
00111 Boarding Party

The approaching acacia pushes Azin's shoulder lightly. The back of Azin, who had stumbled backwards, was supported by a fluffy chair that had just appeared. Acacia glances at Azin, turning her head and looking at the clock on the wall. Ajin's gaze also naturally followed him. The clock was just at 8 o'clock.

“The party starts at 9: 00. ”

Acacia mutters and claps. Then the closed door opened, and the unknown women came rushing in. Acacia frowns and takes a step back, scowling at the smell of raw snow.

“You've seen firsthand how good stylists they are, right? ”


Raw Snow's scent shrunk my shoulders. Women who sat down, brushed their hair, and cremated themselves. Sitting so helplessly and being seduced by someone else's body is a rare experience, and what I felt at that time was still alive.

“... stylist? ”

He mutters in a dazed voice. In response, Acacia nodded loudly. She glances at Azin's clothes and smiles.

“What did I tell you? We need to get in line. ”

Acacia gestures at the seated azin. The women grabbed his hand without a word and approached Ajin. Acacia orders her chin to be touched as she looks at the surrounding azin.

“First of all, let's change that dirty hair into something that looks good on you. ”

“Wait, your head...! ”

Azin, embarrassed, cries out, but Acacia laughs without an answer. Azin tries to resist, but he sits back on the chair with his hands pressed together. After that, it was a thousand. Without saying a word to each other, the women held on to Ajin's head and scissors. Without exchange of opinion, Azin's head was cut off in an instant.

“A bath...”

Acacia slaps her finger. Azin was furious at the cool dampness that was pushed from his toes. His body got wet in an instant, and again, it was dry in an instant. Wet and dry hair sagged down. Acacia smiles widely, shining between her long foreheads.

“We don't have much time, do we? ”

Acacia sits back relaxed after handcrafting a chair. Raw Snow's scent took a few steps back and glanced at Azin's distorted face with a joyful look. In the meantime, Azin's appearance continued to change. The delicate hand sets the hair and thinly shears unshaven balance. Meanwhile, some of them went to the closet and brought different kinds of party clothes. All of them were of unparalleled quality compared to the old suits that Azin was wearing.

“I can dress myself! ”

Asin shouted as he took his hands off the button on his shirt. In response, Acacia shrugs her shoulders and gestures lightly. Then the women take a few steps back with their heads down. Azin gets up staggering, heavily vomiting his blocked breath.

“.. will you stay there? ”

“Now what? ”

Acacia smiled and asked again. Ajin shivers and releases the buttons on his shirt one by one. He swallowed up his soaring swearing tongue and threw his shirt down the floor. Then the woman who was bowing her head approached and handed him a new shirt. The touch itself was a different shirt, but I didn't want to admire it. Ajin had to change his teeth and put on a new shirt, and in front of everyone, he had to change his pants.

The clothes were just right as if they were custom-made for him. Azin limps as he receives a hand to groom the seagull in his clothes. He grabs his helpless wrist and fills his new watch. One crouches and wipes his new shoes. Azin stares at the woman standing in the mirror. They didn't look like machines, they didn't have focus in their eyes.

“It looks good on you. ”

Acacia quietly said. Azin frowns and looks at himself in the mirror. He wears black and white tuxedos with his head set. Another person stands in the mirror, staring at the pain he cannot even imagine. The necessities were intact, but the clothes were indeed wings. All that remained in the mirror was dark eyes and soaring eyes.

“.. I want to cover my face. ”

When the fighting is ready, the women step back out into the hands of Acacia. Azin mutters as he looks at the closing door. The old look has changed so little that it remains, but the bare face is the bare face. In response, Acacia tilted her head.


“I don't want to suffer from useless annoyance. ”

Azin frowns and replies. Acacia didn't want many explanations. She understands what Ajin is saying, and nods her head with a slight smile.

“Well, if you want. ”

Acacia snaps her fingers. Then the white mask rests on Acacia's hand.

“This party is not a masquerade ball. ”

A mask covering from the forehead to the nose. A white mask with no embellishment, no patterns. Azin was masked by Acacia and put on his face. When I stuttered with my hands, the surface was very smooth, so I couldn't figure out what the material was. Doesn't matter. It's enough to cover your face.

“.. where is this place? ”

Azin sits on his chair and asks. On the outside, the black sea still flows. The ship seems to be moving slowly but constantly.

“It's real.”

Acacia found out what Azin suspects. Ajin kicks his tongue small, looking at her smile while smiling at Vashti.

