Demon Game: I Have a Dice of Fate

Chapter 218 Eternal Rubik's Cube

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Above the endless sea, a red bird flickered cheerfully in the strong wind.

It, the great King Kestrel, is free at last.

At this time, Xiaohong has already climbed to an altitude of 5 kilometers.

Looking around, the boats below are like little turtles, moving too slowly.

With sharp eyes, Xiao Hong saw her master on one of the turtle speed boats.

Hey, if the master didn't let him fly too far, it would have gone to do justice for the sky again.

I don't know if it's because she ate too many sunflower seeds, but now even though she is hundreds of sea miles away, Xiaohong still senses the existence of a large pile of food.

Fortunately, the food seems to be heading in the direction of the owner, maybe we can have another meal?


Just as the Kestrel King was singing triumphantly, Chen Qi, who was watching the sea from the deck, raised his head subconsciously.

At that moment, six mantras appeared in his right eye, spinning to the right like a kaleidoscope.

Even though Xiaohong is now at an altitude of 5,000 meters, Chen Qi's [Spiritual Eye Art] still firmly locks on its life magnetic field.

Before that, the range of effect of spiritual eyes was only 3 kilometers.

The reason for such an improvement is obviously the three newly added mantras.

"It's a pity, without the power of cards, I don't dare to overhaul the right eye after all, I can only do it step by step!"

"Without ten days and a half months of stability and consolidation, I would not be able to practice the third level."

After much consideration, Chen Qi selected [Spiritual Eye Art] from the box of knowledge.

What he didn't expect was that perhaps because the inheritance of the earth master was too precious, the box of knowledge only gave the first three cultivation methods of [Spiritual Eye Art].

As for the practice method of the follow-up controller stage, it is to remind him that the authority is not enough.

This made people a little depressed, but Chen Qi could only accept it.

Chen Qi compared the [Spiritual Eye Technique] given by the box of knowledge with the inheritance he had mastered, and there was no mistake.

Very good, he has more motivation to join the Tianwu School of Magic.

It would be even better if the Tianwu School of Magic has a complete inheritance of earth masters.

As for the legendary "Earth Mother Sutra", it is definitely impossible.


"Brother Chen, so you are here to see the scenery."

"The Haiyuan captured a D-class starfish just now, and everyone is watching!"

"It's the first time I have come into close contact with such a powerful life."

"A starfish with a life index of 62 is really incredible."

"Ordinary spells can't harm it at all. It's incredible that its powerful life magnetic field can shatter the structure of the spell."

Wang Tianlang appeared in front of Chen Qi with a smile on his face, but this one was a friend recommended by Collins.

After Chen Qi passed the written test, Collins warmly held a celebration banquet for him.

Out of curiosity, Chen Qi accepted it.

Wang Tianlang met that day, and his relationship with Collins seems to be very unusual.

And the purpose of his acquaintance with Chen Qi was to draw Chen Qi into their gang.

In the next actual combat assessment, although the specific content of the battle has not yet been determined, the candidates have already begun to form groups.

Chen Qi does not intend to be independent, nor does he reject it.

At least he has enjoyed the "information convenience" after joining the small gang.

Among the 372 candidates on board now, there are really a few tricky guys.


"A starfish with a life index of 62?"

"Looks like we're lucky today!"

"Actually, I'm more interested in the Sea Kite than the Sea Monster."

"The power it uses should be the spiritual energy in the space!"

The Hai Yuan is the ship under Chen Qi's feet.

With a total length of more than 200 meters, it seems to be made of bronze. The hull is covered with various dense engravings. Indistinctly, streamers of light flow in the lines, making it even more mysterious.

Chen Qi didn't feel it when he was outside the boat, but the moment he boarded the boat, he felt a faint fluctuation of spiritual energy on the hull.

What's even more incredible is that the psionic energy in the space spontaneously surged towards the Hai Yuan.

It's as if there is a huge black hole in the Haiyuan, constantly devouring all the surrounding energy.

It's a pity that a layer of protection blocked Chen Qi's prying eyes, preventing him from knowing the secret of the Hai Yuan.


