"Now we invite the 78th guest to appear!"

As the eyes at Beleron's feet opened, everyone in the square looked at him.

The celebration has now progressed, and everyone's interest is no longer that high.

When many people came on stage before, some guests had already started to desert.

But Beleron is different, he is the third level secret master!

Maybe he will play different tricks?

"Finally it's my turn."

"Today I will show you what professionalism is!"

Beleron, who was being watched by everyone, felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

This is the lineup of the third-level heavenly pilots.


A 300 denomination note appeared in Beleron's hand.

Unlike previous observers, only a release date was seen.

Beleron's eyes widened and he saw more.

The front of the banknote is a huge mountain.

To be more precise, it was a cliff that towered into the clouds, as if it were being cut with a knife or an axe.

There are several huge human sculptures on the cliff.

It's a pity that even though Beleron was dazzled, he couldn't clearly see the faces of those humans.

He couldn't even determine the number of reliefs.

Beleron turned the note over reluctantly and looked at the back.

The clarity of the result is not as good as the front!

Beleron saw an extremely blurry building on the back of the banknote.

It seemed to be some landmark building, or sign.

But Beleron really didn't see anything clearly.

"I didn't expect that even I, a third-level Tianji master, couldn't see clearly the true face of this [thing from the future]!"

"Among all the people present, perhaps only Imperial Viscount Chen Qi can see the true face of banknotes!"

Beleron, who gave up studying banknotes, let out a sigh.

Originally, his purpose this time was to make himself the [Future First Sky Pilot] through observation.

But now, he has completely given up this plan.

The Imperial Viscount was so terrifying that he was convinced.

But being unable to become the number one pilot in the future does not mean that Beleron does not want to be number two.

That's right, Beleron's current goal is to become a pilot on the second day of the future through observation.

As a third-level celestial master, Beleron certainly knew that observing oneself would "pay a price."

His future will be read over by the sword of judgment.

But Beleron is the third-level secret master after all, and he has his own good strategies.


Beleron, who was determined in his heart, took the left foot with great determination.

Then he stopped and stood there quietly for a long time, motionless.

Such a strange situation immediately aroused curiosity and heated discussion among the guests.

The celebration has been going on for so long, and finally I saw something different.

"What's wrong with Lao Bei? Are your legs numb?"

"Don't be kidding, he is a Tianji master, maybe he is exerting his power!"

"It's so strange. What is this guy doing? Can the celebration only take one step?"

"The celebration doesn't seem to require a few steps, right?"

"But the eye under his left foot is not open!"

The guests whispered among themselves, speculating on Beleron's situation.

However, with their knowledge and knowledge, they were completely unable to understand Beleron.

Finally, everyone turned their attention to the Imperial Viscount.

He must be able to understand!

"Everyone, Beleron is consuming the power of banknotes to search for his own future!"

"In the past, everyone's steps were to search through rituals."

"Everyone knows the difference!"

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Chen Qi could only say a few more words.

Of course, Chen Qi could see clearly what Belairon was doing now.

He could even see that the denomination of the banknotes in Beleron's hand was shrinking.

But he could only say so much, after all, this was the territory of the Sword of Judgment.

"Belairon is retrieving the future on his own?"

"It's so enviable!"

"There is no way, who made me a Tianji master!"

Although Chen Qi "kicked it all the way," the guests present were all smart people, so how could they not understand.

So they all became emo!

Of course, we all know the “price” we have to pay for observing ourselves.

Those who can appear here are all old fritters from the other world, how can they be stupid and naive.

Of course they don't want to expose their future to the sword of judgment.

But they "have no ability"!

If everyone is like this, it will naturally be very balanced mentally.

But Beleron's current operation has hurt everyone.

How can you "retrieve by yourself"? Are you worthy of us?

"No, why not!"

"I am such an outstanding and outstanding person, but I can't become the second-ranked Tianji Master in the future."

"I do not believe!"

The onlookers were hurt, and Beleron was heartbroken too.

Because he searched thousands of times and couldn't find a future where he could become the second-day Tianji Master.

At this time, the denomination of the banknotes was only 290.

"Now I only perform keyword searches, and the consumption is much less than those guys before!"

"I will search all the future this time."

"Even if I can't become the second-ranked Tianji Master, I still want to determine my future numbers."

Beleron was once cruel, but no matter how hard he tried, the eye under his left foot did not open.

This means that his future as the second Tianji Master does not exist at all.

"15942 species!"

"I searched for more than 10,000 futures in total, but still failed!"

"I'm so unwilling!"

In Beleron's hands, the denomination of the banknotes was only 200.

And his future number has finally been counted.

But the sad thing is that among so many futures, there is no "Bellelon" who became the pilot on Day 2.

"That's all, maybe I really don't have enough talent!"

"As a person, you must be content. Even if you can't be second, you can still be third."

Beleron comforted himself, then lowered his aim.

Once fresh, twice cooked, the cost of the second round of retrieval was reduced by ten times compared to the first round.

