Demon Game: I Have a Dice of Fate

Chapter 201 Demon Slaying War

December 29, 17649, sunny!

For ordinary citizens of the Blue Taro Country, this is still not that important a day.

But for the players of "Game of Kings", this may be the last day of their lives.

"Tomorrow is Judgment Day, what should we do?"

"I don't want to die!"

"His Majesty the King shouldn't clear up all the players, right?"

"Hey, there is no hope for us old players. I only hope that His Majesty the King will like me. Before I became a player, I was a security guard. I want to return to my old job!"

"Your Majesty, I am loyal to you, and the sun and the moon can learn from each other!"

"A bunch of cowards, don't they just die, fight with the devil tomorrow!"

"Tch, you are worthy with your strength? Let's hope that the two apostles can kill that demon today."

"According to the news from the Federation, those two will attack the palace today. If we can kill the demon, we will be relieved."


Every time before the Judgment Day comes, there will be various life scenes in the player group.

But this time, no one was ecstatic, and no one gloated.

All players are shrouded in despair and fear, their fate is beyond their control, and they can only wait for the judgment to come.

For Chen Qi and Amanda's attack on the palace, although many players have illusions in their hearts, basically no players think they can succeed.

If it was successful, the apostles in the previous game would have killed the demon long ago.

If it hadn't been for the fact that they were not sentenced to death, many players were still lucky, and the current Blue Taro Country would have been in chaos long ago.


"Hehe, it seems that everyone is not optimistic about us!"

"After all, that's the demon that has ruled "Game of Kings" for decades."

"7 of Hearts, you seem to be feeling a bit lost."

"You should be excited before the big battle, and you must be fearless."

At 12:00 noon, Amanda and Chen Qi formally met, and the two walked side by side towards the palace.

Amanda saw Chen Qi's absent-mindedness at a glance.

Hehe, young people really have poor mental quality.

It can't be shown normally, but when it comes to the critical moment of life and death, it will reveal its true colors all at once.

This kind of mentality is a big taboo for fighting, it seems that I am going to lose a comrade in arms!

Of course, there is also one less competitor.


"Amanda, the time is still too fast, and my current state is not adjusted to the best."

"But don't worry, this doesn't affect my killing the demon in the end."

"It's just that once the demon dies, all the cards will be recycled by the empire."

"I don't know if those players who survived by chance but lost their strength will be grateful to me?"

The reason for Chen Qi's depression was really not because he was nervous before the battle, but because the analysis of his extraordinary bloodline had not been completely completed.

Chen Qi also did not expect that the 75 application formulas he mastered had no effect on the last remaining 4 silver bloodlines.

Helpless, Chen Qi could only use the energy formula to deduce and analyze it himself.

It's a pity that he rushed to work without sleep, and only completed the analysis of the two silver bloodlines until 11 o'clock this morning.

I have to say this is a pity, but the devil must die today, and Chen Qi can't help it!

It's a pity that Chen Qi's explanation made Amanda more sure that he must die.

Young people are dead ducks with a stubborn mouth, and they are still bragging when they are dying.

Hey, fortunately, my old man has already made a battle plan.

After all, I bear everything!


"It turned out to be those two apostle players, what do they want?"

"It's strange that the monsters in the level don't block them."

"Damn it, these bosses are only targeting us. Looking at the direction of the two of them, it seems that they are going to the devil's palace."

"Is something big going to happen today?"

When Chen Qi and Amanda passed through a game level, they successfully attracted the attention of all the conjuration students.

Many students originally planned to follow them to watch the fun, but unfortunately they were stopped by the game level.

It's strange that the magic students feel happy about this kind of differential treatment.

"What a lucky group of little guys, once we kill the demons, they will be able to leave successfully."

"So many controllers are born suddenly, the world will definitely be shaken."

"It's a pity that there is only one chance, and they happened to catch up."

Amanda looked at the new controllers one by one, feeling a little sour in her heart.

If he had such luck and opportunity back then, why did he struggle so hard in the game?

But fortunately, all the hard work has paid off, and finally it was his turn to stand out.

