
00141 Bloodshed

It takes a lot to build a house. Funds, manpower and materials, and land, starting with design. Asin considers what he has as he heads for the blood conduit. The house he intends to build is very large. This big house is nothing compared to the last few houses on the street. A house bigger than one of the three Safa Clans. Maybe it's bigger than putting together the three Killer Gates, the Bloody Gates, and the Passage Gates.

‘No, you have to grow up. ’

It is a house large enough to hold the entire Safa Moore forest inside, not just the three generations. If necessary, the spermatozoa should be large enough to hold freely, and perhaps it should be large enough to puncture itself. and eventually Gratia, and then Siolence. Must be big enough to swallow up the three factions that make up this world.

Of course, you can't build a house like that in the first place. So they will expand endlessly and do construction. The blurry blueprints were placed in my head. I don't have enough money, but I have enough to start construction. Funding? It is, of course, the body of Azin. It's a power he has, a possibility he has. Fund it, build it according to the design.

But we still don't have the manpower, the materials. It will be pooled. Azin did not overestimate himself, but did not underestimate him. That's all he could possibly have right now. But what was most important was missing.

It is a land. A perfect blueprint and full of money, manpower, and materials cannot build a house without it. No matter how great a house is in your head, if there is no land to build it, it is meaningless. So Ajin decided to pick the land first, and he got the land. The land is blood. Although each other is exchanging disbelief, Azin received an organization called the bloodline reincarnation, and was recognized as a member of the bloodline.

Hematotypes. They don't even know what they're doing. They're a bunch of garbage. A bunch of thugs who've been running their swords and threatening civilians their whole lives. It's a very small piece of land. How it is called is entirely in the hands of Azin. Aji twists his lips.

What does the spirit ask of me? Qualifications and loyalty? Yes, show them if you want them. Prove your worth and bark for a faithful son of a bitch. For the bridegroom, Ajin was a dog tied up outside the house worried that he might bite his master. One day, the dog gets steamed by hanging upside down on a lucky day. Then I have no choice but to show you. Wave your tail, ask for a hand, give a hand. If you say "down," get down. Put your back to the ground and show your belly. I don't want to go inside and be a cute dog. He bites the thief, kills him, barks at the suspicious, and shows aggression to the non-owner. If you do, you'll be able to climb from a dog that eats on a lucky day to a dog that guards the house.

Azin was going to be a faithful hound of joy. Of course I do.

“Here you are.”

I don't want to get thrown out. Azin's blood is backpacked with a choreographer in front of him. Blood was an officer in a quiet place in a corner of the city. The sign on the gate was worn out and slanted, and the wall surrounding the mansion was cracked, with many holes. There's no doorman. Well, you don't need one. Azin nods.

“Is this where we start? ”

Persian pushes his head with a smile. Azin nods, looking at her eyes, which are full of fun with red eyes. She seemed to be enjoying herself.

“How good are you at getting stars? ”

“Oh my, you've got a lot of tea? I've never been named by anyone before. ”

Bloodline, Ra. A star without any weight built in an instant. Well, neither do I. Azin smiles as he recalls a distant star, the blood mammary gland. Who knows that their star sign is a blood-borne dragon and that Persian star sign is a blood-borne woman? The star sign means something that someone needs to call, and it is a symbol of the respect and fear that unaccompanied people have. If they do not qualify, they will only be ridiculed. It is only ridicule and insult that a lowly Tribute would accept his star as a sword. Still, it's a dragon. Ajin slowly reaches his feet. It doesn't fit, and it's not the star you wanted. Once you have received it, you cannot ignore it.

He will be a dragon. Such a dragon, ascending into the sky. I don't want to end up with just worms, and I don't want to go up a bit and become a snake. I don't intend to be a weapon short. He'll be a dragon, so pick up the blood and swallow it. The blood gate is the land he chose. He will build a house from here. Cast out the original landlord and become the owner of this house. At that time, the Bible will change its name.


The door is open.

The matter of what I wanted to show you was already over by the time I got here. He decided to show some relaxation. He was carrying a backpack, and stepping was a step forward. A slightly backward chin was filled with arrogance, and a swirling smile hung around its mouth was closer to a snide laugh. A little loose, like you can dig in.

Inside the Chief of Staff there was a reasonable training ground. There are standing puppets made of straw. There was a wooden sword rolling around, but judging by the state of the wooden sword, this place is clearly a mess. A wooden sword that seems to be worn out and cracked if you swing it a few more times. Nearby, the leaves and bottles of wine roll, and next to them, the spewed motorcycle rots. The floor is uneven and uneven... and Azin grimaces his nose. I can smell it. As you turn your head, you see a wide-open toilet. Seeing the flies flying in a pile, I could see them without seeing them.

And, look. Ajin stared at himself individually. There were scum. You're sitting on the floor fucking a joke. I could think of it as not difficult. I saw a red face. I saw a flask of shiny liquor, and a dry twisted meat grape made for spice. It's the new Grand Master's Day, and we'll be there for him. You've been drinking so long. Ajin made the smile a little darker.

