Demon School

Chapter 249: New discovery

In 1990, CERN staff grabbed 115gev of Higgs boson through the electron-positron collider lep, but their statistics at that time were not enough to make any definite inferences.

Later, other collider laboratories have also discovered the Higgs boson trail, for example, the trillion-electron volt accelerator () of the world ’s largest collider, Fermi Laboratory of the United States, almost found this mysterious particle. However, because the degree of certainty of this result has not reached a sufficient standard, it has not been unanimously recognized by the physical community.

Did the first formal test prove successful? Several key personnel in the laboratory surrounded Lu Qiujian and Dietrich, holding their breath and watching the data on the screen.

Lv Qiujian took over the keyboard and mouse, and began to pour this data into special software for calculation. The charged particles will be deflected in the magnetic field. The physicist determines the nature of a particle according to this principle. First determine the type of particles with the deflection direction, and then measure the energy momentum with the deflection radius or energy storage.

Soon the data was converted into a chart that is easier for people to understand intuitively. You can easily see that the distribution of data points on the icon seems to deviate from the normal interval.

"This ... Could it be ..." Dietrich squeezed out a few words.

"Gentlemen, your takeaway is here!" Just as Lu Qiujian was about to answer, the knocking of the logistics staff broke the silence of the laboratory.

The thinking of all the staff who were falling into thinking was interrupted instantly, and they turned their heads in unison and glared at the logistics person who awakened them from the dream.

"Gentlemen, the takeaway you just called has arrived, do you need me to bring it in for you?" He didn't understand the consequences of his actions just now, and asked with trembling under the eyes of these people.

"I don't want any takeaway now! Now please close the door from the outside!" Dietrich finally couldn't control his anger and stood up and shouted loudly.

"Dietrich, calm down!" Lu Qiujian patted him on the shoulder, pressed him back to his seat, and smiled to the unlucky logistic staff, "I'm sorry. We just found something wonderful. Things, so Dietrich went a little emotional; next time we might have a lot of work to do, I am afraid I ca n’t take care of dinner now! "

"Okay, okay. I'll leave immediately!" He finally realized that he didn't seem to be coming at the right time, and quickly quit the laboratory and helped them cover the laboratory door.

"Okay, let's continue the analysis!" Lu Qiujian started the subsequent processing work, and Dietrich's madness is about to jump out of his throat, if this set of data is really Higgs Bose Evidence of the existence of the child. Isn't he the first person in the world to discover the Higgs boson? This is the achievement of being able to make history! Of course, the premise is that other organizations have not found and noticed similar data before this.

"Bang" life, the door of the laboratory was pushed open again! Dietrich turned his head and shouted. When the first word popped out, he already knew who the person was and quickly swallowed the rest of the words back.

"I heard that you found something interesting?" Professor Xuft ignored the Dietrich and went straight to the computer; he didn't even wear a coat now, apparently he hurried from his office as soon as he heard the news Come, that's enough to manage Dietrich.

"Yes, I found a very special set of data, data that has never appeared in previous experiments!" In this laboratory, it is still estimated that only Lu Qiujian can remain calm.

"Analyze as soon as possible!" Xuft patted Lu Qiujian on the shoulder. Then he looked at the crowd next to him, "What are you doing? Go back to your seat! Have you finished your work?" He knew that under such circumstances, the average person could not calm down and work. He wanted to help Lu Qiu Jian created a better working environment.

Lu Qiujian didn't care if anyone was staring at him behind him. Of course, he didn't intend to correct Prof. Xuft; he quickly invested in the in-depth analysis of this set of data. Although the other staff were all in Prof. Xuft Returned to his seat under the scolding of them, but they could n’t concentrate on their work at all. They would turn their heads every few tens of seconds to glance at Lu Qiujian ’s computer screen, trying to find out if he had The results.

Since Professor Xuft drove away others, of course, he was not easy to take behind Lu Qiujian; he wanted to drink a cup of coffee calmly, but when he poured coffee, he turned his head to Lu Qiujian's direction involuntarily. I didn't even notice the overflow of coffee from the cup.

As for Dietrich, it was even more tragic. His computer was occupied by Lu Qiujian. He was very uncomfortable staying by the side. Finally he came to Lu Qiujian's computer and sat down. But Lu Qiujian's computer didn't dare to mess up, for fear that it would mess up the work Lu Qiujian just did.

I don't know how long after that, Lu Qiujian finally raised his head from the screen ~ ~ The result came out! "

哗啦, 噗通, 哐 哷. Oops, the laboratory suddenly changed from quiet to noisy, everyone reunited behind Lu Qiujian, and Professor Xuft pushed his glasses and asked, "What is the result? The Higgs boson was found No?"

"Not really!" Lu Qiujian shook his head.

"Hey!" There was a sigh in the laboratory, and the undisguised disappointment appeared on everyone's face. Although it was already known that the Higgs boson was not so easy to find, the group was just discovered by Dietrich just now. The anomalous data began, and they were not expecting the miracle to come, but now their dreams were shattered.

"However, from this set of data, we can indeed see the traces of some particles that have not yet been determined!" Lu Qiujian's words brought back their hopes. "From the current data, it can be seen that this kind of particles have been realized. The characteristics are very close to the Higgs boson! "

In plain language, Lu Qiujian now finds an unfamiliar footprint at the murder site. This footprint is very close to the top of the police suspect list, although it is not certain that he is the murderer. But there is no doubt that this discovery gives people the hope of success in solving the case.

"Wow!" The laboratory immediately changed from disappointment to jubilation, which meant that they were closer to the truth.

Professor Xuft gathered the computer and reviewed it carefully. He settled down and said, "Send to cern to see if other cooperative units have found similar data!" (To be continued.)

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