"Brother Chen's perception is really sharp, and he even noticed the existence of the Psionic Reactor."

"The Haiyuan is a small extraordinary battleship. It cannot use ordinary technological weapons, but it can amplify the power of spells by dozens, or even a hundred times."

"Just now to capture that starfish, the spell I used was nothing more than the simplest [Entwining Technique]!"

"It's this kind of low-level spell that we use that can only be transformed into a dozen meters of energy ropes, but it dragged a 10-ton starfish from the thousand-meter sea and hanged it."

"Don't look at the small size of the Haiyuan, but the destroyers of ordinary small countries are not its opponents at all."

Wang Tianlang really deserves to be Collins' friend, and indeed he is well-informed.

If Chen Qi hadn't noticed the familiar spell fluctuations from him, he would have thought that this guy also came from the Blackwater School of Magic.

Seeing that Chen Qi was interested in the Psionic Reactor, Wang Tianlang said more.

The reason why Wang Tianlang was so friendly was, of course, that he felt a terrifying pressure from Chen Qi.

This time, Collins really introduced himself to a great guy.

He, Wang Tianlang, just likes to make friends with the strong.


"The Psionic Reactor has a very long history. Anyway, it existed in the ancient repair era thousands of years ago."

"The biggest advantage of this thing is that it can extract spiritual energy from the surrounding space, which can be called a steady stream."

"However, due to the sparse distribution of psionic energy in the space, the power of the psionic reactor has always been low."

"Probably more than 5,000 years ago, almost shortly after the fall of the Tongtian Empire."

"The Tianfang Empire, which was ranked ninth at the time, invented the [Eternal Rubik's Cube], which successfully solved the problem of insufficient power of the psionic reactor."

"And the Tianfang Empire has also become No. 4 by virtue of this invention."

"The [Sun Furnace] currently used by the aerospace warships of the great powers is an imitation of the Eternal Rubik's Cube."

As expected, Wang Tianlang knew quite a lot, which made Chen Qi more sure that his origin was definitely not simple.

But as an "old student" who had studied in 20 magic schools, Chen Qi didn't feel the breath of magic schools from Wang Tianlang at all.

Whether or not he has studied at the School of Magic, the unique temperament is easy to distinguish.

Fortunately, Chen Qi didn't intend to have a heart-to-heart relationship with others, it was just for mutual benefit, so there was no need to get to the bottom of it.


After chatting with Wang Tianlang for a while, the content of their conversation involved several special candidates.

But after all, it is not convenient to talk about it in depth here, just a few words.

Out of curiosity, Chen Qi followed Wang Tianlang to see the big star.

Sure enough, all the candidates gathered here. It was the first time for most extraordinary people to see this kind of sea monster that usually only lives on the bottom of the sea.

As expected, the Tianwu School of Cursecraft is still so generous. Many candidates collected some starfish flesh and blood out of interest in research. The controllers who were cleaning up the sea monsters didn't care.

Chen Qi also took the opportunity to collect a small piece, no matter whether it is used to feed the birds in the future or given to the longevity cells to devour, it is not a waste.

Time passed by, and the dinner was really a starfish feast.

Chen Qi also had a delicious meal, it was really nourishing!

It's a pity that his life index is still at 7.2, but he is more energetic.

After dinner, Chen Qi came to the deck and looked at the sea in the distance.

To be more precise, he looked at the passenger ships following behind the Haiyuan.

The Tianwu Academy of Spells doesn't seem to mind being a guest bodyguard for free, and the speed of the Haiyuan is not fast.

Is this building up your own image?


"Student Chen, you seem to like staying here very much!"

"Do you need a beautiful woman to chat with you?"

"The night seems to be very good tonight!"

The sky was covered with dark clouds, the wind was howling, and there were no shadows of half a star.

A woman with purple hair appeared behind Chen Qi at some unknown time.

On the palm of her right hand, a crystal ball is slowly floating.

"Selena, to tell you the truth, I don't have a single spirit coin."

