"Follow your instincts, break your shackles, and return to your true nature!"

In the underground space, Jaina continued to perform deep hypnosis.

Although it is incredible, from beginning to end, she did not use any extraordinary power.

Because she is a truly immortal person, she will naturally not let filthy power contaminate herself.

"Oh oh oh oh!"

The meat bugs who were immersed in the sacrifice had completely lost themselves.

Their brains began to take a back seat, and the cells in their physical bodies were ready to take over the body.

However, what is quite strange is that not only does this not make the meat bugs feel any discomfort, but it actually makes them more addicted.

It's as if [instinct] is everything to them, and the thinking carried out by the brain is completely a burden.

As they become addicted, the shadows of their souls become darker and darker, and may even disappear.


"But why is this so?"

In the void, Chen Qi had a panoramic view of every scene in the underground space.

The scenes of eye-catching indulgence that appear during the sacrifice are all superficial.

Its fundamental purpose is simply to cooperate with hypnosis and psychological suggestion to make these humans forget their identity as "intelligent beings".

Changing human beings' self-perception through brainwashing is the awakening method of the Eternal God Religion.

For Chen Qi, who holds high the banner of human justice, this behavior is the greatest blasphemy.

If Chen Qi hadn't planned to take a few more looks to confirm something.

He really wanted to use the thunder and lightning method to bring these guys back.

If it cannot be washed back, it will turn into fly ash.

At first, Chen Qi viewed this scene of sacrifice as a joke.

After all, the entire ceremony did not involve any extraordinary elements.

Brainwashing alone can erase the identity of human intelligent beings.

Then human beings, or intelligent life, would have perished long ago.

Not to mention just through brainwashing, even if it uses supernatural hands, it can completely change people's cognition.

There may be problems with human consciousness and body, but the shadow of the soul will never be affected in any way.

Even more than that, even if human beings themselves do not have the concept and cognition of "person", it will not affect their human nature.

Since the birth of intelligent life, many cubs have been lost.

For example, in human society, the wolf boy and the bear boy are widely circulated.

When they were discovered, they were as pure as wild beasts.

But the shadow of their souls is completely no different from ordinary humans.

Therefore, the scene that Gianna caused was extremely ridiculous in Chen Qi's opinion.

However, the reality is a slap in the face.

With the change in self-perception, the shadows of these human souls actually began to dissipate.

This somewhat challenges Chen Qi's extraordinary common sense in the past.

"It definitely can't be me who's wrong. There must be something wrong with [human beings] in this world!"

"Humans in the inner world will never experience this phenomenon."

In the void, Chen Qi's original intention of watching the excitement immediately dissipated.

He focused all his attention here, silently watching the scenes below.

Chen Qi had a hunch that today he would probably see the true face of [human beings] in this world.

With full concentration, Chen Qi saw more information.

In his eyes, these fallen humans had completely lost their form, leaving only a rusty chain that kept falling off.

These guys have actually opened four levels of genetic shackles through sacrifice.

At a certain moment, a sacrificer's fifth genetic chain was suddenly broken.


"There is an unexpected surprise today!"

"There's a guy who matured early!"

"Hahaha, let me try it first!"

In the underground space, hundreds of worshipers were twisting and squirming on the ground.

They looked like some kind of worms, extremely lifelike.

It is extremely incredible that among these twisted and squirming people, one person's body has actually undergone alienation and turned into a real worm.

Seeing this scene, not only did Jaina's eyes light up, but even the drool started to flow from the corner of her mouth.

"Hiss, hiss!"

Some kind of insect sound suddenly came out of Jaina's mouth.

As if being attracted and summoned by something, the worm in the crowd instinctively crawled toward Gianna.

What is extremely strange is that wherever the worm passes, all humans regard it as the same kind, without causing any discomfort at all.

"Hiss, hiss!"

The worm crawled in front of Jaina and flew towards her as if asking for a hug.

What was waiting for it was a ferocious huge mouth.

Jaina transformed into an even bigger bug and swallowed the small bug in one gulp.

The next moment, as if it had not been digested but assimilated, the bug directly turned into a part of Jaina's body.

"xxx, damn, where are the building blocks?"

In the void, Chen Qi, who had witnessed [humans transforming into insects] and [worms eating insects] all the way, had 10,000 dirty words to say in his heart.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to calm down the impact on his outlook on life.

"Okay, okay, I guess I made a mistake!"

"It's useless for me to think that this is a human world, and I want to turn the tide and be the savior."

"I never expected that I am the only human being in the entire world."

"Damn bug, how dare you deceive my feelings!"

It took a full three minutes for Chen Qi to calm down. You can imagine how big of a shock he just received.

When he first entered this world, Chen Qi was shocked that he had not turned into an animal.

After some thinking, he found the answer.

As the current owner of the Bronze Dice, even if he is reincarnated, he will only be a human being.

So, looking at the [human beings in this world] who looked exactly like humans and even had the same soul shadow, Chen Qi took it for granted that this was a world of human civilization.

