
00113 Boarding Party

It was a big question. Azin stares at Rivera, speechless for a moment. Rivera's smiling face shows little opposition to the rivals. Suddenly, she stepped back, shrugging her shoulders as if she had lost interest. Raw snow also kicks her tongue and shakes her head.

“I heard from Hyacinth. I mean, me and Ajin...”

Rivera blinks and looks at Devello. She holds her lips shut without saying a word. Rivera looks at Devello with curious eyes, but Devello's gaze remains fixed on him. She clenches her fingers and groans as she blooms. Like, if I had a sword in place, I'd swing it right now.

“Develo... Laquis... and Harvest! If one of these five wins, a new God is born, right? ”

“Keep your voice down, will you? I don't mean to brag. ”

He smiled and asked. It was a threat, not a favor. Ribera's livelihood spills out in no time. Rivera shudders and shrugs.

“Uh, uh...? ”

She looks at the body as if she can't understand the tremor. Exposure to this level of dense and definitive killing was the first time for Rivera.

“Don't tell me to be careful what people say, but be careful what you do. Don't boast and show off your strength. ”

Raw Snow's scent blocked the way. She eyes narrow and stares at nothing, and he waves his hands, throwing up a clear smile.

“What, I'm just admonishing a carefree little girl as an adult. ”

Unsettled lowers his strength. At the same time, I wanted to see the Raw Snow scent and the battle, but I acknowledged that the place was not good. This is a reality. If you panic and panic, a lot of people will die, and there will be a huge disruption in the game ahead.

“And then I thought...”

After the tremor subsides, Rivera looks down at her hands in wonder. He glances back, scouring through Devello's face, with a flimsy and black snow scent. The moderator lowers the microphone, and the noise grows a little louder. All the attendees at the party were staring at this side.

“How can we understand each other if we all have different races, different languages? ”

It was something Ajin thought was strange as well. This is not a game, but a reality. But Azin was understanding the taste of raw snow and dandruff, and so was Rivera. It was the same to be able to understand the words of a Western host. Ajin looks at the players looking this way. Those with mixed races will also understand the words of the moderator.

“... manipulation? ”

That's all I could think about. The transcendents have moved the invited player onto the ship in a space transfer. If they had done so much work and courage at this party, they would have also solved the language barrier in a way they could not possibly understand.

“That's right.”

A cheerful voice approaches. Chrysanthemum gives a thin smile, tapping the ground with a cane. He looks at Rivera, Azin and Raw Snow and takes off his hat, greeting them like clowns with long arms.

“This is the first time I've actually met you. Greetings. Representatives of my competitors, not me. ”

“.. Chrysanthemum. ”

The scent of Raw Snow mutters, staring at Chrysanthemum. At that, he smiled and gave the black snow scent a glance.

“It's been a long time. I can't compare it to the last time I saw it.”

“You don't think he felt what you were looking at? Don't talk nonsense. ”

The scent of Raw Snow frowns and cuts off Krisan Summer's words. He shrugs and looks at Ajin and Rivera.

“Well, if you say so. Your memories are not rigged separately, but everyone who has entered this ship is within our power. They make mutual language the same, and there's no doubt about it. There's no question about how they got here or how they got back, and that's the same thing with the masses shooting here. ”

“.. who watches the news? ”

Azin asked as if he couldn't understand. There are fewer than fifty people here right now. But what about the people who are watching the video that Masscom is filming? Will they be able to convince us that different races speak the same language fluently and have conversations?

“Human common sense is so thin, and the range of criteria they can understand is so narrow. ”

Chrysanthemum smiled and said. He squeezes his hat back on his head.

“Of course, it is impossible for us to manipulate so many people's memories and perceptions at the same time. But if it's God, it's a different story. ”

Christopher stopped talking. He turns away, smiling, pounding the ground with his cane. It's just a greeting car. Azin looks at his back as he looks away, remembering the face of the smiling creature.

“.. God..”

Rivera mutters in a dazed voice. As she blinks, she scratches her cheeks and looks at the pain.

“Well, that's understandable and understandable. ”

Rivera mutters, pouting. She was right. For everyone here, including Ajin, the word "God" was one word that could explain the unconscious phenomenon. It certainly existed, not an unrealistic existence, and all phenomena were being manipulated by God. Ajin felt a little creepy. God, you're so transcendent. I never really felt that way.

God's "absolute" can even manipulate the human mind of the world.

The moment I felt it, Azin felt incredibly large with the smell of raw snow saying he was going to kill God. She was said to be the absolute world, but she was also human. God gave her immortality, too. Even if another god is born, the absolute power of the current god is lost. The Transcendent is also out of their minds. I admit she has a great taste for Raw Snow, but can she still win against the Transcendent?

“Then why are you wearing a mask? ”

Rivera tilts her head and asks. Azin looks back at Devello, who doesn't take his eyes off him.

