Demi-gods And Semi-devils

Chapter - 36 Genuine Speech And Genuine Fantasy In a Dream

Xu Zhu had a shock, he rush forward two steps. Child Elder cry out in a shrill voice, she rush towards him. The white-clothed person said in a low voice: "Martial sister, you are so carefree here!" the voice is a female, gentle sweet and agreeable. Xu Zhu walk forward two steps, he saw the white-clothed person's slim and graceful figure, clearly she is a woman, a white silk cloth covered her face, he can't see her appearance, but she call out 'Martial sister', thus he assume she must be from the same sect and came here to help Child Elder, perhaps he don't have to get involve anymore. But he look sideways at Child Elder, her expression is extremely strange, amidst her alarm and indignant expression, she also had a hint of disdain and disgust.

Child Elder rush to Xu Zhu's side, she shouted: "Quickly carry me up the mountain peak." Xu Zhu said: "This...this knot inside junior monk's heart, i can't resolve it yet...." Child Elder is furious, she flip her hand and slap him, she shouted: "This thieving **** came here to harm me, you didn't see it?" At this moment Child Elder's strength is not light, this slap from her immediately caused half of Xu Zhu's face to swell up.

The white-clothed person said: "Martial sister, your temper is still the same till old, the other party is not willing, yet you always force them, beat and scold them, what is the point? Little sister have some advice for you, its best to be courteous to others."

Xu Zhu had very good opinion of her: "This person is in the same sect as Child Elder and Mr Wu YaZi, but her temperament is vastly different from them, she is so gentle and refine, fair and reasonable."

Child Elder kept urging Xu Zhu: "Quickly carry me and leave, move far far away from this ****, granny won't forget to reward you, i will definitely heavily reward you in the future."

The white-clothed person stood to the side in a calm and composed manner, her garment fluttered with the breeze, she is like an immortal. Xu Zhu assume this person is very elegant and refine, but how come Child Elder is so afraid of her? The white-clothed person said: "Martial sister, we old sisters never see other for so many years, how come you are not happy in meeting me today, on the contrary you want to leave quickly? Little sister calculated that these past few days must be the joyous period where you revert back to a child, i heard you recruited quite a number of demons and ghosts, little sister is afraid they will take advantage of your situation to revolt, i personally came to Misty Peak's Vulture Palace to find you, i want to help you to fight off these devils, but i can't find you."

Child Elder saw that Xu Zhu is not willing to carry her to run away, she said furiously: "You calculated the time when i lose all my internal energy and martial arts and came to Misty Peak, what good intentions can you have? But you can't predict the curious coincidence, unexpectedly someone actually carried me down Misty Peak. You found nothing up there, you must be very disappointed correct? Li QuiShui, although you found me today, but you are late by a few days, naturally i am still not your match, but its not so easy for you to rob me of my entire lifetime of divine martial arts."

The white-clothed person said: "Martial sister what are you saying? After parting with you, i am very concerned about you and think of you daily, i often thought of coming to Vulture Palace to see you. But after the misunderstanding 10 years ago, every time we meet, elder sister will disregard the reason and reproach me. Firstly, little sister is afraid of provoking elder sister's anger, secondly i am afraid elder sister might punish and beat me, thus i don't dare to come and visit. Elder sister you are really overly suspicious if you think i have bad intentions." Her speech is respectful and affectionate.

Xu Zhu thought the Child Elder must be barbaric and unreasonable, this pair of female, one of them benevolent the other evil, they had some hostility in the past, obviously it must be Child Elder's fault.

Child Elder said angrily: "Li QiuShui, things have reached this stage already, what is the point in employing such flowery speech to ridicule me? Take a look, what is this?" when she finish speaking she stretch out her left hand and revealed the gem ring on her thumb.

Li QiuShui trembled, her voice cracked: "Sect Leader's Seven-Treasure Ring! You....where did you get it?" Child Elder sneered: "Obviously he gave it to me, why ask when you already knew the answer?" Li QiuShui is slightly stumped for words, she said: "Heng, he...why would he give this to you? If you didn't steal it then you must have snatch it away."

Child Elder said loudly: "Li QiuShui, Carefree Sect Leader's orders, kneel down and listen to instructions."

Li QiuShui said: "You think you can confer this Sect Leader position onto yourself? Most likely.....most likely you secretly stab him in the back and stole this Seven-Treasure Ring." Initially her attitude is graceful and elegant, but after seeing the gem ring, her tone is irritable.

Child Elder said strictly: "You refuse to accept Sect Leader's orders, you intend to betray the sect, correct?"

