After the people settled down, they started to pack their own equipment and facilities immediately after their respective luggage.

According to the plan.

They are about to step into that mysterious and eerie swamp tonight.

As for some of the doubts recorded in the previous volumes, Lynn had already investigated them all before they arrived.

It was exactly as he thought.

Those witnesses of the exact same caliber all disappeared after a month.

Ask other people, they don't have any memory at all.

It seems that the origins of these people are also worthy of careful consideration.

While packing their things, the three of them also discussed their plans for the night.

Li Ming asked with the wolf tooth in his hand.

"Captain Lin, are we really going to set up a tent over there tonight? Is the risk factor too high? Why can't we find the internal conditions of the swamp on foot?"

Lynn packs her backpack.

"I have considered other methods, but after careful comparison, I think this has the highest success rate."

Wayne nodded in agreement.

"I agree with Mr. Lin's statement. The tropical rainforest area we are going to this time has complex terrain and dense vegetation. Not to mention evil spirits and evil spirits, even some of the strange and strange beasts inside are very terrifying."

"It is very difficult to walk in it, let alone find it on foot.."

Lynn nodded and added.

"This method is indeed the most effective. After we are not good at the formation and defense, we just need to wait for the evil spirit to throw himself in the net."

"Maintaining the status quo."

Lynn looked at the two lads next to her and added.

"As long as the three of us stay together, I can guarantee your safety."

The two of them looked at Lynn with unwavering determination.

The originally panicked heart was completely comforted for some unknown reason.

The man next to him is very believable.

He also silently recited this sentence in his heart.

Before long, night fell gradually.

The few hotel staff also hid in their rooms one by one.

The hotel is preparing for a curfew.

Lynn, the three of them did the opposite and stepped out of the hotel door.

The hotel owner looked at their look, appearance and equipment.

plus previous experience.

He also knew that the three people in front of him were spirit destroyers who were going to the swamp again.

But there have been three groups of teams before, all of which have gone back and forth.

The owner of the hotel has no expectations.

But before the three of them left, they still said.

"The three of you have to be careful, the evil spirits in the swamp are very scary, I hope your stars can return smoothly."

The three of Lynn looked back and smiled slightly, nodding their heads.

The hotel owner watched the three of them off and left.

Close the door.

With a crisp lock sound.

To read the latest original novels, please go to Feilu This hotel is also in disrepair.

b. The road at the door is full of potholes.

I don't know if the street lights are not powered on or if they are already broken.


The three of them stood outside, without a trace of light, there was only a trace of residual sunlight.

Barely able to see the road.

Everyone has a wolf-eye flashlight.

Set off towards the central swamp exclusion zone.

Wayne was playing the magic circle in front.

Due to his previous experience in special forces, he can clearly distinguish the direction and find the most suitable way forward.

Li Ming casts a spell in the middle to prevent the spirits and beasts.

Lynn was at the back of the team, covering up their presence and whereabouts.

He didn't want to be shocked by the grass before he arrived.

Wayne's sense of direction and ability to survive in the wild is really strong.

They probably advanced in the rainforest for less than an hour when they found a very flat ground beside a creek.

"This place is close to the water source and the terrain is flat. If it is correct, the previous expedition team will most likely set up camp here."

Walking forward again, within five minutes, I found some equipment and tents left by the previous team.

The weather in tropical rain forests is changeable and humid.

Most of these tents are tattered and uninhabitable.

It was also overgrown with weeds.

Only a few empty backpacks and a few ceramic plates or bowls could be found.

The previous signs of life have also been wiped out.

It is impossible to judge whether the previous person disappeared miraculously in one night just by looking at it.

"No matter what happened here before, we'll continue as planned."

Lynn said.

Then the three of them took out tents, water glasses and other living materials from their backpacks.

0 for flowers.

Lynn is going to experience it firsthand again.

To really know what happened here before.

Wayne was quick on his feet.

The tent was set up three times, five divisions, two, and the fire was burning vigorously.

The three of them sat by the fire, waiting while the canned beef on top was already heating.

"The more flavorful the test, the more that thing can be seduced. I don't believe that this evil spirit doesn't like meat."

Wayne said while stirring the beef in the jar.

Li Ming sat quietly beside the stone, holding the book in his hand and said.

"Of course the evil spirit likes it, but what he is more interested in may not be the dead flesh in the jar, but the living flesh of us outside."

When Wayne heard Li Ming's words, he felt a little unhappy in his heart.


"Oh, what you said, why did it hit our morale before it even started? I'm a very accurate person, and Mr. Lin is by my side. This mission will definitely be no problem."

Li Ming closed the book.

His face was bright or dark in the firelight, and no emotion was evident.

"It can't be said that I am demoralizing. I haven't seen what means Mr. Lin has."


Cong Lynn and Li Ming meet.

Lynn has never shown his true abilities.

In fact, it's not that Lynn doesn't want to, after all, the abilities that he has now are completely unimaginable for these lower-level spirit destroyers.

Plus Li Ming is a nerd.

Stuck in the pile of books all day long, and said very little.

Lynn's character is more cold.

If not necessary, three sentences can be combined into one sentence.

In Lynn's thinking, sometimes the words of the strong are more convincing than their own strength.

Lynn's appearance also made Li Ming feel more or less neglected.

You know, Li Ming was a genius in everyone's mouth before.

He is a genius who has already reached the sixth-level spirit destroyer at a young age.

It was the first time I met a boss who was so cold to me.

Lynn didn't take Li Ming's hostile words to heart at all.

He was still silently bowing his head, his eyes staring at the changes in the fire.

He felt the changes in the surrounding atmosphere in his heart.

Suddenly, the flames in front of you suddenly trembled...

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