“I have a lot of grudges like that. ”

“Oh, in the game? ”

Rivera smiles as if she knew what it meant. She looks through the mask she's wearing, covering her mouth with her hands and giggling.

“What happened in the game after all, do you have to worry so much? ”

“Well, there's nothing wrong with being careful. ”

Azin reaches out for Devello for a few moments. Devello flinches slightly as he looks at Azin's approaching hand. Ajin smiles thinly.

“It's a handshake.”

At that point, Devello loosened his fist. Her outstretched hand and azin's. It was Ajin who held hands first.

“I've never seen you in real life. Nice to meet you."

“Yes. ”

Devello opens his lips slightly. It was a short answer, but he didn't care. He looks at the seemingly meaningful smile and the black snowflake that stands beside him and resists the seedlings.

“I look forward to seeing you again. ”

In many ways, Azin swallowed it. Azin was defeated by Devello once. She succeeded in pushing her to the edge of defeat, but at the end, she was relieved that she needed to be pierced through her body by Devello's attacks. I didn't forget it. While fighting Jeremiah's black snow scent in the green volcano, Azin swallows his fury, reminiscing about the battle with Devello.

“Did you know each other? ”

Rivera tilts her head and bites. Ajin replaced the answer with a thin smile instead of a direct answer. He lets go of Devello's hand. It's because the thumping footsteps are approaching.

“It's been a while.”

Ajin speaks with Hazen towards the approaching LaQuiz. He scratches his cheek and nods his head with a shivering face. He swallows a gulp as he looks at Devello and Rivera as they gather.

“Uh, well, yes. It's been a long time, uh... Nice to meet you. I mean...”

“You're a proxy, too, aren't you? ”

Rivera smiles widely. It's the same that everyone was a little nervous, even though everyone was different, whether they were teasing or not. But Rivera never saw it like that. She smiles cheerfully and bows her head to LaQuiz.

“My name is Rivera. Hmm... Do I have to tell you my real name? ”

“Oh, no. It doesn't matter.”

LaQuiz snorts and answers. Even though we've gathered in one place, all five representatives are competitors. It shouldn't be difficult to know if the Transcendent intervenes, such as personal information in reality, but it doesn't need to reveal itself.

“I'm Yuki Hanano. ”

Rivera seems to lack that common sense. Azin opens his mouth without knowing it and looks at Libera.

“Twenty-one years old. I live in Tokyo, Japan. ”


Raques gazes at Libera, unable to keep his mouth shut. In the end, there is only one thing that wins. We don't need to be intimate with each other. We're competing anyway, but we don't need those impure emotions that blur our competitiveness. The benefits of winning this game are enormous, and the transcendent becomes God. It is such a huge scale that private emotions cannot be involved.

“... what's the matter with you? ”

Rivera tilts her head and asks. Azin looks at Rivera's big eyes, looking at her. Big, shiny eyes. An innocent eye that never doubts its target. This woman has no appetite for winning or losing games. He didn't even know it. How is that possible? There is no man without desire in this world. If it comes at all costs to do everything you want, there will be plenty of people in this world who want to turn on the lights, deceive and kill their opponents.

‘It doesn't suit me. ’

Rivera is not fit to be a player in this game. No, maybe that was an act? If that were the case, the most intimidating enemy in this game would be Rivera.

“Funny girl. ”

The voice interferes. It's Harvest, second in rank. He tugs at his feet, making an annoying face and sticking his hand in his pocket. He twists his lips at Rivera, ignoring the look on his face.

“Or stupid. Why are you making so much noise that you don't have to? ”

Haveth said with a cynical smile, but the look of a girl standing next to his leg, holding onto his hem, makes him look a little silly. Ajin looked at the girl who was hugging the bear doll and gave her eyes to the smell of raw snow.

“.. Orsay. ”

The muttering was Hassen, who had his arms crossed with a dark face. He stands beside Laquis, just in case. The chaos is really going crazy or something. However, it was surprisingly quiet. Do you really know how to do that kind of thing?

“Hello. ”

Orsay lowers his head slightly. Her age, as it seemed, was not so different from a seemingly fruitless one. However, the appearance of a boy without coercion is due to reflexive reflexes. Unlike Orsay.

Simply put, Orsay gained the power to be considered the strongest in the world at that young age.

“What are you greeting? ”

She gives you an annoying look and spits it out. He scratches his head over to the all-bag and sweeps around with his sharp eyes.

“Everyone here is a competitor. Take all the pictures and face the opponent. ”

Jabesh's words contained a deep hostility. Azin was amazed at Harvest. I can't believe there's such a blatant player among the surrogates.

‘Looks like me. ’

Haveth and Azin didn't seem to be much different just by looking at their tendencies. But there were other big differences. Ajin hides his insides. It doesn't reveal itself, but it's not her.

His hostility is blatant enough to be honest.

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