"These guys are really lucky that we're putting in the work out front and they're enjoying the rewards."

"It's cheaper for them!"

Chen Qi also felt a little "uncomfortable" about the good luck of these conjuration students.

But considering that they have already harvested a wave, they can be regarded as paying for knowledge.

For this ride, I reluctantly let them take a ride.


The further you go, the fewer spell students appear.

At the sixth level, only the little boss is left here.

Chen Qi and Amanda did not stop and continued on their way.

These little bosses who were transformed from jailers ignored them, they only targeted the passers-by.

Chen Qi and Amanda are themselves to some extent.

"The one just now is the most powerful Sky Fortune King in the Seven Kings Association."

"He has mastered the power of fortune and was once regarded as the most likely apostle to kill the devil."

"As a result, he still failed in the end."

"The root cause is not that he is not powerful, but that the demons at that time had game permissions and could call 8,741 extraordinary abilities."

"There are too many variables derived from this, and the King of Fortune will still lose to [Authority Dog] after all."

When passing by the last boss, Amanda introduced Chen Qi with emotion.

He and Chen Qi are definitely not the most powerful among the apostles, and they are even barely ranked in the middle.

Especially the seven of hearts, the absolute tail of the crane.

But fate is beyond their control, and now the two of them have become the apostles who are most likely to pass the game.

Because the demon's game authority is gone, the power possessed by the demon has also been picked up, and there is a way to deal with it.

They only need to face the ability of the [King] card.

This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but it was caught up by him, Amanda.

How could this prevent Amanda from thinking that fate favored her?

From the beginning to the end, Chen Qi only silently glanced at the boss.

I am different from them!


After passing the last checkpoint, two roads appeared ahead.

Chen Qi and Amanda parted ways, and the two continued walking, one on the left and the other on the right.

Gradually, the two sides disappeared from each other's sight.

But soon, a familiar figure appeared in front of Chen Qi.

The Sun King Akinold seems to have been waiting for him for a long time.

The same is true on Amanda's side, and Ibis also blocked his way.

But what was extremely strange was that Amanda seemed to just say something, and Ibis silently moved out of the way.

And the moment Amanda passed Ibis, the latter was immediately obliterated by the game.

A Club K card appeared in place, but disappeared in the next moment, and had a new owner.

"Ibis, your sacrifice will not be in vain, and the empire will fulfill its promise."

"And I'll kill the demon too, to end everything!"

Amanda, who continued walking, murmured in a low voice. From the beginning to the end, he didn't stop for a step, nor did he look back.

"Persuading" Ibis to commit suicide, and then go directly to the palace in full glory, this is Amanda's own plan, which has been recognized and supported by Milton.

From the beginning to the end, it was not in his plan to team up with 7 of Hearts to enter the palace.

There are too many variables in this, especially the Federation has not fully grasped the 7 of Hearts.

Could it be that at the critical moment of sacrifice, he, Amanda, has to sacrifice himself for others?


"It has to be fast, the 7 of hearts may not survive too long in the hands of the Sun King."

"I must take advantage of this gap to go straight to Huanglong and kill Gutafu."

"Otherwise, I will definitely die when the Sun King kills the 7 of Hearts and comes to the Savior."

"Now I have ruled out all kinds of unexpected factors, everything is going according to my plan, I will win!"

For this final battle, Amanda has spent all her time and made sufficient preparations.

What he didn't tell Chen Qi was that the empire not only provided him with the same equipment to protect against demons, but also provided him with an additional weapon against the Sun King.

Of course, this weapon was not used to kill the Sun King, but to deal with Gutav.

Once Gutav dares to copy the power of the Sun King, Amanda will kill him.

If Gutav replicates his super power, Amanda also prepared restraint measures.

The only variable in this is Gutav's ability to choose to copy the 7 of Hearts.

In fact, if possible, Amanda really wanted to prepare a set of extraordinary weapons against Chen Qi.

But Chen Qi had only just given birth to the power shard, so he couldn't collect any valuable ability information at all.

As for asking "7 of Hearts" directly, besides making the two sides tear each other apart, what else can it do?

