Demon Change the Earth

Chapter 19: 1 roll of toilet paper

   Ma Liang woke up as soon as the sky turned dark.

When    woke up, he found that his head was a little dizzy, his throat was very dry, his nose was blocked, and he knew that the **** cold had returned.

   He didn't want to move, thinking, why the space-time correction and influence are so frequent and obvious! ?

   The experience of the old time and space cannot be applied to the present. I thought that when he got the magic brush and understood the function the first time, he did a vigorous event.

   set a two-color ball number that must be hit, and bought it fifty times!

   The next day, this bet number was indeed hit, but then it broke out that the lottery machine was malfunctioning. There was an unobvious omission in the live broadcast, which was found on the Internet.

   Within a very short period of time, this video was fermented on the Internet and formed a strong storm of public opinion. With the strong intervention of relevant departments, this investigation broke out a bigger scandal.

  As the lucky one who won fifty times the huge first prize, Ma Liang naturally could not stay out of the matter. Although the final investigation showed that he had nothing to do with the scandal, he was still known to both women and children.

   This is his start, huge amounts of money and endless troubles.

   Other than that, it has never been like this.

   Maybe this is the difference between simmering and frying?

   This metaphor makes Ma Liang feel very funny.

  The answerer once said that traveling through time and space is like jumping from one pool into another.

   Strictly speaking, Ma Liang is not going back to the past, but just merging with another self in parallel time and space.

   Therefore, he was an "outsider" from the beginning, and the "abnormality and deviation" existed at the moment of fusion, regardless of whether the magic pen was used or not.

   That's why the reaction of time and space has always existed. How many accidents and the current cold and low fever are all feedbacks?

   Feedback is feedback, and when you get sick, you get sick. Compared with the frustrating accidents and troubles, he really prefers to be "sick" like he is now.

   When the new system is rolled out, he can hide in the sand sea. In front of more and stronger shock sources, this kind of weak feedback will be greatly apportioned, and then naturally it will be cured.

   But the medicine is still taken.

   Ma Liang got up to take the medicine, but in a blink of an eye he found that the lower bunk opposite was a little weird.

   That was the fat Zhu Ming’s bed. The quilt covered his whole body. There was a strange arch in the middle, and he was still squirming up and down rhythmically.

this is?

   What, what else don’t understand, Ma Liang is not the first brother who doesn’t understand anything!

   Even with his city, he almost laughed out of nowhere.

   Forget it, don't disturb him, everyone in the province is embarrassed.

Ma Liang got up lightly, took out the cold medicine carefully, and just returned to the bed to lie down, he heard a "creak" behind him, and when he looked back, the bulge of the quilt had calmed down. Not moving anymore.

   Is this done?

   At this moment, suddenly a roll of toilet paper was thrown from Ma Liang’s upper berth, and it landed on the fat Zhu Ming’s bed. Wang Fei who was sleeping on it said: "Dude, take a moment, be careful not to keep up with nutrition!"

   "Puff!" Ma Liang couldn't help it.

   "Hahaha..." The dormitory was full of laughter.

   Dare to love everyone is awake, suffocating bad things, watching Zhu Ming's mime.

  These people are really...

  Rolling with laughter, laughing unscrupulously, and all floors were alarmed. In this case, what should Zhu Ming do?

   If it were Ma Liang, he would play down this embarrassment and deal with it with a look of "rare and weird" and "dare to love you never before".

   You need to know that only when you don’t care, can others not care, and your momentum is not weak, so that you can really dilute your laughter and minimize the impact.

   But Zhu Ming did not.

   He first hid in the quilt and didn't move. Then he showed up from the inside when he couldn't help it. His face was flushed, pretending to be "lost" when he just woke up, and said, "What are you doing?"

   It's all right now, it's like adding fuel to the fire, and the laughter is louder, especially Wang Fei, who laughed and shouted that his stomach hurts and patted the bedboard.

   Ma Liang also couldn't help it, and laughed twice, and then saw that Zhu Ming was really embarrassed, so he held back his laugh, poured water and prepared to take medicine.

  Any excuses, any cover-ups are meaningless, Zhu Ming quickly understood this, and his expression was wonderful.

   However, the joke is a joke, once it is over, it will hurt the friendship between each other.

   While laughing, Zhu Ming threw the roll of toilet paper back in anger, covered it with a quilt, and changed clothes in the quilt.

   This is the disadvantage of not having a separate bathroom.

  撸管 are in danger of being discovered.

The people in the dormitory still don’t know how to converge. Song Shibo said that the firepower of old Zhu (pig) is strong, and I can smell it. Zhao Yang said, oops, it’s disgusting, and then laughed again, but everyone didn’t bring anything. Malicious.

   Ma Liang said: "It's almost done."

   Everyone realized that there was something wrong with Zhu Ming, and the laughter began to weaken.

   Stop making trouble, a trace of embarrassment and strangeness arose in the 404 dormitory.

   all started to get up.

   Zhu Ming is quiet.

  Wang Fei leaned forward to his bed with a smile on his face, sat down and staggered backwards without speaking.

  Wang Fei’s smile was a little reluctant, and he said unequivocally, Old pig, you're still serious, so you can't make a joke?

   Zhu Ming hummingly got up and put on his shoes, picked up the toothbrush basin and rushed out of the dormitory.

   As soon as the door of the dormitory opened, the people in the other dormitories asked what was wrong, so happy early in the morning.

   Ma Liang met, and quickly told other people, don’t tell this kind of thing, and save Lao Zhu some face.

   However, the noise was so loud just now, the news was still leaked, and laughter and ridicule were played in other dormitories.

Zhu Ming is usually more active and has a wide range of friends, many people know him, and he suddenly became the object of ridicule and The factor of disharmony in the dormitory was planted at this time, Wang Fei and Zhu Ming. For the newly developed friends, cracks quickly formed.

   Of course, these are trivial matters to Ma Liang.

   As a life adjustment, healed the wounds he suffered in the old time.

   After breakfast, Ma Liang's personal assets have shrunk again, and if this continues, he will run out of ammunition and food in less than three or four days.

   Looking for money is already imminent.

   can only find an opportunity to use magic pen, but the impact must be strictly controlled within the scope of "deviations and abnormalities".

   It's a big deal, the condition will get worse, Ma Liang thought.

   Of course, the most fundamental solution is to roll out the new system as soon as possible.

   Once you embark on the path of transcendence, is money still a problem?


   The first session in the morning was a professional class—Assembly Language. In the classroom, the teacher was talking spit, but Ma Liang was writing in his seat.

  【Take a quarter of the source of the time and space shocks, and then dilute it, perhaps by a ratio of one in 10,000, to obtain the so-called spirituality.

   Everything is anim, but it hasn't been discovered and awakened yet.

   Once spirituality is awakened, it has supernatural properties that change reality. This is determined by the nature of "source", and the difference is only in strength.

  Science and spirituality, and even the new system supported by spirituality—mysterious and incompatible. It is impossible to observe spirituality with scientific methods, nor can it capture any of its mechanisms and principles.

   Conversely, spirituality can influence, interfere with, and change the occurrence of real things and phenomena, as well as their processes and results, because of the attributes of its own "source". 】

  【This is the root of all supernatural forces and phenomena. 】


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