Suddenly there is a flicker of white light, there is a 'Peng' sound, Child Elder's body flew up and landed far away. Xu Zhu had a huge shock, he shouted: "What?" immediately after he saw a dark red blood line on the snow ground, Child Elder's severed thumb drop onto the ground, but the gem ring is held by Li QiuShui. Evidently she is as quick as lightning, she severed Child Elder's thumb, grab the gem ring and strike out a palm to send Child Elder flying, as for the weapon used to sever the thumb, the technique, she is simply too fast, Xu Zhu can't see them at all.

Li QiuShui said: "Martial sister, how did you harm him, its best if you tell little sister. Little sister have deep affection towards you, i will not embarrass you unduly." When she obtain the gem ring, her tone changed immediately, its extremely gentle and refine again.

Xu Zhu cannot help but said: "Miss Li, both of you are martial sisters from the same sect, how can you be so vicious in attacking her? Mr Wu YaZi is definitely not killed by Child Elder. Monk cannot lie, i won't deceive you." Li QiuShui turn towards Xu Zhu and said: "May i ask the religious name of great master? Where did you take your tonsure? How come you know the name of my martial brother?" Xu Zhu said: "Junior monk is Xu Zhu, i am Shaolin disciple, as for Mr Wu YaZi...alas, this matter is a long story...." suddenly he saw Li QiuShui wave her sleeves lightly, the back of his knees immediately turn numb, his energy and blood reverse and turn the wrong way, he collapsed and shouted: "Hello, what are you doing? I didn't offend you, come even i am...also.....also...."

Li QiuShui smile and said: "Little master is an eminent monk from Shaolin, i am merely testing your martial arts. En, Shaolin have such resounding reputation, but their disciple is like this. I really offend you, really sorry!"

Xu Zhu lie down on the ground, he peered through the white silk veil on her face, he can faintly see her face, she seems to be 40 years of age, her facial appearance very beautiful, but there seems to be a few line of blood trace on her face or some kind of scar, its hazy and indistinct, he cannot help but feel a cold chill, he said: "I am the most useless disciple from Shaolin, senior you cannot look down on Shaolin just because of junior monk's incompetence."

Li QiuShui ignored him, she slowly walk towards Child Elder, she said: "Martial sister, these past few years, little sister miss you bitterly. Thank the heavens, little sister can finally see martial sister again. Martial sister, the benefits you shower upon me in the past, little sister remember all of them every day and every night...."

Suddenly there is another flash of white light, Child Elder cry out miserably, a big patch of blood instantly covered the snow-white ground, unexpectedly Child Elder's left leg separated from her body.

Xu Zhu's shock is no small matter, he shout furiously: "Sisters from the same sect, how can you have the heart to do such vile deed? are really worse than a beast!"

Li QiuShui slowly turn around, her left hand pull open the white silk veil covering her face, revealing her snow white cheek. Xu Zhu cry out in alarm, lines criss-cross on her face, there are 4 extremely long sword wounds, the lines formed the word 'well (井)', due to these 4 sword wounds, her right eye is protruding, the left corner of her mouth is slanted and crooked, she is really ugly and unsightly. Li QiuShui said: "Many years ago, someone use a sword to scratch my face to such a state. Great master from Shaolin, you tell me, should i take revenge or not?" while speaking she slowly release the veil and covered her face again.

Xu Zhu said: "This...this is done by Child Elder?" Li QiuShui said: "There is no harm in asking her yourself."

Blood is gushing out of Child Elder's broken leg like wave, but she did not faint, she said: "Correct, i scratch her face. I...i succeeded in my training. When i was 26 years old, i can make my body grow up, become the same as ordinary person, but she injured me, she made me fire-deviate and i turn into a midget. You tell me, this deep hatred, should i take revenge or not?"

Xu Zhu look at Li QiuShui, he pondered: "If her words are true, then this person started the wicked deed first."

Child Elder said: "Since i already fell into your hands, there is nothing left to say. This little monk is 'his' dear friend, you must not harm a single hair on this little monk. Or else, 'he' will never let you off." She close her eyes and wait for death.

Li QiuShui gave a sigh and said indifferently: "Elder sister, you are older than me, you must be much smarter than me, but you want to swindle little sister today, its really not so easy. If he is....his...he is still alive, then how come this Seven-Treasure Ring fell into your hands? Fine! Little sister don't have any grudge or grievance with this little monk, moreover little sister is born timid, i definitely don't dare to feud with the big dipper of martial arts fraternity Shaolin. This little master, little sister will not harm him. Elder sister, little sister have two 'Nine Revolution Bear Snake Pill', please consume it to avoid excessively bleeding."