Not only Chen Qi thinks so, but the humans in this world also think so.

People also firmly believe that they are human beings.

But is this really the case?

"It's so careless! It's so careless!"

"The bronze dice just ensures that I will still be a human after my reincarnation."

"But the bronze dice does not guarantee that the civilization I will be reincarnated into will be human civilization."

"Who would have thought that human civilization could still be fake?"

"No, I can only say that it is false now, but it may not be untrue before the eternal disaster!"

Countless clues were connected by Chen Qi, and the truth about this world [humanity] began to emerge.

But the clearer the understanding, the more embarrassed Chen Qi became. After all, it was his wishful thinking and he made the wrong payment!

It's so embarrassing. Fortunately, there is only one human being in this world, Chen Qi, so there is no need to kill anyone to silence him.

"When I first entered this world, Bius once said that [the essence of human beings is eternal life]."

"I thought I had enlightenment, and then I discovered the secret of the [Parting Diagram]."

"At that time, I did think there was something wrong with humans in this world, especially [Origin]."

"How can a life like immortal life, which simply reproduces itself, develop into an intelligent civilization or even evolve into a human being? This is unreasonable!"

"But I didn't realize that Bius and the others were not [human beings] at all, not even intelligent beings."

"It's really because [Shadow of Soul] is too confusing."

"The definition of intelligent life is to have a soul, and the shadow of the soul is the projection of the soul in the three-dimensional world."

"But who has ever guaranteed that possessing the shadow of the soul is equivalent to possessing the soul."

"Can't the shadow of the soul be given artificially?"

"Can't even a soul be given artificially?"

"Hey, this part of the knowledge is beyond my scope. After all, I have too little experience."

Chen Qi secretly conducted self-reflection, and it turns out that a half-full bottle of water and a half-knowledge are the most likely to cause problems.

The "man turns into a bug" scene.

It has been confirmed that "human beings" in this world only need to engage in self-suggestion and deny their human identity to "return to their true nature" and become a real insect.

But how is this possible?

If intelligent life wants to transform into a different species, it must go through extraordinary rituals and pay some price before it can break its connection with the soul.

Where can you be inappropriate if you want to be inappropriate?

The human beings in this world can casually behave like human beings, which only shows that they are not truly intelligent beings at all.

The current human identity is just a layer of skin.

What was wrapped inside the skin was a real insect.

And the root cause of all this must still be related to the beam of light in the creation myth.

Tens of thousands of years ago, a group or a single worm with a simple structure and only the ability to continuously replicate itself lived in a lake.

Then a beam of light was projected down and shone on the worm.

Under the influence of this beam of holy light, the extremely simple structure of the insect began to become complicated.

Their self-replication ability is sealed by a series of shackles.

They lost their immortality, but they evolved into [human beings] and even developed an extremely brilliant technological civilization.

This is Chen Qi's guess about the origin of the [Insect People] in this world.

The emergence and development of civilization, even technological civilization, requires wisdom.

Therefore, Chen Qi can be sure that before the eternal disaster broke out, this world was indeed a real [human civilization].

The Inner Ring World is where ancient apes evolved into humans. The humans in this world evolved from insects. This is not surprising and there is nothing to discriminate against.

The real turning point occurs in the eternal disaster.

After the Eternal Disaster, human civilization in this world began to decline.

After the technological civilization was locked up, it had such a strong knowledge base that it did not develop extraordinary civilization.

There must be something wrong with the soul.

Chen Qi thought he was cursed before, but now it seems.

Human civilization in this world, and even intelligent life like humans, ended long ago when the eternal disaster broke out.

Since then, all that has remained are bugs in human shells.

As for what exactly happened, why does the shadow of the soul still exist after the wisdom disappears?

Chen Qi is unknown, but it must still be related to the light that created all this.

Chen Qi had a vague guess about the nature of that beam of light.

But it was so terrifying and unbelievable.

"Haha, delicious, so delicious!"

"Oh, no, it feels wonderful to gradually become complete."

"We are all one, merged into one, how can we use such vulgar words as eating to describe it!"

In the underground space, a huge blue worm swayed happily.

This is Jaina who has released her true form.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up and mature!"

"I can indeed allow you to have eternal life, but the price of eternal life is to degenerate into the form we had tens of thousands of years ago."

"But it's nice to be a bug, no worries, no need to think."

"It's better for me to bear the burden of such a cumbersome organ as the brain!"

"And you will only become a part of me!"

Jaina looked at the meat bugs who were only one step away from being harvested, and felt quite pleased.

Efforts will eventually be rewarded, and this is all the result of its efforts.

"Hey, you guys are just unlucky and were born in the wrong era!"

"After turning into a worm, if the [Wisdom Liquid] can be taken in time, the degenerated brain can grow back."

"It's a pity that the wisdom liquid is no longer available."

"But it doesn't matter, just become a part of me!"