As a result, after the face value of the banknote was depleted by another 10 yuan, his face turned dark instantly.

Even being third doesn't work.

Unwilling to be reconciled, Beleron searched for the fourth-day pilot again, and it turned out that it was not him either.

Shit, Beleron, who was still dissatisfied, began to search continuously again.

As a result, he was not even in the top ten, not even the top 50.

In the end, Beleron retrieved his highest ranking, which was 78.

This number looks so familiar.

"It was 10 yuan, and I only had ten yuan left."

"Damn it, it's up!"

After the search was over, Beleron felt like crying while looking at the 10-yuan note in his hand.

Under his left foot, his eyes still didn't open.

This is because he only conducted "retrieval" and did not conduct observation.

Next, Beleron only needs to put the remaining banknotes into it, and then he can observe the future.

But he really doesn’t want the future ranked 78th!

"That's all, 78 is 78!"

"Although it feels like a fool's errand, at least my privacy is preserved."

"From this moment on, I will be the 78th ranked Tianji Master in the inner ring world!"

Cruelly and gritting his teeth, Beleron still invested the banknotes in his hands into the future.

Then the eye at his feet opened.

"Wow, this is an eye-opener. Is it possible to do this?"

"This guy Beleron really has a few tricks up his sleeve."

Seeing Beleron standing there for a long time, the eyes at his feet finally opened, and the melon-eating guests were satisfied.

They finally saw something different.

However, this so-called "difference" is nothing more than an appearance.

In Chen Qi's eyes, Beleron is really just a little smart, but not much.

"Now we invite the 77th guest to appear."

After Beleren, the celebrations continued.

However, the guests who appeared next were ranked higher than Beleron.

But the enthusiasm of all the guests for watching has hit rock bottom again.

After all, what they were doing was exactly the same as before.

"Chen Zijue, I am Jia Qingcai from Huangtian Academy of Magic."

"This time, something is going to bother you, Viscount!"

Although the people who appear later are still the same.

But this did not dampen Chen Qi's enthusiasm for watching the fun.

Unexpectedly, while he was watching happily, a "classmate" came to his door.

"It turns out to be Brother Jia from Huangtian Curse Academy. I wonder what Brother Jia wants from me?"

Looking at the white-haired Jia Qingcai, Chen Qi was too embarrassed to call him junior.

This is so rude!

It wouldn't matter if Jia Qingcai was born in Wushen Magic Academy.

"Chen Zijue, the top 10 in the Sword of Judgment celebration have always been monopolized by our top ten super spell academies."

"Junior brother must have heard some rumors."

“The nine of us plan to use the power of this celebration to anchor the [Nittlez].”

"To be on the safe side, we plan to carry out nine draws in a row."

"So I can only trouble the Viscount to show up early!"

Jia Qingcai was quite embarrassed and told the whole story.

Chen Qi was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

Damn it, those nine families are indeed making big moves. Senior Gu will not deceive me.

When he was in the spiritual dimension, the well-informed Gu Yunqing reminded Chen Qi that the other nine super spell academies would make big moves during the celebration, so he should be careful.

As the celebration progressed, Chen Qi originally thought that no accident would happen.

Unexpectedly, what was supposed to come came anyway.

"Brother Jia, our top ten super spell academies are in the same spirit."

"Due to the academy's ban on the matter of [Nittlez], I cannot interfere!"

"But it's no problem to give up your position, something that's easy to do!"

If the award ceremony was being held at this time, everyone would be competing for the C position.

Then Chen Qi needs to think more about Jia Qingcai's request to give up the throne.

But now, ranking in the celebration is really just about money.

It's just that he is the first to appear, and the money will not be small. Of course, Chen Qi is happy to sell his favor.

"Viscount Gaoyi!"

"In this case, only Fu Hongshan needs to be convinced!"

"Hopefully he's reasonable enough."

Chen Qi's cooperation made Jia Qingcai very happy.

He originally thought the Imperial Viscount was a very cold person, but he didn't expect him to be so easy to talk to.

"That Fu Hongshan is not one of us?"

"Savros, who is ranked number one, is indeed a member of our top ten super spell academies!"

Jia Qingcai's words surprised Chen Qi.

Chen Qi did some research on the two people ranked higher than himself.

It turns out they are all very mysterious.

Chen Qi only found out that Safros, who ranked first, was related to the Six Royal Curses Academy.

As for Fu Hongshan, there is quite little information available.

He seems to have good relations with most of the forces in the world.

But no one seems to know his details very well.

Many people even think that Fu Hongshan is related to Nantian Society!

However, Chen Qi knew that this was simply a rumor.

According to Chen Qi's guess, Fu Hongshan was deliberately confusing his origins.

Although he did not tell lies, some of the things he did were misleading.

If no "victim" had come forward to complain, Chen Qi would have thought this guy was a liar!

While Jia Qingcai was negotiating with Chen Qi, someone from the Wushen Curse Academy was also negotiating with Fu Hongshan.

Quite unexpectedly, but also within reason, Fu Hongshan readily agreed.