Xu Zhu heard her calling 'Elder sister' and 'Elder sister', its incomparably affectionate and intimate, but when he thought of the situation when Child Elder ask Wu LaoDa to consume two 'Nine Revolution Bear Snake Pill', a burst of cold sweat came out of him.

Child Elder said angrily: "Just kill me quickly, you want me to consume this 'Tendon Breaking Bone Decaying Pill' and listen to your mocking insults, dream on!" Li QiuShui said: "Little sister have good intentions towards elder sister, elder sister always misunderstood my intentions. The wound is bleeding excessively, its really not beneficial to elder sister's heath. Elder sister, these two pills, please eat it."

Xu Zhu look at her hand, the palm of her jade-white hand is supporting two musty-yellow pills, its exactly the pills that Child Elder gave to Wu LaoDa, he pondered: "Child Elder's karmic retribution came really quick."

Child Elder shouted: "Little monk, quickly strike your palm on the top of my head, send granny to Western Paradise to avoid suffering the insults of this ****." Li QiuShui laugh and said: "Little master is tired, he needs some time to rest on the ground." Child Elder is really anxious, she spurted a mouthful of fresh blood. Li QiuShui said: "Elder sister, one of your leg is long, the other is short, if 'he' sees it, it might be somewhat ungraceful, originally you are a short beauty, but now you are one side tall, one side short, a crooked beauty, won't 'he' feel greatly sorry for you? Little sister will help you till the end, i will cut off both your legs!" when she finish speaking there is a flicker of white light, a weapon suddenly appeared on her hand.

This time Xu Zhu finally saw it clearly, she is holding onto the handle of a 1 chi dagger. This dagger seems to be made of crystal, its transparent. Evidently Li QiuShui want to make Child Elder panic, she did not attack quickly, she is waving the dagger around her unbroken leg.

Xu Zhu is very angry, he thought: "This female shizhu is too ruthless!" the [Pure Energy of Northern Darkness] in his body circulate rapidly around his entire body, in an instant he felt the acupoints on his leg unseal, the numbness stop immediately. He did not have time to think, he quickly rush forward and carried Child Elder, he ran up the mountain peak swiftly.

When Li QiuShui use the technique [Frost Sleeve Brushing Acupoints] to hit Xu Zhu, she sense that his martial art is mediocre, she did not take him seriously, she slowly torture Child Elder and let him spectate by the side, since there is another person looking she gain more pleasure in tormenting her enemy, she will eventually kill Xu Zhu to prevent him from divulging the matter, she did not expect Xu Zhu to break through the acupoints which she sealed. She was caught off guard, in an instant Xu Zhu carried Child Elder and rush 5-6 zhang away. Li QiuShui extend her leg and chase after him, she laugh and said: "Little master, you are smitten by my martial sister? Don't just look at her beautiful appearance, she is a 96 year old old woman, she is not some 17-18 young lady." She felt at ease in her imminent victory, she know she can overtake him in a moment, what great ability can this little monk have? Unexpectedly this swift burst of running from Xu Zhu cause his blood to circulate and accelerate, the strength of his [Pure Energy of Northern Darkness] emerged, he is running faster and faster, they are separated by 5-6 zhang and she can't catch up at all.

In a flash, she follow the slope and chase for around 3 li, Li QiuShui is frighten yet angry, she shouted: "Little monk, if you still refuse to stop i will use my palm strength to injure you."

Child Elder is aware that if Li QiuShui send out her palm strength, Xu Zhu will immediately die by her palm, inevitably she will be captured again, she said: "Little master, many thanks for saving me, we can't beat this ****, quickly throw me down the valley, maybe she won't harm you."

Xu Zhu said: "This...absolutely not. Junior monk definitely cannot......" he only say 2 sentence, his energy leak out, Li QiuShui move in closer, suddenly his back felt cold, an enormous slab of freezing ice seem to stick onto his flesh, immediately afterwards his body flew up, he fell into the valley. He knew he was hit by Li QiuShui yin-frost palm strength, but he still hug onto Child Elder tightly, he fall straight down, he pondered: "This time our bodies will be torn and bones crushed, become a pile of mincemeat. Buddha is merciful!"

He faintly heard Li QiuShui voice transmit from the top: "Ayo, my strength is too heavy, they got off lightly......" as it turns out a mountain ledge broke off, its covered by snow, Li QiuShui send out her palm, she intend to make Xu Zhu collapse and then capture Child Elder, slowly use all kinds of cruel methods to torment her, she did not expect Xu Zhu to step onto the snow-covered ledge, the ledge broke and Xu Zhu along with Child Elder fell off the mountain.


