
00108 Boarding Party

“.. the best player? ”

I mutter again. Jina's words were not difficult to understand, but she suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Player level, skill level and achievement. The last ranking I checked, Azin ranked 12th. Final level is 33. It's a level ahead of Luke, but eventually it falls to Luke. I had no choice. During his time in the Blue Volcano, he did not hunt at all. I've leveled up, but it's due to the experience gained by performing skills, which has increased my growth.

But given the skill level, I don't know if Azin will be ranked fifth among 1500 beta players. He grew his chosen basics in the tutorial to four stages, with the energy drain reaching 45. Furthermore, through contact with the Hidden Piece, he was able to obtain an undisclosed construction tool at the current level, among other things. The secret of salvation and no-nonsense. Will that count as an achievement? No, regardless of the achievements of meeting the two of them, the achievements of Azin in the game are not negligible.

He has succeeded in hunting the boss for the first time and has conquered the cliffs of the citadel. I was a little late, but I made it to the top of the blue volcano. Enough to be the best player.

“.. do I really have to go? ”

You can be reassured without a doubt that you have been selected as the best player. But a sailing party. Ajin asks with a slight frown. A party with a fancy name. A party I suspect I will experience once in my life. But I don't want to. He's a reclusive loner. That's not why.

‘There's no way he's gonna look good. ’

Ajin kicked his tongue. Ajin's misdeeds during the beta test have caused the majority of players to go through them. Starting with boss steel, the assassination squad was wiped out backwards. Of course, the fishermen in between would not have been selected as the best players.

But, Luke.

‘He was in fourth place. ’

It wasn't as painful as it seemed, but it was also quite accomplished. If you were that kind of player, you would have been selected as the best player and won an invitation to a sailing party. Ajin imagines his encounter with Luke.

‘Your eyes will flip over. ’

This is not First World. In that world, Ajin can smile, accept and kill Luke in reverse, no matter what malice he may inflict on himself. But is that possible in reality? I never thought of myself as weak. Back in the day, when I was in school. There have been a few disagreements, and Ajin has never lost a fight. His battle sense is outstanding, and even if the opponent is bigger than himself, he has never been overwhelmed. But it hurts when you get hit. It's inevitable.

“You're not going? ”

Jina looks surprised at what Ajin said. She blinks and shakes the envelope on the table.

“It's a sailing party hosted by Gladiolus himself! I'm sure it's very lavish and...”

“Haven't you seen my play? ”

Azin twists his legs and asks. In response, Jina shuts her open lips and nods her head.

“What do you think?”

Azin twists his lips and smiles. Jina blinks and tilts her head.

“... what? ”

“What did you think of me when you saw me? The second image of reality, through the video, what did Ms. Jin-ae feel for me? ”

Jina blinks at Azin's smiling face as she looks at herself. The color of the sunglasses was so dark, I couldn't see azine's eyes. Jina's eyes unknowingly examined her face and clothes. Seeing Jina's eyes move, he says again.

“Not an image of reality. ”

Jina closed her eyes. She recalls a video of Azin on her homepage. Vampire slaughter. That's what Azin's video of the Thorn Forest was called. There are also dozens of videos related to it. All of them were uploaded by players who were hunted by vampires. Players entered the grove of ugly white thorns. Red eyes of a sparkling vampire in the dark. The bitten, torn body. The pale look of a vampire smiling brightly with his face soaked in blood reminded me of a scene in a glamour movie.

And Azin's footage. Easily kill NPCs in knight-class and disable Luke's party of top rankers in an instant. A smiling face commands forgiveness, and finally rips off his limbs... so intense that every scene still comes to life in his head. Jina shrugs.

‘Thanks to you, I had a hard time. ’

Protests of users being hunted by vampires, protests coming from Luke's party with torn limbs and neglected. Reports asking you to eliminate cheating users. There was no systemic problem. I admit it was overwhelming, but it was self-defense. The management handled it with Morse, and the case was cut short.

“... a villain. ”

But this has to be acknowledged. None of the beta players have played as stimulating and violent as the pain. It also gave a star to a player named Ajin. First villain player. The first boss stiller. Mass Player Carnage.

“I don't know what I'd look like if I went to a boat party like that. ”

Ajin smiles and asks. Jina shuts up about it. Lots of users participate in the best player's boarding party. Character Level, Skill Level and Achievement. Invited are the top 20 rankers in total. Among them, the one who had an enmity with Ajin...

“I don't think you need to worry about that.”

