"Wow, it turned out to be gray light!"

"What's happening here?"

"Could it be that he has some kind of forbidden blood?"

After the Chaofan Bloodline Detector was activated, a gray beam of light appeared on Chen Qi's head.

Such an incredible turn of events instantly attracted the attention of all the candidates present.

Not only the examinees, but even the veteran students of the Tianwu School of Magic and Magic who gathered around were extremely surprised.

"Senior, what does the gray beam of light represent?"

"What's the matter with me now?"

Chen Qi sighed depressingly, as if no matter what he did, no matter where he went, he would become the focus of everyone's eyes.

It's just to test whether the body has extraordinary blood, why is it different from others?

To be honest, Chen Qi didn't care at all whether he had extraordinary blood or not.

What he practiced was a new law with a bright future, and the extraordinary blood was the icing on the cake at best.

Of course, Chen Qi would not reject it if he really had an extraordinary bloodline.

Chen Qi's attitude towards Chaofan's bloodline is very Buddhist, just follow the fate.


Before entering Shengxian Island, Chen Qi still had some thoughts about the incomplete golden blood in his hands.

But after entering Shengxian Island, searching so many laboratories, especially after seeing Li Zhenhai who was "stuck" so hard, Chen Qi was not so eager for the extraordinary blood.

The cultivation of the new method emphasizes a pure, rashly implanting foreign things will only affect the essence of one's own life and affect the purity of spirituality.

Of course, this is not to say that practicing the new method cannot carry out body modification, or transplant extraordinary blood.

It just needs to be moderate, and it needs a long time of physical training and spiritual polishing.

Generally speaking, except for those cultivators who have exhausted their talents and find it difficult to grow their spirituality on their own, no one would choose to undergo physical transformation during their ascent.

Especially something super-standard like golden blood, it is easier for the body to overwhelm it.

Chen Qi has already determined the general line of "arming himself with knowledge", and he really doesn't look down on the extraordinary blood.

But Chen Qi's Buddhism does not mean that he doesn't care, it just doesn't care that much.

No matter how you look at it, this gray light doesn't look like a good sign, so of course we have to figure it out.


"Student, you must relax and be open-minded."

"Your situation is a little complicated."

Wu Yingquan, who was in charge of the Chaofan Bloodline Detector, glanced at Chen Qi with a rather complicated expression, and then began to enlighten and explain patiently.

"There are two possibilities for the birth of the gray beam of light."

"The first type means that there was a very special gene in your body, but it disappeared later."

"As for the second type, it means that although there is an extraordinary blood in your body, it is difficult to awaken it."

"There used to be a true biologist in the college who also detected the gray beam of light like you."

"As a result, he has already become a silver apostle, and the extraordinary bloodline still cannot be awakened."

"But this is not to say that this extraordinary bloodline that cannot be awakened is very precious and powerful. It may be an ordinary black iron-level extraordinary bloodline, but it is difficult to awaken it in your body."

"So don't think too much, junior, just think of this gray as red."

"We new law practitioners don't pay attention to the extraordinary blood, relying on our own efforts can also walk out a glorious road."

The most tormenting thing in the world is not not having it.

It's what you once had, but lost without your knowledge.

Or you have it now, but you can only see it from a distance, and you can't touch it for life.

Chen Qi is in such a state now.

Regardless of whether his situation belongs to the first or second category, it is better to directly "sentence the death penalty" with a red light!

Practitioners of the new method are most taboo to dig into the dead end. If there is a pimple in the heart that cannot be solved for a long time, problems will arise in spiritual practice sooner or later.

This is also the reason why Wu Yingquan, who explained to Chen Qi in detail, had a rather complicated expression.

After all, Chen Qi was already regarded as a young genius, but he didn't expect to be hit in the head now.

If he can't think about it himself, then he may be lost in the public in the future.

This extraordinary blood test is a catastrophe for the junior in front of him.

He might as well not take the test and not know the answer.


"I see, is it difficult to wake up?"

"Thank you, senior, for telling me the details. I've always been very open-minded."

Facing such "bad news", Chen Qi acted so calmly that Wu Yingquan wondered if the junior in front of him "didn't understand what he said".

Well, if you really don't understand, it seems to be fine, at least this junior can maintain a good attitude for a while longer.

Chen Qi's "accident" did not interrupt the candidates' enthusiasm for the test, and soon the red lights lit up again.

Looking at the other candidates who were "wailing endlessly", Wu Yingquan looked at the extremely calm one beside him.

People are really different!


As for why Wu Yingquan didn't think that Chen Qi was in the first case, of course it was because Chen Qi's talent was too outstanding.

Generally speaking, those human beings who were born with a special gene but lost it inexplicably have very ordinary talents, and it is even difficult to complete the awakening.

A young genius like Chen Qi would certainly not be in the first case.

However, what surprised Wu Yingquan was that this junior Chen Qi seemed to be very interested in special genes.

It just so happened that Wu Yingquan knew a lot about this aspect, and for a while, the two chatted quite speculatively.


Special gene refers to a very special genome in the human gene pool.

