Demon School

Chapter 504: Auction Rules

Qin Feng is busy with these big guys, and Lu Qiujian is not idle there. He and his classmates are chatting about a math problem.

When Bill Gates studied at Harvard, he first studied in the preparatory department of the law department, and then transferred to higher mathematics and science majors. He was quite talented in mathematics; once the class ended, their teachers, famous mathematicians, the American Academy of Sciences, and the Academy of Engineering Academician Christopher Papadimitriu left a very difficult assignment. Most of the students in the class handed in the white papers. Only Bill Gates gave the answer that made him shine.

Papadimitriu found Gates and persuaded him to be a graduate student with himself after graduation. Gates asked him what kind of research is more top field, he said that even if you do.

However, Gates did not do research with him after all, he felt that he seemed more suitable for starting a business, so he chose to drop out; Papadimitriu organized his work and published it in a professional mathematical journal with Gates as the first author. In "Discrete Mathematics", although the influence of "Discrete Mathematics" cannot be compared with the four major journals, it is enough to prove that Bill Gates' math skills are better than that of general mathematics students.

So for those who follow him as an example and clamor for quitting entrepreneurship, Lv Qiujian wants to say that you have the strength to be admitted to Harvard and be able to publish articles in professional journals.

"Professor Friedman, when he saw your article about Poincaré ’s conjecture, he persuaded me to pull you to Microsoft Research. I was a little hesitant at the time; now it seems that I did a very wrong Decision! "Ended the discussion of the mathematical problem, Gates said.

Friedman in his mouth refers to Michael Friedman, who won the Fields Medal in 1986 because of the Poincaré conjecture that proved the four-dimensional manifold topology. He currently works at Microsoft Research.

Microsoft Research is also one of the world ’s top research centers. In addition to Friedman, it also owns the Turing Award winner Leslie, who invented the latex typesetting system used by Lu Qiujian in writing his thesis. -Lambert; other big bulls include Tony Hall, James Nikolai Gray who are also Turing Award winners, Wolf Mathematics Award winner, combined math genius Laszlo Lovalz, etc. .

"Maybe I will be happy at that time!" Lu Qiujian said half-truly, Microsoft Research is committed to long-term computer science research without being limited by the product cycle, for a pure researcher is a Quite a good choice. People usually applaud Steve Jobs's miraculous performance, but Bill Gates is the one who changed the world!

"Lu, if you have any ideas about computers in the future. May wish to communicate with me, Microsoft still has a certain strength in this field!" Bill Gates knows that this competition will be very fierce, he has already started for the future How about a tablet computer product? If you can have a good relationship with this genius, this is the biggest gain.

Lu Qiujian shook his head slightly, "Microsoft has a lot of things that I am very interested in, but I think the government of the United States may not be happy to see us communicate in this regard." The United States has always implemented technical control over China, and it has High-tech products are very cautious.

"Ah, that's a shame!" Gates, who ended the conversation, picked up the glass again and left Lu Qiujian. When the coming person passed by, he said in the ear of Lu Qiujian with the voice of a weak mosquito, "Lu, I am a businessman after all, and there is nothing for the businessman that cannot be traded!"

Lv Qiujian smiled and raised his glass against Gates' back. He already understood the meaning of the other party's hint. As long as Lv Qiujian could come up with something that satisfied him, what would the rice ban be? ? After all, the government of the United States serves these capitalists!

If the project you want to develop does not belong to the energy field, then it seems that a big entrepreneur like Gates is also a good choice! Lu Qiujian thought secretly, but unfortunately this field is too sensitive. Without state support, it is too difficult for an individual to complete independently, and his time is very tight.

"Dear student, you look great tonight!" Amazon's ceo Jeff Bezos came over. He is a 86-year-old graduate of Princeton, so he just had the title.

"When I was studying in Princeton, I sang the legendary experience of your entrepreneurship everywhere!" Lu Qiujian replied. The senior in front of him is also an interesting guy. He is very interested in various high-tech products. He will also sponsor research on spacecraft.

"I want to know what model will be used in this auction? Amazon is very interested in certain technologies in this sample!" Bezos explained the intention. Amazon launched the electronic paper book kindle last year. While selling it, consumers also discovered a series of shortcomings. Bezos saw the solution to the problem from the samples received.

"It will be up to them to decide which mode the auction will take ~ ~ I will not interfere! But I think they should not let you down?" Lu Qiujian said.

During the dinner. In addition to the various temptations and temptations around these business leaders, Qin Feng and Lu Qiujian, they also divided themselves into a number of small circles to communicate. They know that it is difficult for a company to eat this alone. A whole piece of cake, so it is better to temporarily join together to form a temporary alliance, first grab a piece of cake and talk about it!

This is also the reason why the heads of the companies personally go out, Lei Busi has not given much time. The mall is changing rapidly. If you send a representative who does not have much authority, just contacting back and forth will consume almost the time. When they discuss the result, I am afraid that the daylily is cold.

On the day of the auction, the entire five-star hotel was wrapped up by Lei Busi. Major financial and digital media reporters outside the door blocked the door tightly, but they couldn't get in after trying everything.

"Dear ladies and gentlemen, welcome to participate in this auction ..." After a warm welcome speech, Lei Busi announced the first process of the auction, "Let us first look at this An epoch-making product demonstration! "

Then he personally went out on the demo stage to give a detailed demonstration to the guests on the spot. The function of this product was displayed by him most vividly, and the appearance of the guests became more and more tense.

"Let's enter the second link of this auction, let me first introduce the mode of this auction!" (To be continued.)

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