
00137 Bloodshed


At the end of the wall, in front of the big door, the white sign stops walking. The gatekeeper glances back at her as she approaches, his head bowing, taking a large picture of the window. The White Paper pointed to the door with its jaw, rather than turning it away.

“Open it.”

There was no refusal. No matter how much of a bastard, the White Milky Way is the granddaughter of the Hallucinogenic and the daughter of the Blood. One gatekeeper cannot refuse an order. Kugu Palace! The door is open. The white sign clammed its lips and walked through the door.

The White Paper had no words all the way through the wall. You don't want to go because you know you're not welcome. But it was more than just that. Of course it is not a positive meaning. The moment the door closes, following the white pennant into the door. Kuang! With the sound of the door closing, the heavy aura slaps him on the shoulder. Because he was unprepared, Azin suddenly shakes his head, and Persian takes over his body. She stares at the pain and chokes.

“What a welcome ceremony. ”

Obviously. Ajin wakes up from his senses. His body was trembling thinly. Even if your senses are not sensitive, you can't be so blatant that you won't notice. This is hostile, and also a homicide. Ajin kicks his tongue small. Maybe it rots without even checking.

“Isn't she my beloved sister? ”

After a few steps, the momentum clears up. Standing in front of him with a light gesture was a young man with a smooth face. He unfolds his gaze and smiles halfway over his face.

“Are you tired of playing the bandits? ”

“Brother. ”

The White Paper calls out to him in a low voice and bows its head. The young man's gaze, who was looking at the white one, turned to Ajin and Persik behind the white one. Seeing Azin, the young man's eyes filled with shallow curiosity, and the moment his gaze was transferred to Persian, he opened his eyes and greedy. The young man took a modest step toward Azin and Persik, ignoring the white sign.

“This... was a big honor. Don't be so unpleasant because you're alert to outsiders. ”

Yikes. The regent is folded. The young man stabs it in his waist with an elegant hand gesture, and takes possession of it with a bright smile.

“It's called the white line. It's called haematogenetics. ”

White Shen, the hematologist, heard of him. The second son of the White House, the second brother of the White Mark. Azin bows his head, embracing it.

“My name is Azin. ”

“Ajin... Ajin... Haha! Your knowledge is shallow. You've never heard of it. By the way, what about the sausage? ”

It's blatant. He quickly looked at himself and thought, Persian smiles brightly instead of ruling.

“I'm Fersik Duna. ”

“Persian Duna... a beauty like the Saucer is not yet known... are you a Gracian?" ”


Persian smiles and kisses. He nodded, smiling satisfactorily.

“Indeed, I am. A nobleman from Far Gracia visiting this gate? May I ask why you're here if it's not baptism...? ”

“He's my guest. ”

The answer was white paper. She shrugs and stares straight at the white line. The white line of eyes twitched in his gaze. He clenches his tongue.

“I'm not asking you. ”

“.. where is your grandfather? ”

Instead of answering what Baek Yi Sun said, she asked. At that, the white line's smile stiffened. Heave-ho. The crease folds, and the white mark's body twitches. The momentum that was gained with the appearance of the white line was focused on her.

“After coming back in a few months... don't you think you should see your father? ”

“... I don't think your father wants to say hello. ”

In response, the white wire burst out a big smile. He smiles for a long time and suddenly stops smiling. The regression of the white line reopened.

“You know him well. Did you come back to know it? ”

“.. where is your grandfather? ”

Ignoring the rambling words, he asked again. His expression was stiff again. He shrugged, staring at the white sign, and the white sign did not avoid the white line of sight. It was the white line that first turned his gaze at the snow fight that continued for a long time.

“.. my grandfather must be in blood sugar. ”

The white line turns around. For a short while, humiliation and anger were on his face. But it vanished as soon as I saw Persik, and a relaxed smile took its place. White line said with a smile.

“Have you eaten...”

“Let's go.”

White Paper cut off his words. Azin took possession of the white sailor while looking at the back of the white sign walking in a loud voice. Persian shrugged his shoulders and crossed the white line. His face is cold and stiff.


It's crushing, and the noose is crushed from his grip.

“Why are you taunting me? ”

Azin followed the white sign and asked in a low voice. Silver White Mark, who was chewing on the dirt, clenched his fist.

“You don't have to be nice to people who hate me. ”

“There's no need to taunt. ”

The muttering words do not answer the white paper. Instead, her pace got a little faster, and Azin followed the silver sign with a smile. In the broad arena, the red robes were eager to train, but the white pennant gave no regard to any of them. They also did not look at the white pennant. Like she wasn't even there. Ajin looked carefully at each one of those things.