"I have no interest in your prophecies."

"You got the wrong client!"

The moment Selena appeared, Chen Qi knew it was finally his turn.

Among the 372 candidates on board, several were quite tricky.

"Fraud Witch" Selena is one of them.

This woman claims that she has a kind of prophetic bloodline, which can help people predict good and bad luck, and even divination the future.

Only seven or eight hours after boarding the ship, the woman began to cast a wide net and push the ground.

Chen Qi didn't know how many clients she had developed, but half of the candidates on board had been harassed by her.

Now it was finally Chen Qi's turn.

When Chen Qi was chatting with Wang Tianlang before, the latter told him to be careful about this woman, Selena.

Whatever this woman says, don't believe it.

There is no wrong nickname in the world, whoever believes in the words of the "deceitful witch" is just waiting for bad luck.


"You actually told the truth?"

"Strange, you obviously feel that you are not very poor, why don't you have a single spirit coin."

Selina looked at Chen Qi in shock. Everyone is a high-level transcendent after all, and you are so poor that you have no money.

Do you want to do divination for him for free?

This is not possible, in the past, at least one spirit coin had to be charged.

This guy named Chen Qi is really weird. Standing in front of him, I have a feeling that I can't grasp it at all.

It seems that he should be listed as a key target.

When Selena said "You're telling the truth", Chen Qi instantly became extremely alert.

Can this woman tell the truth from the lie?

If this is the case, maybe she really has a super bloodline.

If it was someone else, they might feel incredible about Selena's ability.

But Chen Qi saw too many extraordinary bloodlines in the Dharma Realm, so it was not surprising.

Of course, what should be guarded against is still to be guarded against.

So no matter what Selena said next, Chen Qi would not respond any more.

This is what Wang Tianlang told him is the best way to deal with Selena.


"Hey, another boring wooden man."

"Isn't it good to know the future in advance?"

"Maybe it will allow you to successfully pass the actual combat assessment!"

After wasting a lot of talking, Selena saw that Chen Qi was still reticent, so she planned to give up.

There are still so many undeveloped customers on board, there is no need to fight with a hard rock.

However, what Selina didn't expect was that the moment she turned around, that dumb guy actually spoke.

"Selena, do you think there are three identical leaves in the world?"

Chen Qi's eyes were still looking at the sea in the distance, under the cover of darkness, there seemed to be the shadow of a passenger ship there.

"Hahaha, Chen Qi, are you discussing philosophy with me?"

"Motion is eternal, and stillness is relative."

"Unless there is no movement in time and space, it is absolutely impossible to have exactly the same leaves in the world."

"However, completely freezing time and space is impossible even for god-like ones!"

"You guys are so weird!"

Selena rubbed the crystal ball in her hand, and the next moment, the picture of Chen Qi's previous observation appeared in the crystal ball.

It was an ordinary freighter, and on that freighter, there were just three little girls who looked exactly the same playing.

It's just triplets, so what's the fuss about.

Is this guy going crazy too?

It seems necessary to stay away.

Deciding that Chen Qi was no longer suitable to be her client, Selena immediately turned around and left without delay.


After Selena left, Chen Qi was still staring into the distance in a daze.

"Hehe, is it impossible to exist? But why do I see three identical life forms?"

"Anyway, I have also been in charge of the authority of life, so I still have some judgment."

"There's always something wrong with this voyage."

Chen Qi withdrew his gaze from a distance. Ever since he boarded the Shanghai Yuan, he felt an inexplicable sense of discomfort in his heart.

This feeling is hard to describe, as if everything in the world has begun to become restless, making people extremely anxious.

As the voyage continued, this sense of discomfort not only did not disappear, but intensified.

There was no reason for this feeling, but Chen Qi knew that it was his [Tianji Sensing] talent that had been triggered.

It was the first time Chen Qi encountered such a strong sign.

The reason why he has been standing on the deck looking into the distance is to find the source of this restlessness.

But Chen Qi never expected that instead of finding the source of that discomfort, he discovered something even more incredible.


"Choo Choo Choo!"

