
00131 Jang Mt.

When he left the front door for half a day, Azin's eyes no longer saw the player. Because none of the players have grown enough to make it this far. Thanks to you, we no longer need to be cautious. From then on, I only used the landscape as long as it was permitted by the internal government to move. I couldn't keep it long because of my internal air restrictions, but I moved much faster than walking on two feet foolishly without using it at all. I should have saved a horse. No, it's too late.

Two days out the front door like that. Ajin and Persik were able to reach Mt. Longevity Mountain. Mt. Jang Mt. Jang is taller and bigger than Mt. Yeon and looks very rough.

“An abandoned village a long time ago. ”

A small town, under Mt. Jang. Persian mutters, sweeping the dusty floor with his bare hands. Aji nodded her head as she looked around the village with a fabulous atmosphere.

“Not abandoned, dead. Or they could have been kidnapped. ”

“Because of the bandits? ”

Persian bites with a glint in his eye. Azin nods and approaches the well. When I pulled up the scroll, clear water floated. Azin suggests a sip of water to Persian, but she shakes her head with a smile.

“There's only one drink to quench a vampire's thirst. ”

“I have nothing to ask of Persian at this time. ”

“You just won't give it to me. What is the concept of volunteering?”

“Let's think about that a little bit. ”

* Splash * Azin drops the scroll into the well and looks around the town again. A village under the mountains where bandits roam. The villagers ran away because of bandits, or were caught by bandits. At worst, the bandits killed them all. Either way, it is clear that it is related to the bandits of Longevity Mountain. And this will lead to a quest. If Azin defeats the bandits of Longevity Mountain, the town will be revived. It could pay for something. It could earn fame. A bandit from Mount Jang. Azin stares at the nearby mountain.

It is unknown how strong the bandits of Mt. Longiam are. First, the danger was more focused on the bandits than their individual strength... but there may be a master among them.

“.. blood, do you want a drink? ”

Azin glances at Persic and asks. Persian blinking at the question, smiling at Vashti.

“Do you have something to ask? ”

Ajin smiles without an answer. He cuts his wrist, raising one slash. It's different from the last time I just cut off my fingertips a little. As the throbbing blood rises, Persian covers his lips with his wrist, as if waiting. Drinking all the blood, Persian stretches out his tongue toward the blood that is still spilling.

“.. I hope you'll do as much as you're paid. ”

The pain to Persian, who licks blood, is exhausted.

Afterwards, Azin and Persik immediately started climbing the long mountain range. If it is aimed at simply going to the wall, it would also be a way to go around the ice without climbing the long mountain. But it takes too long. I had already wasted two days to get to Mt. Jang. It is not pleasant to waste any more time.

There are many ways to climb the mountain, but Azin chose a well-groomed path. It's like advertising to a bandit that he's here. That was Azin's target. The Bandits are after the Mark's supplies, so they'll be keeping an eye on their way up. How long have you been walking like that? When the sun, which is high in the sky, starts tilting to the other side,

“Twelve. ”

Persian is troubled. What Azin asked of him was absolute cooperation until he went down the mountain. Thanks to the abundance of blood, Persian listens quietly to his slightly excessive demands. I listened to Persian, but he didn't slow down. Twelve. The number of bandits watching this place right now.

“Anything else? ”

“There are eight more that can be detected without shadow interference. But there's more. ”

Twelve bandits aiming this way, plus eight more. But it won't be long mountain bandit power. Somewhere in this mountain there will be a livelihood, and there will be more bandits. Azin nods.

“I understand.”

“You're not going to do anything? ”

“I'm not here to subdue you. If you want to pay the toll, it's best to give him a pass. ”

“Is it true? ”

Persian chuckles. And they walked a little further. As we move forward, the bandits' siege approaches, and Azin is close enough to notice. I looked at the trees, pretending not to know, but there was no intelligence behind the trees and bushes. Then it must be up in the trees. Ajin continued walking without even looking up. And not long after that, Pablo! An arrow falls from the air and lands far ahead. The warning attack has stopped the steps of Azin and Persian.


It was concurrent with a great shout. Bandits fall from the trees, swiftly moving around Azin and Persic. Most of them were beggars, but it was a nimble gesture. They're skilled artisans. Those who are expertly trained in artillery, not peasants who straddled weapons and went into the mountains because they are hard to eat. Well, at least this much, they'll be able to ignore the big mark. Azin takes a step back and blocks her in front, as if protecting Persian.


“Who's that? Seven of your backs! ”

I try to ask you out loud, but the laughter stops. Azin quickly looks around. Seven are surrounded. And the other five? None of the interceptors picked up a bow. Looks like the five of them are holding back with their bows. To prevent regression and to restrict behavior. The fishing is not floating.

“Where are you going? ”

The leader was bald across his shoulders. He spits and drops the veil on the ground as if threatening. Is he the leader of the Longevity Mountain Bandits? I don't think so. I'm only hunting two of them. Do you think the leader will come himself?

“.. to the Wall.”

Azin lowers his voice. He looks frightened, and so does Persian. The bald gaze is on Persian. Azin doesn't miss a smile spreading across his face.

“The wall, the wall! What do we do? We need tolls to get to him... What are you going to do? You pay the toll, or you take everything you own. Or will you die? ”

Baldy raises his voice. Azin glances at Persic, showing hesitation for a moment. Persian glances around, shivering in fear, wincing at one eye as he meets Azin's eyes.