Jina says with a blurred horse tail. In order to prevent unpleasant accidents from occurring, we will be careful and careful on the part of the host. Jina stammers, but her expression doesn't change much. After Ajin kept his mouth shut, Jina glanced down with her lower lip for no reason.

“.. the penalty? ”


Jina opens her eyes in a sudden question. Azin squeaks backwards while drinking coffee with almost melted ice.

“Well, what's the penalty if you don't go to the boat party? ”

“Uh, I don't know. I don't think it's possible... but it's not for the greater good, it's just a party. He's not coming.”

“I'll think about it. ”

Ajin stopped Jina's words. He pulls out his chair and raises his body, raising the envelope on the table.

“You said the day after tomorrow. There's still time, so I'll think about it. Do I need to contact you separately? ”

“Oh, you can call me at the number on my business card. ”

Jina rises up along the azin in a low posture. Azin nodded his head and drank some leftover coffee at once.

“.. I understand. The story seems to be over, so I'll be going now. ”

Coffee cost was upfront. Azin bows once and turns to Jina. Seeing Ajin's back quickly drifting away without a bird to catch, Jina stands dumbfounded and sits on a chair.

“.. unusual person. ”

I'm just muttering. Jina sipped coffee.

On the 11th floor of the elevator, Ajin unlocked the door and entered the house. I think I was a little overprepared for a short outing, but I didn't care about the pain. He takes off his sunglasses, takes off his shoes and stops. It was because I heard a squeak in the house.

Azin sighs low.


Azin takes off his shoes, calling her name. The creaking stops. It is impossible for someone to enter through the security system. Even with the Black Snow scent in mind, there was no Black Snow in this room until Azin left the house. All she can come to life is through the shadow of Azin. Was he hiding? There's no reason. When Azin opened the door to Jina's visit, he recalled a voice that was troubled in his ears.

“Did you have fun?”

Acacia was sitting in a chair next to the table. She squeaks and looks at the pain with a smile on her face. Ajin blinks at Acacia in a clean suit and sighs low.

“.. can't a home invasion charge be imposed on a transcendent? ”

“If only I had handcuffs and a jail cell to keep me in. ”

Acacia giggles. She stops squeaking, blinking her eyes at the sore chin on the back of her hand. Azin sighs and takes off his sunglasses.

“... what brings you here? ”

“I have something to tell you. ”

Acacia climbs over the chair. She wears black shoes, and every time she approaches Azin, the room buzzes. Arriving in front of him, she reaches out and grabs him by the neck.

“... say what? ”

Azin was unable to push the incoming acacia. Acacia reaches out to Azin with more strength in her arms, and her bountiful chest is crushed against him. Acacia, with her flinching feet, is pinned to the ears of Ajin.

“Honorably, you have become my proxy. ”

Of course, he thought. So I wasn't surprised. He clenches his fist at the hot breath of Acacia approaching his ears. Her breath was damp, and the eyes of Acacia looking at her recalled her first encounter. His eyes, devoted to the desire of lust. Eyes full of lust. Azin takes a step back.

“.. are you here to deliver it? ”

“Yes. This makes you my most loyal knight and my only joker. He became my successor against all destinies, my glorious ambush, and the other half to leave all of me in charge. ”

“.. you don't have to do that if you're here to say so. If I win, you'll give me everything you want. If it pays properly..."

“I guess I didn't hear that. ”

Acacia cut him off. She loosenes her arm around Ajin's neck, then takes a step back and smiles brightly.

“So, what do you want from me? ”

Tak, Tak. As he tapped the floor with his heels, Acacia took a few more steps back. She frowns with open arms.

“I can give you the power that no one else can follow, the power to live the whole world, the eternal life that will not suffer a lifetime, and that will never grow old. What do you want from them? ”

“Nothing. And all of it. ”

Ajin said with an ambiguous smile. In response, Acacia screams with her arms spread out.

“Humans are lustful. Their desires are so simple and so deep and so enormous. But it doesn't matter, because if I'm God, I can listen to whatever you want. ”

“Well, that's a relief. You don't need to tell me right now, do you? ”

Azin shrugs. In response, Acacia smiles widely and takes a step forward. Acacia's blurred body suddenly stands in front of Azin. She reaches out and grabs her shirt. My stammering hand slipped up and touched the button on my shirt.

“.. a bit, I'd like to pay upfront. What do you think?”

Azin looks at Acacia's eyes, looking at him. Her eyes are as sticky as sweet honey and deep as an endless abyss. I've seen it before. Ajin glances at the ceiling.

“.. it's an honor. ”

Azin smiles in relief.

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