At this moment, a red lightning flashed across the sky.

A sharp bird song came faintly amidst the howling sea wind.

"Xiaohong actually sensed the sunflower seeds again?"

"In other words, there is another smuggling ship from the Blissful Dao nearby?"


The master and servant are connected with each other, and Chen Qi naturally understands Xiaohong's cry.

Considering the specialness of Xiaohong's bloodline, and the extremely mysterious nature of the Tianwu School of Magic, Chen Qi didn't bring it aboard.

Especially after that feeling of discomfort arose, Chen Qi would not let Xiao Hong land, but instead let her patrol at high altitude.

It's a pity that nothing unusual happened on the sea, as if everyone except Chen Qi felt that everything was normal.

"Stay away from that cargo ship!"

Chen Qi directly gave Xiaohong the death order.

At the celebration banquet, Chen Qi successfully learned the name of the black seed from Collins, and by the way, he also knew the path of bliss and the other nine paths.

Now that he knew that the sunflower seeds were related to the path of bliss, Chen Qi certainly didn't dare to let Xiaohong rob them.

Once or twice is enough, if the path of bliss can be robbed three times, they would have been expelled long ago.

Maybe the sunflower seeds on that ship are a trap.

Even though Xiaohong is very greedy, but in the face of the master's death order, it can only avoid that direction far away.


Time passed by 1 minute and 1 second, the dark clouds in the sky became more gloomy, and the sea breeze became more violent.

The next moment, the sea seemed to be boiling.

To be more precise, it was as if all kinds of life in the sea had sensed something, and began to desperately float towards the surface of the sea.


Huge sea monsters broke through the sea surface and were exposed to the air.

Their life magnetic field is so huge that groups of dazzling blue flowers bloom above the pitch-black sea.

Because the life magnetic field of each sea monster is completely different, the most beautiful scene in the world appears on the sea.

Giant blue flowers of various shapes bloom in full bloom on the sea like the scorching sun, venting the wanton beauty of life.


"Here, what's going on here?"

"It's so beautiful, how come there are so many flowers in the sea?"

"Stupid, open your eyes and see clearly, that is the life magnetic field of sea monsters."

"Well, there are at least tens of thousands of them. Could it be that all the monsters on the bottom of the sea have come out?"

"No, the sea monster is coming towards us!"

Such a strange change in the sea naturally alarmed all the candidates.

At this moment, they all gathered on the deck, watching countless sea monsters flee for their lives in a daze.

That's right, those huge sea monsters didn't intend to attack them at all, but just passed by here for their lives.

Even in order not to slow down their escape speed, they deliberately avoided all ships.

This is really unbelievable. You must know that in the past, once human ships were exposed to the perception of sea monsters, they would definitely be hit and sunk and torn to pieces.


"What the hell is going on here?"

A candidate spoke tremblingly because the sea monster that passed by just now was too scary.

The terrifying life magnetic field directly distorted everything around it.

If it weren't for the sea kite raising a layer of protective cover, the candidates on the deck would definitely be turned into fly ash.

"That sea monster just now is definitely a B-level life!"

"Hahaha, we won the jackpot!"

"Even the silver-level sea monsters have started to flee for their lives. Is there any need to guess the truth?"

"There is an incomparably terrifying sea monster located just below the surface of the sea."

"It should be the life that floated up from the Gurman Trench before!"

"Looking at this posture, we should be doomed today!"

Surrounded by a crowd of more than a dozen examinees, one spoke in despair, and the atmosphere on the entire deck fell to freezing point in an instant.

Everyone knows about the Gurman shipwreck. Is that scene going to repeat itself?

It's just that they are the candidates who are unlucky this time.

The only thing they can count on now is that the Hai Yuan is strong enough to protect them from this catastrophe.

After all, this is the extraordinary battleship of the Tianwu School of Magic, so it should be fine, right?

However, what all candidates don't know is that they are in the cab at this time.

The three chief examiners were staring at the numbers on the life radar with desperate faces.

Life index 3000, A+ grade life form.

Where is there a way out for this TM?

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