He thought this place wasn't real. Since this body can enter reality through the shadow of Azin, there is no doubt that it was here first, but other than that, there were enough factors to think it was a game world, not a reality. Things that come from one hand in Acacia, or the process of coming here.

“Near Hawaii. ”

Acacia said with a smile. Is that true? Azin narrows his eyes and looks at Acacia. In that gaze, Acacia shrugs.

“Why would I lie? ”

“.. from Seoul to Hawaii in a few hours..”

“I told you, this was the fastest way to get players all over the world together. A few humans. Moving space is simple. ”

It is said to be transcendent. It is not unusual to have the power to challenge a god's position. However, the question of Azin was not resolved.

“I know of your existence, and I can assure you, but others will not be able to convince me of what they have experienced. ”

“Mental manipulation is one of the many organs we have. ”

Acacia, sitting in a chair, twisted her legs. At that point, he couldn't ask any more questions. Dragon Vasrodel, including Persian. Other manipulations that have completely altered the memory of numerous NPCs and monsters. It's easy to convince 20 humans how they got here.

“Because you already know. I just didn't have to do it. Had you not known about me, you would have been manipulated as well. Oh, of course."

Acacia smiles brightly.

“Other representatives, including you, were not manipulated. By now, they'll be completely convinced of what they're up to. ”

Acacia gets up from her seat and approaches Azin. After approaching, Acacia is troubled by the ears of Azin, who looks up to her.

“You're lucky to be my proxy. The other transcendents, they're all crazy. ”

“That goes for you, too. ”

The black snow murmurs. Acacia glances at the black snow, but only smiles brightly. Acacia reaches out for Azin. Azin hesitates for a moment, then gets up, grabbing her wrist.

“It's time. ”

Acacia looked at the clock and said, Like she said, the clock was pointing to 9 o'clock one day. Azin asked, looking toward the Raw Snow scent.

“Why is Master here? ”

“Your partner asked me to attend. ”

While grumbling, the smell of black snow stares at Acacia. In his gaze, Acacia shrugs, placing her hand on Azin. The scent of Raw Snow raises its hand, smirking.

“I feel an unpleasant energy. This is ridiculous. That crazy kid is here, too. ”

“Representatives and their associates Hiddenpiece were all at the party. This party commemorates the successful end of the beta test, but it also commemorates a new beginning. ”

Without answering, Raw Snow's scent stares directly at Azin's face. Azin carefully supports the hand of the black snowy scent that extends towards him. Without knowing more about escorting the lady, Ajin's posture was a bit of a shambles. But it was the same with Raw Snow. She was simply happy to be escorted to Ajin.

“We're getting out of here. ”

After seeing it with strange eyes, Acacia turns away. The scent of Raw Snow gives you a glance at Azin, sticking out your tongue at Acacia, turning your back. Azin nods his head and walks behind Acacia, and when he starts walking, the smell of black snow slowly subsides.

[I hate that bitch.]

It was an echo. As long as this place is real, Azin can't use it. However, he continued to say that he did not care about the smell of Raw Snow.

[Just in case, she didn't do anything to you while I was gone, did she?]

Ajin shakes his head, his face fluttering. The smell of Raw Snow once stared at the pain with its narrow eyes, then looked forward again.

[.. well, whatever girl you're hanging out with doesn't matter to her.... but I'm not. But take care of it.]

Azin laughs as he follows the slightly quicker walk of Raw Snow. I can never tell you the truth. Ajin keeps her pace, hoping Acacia will keep her mouth shut.

I walked out the door, walked in the hallway. Like the room, the hallway was not so glamorous. The floor was covered with a fluffy, stain-free red rug, and a prominent painting of a painter was hung on the wall. And a little, wavy noise was coming from the far end of the hall.

“Actually, the party's already started. ”

The previous walker, Acacia, struggles to keep pace. The sound is getting closer. Laughter and a fine tune of music. Azin tilts his head.

I thought you said 9: 00? ”

“Isn't the protagonist supposed to arrive late? ”

Acacia asked with a playful smile. In saying that, he kept his mouth shut. Acacia shudders.

“It's said to be a party for the best players, but among them, there's a huge rise and fall. Top five players. ”

“.. are you the proxy? ”

Cough. Ajin grips the hand of the black snow scent without his knowledge. Acacia nods, smiling.

“That's right."

At the end of the hall was a large door. Acacia lays her hands on the door with a slow hand.

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