
00156 Disturbance

The wall is a pretty big city. A city so big it can't be covered by the blood dragons. I regularly patrol, but it is not possible to fully observe this large city with only 40 people left. Although they received players as new recruits, they are now focusing on growing, such as carrying out quests within the walls, hunting, and training without balls. Even if you use them, you will lose the quality of information you can get because you are less reputable within the walls.

“A strange one came through. ”

Generally speaking, I would. Baruch sits on his knees in a respectful posture, bowing his head and pushing out the scroll. Currently, the blood-dragon squad has a pretty good grasp of the floating population on the wall. The members of the Blood Dragon Clan, who were originally living on the cliff, had broad feet. Traders at the street stalls are different eyes and ears, including other lakes on the barren wall. Of course, it is still difficult to understand the information on the wall by itself.

Covering it was a vampire's ability. Persian taught his crew how to become vampires. Breaking into the shadows was one of the abilities of vampires.

Making a war horse out of his own blood was one of the abilities of vampires. It was the rats who made them their slaves. They enslaved rats who squeezed their blood to its limit, and rats became the eyes and ears of the blood dragons as they went back and forth from the city. The information obtained thus first filters out to the members of the bloodstream and reaches Azin. The report, which was full of just silly stories, commanded me to make excuses, but it worked better than I thought. Almost all the information in the city is in Azin's hands.

The problem is that the knowledge of each promotor is thin. So the report they posted was crude and ugly. Even if you can get all the information in the city, it is difficult to recognize because the theorem of the city is chaotic and crude, and it is difficult to judge the importance of the problem. ‘I have to save the chancellor.’ After I received the report for the first time, I thought about it deeply. Currently, I was working alone because of the small size of the Blood Dragon Clan, but it is difficult to drag the Blood Dragon Clan alone if you think about the future.

‘I need my people. ’

Ajin thought, touching his chin. Blood Dragon Clan power can be cultivated by recruiting players. However, just because a group is strong doesn't mean it works well. What you need right now is a chancellor and an instructor. Even the members of the Vampire Blood Dragon are practicing shameless skills, but Azin cannot guide them shameless. You can do it with a vampire's physical abilities right now, but you'll need an instructor with exceptional skilllessness to build a player who trusts only skills. It would have been great if Raw Snow had been an instructor, but she couldn't have taught the others without Azin.

‘NPCs are better than players. ’

The chancellor, the instructor. To organize information, you need to be familiar with the world's NPCs. Considering the knowledge that players know about this world as a game, it's only possible to see and hear it on a target site. The same is true for Unsullied Instructors. If you have not mastered masculinity with skills, but have mastered masculinity from the ground up, you will need to recruit NPCs, not players, to start from the pose and build the overall foundation. I have a lot of work to do. Azin looks at the ledge, pressing down on the itchy temples.

“Weird guy. Who is it?”

Examine the scroll. It must have been filtered out for a reason, but there's still too much useless stuff. I don't need to tell you a little bit about what the Mark of the Terrestrial Wall has eaten this morning. Azin pressed and swallowed what he wanted to shoot.

“I think it's... I think it's mixed with Gratia. ”

“Mixed is common. ”

In the bloodstream alone, there were a few who were mixed with Gratia. From what I've seen so far, Gracie and Jinsun have had frequent interactions. There are borders, but there are no great limitations to crossing them. Anyone can cross the border as long as they have money and identity. However, there is little interaction with Siolence. Siolence itself is so closed that he rarely interacts with other countries.

“A few men were followed. ”

Mak carefully said, looking at Azin's gaze. His lips twitched. Followed? Ajin grins and grabs his chin. A member of the Blood Dragon has been followed within the Wall. Who would follow a man in a city ruled by blood? Outsiders, with a clear purpose. Is the purpose malicious? Or explore? Anything is fine. I had already anticipated this approach. It has been more than ten days since Azin became the Blood Dragon Master. That the blood spatter gave inspiration to a kid who didn't know where it came from. It is enough time for the rumor to flow beyond the wall to another place, and enough time for the bloodthirsty tiger to show his movements because he wants something.

“Where is it? ”

Baruch approached and gave me the scroll. Indeed, there was a story written. I liked that it was so detailed that it was useless. It was last night that he entered the wall and stayed the night in the window cups. I had noodles for breakfast... and this is a no. Beyond noon, he follows after two trillion patrolmen. After two trillion returned to the Blood Choreographer, the blood inspects the choreographer and follows the first trillion back out for patrol.

“I don't think he was Muslim. He didn't come this way. ”

Azin nods. Do not approach the Muslims. Report anything suspicious to me first. He wore a sword around his waist. He was in ambush, but there was no sign of the doorway. The age is estimated to be in the late 30s, but there is no characteristic of its appearance except that it is mixed.

"If you're interested in the bloodline..."

