
00172 Hematocentesis

The Black Botanic Acid of the Blind Spotted Sword is a single second spread by a Giant Blade. It's a simple take down. But it is longer and heavier than the length of the sword. It is not difficult to approach. The pressing internal air is heavy, but the posture of pain is fast enough to pierce it. If you let them narrow the streets. Ajin drags his feet.

None of them are perfect. The lower the quality, the larger the gap and the more useless the movement. It filters out, so the shampoo develops. The Blood Sword Sword Sword mastered by the Sword Sword Sword Sword Mastery is the highest among the Sword Sword Sword Clans, and the Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Superior is also in charge of the Great Throne of the Blood Throne. Among the artisans of the Sewers, the biggest movement is the lure that asks them to come, not the gap. If you run and bite it, you'll have to pay for it. There's a reason for showing such unnecessary and big movements.

But that doesn't mean we can't be afraid to rush in. Circumstances remain unchanged as long as we ignore their temptation to come. Here, the difference is again divided. Do you really want to go through the bait and bite the prey, or just take the bait and be hunted? Ajin drags his feet. The raised sword flickers. The largest gap in the attack is revealed shortly after the attack ends. Can you stitch it up or is the breach itself a lure? It is not a bad choice to just wait and wait. Then it's a battle of endurance. Prevent each other in the Quick Workshop and who attacks first. Azin chose first.

Still, he didn't write a thousand words. However, he strengthened the strength of his self-immunity into thicker, hemolytic blood. As the floor turns over, Azin's body runs, and the sword of the Observer falls as if waiting. Senses warn you first. The shocks that cut through the space cut through the ground and Azin gave all his strength to the muscles. The knee joint is bent, frowning. The strongly loaded muscles ache, but he twists and does not slow down.

The Sword of the Sword was still swift. As a sword, both weight and speed are excellent. The swirling sword of the divine sword. ‘Cross cut.' A whirlwind of the Blood Throat Sword unfolds. The sword you hold in both hands swings sharply. Azin throws his torso back and blows away. As your knees sweep the ground, you hit the tip of Ajin's jaw. Ben's sword rises again. Azin glances back and forth, looking at where his shoulder and arm are pointing. "Diagonal line." It's a three-second day-scissorial fistula with a blood spatter sword. There's still some distance between us and the Celestial Swordsman.

Azin reached out his hands forward. Just before the sword fell, Azin splashed up into the air, dipping his extended hands into the ground. Your left arm was cut off a little off at the wrong time. As he sprinkled blood, he turned from the air. The horse trembles with trembling fists. The red inner air was massive.

The Thousand Waves, powered by the Force, fell. Kuang! The ground shakes like an earthquake. The sword is stunned by the weight of the heavy sword that pierces your hand. It was unusual for someone to unleash such a heavy attack among the elite of such years. The surprise couldn't last long. It's because the fallen azin swung his foot immediately.

Blah! The sword holds his feet in a jam. But it doesn't stop. A swordsman's weapon is only a sword, but his whole body, including both arms and legs, is a weapon for Azin who has no weapon. With your knees if your feet are blocked, elbows, fists, shoulders, head if your knees are blocked. There are still weapons left to use, and not to stop attacking is one of the things my sister emphasized. And her education was clearly engraved on him in pain.


Twisting at the waist, the other heel flew off, and the saber panicked and pulled its neck back. The sword of the Celestial Sword moves, a sharp jaw slash. A sword on its side flew to Azin's waist. Azin drops his hand and raises his body by pressing down on the black surface. The bridge turns to the sky, and he sets his hands on the ground and shakes his legs wide open. Phew! The sword slammed against your chest staggers back. Azin, who was twisted like a puddle, folds his arms and collapses. Bounce your head off the ground with your hands. The Observer swiftly pulls his sword to block his chest. Quang! Azin's feet and the sword of the Celestial Sword clash. Use your hand to brake the distance pushed by the shock. The bouncing pains stand on the ground, rushing toward the Celestial Swordsman without stopping.


There are no mysterious changes. Azin's movements were simply fast, and that was enough. The Observer steps on the pedestal. The side-sliding celestial sword is relentlessly caught up. Your hands crouch like claws. As the hand gestures to grab your waist, the Celestial Sword raises its blade high. The blade falls heavily like a hammer, not a sword. Azin turns his hand around and picks it up and pours it out to his side. But I couldn't let it out easily. As he slides to the side, the saber twists his wrist and lays his sword to the side. In a violent swing, the pain flinches, putting brakes on your knees and bouncing off your feet. The black belly grazes tightly and the abdominal pain resonates.

‘It's not like we can't catch it. ’

Azin thought, wrapped around his stomach. Make a difference by spreading the Thousand Apocalypse, accelerating incidents and speeding up responses. I felt like I could catch it if I caught a gap while messing with my eyes.

‘We can't survive on this level of self-defense. I'm avoiding fatalities... but sharp. ’

I've actually been hurt a few times. His assault was still sharp, though he succeeded in blunting the weapon's attack. I was thinking of pouring a little more inner space, but he didn't. It does not need to show power.

"Strong. Strong enough not to match age. ’

It's quick and sharp. The Celestial Swordsman looks at Azin and thinks. There is nothing to respond to and I am good at reading numbers. Young masters that age are often lacking in judgment. They do not judge the digging and harvesting times coldly, and they are often harmed when they come. So did the Blood Sword Dragon.

‘Very discreet. I don't see any youthfulness. He said it was arrogance.

It's not a death sentence. You want to avoid the big ones, too. The Observer rubs his foot. Even though I've shown you the gap several times to dig, I can't rest. However, when you come in boldly, know the bait, be prepared, and come in to catch the bait, you take this side to the station.

Not right now, but if it's 10 years later...

