"Well, go ahead, don't let these people break the aircraft."

Saying that, Yan Luoyan waved his small hand.

Signaled that Amisra did not have to give her face.

"Obey, Lord Lord!"

With permission, Amesra bowed his head slightly, and then his body shook, and the whole person disappeared.

"Well, as for the Blood Princess..."

after Aushra left.

Yan Luoyan glanced at the Blood Clan Princess on the chair, and then reached out and snapped his fingers.

"Snap!" A crisp sound came out.

A twisted swirling passage suddenly appeared behind her, and then a chain of pink petals poked out.

In Alice's bewildered gaze.

These chains quickly wrapped around her and then pulled her straight in.

Of course, the two maids were also taken away.

It's also very interesting to form a maid group at that time....

"Whew, it's done~"

Yan Luoyan clapped his little hand, casually turned off the whirlpool passage, and left here.

As for those people outside....

Isn't Amisla going, she doesn't care.

At this time, on the deck outside, Zhang Xuelian held a light blade and slashed at Aitsen fiercely.

Even the surrounding qi waves scattered.

It was as if this knife had boundless terror.

However, Aitson's body was shrouded in a layer of blood-colored light, and he easily blocked this knife.

Seeing this, Zhang Xuelian and several others looked a little ugly.

"Hehe, your strength is good..."

"It's a pity that it's still too tender after all, and in front of Count Ben, it's still weak!"

Aitson sneered.

A pair of scarlet eyes flashed with a murderous coldness.

Saying that, his body rose sharply.

With a wave of his big hand, countless blood-colored bats flew out, turning into a terrifying torrent and blasted towards Zhang Xuelian.

Seeing this, Zhang Xuelian's pupils shrank.

Immediately wave the light blade in your hand to resist.

However, these blood-colored bats are terrifyingly powerful, far beyond her defense.

Even if she, the Divine Realm, resisted it with all her might.

But it was still repulsed for tens of meters.

But these blood-colored bats did not stop and continued to attack madly.

"Damn, it's really difficult!"

Feel the unstable state of the aircraft under your feet.

Zhang Xuelian secretly cursed in her heart, and a solemn look appeared on her face under her face armor.

If this continues, sooner or later this aircraft will have to be scrapped.

But the power of those bats is too weird, and there are extremely many of them.

There will be no quick victory for a while.

"Why, the Night Lord, is it so vulnerable?"

"If there are no other skills..."

"It's better to obediently obey, at least you don't have to suffer from flesh and skin!"

"Count Ben has pity for Xiangxiang Yu~"

A pair of flesh wings stretched out behind Atson, causing him to float.

The corners of his mouth outlined a proud arc.

There was cruel indifference under his eyes.

"Oh? So to speak... Are you crazy?

This voice was very cold, as if he had no interest in all things in the world, and like a high god, overlooking all living beings.


Hearing this voice, Aitson's face changed.

He suddenly raised his eyes to look around, but could not find the source of the sound.

On the other side, Zhang Xuelian and several people leaned back together.

Observe your surroundings equally vigilantly.

"Team, captain, do you say it will be some powerful shot from the Federation..."

The armored man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Tightening the big knife in his hand, he turned his head and asked the doubts in his heart.

When the other people heard this, they were all overjoyed.

If it is really a great power from the Federation, then this crisis should be lifted....

"I don't know, let's wait and see~"

Zhang Xuelian frowned, and the vigilance in her heart did not relax in the slightest.

Right at this moment.

The surrounding blood clans suddenly went crazy and began to kill each other.

Strangely, they are not capable of using it.

Instead, it uses the most primitive battle, fist to flesh, and tear with teeth, and the whole picture looks extremely weird.

If you look closely, you will find that the eyes of these blood clans are wrapped in a layer of black mist.

"Hmph, pretend to be a ghost!"

Seeing this scene, Aitson's heart sank.

I saw his flesh wings flap, suddenly flying upwards, waiting for him to fly tens of meters high, and then look down.

This time, I finally saw something different.

I saw that on the building tens of meters above the aircraft, a silver figure stood with his chest hugged, and around him, nine black holes circled around.

Those black holes, like dark abysses, are terrifying.

If not seen with your own eyes.

Aitson couldn't even feel any breath on his body.

"Hmph! Finally let Count Ben catch you!

At this time, the blood clans below were killing each other, and Aitson was also carried away by anger.

Without thinking about it, he swooped down.

The claws on his hand slashed out several blood-colored light blades.

With a furious aura, he slashed towards the figure.

However, the figure stood in place, as if it had not seen Aitson's attack, and stood there.

Seeing that the blade of light was about to fall on him.

The silver figure finally moved.

The right hand slowly stretched forward.

Suddenly, a pitch-black spatial crack appeared out of thin air, and then suddenly expanded, instantly devouring those light blades.

This is this space capability?

Aitson's eyes were round, staring at the silver figure.

However, the next moment, he felt cold.

When he returned to his senses, he had already been dragged into the turbulence of black space.

"Nope! Help—"

Aitson was horrified.

However, in this black space, there is nothing, only boundless darkness and unknown.

His plea for mercy soon faded into the depths of darkness.

Perhaps what awaits him will be an endless abyss.

And Zhang Xuelian and the others who saw this scene were chilling in their hearts.

This, this is a bit outrageously strong!

Aitson, who was still arrogant before, directly evaporated.

"Team, captain, this, this..." The

armored man swallowed, and the big knife in his hand was almost unstable.

Others are no better.

One by one, their faces turned pale, obviously frightened by the silver figure.

"Don't panic! Let's see the situation first! In

this regard, although Zhang Xuelian was also shocked in her heart, after all, she was one of the night thugs cultivated by the Federation, and the basic adaptability was still there.

She stared cautiously at the silver figure.

Although the other party's means were powerful just now, they did not hurt themselves and others.

Other words.

This person has no ill will towards himself and others.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xuelian was slightly relieved.

However, even so, she did not dare to let her guard down, but was just careful to guard on.

And just when Zhang Xuelian was on guard.

Aushra had already withdrawn his palm, took a few slow steps forward, and then stopped at the edge of the building at the top of the aircraft.

He looked indifferent and looked down on the crowd condescendingly.

"You guys, clean up the battlefield and restore the normal operation of the aircraft as soon as possible."

"My Lord, patience is limited..." His

voice fluttered softly into everyone's ears.

Then, before everyone could react. Suddenly disappeared under the stars.

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