“Baksu, Imam, Daejeong. ”

Ajin said in a resounding voice. Such a dismissive voice. The three chiefs nominated for the speech raised their heads. They were all similar faces. He has a plausible scar on his arms and legs, and his beard is rough and large. It looked like a master who had gone through all of Anthony Su.

“... are you the Blood Dragon? ”

A man buries himself in a cautious voice. Who is it? Azin looks right through the middle. He has a long scar from his left eye to his right clown, with a crude sword around his waist. This is the walnut. Azin nods.

“That's right. You block the wallpaper, right? ”

“Oh, yeah. ”

He nods his head with a shivering face. He looks at the new Blood Dragon Master, standing in front of him. There are no weapons on the young face. He's pretty tall, but he's not worth raising, and he's not that big. Clothes are clean and unarmed.

What the hell is he doing? ’

It was also a question of all blood dragons. Becoming a member of the Blood Dragon Clan, the Fallen Lakes of the Choreographer have been trying endlessly to become the official disciples of the blood group for years. I put all the lines I could use into the bloodstream. You can use a subordinate officer or a gatekeeper. Put it in the blood. But the answer was mostly ignored and sometimes rejected. It's been repeated for years, and two letters, Abandonment, are on my chest.

Blood conduits become blood conduits, blood conduits become members of blood conduits. I shouted it all well and drank. I became part of the official doorway in the sometimes money-grabbing blue lake while shooting in the streets. I can only feel good because I have a proper sign on the back. However, it was severely crushed after hearing that it was a bastard who didn't even know who the great lord of the Blood Dragon Age was. I thought the master of the Blood Dragon Clan would be someone in the choir room.

And the Grand Master is right in front of us. Suspected of even learning to do it without a job, with a lifelong face.

“Cut the crap. From this day forward, he will be the head of the Blood Dragon Clan. Stars are blood dragons. Have you heard of them? ”

Azin smiles and asks. There was no answer. You don't know? Ignored. His gaze on Azin was fixed on Persian and fixed on her. Most members of the Blood Dragon crew are attracted by a Gracian beauty with red eyes and a wide mouth. Persian shrugs at their gaze and looks at Azin. Ajin was still smiling.


“Uh, uh, yeah. ”

Azin calls him back. It meant nothing, because he was in the middle. It was a rough guess, but his name seemed to be the right one. Baruch turns his head and sees pain, and Azin smiles widely.

“Cut off your ears. ”

“.. Yes? ”

The eyes of the last man were enlarged by the chief words. Ajin was still backpacking and relaxed. He points a slight chin at the sword hanging from his waist.

“Just in time, there are tools. Pull it out, cut off your ear. I don't care if it's right or left. ”

“Go. Why all of a sudden...”

“What did I just say to you? ”

Azin's smile darkened. Open your lips a little higher, your tail a little higher. Reveal your teeth and spread your legs a little more. Relax, dig in. I told him to cut off his ear. How many people can say that immediately? Azin did not expect Mak to do as he said. There is no reason for Maksu to follow me. Blood Dragon Squad, Blood Dragon Master. It's a positional relationship. There is no mutual agreement, no acceptance or submission. Make a complaint, blow it up. That guy in front of you, he looks weak, doesn't he? No weapons, no body size. His face is young and funny, but he's also stubborn and arrogant.

“... you told me to cut off my ears.”

“Before that. ”

“Call my name...”

“Before that. ”

Azin continues to hang up on him, and each time, his face hardens. The final breath becomes rough and the fists are clenched. Reflexively, the stammering hands reach for the hilt. Azin smiles widely.

“You didn't hear, did you? ”

“.. Yes. ”

“So cut it. What's the point of hanging on to something useless? ”

“Well, that's a little harsh, isn't it? ”

I hear loud voices. My bad breath bothers my ears. Ajin turns his head. He's the biggest of the first three. Both fists are particularly large, with bones burning and callused.


Iron Water Adam. Azin calls to him, and Adam squints and nods his head. My footsteps were loud and loud. You empowered me on purpose. Fear for yourself. Azin nods, smiling.

“You pull out your tongue. ”

“... what? ”

“You're making fun of me. So pull it out. ”

Ajin opened his lips. He sticks out his tongue and points at the tongue with his fingers. His face became red. Your breathing gets rough and your fists clench. His lips twitched as if he would spit it out right away. Azin shrugs his tongue and looks around. Everyone opened their eyes and looked this way. There were those who did not overcome their temper and rose to their feet. That's a good reaction. Ajin is thrilled.

“Is it hard to pick? ”

Azin sticks his tongue in. He points his finger at the sword hanging from the back of his barracks.

“If it is difficult to draw, cut it. ”

Ajin grins.

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The paragraph was a little strange because the last one was written on the phone. Sorry, the stars don't mean anything yet.

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