“How much is the toll...”

“You're welcome! ”

Bald head exclaims with a solemn expression. In saying this, he had to swallow his swearing to come up without even knowing it. There is only one gold coin in First World. However, the names vary slightly from faction to faction. In Gracia, the same name is called Gold, while in the genus the unit of Gold is changed to 'Yuck’. In other words, 10 million pieces is 10 million gold.

“What kind of money...”

I've heard that tolls are expensive, but this is too much. You save money and save less than a million gold by beta testing for a month, and you expect me to pay 10 million in tolls?

“This is pure, aren't they? If you take away what you have, you'll have nothing to salvage. ”

Baldness shakes his head as if it were pathetic. Then he comes to his senses. As if that were a signal, the other bandits have tightened up the perimeter.

“If you leave a woman, I'll let you go. ”

Baldness spoke like a box of thorns. Is it aimed at this too? Persian women are so rarely beautiful, they deserve to be snowed in. Azin glances at Persic. She presses down on the smile as if she had given up the smoke. Azin sighs and swallows as he looks at him.

[You've had a lot of blood, but you need to cooperate properly.]

He covers his face with his hands. It leaks out through the veiled hands of an incoherent cloud. At that moment, Azin stops speaking as he looks at Persian crying, trembling heavily.

“Oh, what a lovely sausage... Don't cry. We're quite gentle. ”

Baldness kicked his tongue and said. He takes a few steps forward, and Azin sets his gaze steady and stands in front of Persian.

“You guys, you know who this is.”

“Who cares? ”

The bald man frowns and shouts. The bald man approaches, shaking his gaze. He tightens his eyes and stares at Ajin.

“Why can't you just leave the girl and run away like a man? Then there's nothing we can do. If you can't pay the toll, your life...”

Arryn quickly grabs the scabbard and throws it at him. Are you hit? As soon as you slap the scepter, your bald face stiffens and twists your waist. Thanks to you, the slasher threw his head at his left shoulder. I confirmed it, and Azin cried out to Persic.

“The rest of you, please, are not here. ”

In response, Persian takes a step forward with a big smile. At that moment, her body plunges into the shadows and disappears. The bald face distorted.

“Wizard..? You bastards!”

He shouts and rushes forward. I caught the perfect timing and threw a scaffold and avoided it. It's not a rhinoceros. Azin lunges at the bald man with a fist. Boom! A huge sway of razor blades flew down his neck. No power, no speed, nothing. But slower than Raw Snow and slower than Jeremiah. Azin lowers his body and digs lower than the sway. The moment I tried to stick my fist in the side of a bald man. The bald wrist twists. A change in direction was drawn and flown to the back of Azin's head.

Thanks to this, the assault on Azin is shallower than I expected. The fist in your side stumbles, but you do not fall. The bald man spits his swear words and takes a step back. Just before the big city came back, Azin clenched his fist and looked around. Six bandits, other than baldness, stare at Ajin with a firm look on their faces.

“Son of a... you're doing something, aren't you? ”

The bald man gets it and spits it out while rubbing his right side. He looks at the pain with his bare eyes and shakes his head. Is Persian doing well for you? Ajin asked her to catch thirteen bandits who aren't here. You must be doing a good job of giving blood to them.

‘It's stronger than I thought. ’

If I just react, I'm a step ahead of the pulverized rock. Azin's expression was a little stiff. How strong NPCs are compared to players. It varies from situation to situation, but it is NPC that dominates the players when they are at similar levels with each other. Unlike players who have been strengthened through skills, NPCs have done a lot of work and effort to reach that level. From real-world experience to contingency, situation judgments, airborne transition to mindfulness. Unless there are overwhelming differences, it is difficult for players to win against NPCs of the same level.

‘No, there's no overwhelming difference. ’

Azin frowned. That bald man is strong, but he is not strong enough for Azin. Everything from practical experience was obtained by Ajin Saltzman. Expansion of the reflexes and senses, there's the sacral foramen. There's nothing you can't handle. Although confined air takes place... Ajin takes a step back.

The problem is that the enemy is not bald alone. The other six are probably not as bald as they look. Surrounded is dangerous. Speed dial is important. Azin hit the ground. It's been a long time since he had a thousand welcome-hours. Resect the internal air as much as possible and contain as much change as is necessary for movement. Azin's body is blurry. I couldn't create a vision, but it's enough to distract my eyes.

“Son of a bitch! ”

The bald man shouted and waved his head. The silver glow flashes with a sinister sound of waves. The violent swing of the road rages. Azin heavily pulls his foot to the side. Your body spins, and your hands sweeping your lower back hold the scepter. Sprawl! A flying scepter pierces through the cracks and hits his bald thigh.


The body collapses, and the pain does not miss it. A knee in the ground pierces his bald face. As the bald body was about to collapse backwards, I felt a delicate sense of normalcy behind my back. Azin immediately wrapped his arms around a thin self-reinforcement. Kaew! A swinging sword smashed into my forearm. One, two. Phew! The palm of your hand crushes the Bandit's chest. The man vomits blood and collapses behind him, and the pain continues to move. The other bandits were too weak to compare with the bald ones. Three, four. The slingshot goes into the neck, five, six. You smash the heads of the outstretched fists. And seven. The man who stabbed him in the eye turns over and collapses.

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