This one even gave up the tenth position to Chen Qi so generously that he "conceded" to the eleventh place.

He seems to be well-rounded and very knowledgeable.

"Interesting guy!"

"Everything is back to where it started. We still have the top ten super spell academies monopolizing the top 10."

After Chen Qi learned about Fu Hongshan's reaction, he finally became interested in him.

After knowing that the nine families were going to play nine draws in a row, Chen Qi had a guess.

Could it be that Fu Hongshan was specially arranged by the Sword of Judgment to ruin the plans of the other nine families?

After all, [Nittlez] is very special and very tricky.

The Sword of Judgment may not agree with the plans of the nine super spell schools.

Because once the plan succeeds, the Sword of Judgment will be dragged down.

But now it seems that perhaps the Imperial Viscount underestimated the magnanimity of the Sword of Judgment.

If Fu Hongshan was really arranged by the Sword of Judgment, then he would never give in easily.

However, just as Chen Qi felt that the Sword of Judgment was magnanimous, he heard Lu Mingqiu's complaints.

"As expected, he is a grassroots who has both sides."

Well, Fu Hongshan was indeed not specially arranged by the Sword of Judgment.

But the Sword of Judgment was obviously happy to see Fu Hongshan interrupt the nine consecutive draws.

As a result, Fu Hongshan shrank, which naturally disappointed Judgment Sword.

But that's just a little disappointing, the Sword of Judgment will not be targeted in such a small way.

That's too low a price.

"Now we invite the 11th guest to appear."

As the process became more routine, the celebration went faster and faster.

Soon, the celebration came to an end.

And the attention of all the guests has returned.

Although everyone doesn't say it, they still care about those guys who are very high in the rankings.

"Hey, is there a mistake in the Sword of Judgment?"

"Isn't it Fu Hongshan who is on stage now?"

"If I remember correctly, this one ranks second."

The moment Fu Hongshan opened his eyes, the surrounding guests exploded.

This is how the same thing?

Has a shady story emerged?

"Hahaha, I knew it would be like this."

"In the past, the top 10 were all dominated by the top ten super spell academies!"

"Fu Hongshan is such a good person, of course he has to step aside."

A guest with "some knowledge" casually expressed his opinion.

However, well-informed people around him immediately refuted it.

"That's not what happened."

"The top ten super spell academies will not bully the weak."

"The ranking has not been changed, and the Sword of Judgment will not allow it."

"All that changes is the order of appearance."

"Let me tell you, something big will happen next. Nine super spell academies will join forces to carry out nine consecutive draws."

Spread by "enthusiastic people", the truth about Fu Hongshan's early appearance immediately spread to all the guests.

As a result, everyone's focus was on the nine draws in a row.

Why are there only 9 schools and not the top ten super spell academies acting together?

As for Fu Hongshan's early appearance, it was completely unexpected and reasonable.

They are very receptive.

"This moment is finally what I've been waiting for!"

"[The future] should be in my own hands!"

"The future is not worth relying on. Only by [replacing] the future to the present and integrating it can it be valuable!"

"I've been walking on eggshells, walking on eggshells, and getting everything right and left, but is this what I want?"

"Purely because I don't have the strength and background!"

A 1,000 yuan note appeared in Fu Hongshan's hand.

Looking at this hard-won future power, Fu Hongshan almost burst into tears.

Then what he did next made all the guests stunned.


Fu Hongshan took a step forward with his left foot. Incredibly, with just the first step, his eyes opened.

At this time, Fu Hongshan straddles the present and the future, exactly the same as Rekna before.

However, if that was all, the onlookers would not be confused.

Just when Fu Hongshan's left eye opened, the ghost or future predecessor "appeared as promised."

This is originally a normal phenomenon, and all guests have long been accustomed to it.

Even they themselves have experienced it.

But something extremely strange happened to Fu Hongshan.


As Fu Hongshan's body erupted with bright alchemical light, his real body was replaced with his future body.

Fu Hongshan from the future appears in the present.


A terrifying momentum rose into the sky, and 2/3 of the 2,999 guests present instantly collapsed to the ground.

Most of the remaining guests bowed their heads, as if they were under overwhelming pressure.

Among all the guests, the only ones who can straighten their backs are those whose cultivation has reached the Great Perfection of Silver Apostle.

But even they closed their eyes at this time and did not dare to look again.

Only Imperial Viscount Chen Qi’s eyes widened and he almost shouted 666.

"Holy shit, this Fu Hongshan has become a weaver!"

"Talent, this Viscount hasn't encountered anything exciting for a long time!"

"It turns out that borrowing the power of the future is not the exclusive patent of this Viscount!"

"If this Fu Hongshan hadn't been to Shengxian Island, I would have thought that he had seen me make a wish for the second time!"

Unprecedentedly, Chen Qi was full of desire to study Fu Hongshan at this moment.

Because he saw through Fu Hongshan's operation at a glance.

Lock in your future self and summon the power of your future self into the present.

The Imperial Viscount is also very skilled in this operation.

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