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A few days later.

The capital of the Kingdom of Fiore, Crocas.

Akunolokia lay on his back on his throne, legs and neck resting on either side of the armrest, listening to Erin and Knightwalka’s reports on the battle situation and the Magic Council.

Among the ten shields, although the recalcitrant elements led by Olgast were troublesome, they had been annihilated after a few days.

The Four Heavenly Kings of Isugal, of the Council of Magic, before Akunolokia made a move, Drajoulos and Ulfheim were solved by Jelf’s men.

It doesn’t take much effort to deal with.

Crawford, the former Speaker, got his wish and returned to the Speaker’s seat.

However, the word “puppet” should be added in front of it.

That’s right, now his speaker is nothing more than a puppet speaker controlled by Akunologia.

Everyone with a normal brain knows who is in charge of the wizarding world now.

“However, even the ten shields who surrendered, there are many people with evil intentions, and they may betray at any time.”

Erin stood on the red carpet under the steps of the throne and bowed her head.

Akunolokia sneered, “That’s interesting, if they dare, they will have a little fun.” ”

The real owner of the palace, Toma E. Fiore and Emerald E. Fiore and other members of the royal family stood awkwardly on the sidelines.

Miraj and Sonia who stormed here are both doves, and they did not embarrass them, and it is already a great fortune in misfortune that they have not died.

“Sit in an uncomfortable position.”

Akunolokia said and wanted to get up from the throne, when a figure walked in from outside.

Looking at it, Akunolokia suddenly chuckled, “I thought who it was, it turned out to be the fourth generation president of [Fairy Tail].” ”

After Makarov was killed by Jelf, [Fairy Tail] naturally lost its leader.

Although Elusha left the guild for a long time, Yu Wei was still there, and she was naturally recommended as the fourth generation president after Makarov.


Seeing this, Mira’s expression appeared worried, for fear that Elusa would have another provocative word.

She had experienced firsthand that Akunolokia had been in a bad mood after the battle with Jelf.

If Elusha dares to speak out again, Akunolokia may not be able to bear it.

Not only Mira, but Anna, who was holding Wendy next to her, also kept shaking her head at Elusa, signaling her not to come nonsense.

“You’ve been in a bad mood lately.”

Elusha looked up at Akuno Lokia on the steps, and her first words made people a little confused about what she was trying to say.

Akuno Lokia glanced at Erin, who waved her hand knowingly, “Everyone stand down for me.” ”

Soon, the huge palace was opened, and only two people remained, Akuno Lokia and Elusa.

“What do you want to say?”

Akunolokia sat on the throne again, his feet spread and his hands lazily resting on his legs.

“I’ve been thinking these days about what a person has to go through to become a personality.”

Elusa Zhu’s lips lightly opened, “I don’t know what you have seen in the more than 400 years you have experienced, but you must not have been like this at the beginning, what did the battle with Jelf remind you?” Otherwise, you won’t have that look like that after a fight. ”

Akuno Lokia stared at Elusha for a long time, and suddenly the corners of his mouth hooked, “What is this?” Interested in me? ”

Elusa didn’t answer, just looked at each other quietly.

“The past is gone, if you want to evoke my past and make me change, forget it.”

Akuno Lokia smiled a little coldly, and his eyes suddenly sharpened, “But there is one thing I can tell you unequivocally…”

“I’ve never regretted what I did.”

Get up from your throne and walk down the steps step by step until Elusa stops over her shoulder, “Do it well, fourth generation.” ”

In X785, led by Akuno Lokia and Irene, he officially counterattacked the magical military kingdom of the western continent that was originally ruled by Jelf from the eastern continent.

Just three days later, Albarez’s entire army was defeated, and Erin Berserion was the new queen, and the wizarding world officially entered the era of unification.

The passage of time gradually calmed down the originally uneasy masses, and neither the Black Dragon Legion nor the remnants of Jelf’s party dared to make a mistake under the suppression of Akunolokia.

A world that must be united for a long time has ushered in an era of peace that will collapse again at some point.

A few months later, the gates of the eclipse were reopened, and Urrutia returned, taking the initiative to plead guilt to Akunolokia.

But from Sonia, the current queen of the Fiole Kingdom, I heard that Akunolokia was not in the palace for the time being.

“Has the purpose been achieved?”

Seeing Urrutia, who returned from the Eclipse Gate and had a lot of anger on her body, Sonia asked curiously.

When Urrutia heard this, after a short silence, she smiled back and did not say much.

A few days later, Akunolokia returned from nowhere, and it happened that on this day, Elusha Shucaletto entered the palace and met him by chance.

“Three days and two heads running here, does it matter if the [Fairy Tail] in name only?”

Akuno Lokia sat lazily in the room, her feet crossed on the table in front of her, and Mira obediently served red wine on the side.

“I’ve only come here once in more than two months, and I didn’t expect to meet you so coincidentally.”

Elusha said truthfully.

Akuno Lokia scoffed, did not answer Elusa’s words, but just drank the famous wine offered to the royal family from above like boiled water.

This silent situation lasted for about ten minutes, Mila couldn’t help it, coughed twice, and barely pulled out the topic, “Elusha came this time, what is the matter?” ”

After Elusa’s brief silence, a bright light flashed from her hand, it was the weapon of Akunolokia, the Dark Dragon Nemesis.

“This, give it back to you.”

Elusha held the Dragon Nemesis in her hand and walked over to Akunolokia.

“What do you mean?”

Akuno Lokia asked, raising his eyes.

PS: Demon Tail is coming to an end, I hope everyone’s support is still there, and the new world will try to be just as wonderful.

Throw in more. _

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