
00117 Boarding Party

I didn't expect this to happen. I knew I was going to be hostile, but I never imagined my fist actually going back and forth. So I was a little surprised, but it was better this way, and he thought. Your image has no place to fall. His criticism will be harsh, but not overwhelming. I was expecting this to happen anyway.

First is an online game. If you insist solely on playing solo, you will eventually reach the limit, and someday you will have to play a party or get into a raid. But he can't make that choice. His notoriety has been too high since the beta test.

By the way, how are we supposed to regenerate the image? Should I kneel and beg for forgiveness in front of everyone, sincerely apologizing as Luke asked? If he could undoubtedly refresh the image and benefit from future play, he would have done so without hesitation. But it was too big to end up with just an apology. It is difficult to apologize this time and change the impression of keeping my head down and stuck once in the future.

‘Then we must go to the end. ’

If you defend yourself in the middle, it's even worse. If so, it falls even further down. Ajin raises a glass of wine with a dry smile. In a rare corner of the hall, there was no one around him. The music sounds sweet and the people who attend the party talk to each other in groups. Still some gazes were wagging at him with their hands.

The beta test had a limit of 1,500 people. However, future full service openings will be different. By then, many users will have flown in. And how many of them are kind-hearted players who despise him. It can't be all of them. In online gaming, Vimanna users were like a carcinogen that cannot be removed. No matter how strong the sanctions may be, there is always a Vimanna user. There are always a lot of twisted people who enjoy criticism and dance on the ground.

If so, surround them. You can stand at their peak. When it is best, it is always natural for man to follow. Whether it's sunny or dark. Azin decides to go after it. If you feel limited in playing solo and feel the need for the group, create your own group. They abandon those who oppose them and scrape together their followers. Recognition has already been collected. This has made it even more clear. It is blasphemy and infamy, but it is an honor and an achievement when viewed from the grave.

‘I told you to make a bridge. ’

In the past, the aroma of black snow made him a disciple and told him to make martyrdom in this world. I finally understood what that meant to me. This is a competition against all players. No matter how strong an individual is, there is a limit to overcoming the group. So you have to make your own people. You have to make a pack that follows you.

‘No need to act, I need to create followers who follow all of me. ’

The beta service will be reset anyway. So from a distance, keep in mind when the service opens. Let's take it slow first. Characters of Azin will not be reset until they become surrogates. It's a tremendous advantage. Everyone restarts from level 1, skill level 1, starting with level 33 of azine. I have 33 levels difference from new users But that doesn't mean Azin runs ahead. I've already split the startline. Level of Devello, ranked # 1, is 41, Harvest is 40, and Laquis is 39. Rivera has a low character level but a skill level of 47. She will grow explosively. In the end, Ajin is the one who has to resist and chase after them.

"Let's gather the herd, raise your personal level..."

Once a service is opened, you can't just play First with a game to enjoy. The competition has begun and the cost of winning is too great. I don't want to miss it, so desperately, I have to use everything I can.

“That's a good look. ”

Haveth approaches Azin, who is taking care of his thoughts while drinking wine. She tucks her hand in her pocket and bites a cigarette. Azin glances back at the approaching face of Harvest. In front of Azin, she looks at him for a moment, and pulls her hand out of her pocket.

“... cigarettes or blood? ”

He asked Azin with a cigarette. Azin nods his head and reaches out for a cigarette from Harvest. After Ajin gave up his cigarette, she took out a piece of paper lighter and lit a fire. Haveth waving his hand to extinguish the lighter, spewing smoke up his mouth.

“Not lame. ”

Ajin drank the smoke without a word. It was a question of why she suddenly approached herself when she left in a position of hostility. He narrows his eyes among the dreamy smoke and looks at her face. He was also looking at Azin sharply.

“I think I know what you're thinking. You don't want to be a good guy for nothing, you want to be a thorough asshole, right? ”

She asked as if floating. It was a valley. Azin searches for answers for a short time. Deny or affirm. Or will you avoid the answer with a vague smile?

“... my head is spinning. ”

Azin smiled and replied. Harvest tends to be similar to Azin. As Ajin would think, so would Jabesh. The opponent feels that what he considers to be the correct answer is the same. Lying is useless.

“Your head is spinning, too. I don't know about the others... but I think I can battle you pretty well. ”

Jabesh frowned and said. Again also empathized with him. Devello is strong. Her boundless sword is ridiculous, by deciphering and disassembling all existing swords into one. The sword itself is a threat, but what Devello truly fears is her innate gift.