The Dagger swallows a swallowing needle. He's young. His unmanned peak is yet to come. After about a decade of internal air and experience, All of which may turn azin into an unthinkable masterpiece.

‘It is a blessing that a master comes out of the blood. But... that kind of talent...

The Swordsman is a disciple of the blood. It is because they have a heart as a teacher to the Blood Dragon, the son of Blood Sura, even though they are attached to Blood Sura. Where are the teachers who do not want their disciples to succeed? The Celestial Sword Wants to make Blood Sura a doorway. If Blood Sura becomes the portrait of blood, his first son, the Blood Sword Dragon, will later become the portrait of blood. That's why he was sad. If he was just a giant blood dragon. I wish I wasn't betrothed to the White Voucher. If I had stayed unmanned...


It was a disgusting thought. The Celestial Sword Bites My Lips. Now you're thinking of dropping a dragon that's going to fly a lot later. However, if you leave the Great Blood Dragon Master alone, it will definitely be a threat later.

“.. I've learned a lot. ”

Kill him or not. If you kill him here, you'll be blamed for your mistakes. I killed the fiancée of the White Voucher... But cutting off the power of the White Voucher instead of being reprimanded and punished is cheaper. But what is the right answer for the blood? When the Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword didn't answer his concerns, Azin raised his fist. He grips his bloodied shoulder and laughs.

“Indeed, he leads the bloodstream. Forgive me for my rudeness. ”

The previous attitude is completely discarded. Azin bows his head and says, "The Celestial Swordsman shook his hand in shock."

“No, you don't have to bow your head. ”

“I can't do that. Before I was the same godmaster, I was a few years behind the Great Lord... I wanted to go through the Great Lord's sword once anyway, so I was in a hurry. ”

The Celestial Swordsman was speechless, so he had to lower his sword. I mean, he's leaning his head like that, coming out of that position, talking about the position of his boss and his subordinate, what can he say?

‘If I lose my temper here, I admit that I am small as a senior. ’

The Observatory shakes its head in vain. What will the Great Blood Dragon Master gain from this? Maybe he was trying to subdue the bloodline by showing his power. If that was the case, the Blood Dragon master failed. He was strong compared to his age, but that's all it was. You'll admit you're good, but the Observer didn't show much strength. Even now, he was confident that if he devoured his mind, he could kill Azin, and the bloodstream he ruled was not the same, but he had a master who did not fall significantly compared to him.

“.. I understand. If you say so... how was my sword? ”

The Celestial Swordsman decides to take a step back. And he opened his eyes sharply and asked Azin. At that point, Azin took charge, holding his head down.

“It was a sword that made the world feel big. And I realized how arrogant he was. The Blood Lord's sword was heavy and strong. I felt like I was spilling too much. I felt like I was risking my life for nothing. ”

“.. even your shaman is exceptional for his age. Dare I say, in about a decade or so, there will not be many unaccounted for. ”

“Thank you for looking out for me. ”

The Sword Sword Sword Sword lowers its head with sincerity. Azin smiles slowly and slaps his hand at the sword's words. Just as it was a light gospel that he conveyed to his promising successor, he postponed not accepting it deeply.

‘Ten years? No, five years. Maybe in three years. ’

“It was a good experience. It wasn't in vain to come all the way here. Next time, then. ”

Azin turns away. I came here for a purpose. The Great Master of the Bloodline is the Sword of Heaven. That means the Celestial Swordsman is the strongest among the members of the bloodline. And the bloodline is a force of first-class disciples. This means that at least the blood loss is the strongest of the disciples revealed in the book of the Bible.

‘There's nothing you can't catch. ’

If you work too hard. As he recalls the movements of the sword, he thinks carefully. A few weeks ago, Azin was growing rapidly through a struggle with Raw Snow. If he is now, he can help with the Sword Blade.

"The bloodline is 150. Even a Celestial Swordsman can't do this, there are 150 Masters of similar quality. ’

Just because the leader is like Ajin, we can't ignore the bloodline. It is a burden to have 150 masters. Not only that, but the disciples who aren't in the bloodstream, who are focusing on the air.

"You're rotten to death. Bloodstains are good places to eat. ’

Azin was convinced of him. He looked around lightly and sent a message to Jung-ho.

[Who's the Silver Sword?]

[A blue hero on the left front. Arms together...]

Yes, there was. The one with the thin sword around his left waist. The one who smiles and stares at Ajin like it's funny. He is a Silver Sword. He is a master compared to the Sword of Heaven, and the challenge is forbidden because he is the Sword Master of the Blood Dragon. I don't know if it had blood pressure or if it was self-inflicted. I came here to bait him in the first place.

The aura of Azin turns to the Silver Sword.

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@ What do you mean, you can eat sugar with leaves, sit cats on their knees, and pet them?

Cat's knee. That's good.


@ The sugar melts and the cat is petrified.

You can't chew sugar.

White Bear Milk

@ No way, this time I feel like I'm running low on 20 percent @ so here's to you!

Shhh... Shhh...


Natural Liberace with @ 3rd Hiro

I like the sound of that, but Rivera is more of a hero than a...


@ natural good, but it's the worst imagination.

I think you'll get sick if you two stick together.


@ seat sugar uber-seated chair with acacia kneecap

Why is Acacia a chair?


@ something about Rifle becoming a Heroic Conference rather than a quality statement... Is it because this chapter is important but a little looser...?

This time, Poten needs to explode.

Tariq Angel

@ I just want to rank # 1...

Then it's too harem.

Corrupt Wizard

@ What's next!?.. someone similar to me below, by the way

Next episode is today.

Hurtful Man

@ cats are not life partners.

Just as humans feed on pigs and chickens, cats are looking for opportunities to eat butlers.

You look just like Persian.

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