Blood glucose was the largest of many and many buildings. The more I approached him, the stiff face of the white sign gradually loosened, and by the time I stood in front of the building, it had spread even to a smile. The White Vowel's pace was quicker.


I heard a loud voice. White Eun-white smiled brightly at the old man who was just coming out of blood glucose. She leaps up to him and shouts.


“No, miss, when did you get back? Where is the Black Juice...”

“I asked Black Wine to hold the fort for a while. Grandpa's in there, right? ”

The white paper was full. The man called Heinous nodded his head with a slightly stiff face. In reply, the White Vowel tried to enter the blood sugar with a smile. At that moment, the steps of black and white were blocked in front of the White Vowel.

“... Hehe? ”

The White Vowel tilts its head and asks. Black owl looks at the white sign with a distressed look on his face, sighing low and shaking his head.

“Phew. No, it's not. Let's go inside."

Heinous opened the door. The White Paper tilted its head again, seeing such arrogance, but it went inside without asking any more questions. The black owl stands between Azin and Persik, who are about to follow the white pennant.

“Who are you people...”

“These are my guests, heh heh. It's okay."

“But my lady...”

“I want to introduce you to my grandfather. I said it's okay.”

After the White Voucher insisted, Heo took a step back as if he had no choice. After the paper disappeared, Azin and Persik followed the white pennant inside.

This is...

Ajin frowns at the dark smell that makes him snore.

The smell of the medicine was vibrating.

The white slip took Ajin and Persian to their room first, leaving a message to wait here. It looked like the White Vowel was going to talk to the bride first. Shortly after, the maid picks up her tea, and Persian taps the cup with his finger.

“What are you going to do? ”

Azin, who was looking at the garden, turns his head to ask Persian questions. Persian, sitting across from him, smiles thinly. Ajin smiles at her, looking at her smile.

“What do you mean? ”

“I don't think he trusts me. ”

Persian smiles and says: He pauses for a moment and shakes his head.

“There's no reason I shouldn't trust Persian. ”

“I don't know what he's up to. Azin doesn't talk about him. ”

“.. there's no plot. ”

“Is that right? Then let's change the question. What does he want to do? ”

Persian asks. Azin doesn't answer the question directly, but stares closely at him. I don't trust Persian. It was true. Persian is not Raw Snow. I was not drawn to the victory of Azin. Her essence is a vampire after all, a man-eating monster. That's why I don't trust him completely. Even though Persian relationships have built up with Raw Snow, it is a friendship with Raw Snow, not with Azin.

“.. to win. ”

“In this game? How?"

Persian asked again. How, Ra. Azin recalled the picture he was drawing in his head. However, there were many more dark places because it had not been painted yet, and it was difficult to explain immediately.

“.. I don't have a clear plan, but... may I ask? ”


Persian raises his cup of tea. Azin stares at Persian, smiling with his eyes and drinking tea.

“Do you want me to win, Persian? ”

“If you must have a winner. ”

Persian, who drank a sip of tea, put it down and said. Persian growls small. If you must have a winner, Ra. That means you won't support the pain if you don't need a winner.

“How far can Persian help me?" ”

She always demanded an equivalent price when she asked for it, and it was mostly her blood. While it's fascinating to be able to get the help of a powerful vampire like her by giving her a little blood, how much help can she be? At Azin's question, Persian grins.

“What I can do, and what Azin can pay for it. ”

This is a vague statement. Persian adds, "Azin hasn't said anything."

“If he asks me to do what's possible for him, I can be satisfied with his blood. But if pain is impossible... I can't just drink a little blood. ”

“What I can't do. What does it cost? ”

“I don't know. Ajin's life? ”

Persian said with a big smile. Her expression stiffens slightly, and she grins and shakes her hand.

“I'm joking. If I had Azin's life in the first place, it would have been pointless to ask, and your master would have killed me. ”

Persian giggles.

“But know this. I'm not some wish-granting lamp elf. If you're going to ask me to do something impossible for him, you're going to need a price. Usually when you ask the devil for something. Or give it to me in return... or... ”

Persian smile darkens.

“Give yourself up. ”

Is this a joke, too? Azin wanted to ask it, but didn't. However, he revised some of his thoughts about Persic. That she's not an absolute ally in all cases. Azin reminds himself of Persian who used to insist on being a vampire many times. Ajin had to smile bitterly.

“.. and I'll listen to it. ”

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