Since the Federation failed to completely grasp Chen Qi, he has now become the biggest variable in the game.

This really can't be blamed on Milton's "feeding tigers to make trouble", it's really because Gutav was too decisive, directly advancing the game changes by several months.

All the methods he had prepared to win over and control Chen Qi hadn't been used yet.

If the federation can control Chen Qi like Ibis, he will definitely die earlier than Ibis.

Fortunately, after Amanda's evaluation, the 7 of hearts who had just become an apostle was not enough.

If the demon chooses to copy his ability, maybe it will be easier to deal with it!

Chen Qi, who has been busy analyzing the extraordinary bloodline recently, did not know that there were so many twists and turns in Amanda's heart.

He is now at war with Akinod!


"7 of Hearts, or Chen Qi, you are still here."

"I appreciate your integrity, you dare to come here knowing that you will die!"

"If possible, I don't want to kill you in my current capacity."

"It's a pity that I can't help myself now, so you should die or die!"

Akinode looked at Chen Qi with pity. He has recovered from his injuries now, and his strength has even skyrocketed with the help of game levels.

Not to mention other things, just the number of psionic points he can use has doubled to 1600 points.

It is really possible to kill the opponent by bombing wildly with eyes closed.

This is also the reason why Amanda chose to kill Ibis with a mouth shield. It is because even if she can kill the opponent, her own loss will be extremely staggering.

At that time, how can it be the opponent of Gutav who is waiting for work and maintaining his prosperity.

"Akinod, you really look like a dog now!"

"Oh, no, not now, but the moment you signed the contract with the devil, you became a pug by his side."

"Since you already know my identity, there is nothing more to say between us."

"Just use your dog's life to commemorate everything I lost."

Chen Qi's apostle's armament slowly unfolded, and a 100-meter-tall four-armed energy giant appeared on the battlefield.

Chen Qi was placed in the body of the energy giant, as if he was controlling a giant mech.

Although Chen Qi didn't want to talk nonsense anymore, the Sun King seemed to be holding back recently, and he was still chattering endlessly.

"Poor 7 of Hearts, you probably don't know yet, do you?"

"Ibis is dead, that old thief Amanda has rushed to the palace ahead of time."

"You were tricked by that old thing, you are just an abandoned child!"

"Your greatest value lies in slowing down my pace so that Amanda can fight His Majesty the King with peace of mind."

"Aren't you shocked, surprised, and sad? Everything you do now is to make wedding clothes for others."

With the help of the induction between the game levels, the moment Ibis died, the Sun King got the news.

As an old apostle who has been intriguing for a long time, Akinod guessed the truth in an instant.

Hahaha, Ibis, that bitch, died in the hands of her own people in the end.

It was so much fun!

Such pleasing good news must be shared with 7 of Hearts.


"Ibis is actually dead?"

"Amanda has already rushed to the palace?"

Chen Qi, who was about to make a move, couldn't help but fell silent.

This world is really cruel.

As a reasonably qualified smart person, Chen Qi has only recently been obsessed with the analysis of extraordinary bloodlines, subconsciously ignoring some things.

At this moment, after thinking for a while, he already guessed the truth of Ibis' death.

"Hehe, it really is better to rely on yourself than anyone else."

"Agenod, thank you for telling me the news."

"As a thank you, I will definitely make your death easier!"

"Hasn't your majesty the king urged you to do it quickly?"

"It seems that brother Amanda can't do it, he didn't scare the devil."

There was a hint of sarcasm on Chen Qi's face, and he didn't know whether he was targeting one of the three, or all of them.

Chen Qi didn't bother to guess Akinode's "intent" for telling him the news, he just wanted to kill this guy now.

To kill the Sun King, to kill Gutafu, to kill everything that stands in his way, this is Chen Qi's own plan.

In the next moment, the arm representing the matter field waved, and the terrifying cracking knife slashed at Akinod again.

At the same moment, in the palace, the four-armed energy giant that Gutav transformed into also slashed at Amanda.

He actually chose to copy Chen Qi's apostle power.

The two battles started at the same time!

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