It's the same with LaQuiz. Lachish's superpowers are intimidating, although few have been revealed. Not only that, he continued to wear his head in third place. Final level 39. That level is not to be trifled with. It is great that only 1500 players have never been stripped of 3rd place. Not as good as Devello, but Laquis' abilities are threatening.

Rivera is no different. Level is low, but her skill level is higher than Devello's character level. If you replenish that skill with the tremendous mental strength supported by Basrodel... Rivera becomes the ultimate shield. As a human being on behalf of the transcendent, the surrogate had a great talent that no other player could follow.

Among them, however, he still felt that he had no one to threaten. Rivera specializes in defense, but does not have an attacker. Laquis' abilities are fuzzy, including what he received from Hidden Piece. Devello is the threat. Skill Strength, Operation, and Natural Talent. But Devello's tendency is too straightforward. At least I don't think she has the heart to hit someone's back.

“.. me, too. That's what I think of you. ”

What other competitors threaten azine with is their power. But she has questions about all of them. His predisposition, let alone his unknown power. Dare to turn everyone into enemies and not hide their desires. He will kill and betray NPCs and players if necessary. I'm sure you'll get what you want. It's similar to azine.

Azin knows best how much it bothers the opposing Pokémon.

“You're thinking the same thing. ”

She spits out the cigarette she was biting on the side, and she asks for another cigarette. He lights a cigarette and looks at Azin.

“.. to make a deal. ”

Jabesh says, rolling smoke with his tongue. Azin, who had put a cigarette between his fingers and plucked the ashes, tilted his head to look at Harvest.

“.. a deal? ”


Jabesh said again, as if confirming. He frowns and licks his brow. Azin drank a sip of wine as he dropped his smoking cigarette to the ground. Haves, who has been drinking without words for a long time, opens his mouth again.

“You don't know me. Right?"

“Well, yeah. ”

“I know a little bit about you. I don't know exactly... what skills you got from Hiddenpiece, but you'll find out later. ”

You mean when Orsay returns. Ajin smiles thinly. It was the same with Ajin. If the Black Snow scent returns, he will know what Orsay is.

“But that doesn't tell me everything. ”

Jabesh frowns. Information that can be obtained from each other through Hiddenpiece is limited to what capabilities Hiddenpiece ultimately has. I don't even know the expertise I learned in the tutorial or any other skills I learned.

“Let me tell you what skills I picked up in the tutorial. ”

She glances back at Azin.

“.. apparently you've met a girl named Rivera in the game. If you know her skills. Trade you for the information I have. ”

All delegates received Hidden Pieces. Rivera is the only exception to that. She didn't get Hiddenpiece, and she has unusually become a surrogate with only her skill level. Rivera's information cannot be found without Hiddenpiece. Perhaps she has it in mind.

“It's not a bad deal. Instead of getting my information, you're selling other people's information, not yours. ”

“What are the chances you're lying? ”

Instead of biting, I started thinking about pain. He opens his eyes and asks, and she gives a nervous smile.

“Why, should I write you a memorandum? If you think I'm lying, you're lying. Or...”

She puts her hand in her pocket and opens her phone. He goes into the album and plays the saved playback video. It was First's play video.

“I can show you this as evidence. ”

“Then you don't think I'd be lying either way. ”

“Why would you lie? I can prove to you that I'm telling the truth. And you... as a reminder of that information, you have the opportunity to eliminate one competitor without damaging yourself. ”

Azi didn't answer. He glances back at her face. Jabesh is right. Azin doesn't need to listen to the current answer, mixing lies and protecting Rivera at all. If what Harvest asked for was his information, Azin would have refused him. However, it is Libera's information to disclose, and in return, Ajin learns about the skills that Harvest has chosen in the tutorial.

‘No penalty. ’

Once he learns about Harvest, Azin will be able to figure out a way to contain him. At the same time, by leaking Rivera's information to him, you can create another hand to fend off Rivera. There is no harm to Ajin. Even if she can't control Rivera, a threat to her is enough.

"Not asking for my information..."

It seems obvious to him. Ajin has been exposed too much. He uses his body instead of his weapon. I learned shamanism from Raw Snow. It will soon come to light. So we don't need this information. Azin swallows a smile. It's a good thing you take it that way. He had quite a handful in addition to the Thousand Horsemen. The energy drain has not been revealed, and there is a secret of no celestial life that I have learned from the Black Snow.

“.. is good. ”

Azin nods. You don't have to lie. He was honestly about what skills Rivera had mastered.

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