Before the spiritual awakening of human beings, such genomes did not contain any supernatural factors.

And when human beings have completed their spiritual awakening, under the influence of spirituality, this type of genome begins to transform, possessing some extraordinary elements.

Once its transformation is complete, it will turn into an extraordinary bloodline.

This is the reason why human beings will awaken the extraordinary blood.

Since the special genome did not contain any supernatural elements at all during the ordinary people's period, its existence could not be detected by any supernatural means.

Therefore, in the ancient Xiu era, it was difficult to judge whether an ordinary person could awaken the extraordinary blood.

And it's completely unnecessary. After spiritual awakening, everything will see itself.

Ancient cultivators are too lazy to waste energy on ordinary people.

But in today's era, everything is different.

Due to the development of scientific and technological civilization, human beings' prying into the genetic field is no longer limited to extraordinary means.

Not to mention those large state-level laboratories, even those small and medium-sized blood mining companies are capable of testing the genetic data of ordinary people.

Human genomes such as special genes that can transform into extraordinary bloodlines naturally become popular and become popular.

This is also the real reason why many blood mining companies not only collect blood, but also mine genetic data.

But how to find out the special gene group from the ordinary genes, which special gene corresponds to which extraordinary bloodline, and how to reversely deduce the corresponding special gene through a certain extraordinary bloodline, these are all thresholds.

And once all the thresholds were crossed and a certain extremely valuable special gene was found, a super giant in the blood mining industry was born.

The Ke Consortium, one of the three super giants in the blood mining industry, is a model of it.

The [Aphasia] genome that they exclusively master can transform into a complete golden bloodline after spiritual awakening.

You can imagine how huge the value is in it.


The plundering and transplantation of extraordinary bloodlines has been a very troublesome thing since ancient times.

Especially in the era of the new law, it is quite taboo.

But the greed and desire of human beings are infinite. Since it is difficult to transplant extraordinary blood, it is better to win at the starting line from the very beginning.

If some kind of special genome was integrated into the body during the period of ordinary people, wouldn't it be 100% guaranteed to obtain an extraordinary bloodline after spiritual awakening?

It is impossible for anyone to be indifferent to this kind of investment in the future.

As for where the special genes come from?

That is naturally plundered from ordinary humans with special genes.

As long as the technical level is sufficient, ordinary people may have completely lost their special genes after undergoing a minor operation.

Even the loss of this special gene will not have any adverse effects on their lives, but will have immediate benefits.

For example, a special gene group called aphasia. Once ordinary people have this special gene in their bodies, they will not be able to master human language.

But as long as this genome is removed, ordinary people who cannot speak can immediately communicate verbally.

It is precisely because of the particularity of the gene of the aphasia that the Ke consortium made a fortune so smoothly, and did not cause too much backlash in the initial stage.


For ordinary people, the loss of special genes does not seem to cause much harm.

But the premise is that they are just ordinary people for life and will not step into the extraordinary realm.

How can the loss of a group of genomes in the complete gene chain really have no adverse effects?

Genes are related to the essence of life. If there is a little gap in the essence of life, how can the spirituality be perfect?

Even if he succeeds in spiritual awakening by luck, his talent will be poor as hell.

This is why Wu Yingquan ruled out the first case, because in his eyes, Chen Qi's talent is too outstanding.


If there is profit, there will be business, and if there is business, there will be harm.

It is precisely because of the huge benefits that the blood mine company was born in the human world, and the gene bandit was born.

But the two should not be confused at all. After all, the blood mine company thought it was legal, and at most it sold a little human genetic data.

Stealing human genes is all done by gene thieves and has nothing to do with them.

As for the gene thieves, they don't think they are committing crimes either.

Instead, he thinks that he is realizing the optimal allocation of human genetic resources, allowing more powerful genes to be transferred to more powerful people.

They are the optimizers of human genes, and they are striving to create more powerful and perfect human beings.

It makes sense to charge a small fee for the benefit of humanity.


"The theft and transplantation of special genes", this kind of secret is usually only circulated at the level of the controller.

It can even be said that only those who are in control can barely be qualified to hear it.

Not to mention ordinary people, even those extraordinary people who seem to be superior to ordinary people.

If you don't have a strong background, you won't have access to this kind of information at all.

After all, stealing the genome of ordinary humans is quite a taboo thing.

It is also a crime that the world government severely cracks down on.

It is only because this kind of theft is too secretive, and the human base involved is too small, that it is difficult to be discovered, and it is very difficult to strike at the root.


As the light of the righteous way, the top ten super magic academies often organize personnel to crack down on such behaviors.

It is because Wu Yingquan has participated in several missions that he knows these things quite well.

According to what Wu Yingquan said, if you want to become a true seed in the top ten super magic schools, you must be clean.

And the first step is to detect whether the extraordinary blood comes from the outside world.

The college has a more advanced extraordinary bloodline detector. If the extraordinary bloodline possessed by the testee comes from the stolen genome of ordinary people, it will emit black light.

As for the end, anyway, this kind of person who was discovered never appeared again.


