ajin's Incredible Head

It worked out so well, but...


@ It was originally a no-nonstruction, but now it's the opposite!

I don't think I've seen the darkest veil yet.

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