In response to the report that Akuno Lokia saw in the newspaper today, in fact, it was only after this news came out that the [Fairy Tail] Guild officially accepted this commission.

The contents of the commission were also published in the newspapers to destroy a place called the “Tower of Paradise”.


Elusa stood in the lobby below the podium, extremely puzzled, even skeptical, that Zikrein, one of the Holy Ten, had issued this task.

Because the other party first published the news in the newspaper, and then notified [Fairy Tail] step by step.

It felt as if they were being forced to accept the commission.

“This time I chose to carry out this mission, Elusa, Naz, Gray, Lucy, Jubia, Gagiru.”

Standing at the podium, Makarov announced the list of members involved in this mission.

“Mission [Tower of Paradise Crusade], Mission S, Elusa is responsible for leading.”

Although Gagiru and Jubian, who were originally [Ghost Dominators], are both S-ranked.

But that was actually the level that Joseph forcibly gave Gagiru and the Four Elements in order to raise the value of his guild.

In terms of real strength, the two are not as good as S-class.

“Such an important task, send two ghostes…”

Those who were not selected below to participate in this mission muttered secretly.

But Makarov thought that Jubian and Gagiru must be quickly integrated into the guild, so he chose the two of them.

Jubian is okay, Gagiru must take care of it.

“This time is a commission personally issued by one of the Holy Ten Great Demon Guides, and we must unite and cooperate and do our best to complete it.”

Makarov reminded solemnly.


The location of the Tower of Paradise, Ziklein also gave it.

Located on an isolated island off the coast of the Kingdom of Karrum.

Because no one dared to approach there, the six had to row their own boats to approach.

Natsu naturally got seasick and lay on the edge of the wooden boat.

“Why is Gagiru a Dragon Slayer Wizard but not seasick?”

Harpy looked at Gagiru curiously.

The other person “cut” and turned his head to the other side.

Zhu Bian explained: “I don’t know this, I didn’t see Gagiru dizzy transportation.”

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little awkward, Zhu Bian changed the topic in time, “However, what exactly is the Tower of Paradise?” ”

“It is rumored that many years ago, a sect called the Black Magic Order collected orphans and raised them to be built as slaves.”

Elusha looked at the information she took from Makarov and said in a deep voice: “A total of eight have been discovered over the years, the first seven have been destroyed under the suppression of the Senate, and we are going to destroy the last one now.”

“It’s too much to collect orphans to do that kind of thing.”

Lucy was indignant, but the next second Rarity became uneasy, looked down and muttered, “But is it okay?” Let me do S-level tasks, it feels so scary~~”

“It’s okay, there’s Elusa.”

Gray on the side comforted.

“You put your clothes on first!”

Lucy saw that the other party’s body was naked again at some point, and stroked her head and complained.

But think about it, so terrible Elusha is here.

Suddenly, Gagiru and Natsu, who was lying on the side of the boat, changed their faces, twitched their noses, and looked up at the night sky above.

“What’s wrong with you two?”

Elusa asked, looking sideways.

Gagiru mused, “Just now…”

Natsu had a half-dead expression, but his emotions were much more excited than before, “Yes, there is a large black shadow rushing from above, and there is a very familiar smell!” ”

“Black Shadow?”

For a while, Elusa, Lucy, and Gray all looked up at the night sky.

There is not even a star, where is the black shadow?

“Are you mistaken?”

Lucy pouted, “It’s night, and it’s dark in the sky.” ”

Elusa and Gray also looked disbelieving.

“No, no, I really saw it!”

Natsu said excitedly, turning his head to look at Gagiru again, “You saw it too, right?” ”

“Hmph, who knows?”

Gagiru turned his head to the other side.


Natsu was so angry that he wanted to rush up and fight.

But as soon as I took a step, my head couldn’t help fainting, and I lay on the side of the boat and vomited.

Kilometers above the clouds.

Akuno Lokia appeared in the body of a dragon, and in the night clouds, flared his wings, and quickly flew towards the Tower of Paradise in the middle of the sea off Karrum.

“Tower of Paradise, remember that it was something that Jellal kid came up with, the R system, Jelf created the ultra-taboo magic that sacrifices a person to resurrect a person, another reason why he was cursed to remove the Eclipse Gate.”

After Akunolokia finished saying this to himself, he smiled softly and flared his wings, making the speed increase even further.

“Oh, then again, who will [Fairy Tail] send? If it’s Elusha Naniko, it’s interesting. ”

Elusa and her boating take hours to arrive.

And Akuno Lokia flew all the way from Vas, it didn’t take an hour, and it felt like a speed comparison between a car and a bicycle.

Before Elusa and them were halfway there, Akuno Lokia had descended on the top of the Tower of Paradise.

Located in the middle of an isolated island, this tower is hundreds of meters high and full of ominous atmosphere.

It does have a hint of Jelf’s black magic, but it’s too far behind

At this time, inside a separate room on the top floor.

On a stone chair in the empty hall, a young man with blue hair and a tattoo on his left face was sitting here, holding a side face in one hand and a chess piece in the other, saying to himself: “Come quickly, [Fairy Tail]… Resurrecting Jelf is already close at hand. ”

Zikerein, no, that’s just a pseudonym that he mixed into the Senate, his real name is Jellal!

“Is that any good?”

As soon as Jalal’s words fell, an unfamiliar voice suddenly came from behind him.


The chess piece in his hand fell to the ground, and Jellal quickly got up and turned his head to look behind him.

I saw a man with long silver-white hair and dark blue lines on his cheeks, neck and collarbone, looking directly at himself with a mocking face.

“What good is it for you to resurrect Jelf?”

PS: The first one is sent today, please support it in the future!

In addition, the book was renamed “Infinite Evolution of My Black Dragon”.

The meaning of the website is no way, everyone understands, anyway, the plot content is the most important.

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