After finishing the devouring, Jaina became extremely excited as if she was on drugs.

She kept chattering, and Chen Qi's face turned darker and darker as he listened.

Good guy, the Superhero Federation actually knew that Jaina was hiding under the nose, but it didn't do anything.

Unfortunately, what was the hookup between the two parties? Gianna quickly woke up and immediately shut up.

This made Chen Qi so angry that he really wanted to slap her in the mouth!

"That's all, why bother getting angry with a bug!"

"Originally, I wanted to eliminate harm for human beings, but now it's better. Human beings only have me."

"You can just mess around with yourselves!"

Chen Qi lost all interest. After the electron cloud collapsed again, he directly returned to human form.

"Hey, I am really different from the [human beings] in this world!"

Chen Qi took a look at his own shadow. Since the connection occurred, the shadow of his soul has not changed at all.

This is the state that intelligent life should truly have.

"The truth about this world, whether it's the Eternal God Religion or the Superheroes Association, the real high-ups should know something about it."

"Perhaps at the beginning, the two sides were extremely hostile because of their positions!"

"But when civilization declines to this stage, anything can happen in order to survive."

The impact today was a bit big, so big that Chen Qi had to adjust his mentality and stance.

Of course, future plans will also need to be adjusted.

"This world has only two values ​​left for me."

"The first is to use the resources of this world to perfect and verify the controllable nuclear fusion technology and create the heart of the sun."

“Originally I planned to take both public and private interests into consideration and teach people how to fish.”

"Now, I just need to follow my own will!"

Knowledge is the most important, even if you see through the true face of [human beings] in this world.

Chen Qi has no intention of interrupting the controllable nuclear fusion project.

It’s not a loss to use other people’s resources to conduct your own experiments.

Otherwise, when he returns to the inner world, with Chen Qi's current net worth, he really can't afford this kind of research.

As for the second value, that is the truth of [Holy Light].

Although it's a bit heartbreaking, no matter how talented Chen Qi was in the past.

He is just a frog in the well living in the inner world.

This is not a disparagement at all, but a matter of fact.

Chen Qi had no idea before, and was even a little intoxicated and complacent.

Until he came to this world and was beaten awake with a stick.

Coming to this world this time, for Chen Qi, the biggest meaning is to jump out of the well.

He finally saw how dangerous the outside world was.

He, Mr. Chen, has never been deceived so miserably since his debut.

There are so many tricks in the outside world.

Half a year has passed. Since that day, Chen Qi's work attitude has become more positive.

After all, he is really busy with himself now.

The employee training conference that Chen Qi had originally prepared was cancelled.

As long as he can do it himself, he won't bother others.

After all, most of his employees cannot learn.

Why bother torturing each other?

For many things, Chen Qi directly produced the drawings, and they could just follow the gourd and draw the scoop.

But these are only limited to the level of ordinary mortal objects.

In this world, the microscopic door has locked the level below atoms.

If you want to open it up by technological means alone, you simply can’t do it.

Regarding the technology and blueprints for controllable nuclear fusion, there are still some retained ones within the alliance.

But don't say that I can't understand many parts. Even if I can understand it, I still can't draw it.

Because the material foundation of the world has changed, much of the past knowledge is no longer applicable.

It's not that the Alliance has never thought of using extraordinary powers, but unfortunately they have not developed an extraordinary civilization at all. The superheroes are all relying on instinct.

Chen Qi originally planned to spread some extraordinary knowledge and theories to see if he could save the civilization of this world.

But now!

Only fools would do this kind of loss-making business.

Chen Qi has decided that he will never give out sympathy casually again.

I can't relate to a bunch of bugs!

There must be a reason why they have reached this stage, and even the eternal disaster has erupted.

Time passed like this day by day. With Chen Qi working overtime and hard work, the project continued to advance with visible progress.

Seeing that the plan was going extremely smoothly, the league's top officials were ecstatic.

Guarez even brought his winery members to visit every three days.

Otherwise, how to show his merit.

Without his wise leadership, how could the project have progressed so smoothly?

The top leaders of the alliance are concerned about the progress of the plan, while the Super Hero Association is more concerned about whether the Flash is honest.

Facts have proved that they are indeed villains.

The Flash is indeed an honest man, working wholeheartedly for humanity.

For a full year, not only did this person not cause any trouble, he didn't even leave the experimental site.

It’s a real hammer, the transformation of The Flash is indeed very successful.

He now looks very much like those legendary scientists.

Two years later, the controllable nuclear fusion project conducted its first ignition experiment.

As a result, the nuclear fusion reaction only lasted 10 seconds and then failed.

Three months later, in the second ignition test, the nuclear fusion reaction lasted for a full ten minutes.

Such a huge time span made the entire alliance rejoice, and everyone felt that success was imminent.

And The Flash lived up to expectations. Half a year later, the third ignition test started.

This time, the little sun that was born existed for three full days.

When the news came out, the whole world was shocked.

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