Perhaps because the two of them have a deep understanding of the study of extraordinary bloodlines, Chen Qi and Wu Yingquan chatted more and more speculatively.

If it wasn't for the wrong timing, the two of them might have had a good time talking and drinking for three days and three nights.

The reason why Chen Qi asked Wu Yingquan about the special genome was of course not because he was bored.

But when he heard "the first situation", the talent of Tianji induction was actually touched.

This is a bit weird. Could it be that the reason why he, Chen, emits gray light is because the special genes in his body were stolen by others?

But it shouldn't be. According to what Wu Yingquan said, it is not only difficult for people who have lost their special genes to awaken spiritually, but even if they succeed in spiritually awakening, they are not very talented in the cultivation of new methods.

Although Chen Qi seldom considers himself a genius, he will never think that his cultivation talent is poor.

What kind of situation is this?

Chen Qi recalled his past life experience again. As far as he can remember, it can be traced back to when he was one year old. He didn't seem to have undergone any surgery.

Of course, there are still colds and fevers, but they are just taking medicine.

As for the memory before one year old, even in his heyday, Chen Qi couldn't find out clearly.

At that time, the brain was not yet fully developed, and a lot of information recorded was hazy and blurred.

Due to the lack of logic in cognition, all kinds of memories are even more bizarre, which is completely incomprehensible to normal people.

Anyway, Chen Qi was absolutely sure that if there was a special gene loss in his body, it would not be after one year old.

Could it be that he was once a peerless genius?

It was because of the special gene stolen by others that it was reduced to the ordinary level it is now.

But all of this is just Chen Qi's guesswork. Maybe his talent of celestial induction was triggered not because of the loss of a special gene, but because of other factors.

But no matter what, when Chen Qi was promoted to Silver Apostle, the truth would always come to light.

After all, with Chen Qi's achievements in life authority, if there is any lack in himself, he will definitely be able to detect it.

Even if it was because of the second situation that the gray light came, once Chen Qi was promoted to the Silver Apostle, with his attainments in the extraordinary bloodline, he would still be able to turn the impossible into possible.

Therefore, Chen Qi was really just a little depressed about his gray light, and he was not up to the level of complaining and bitterness.

He Chen is so generous, even if someone else made a mistake to him, he only needs to repay it with his life, and pay some interest at most.

He is a viscount from the Heaven-reaching Empire, how can he be bullied by others?

What a disgrace to the empire!


"Everyone, this operation to eliminate Coleman has come to an end."

"According to our statistics, except for Coleman who left the laboratory here long ago, the rest are all waiting to be awarded the title."

"But our actions are just the beginning, and there are more things waiting for us to do."

"The identity of Coleman's World Councilor is too confusing. His minions still exist in many human gathering places. This is his extended tentacles, which must be cut off."

"It's not just Coleman's minions, but other troublemakers in the human gathering place must also be wiped out this time."

"Senior Feng has already decided that the Heavenly Witch School of Curse Arts cannot let ordinary people go. We must regain control and protection of human gathering places."

"Soldiers are precious and fast, everyone will make some adjustments and set off immediately!"

"Because the human gathering places are relatively scattered, we will divide our forces this time."

After waiting for half an hour, senior sister Caroline and the other two examiners finally arrived late.

Everyone else felt that the senior was probably busy hunting down Coleman. After all, although this operation was fruitful, it was not satisfactory.

Coleman and others actually left the laboratory here two days ago, they are really thieves.

Obviously, after this guy was backstabbed by Condela and Ferrola, he realized something was wrong and ran away early.


Different from the group of "ignorant people" around, Chen Qi had his own understanding of the lateness of the three examiners.

It must be my report letter that worked!

Others might not notice it, but Chen Qi sensed the gazes of the three examiners, who glanced at Selina from time to time.

But more of them are scrutiny, not too hostile.

It seems that the three chief examiners did not believe in the report letter, but believed in their own eyesight.

But it doesn't matter, the three chief examiners will definitely examine Selena.

As long as those three make a test, with Selina's intelligence, she will definitely guess that she has been reported.

Chen Qi was quite looking forward to what kind of reaction she would have with a guilty conscience.

Even if Selina can pass the level of the three of Caroline, there will still be Senior Feng Zining in the follow-up.

Chen Qi didn't believe that Selena could hold on.


"Is it cutting the weeds and eradicating the roots? Or conducting a thorough exploration of human gathering places?"

Compared with Selena's doomed ending, Chen Qi cared more about the college's "recovery" of the human gathering place.

To be honest, if it was possible, Chen Qi didn't want to take part in the action at all.

It's actually because the water in the human gathering place is a bit deep, and the three examiners may not be able to cover it.

But this matter is not up to Chen Qi to decide. After more than an hour, Chen Qi and others who finished the repairs waited for the Haiyuan that was slowly approaching.

It seems that senior sister Caroline and the others are also aware of the danger of human gathering places, so they actually transferred the Haiyuan to sit in charge.

It's a pity that senior sister Feng Zining was busy refining treasures and didn't come.

Otherwise, Chen Qi would feel more at ease.

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