To be honest, there are too many anticipated places. Although the sectarian Muslim blind has now weakened greatly, it is the only group of factions. After defeating the bridge during its heyday, the militia continue to study the Safa. If Sappa's Triple Doomsday Bloodline is behaving strangely, they will also be interested. Among the same Safa, there are many who seek blood. Despite the slaughterhouses and the slaughterhouses, those who hunger for fame want to climb to the top are overwhelmed. Any weakened tiger would want to bite you. Azin looks at the ledge.

“Keep an eye on him. Not by yourselves, but by rats. Start with his room and keep your eyes peeled. Give him the right help. ”


Baruch nodded his head and replied. When he told me to leave the scroll, I carefully got up and left the room. Asin, who was left alone in the Oval Office, looked over the scroll. Outside, you hear the sound of a stolen battle. The Blood Dragon crew is training without balls. Are you watching again? Ajin reminds me of Persic.

We went out together, but nothing significantly changed with Persian. Ajin is still on the lookout for Persian, and Persian... well, he's got a little bit more playfulness and skinship. I don't know if I should take that for granted.

‘Still, I think I've decided to show a little respect. ’

At least when he had to work, Persian did not interfere with Azin. He leaves the room peacefully and spends his time in his own way. If it had been before, I would have yawned without boredom sitting next to it.

‘Half-blooded... I don't know what he is. ’

Soon you will know. Today, while processing this report, taking it from the Black Snow... and thinking about what to do next, Ajin looks down at the report. The shoddy report was a blow to the wishes of the Führer, but not yet. You need that reputation to get the right guy. Azin's lips gave a slight smile. And that honor will be yours.

“I hope it's a scrutiny. ”

A slaughterhouse that competes with the Bloodmaster is no better than a cornerstone. That half-breed is from the Patrol Gate and is examining the blood at the Patrol Gate. If you take him away and take him to the Heights of Illusion, his reputation will be greatly boosted.


"I can't see the Grand Master. ’

After three days, the wind was still following the Blood Dragon crew. The only thing I could tell from him was that his training was very good, and that was even when I first saw them.

But it was not without income at all. After a three-day follow-up, we learned of their patrol route or shift time. But what can we do with him? They do nothing. I'm just shooting at the streets, just patrolling the streets. There's hardly any discussions in this blood-gated city, so blood dragon squads are very good at protecting the people's security. If you're going to do this, why don't you just settle down and start a fight? I've thought about it in my frustrated mind, but I can't tell myself because I'm having an accident for no reason, so I just endure it.

‘But I promised to meet the blood. ’

The biggest income was that. The flu approached hematopathology two days ago from the presence of hematopathology, the son of Hemoptysis. He announced that he was a person from the defeat gate and wanted to meet him secretly, so hematopathology thought for a moment and said that we would meet again the next day here, and that he had accepted the request and would meet him at the throne today. If you meet Bloodsoura and the wind conveys the will of the Blade Gateway, the goal is to reach this far wall. Whether or not Blood Sura accepts the help of the Passage Gate, psychological pressure can be exerted on the Blood Sura, who will become the Gateway to Blood.

‘But... I care about the Blood Dragon Master. ’

Leaning against the wall, the blood stares at the closed door of the choreographer, and the wind spits. The great master of the bloodline, the blood dragon azin. There must be something about the guy who trained Lake Parlack like that... I can't figure out what he's doing with the hydrogen gate. All we could salvage was that he came to the wall with the Bleeker White Paper, the granddaughter of the Hallucinogenic spirit, and immediately became the Blood Dragon Master.

What does he have to do with the bloody guard? ’

Daryl's son-in-law, maybe. Thought about it lightly, but he seemed to be doing just fine. If he is in such a relationship with the White Star, it is not excessive to call him the Hallowed Blood Dragon Master. But even if he does, there's no question of what he was doing before he met the White Voucher. You don't have to think whatever you want. The wind kicked my tongue.

‘It's only a matter of time before I start drifting blood. ’

Even if you don't have a good relationship with the White Milky Way, of course, you know more about the Blood Dragon Master than you do about the cold. It's doubtful that Blood Jugular will tell the Stranger at the Foreign Swordsman Gateway what to do, but it's still better than grunting alone. As the gate creaks and opens, the wind shifts. The wind is not a mild enough unmanned person to be followed by the scumbags. His refined senses were sensitive, and his senses were confident in his skills. It melts naturally into the building's shadow, "Picture. ’I was surprised to hear it, and I looked down, and my shoes were on the rat's tail.

‘Rats are filthy. ’

The wind creaks and kicks the trampled rat lightly. The rat, which was rolling, ran out with a squeaking sound. I thought it was a clean city, but it's not. Just today, when I woke up in the morning, a big rat was crawling out of his trunk.

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Reply @ again on next episode of Reply Hat Ribbon

Hyun Oh

@ but Acacia and Persia are not allowed because Acacia is completely self-supporting, but still because Persia is suspicious?

Acacia wants to win Azin for a reason, but Persian doesn't.

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