Xu Zhu felt his body is empty and floating, he can't control himself at all, he fall straight down, the wind made 'Hu Hu' noise as it rush past his ear, although the matter happen in an instant but he felt time is limitless, his fall is never ending and eternal. He saw the snow-covered mountainside rush straight at him, he is daze by the sight, a few black dots seem to move slowly on the snow-covered ground. He did not have time to examine carefully, he is diving swiftly down the mountainside.

Suddenly he heard someone shout: "Who is it?" a horizontal force push against him, it bump against Xu Zhu's waist. Xu Zhu's body have yet to hit the ground as it tilted and flew out again, he glance, the person who push him is Murong Fu, he is really happy, he gathered his energy to toss Child Elder out, he want to let Murong Fu catch her so as to save her life.

Murong Fu saw two people falling down the mountain peak, he can't see clearly who they are in a short period of time, he executed his family's consummate skill the [Star Shifting Movement], he shifted the falling force and turn it into horizontal force, the two people got shifted and flew horizontally. This [Star Shifting Movement] did not use much of his own force, but Xu Zhu and Child Elder fell down from high altitude, the force is simply too great, in a split second Murong Fu felt his vision blur, he tumbled and sat down.

Xu Zhu is pressured by this gigantic force, he can't toss Child Elder out, his body flew around 10 zhang and drop down, both his legs suddenly step onto an extremely soft yet extremely tough object, there is a 'Bo' sound, his body spring up again. Xu Zhu glance again, he saw a short and fat person, the person is shaped like a meat ball and lie down on the snow-covered ground. This person is 36 Caves Verdant Rock Cave Cave-master Mulberry Soil Elder, his figure is big like a huge cauldron, he saw Xu Zhu and Child Elder flew horizontally, the power is unstoppable, he immediately lie down on the ground. It truly is a coincidence, when Xu Zhu drop to the ground his legs so happen to step onto his big belly, although he quickly channelled his [Pure Energy of Northern Darkness] and reduce the falling force, but this step on the belly cause Mulberry Soil Elder's intestines to rupture, he died a violent death, luckily his belly sprung up and Xu Zhu manage to save both his legs, his legs did not break off. With this bounce, Xu Zhu cannot help but fly horizontally again, he rush straight at a person, he vaguely identify the person as Duan Yu. Xu Zhu shout loudly: "Gentleman Duan, dodge quickly! I am rushing over!"

Duan Yu saw Xu Zhu's rushing force is strangely quick, no matter what he can't catch him, he shouted: "I will support you!" he turn around, he use his back as support, at the same time he executed his [Graceful Steps upon the Waves] and ran swiftly, in an instant he felt the pressure on his back is like a mountain, it press onto him and he can barely breathe, but with every step he take the pressure on his back will lessen by a bit, he sprinted over 30 steps with a single breath, Xu Zhu slide off his back lightly.

The two of them fell down from several hundred zhang high, by sheer luck Murong Fu shifted the force, Mulberry Soil Elder bounce off the force, lastly Duan Yu carried them on his back and sprinted, after 3 turn of event, unexpectedly they didn't sustain any injury. Xu Zhu straighten his body and said: "Buddha is merciful! Many thanks to everyone for assisting!" he is not aware that Mulberry Soil Elder was trampled to death by him, if not the guilt would overwhelm him. Suddenly he heard a shout, it transmit from the mountainside. After Child Elder's leg was severed, although she bleed excessively but she did not lose consciousness, she said in alarm: "That **** is chasing down. Leave quickly, leave quickly!" When Xu Zhu thought about Li QiuShui's vicious and merciless method he cannot help but shiver, he carried Child Elder and rush into the forest.


Li QiuShui rush down quickly from the mountainside, although her footstep is fast and nimble but ultimately it can't be compared with Xu Zhu who plunge straight down the mountain, in reality their distance is far apart but Xu Zhu is scared, he don't dare to linger any longer. He rush out a few li, Child Elder said: "Put me down, tear some cloth to bind my leg wound to avoid leaving behind bloodstains and let the **** track us. Hit my 'HuanTiao' and 'QiMen' acupoints to staunch the bleeding." Xu Zhu said: "Yes!" he followed her instructions, he also listen attentively for Li QiuShui's movement. Child Elder retrieved a yellow pill from her bosom and ate it, she said: "This **** has deep enmity with me, she will never let me go. I still need 79 days to fully restore my divine martial arts, at that time i don't need to fear that **** anymore. But where to hide during these 79 days?"

Xu Zhu wrinkled his brows and thought: "Its difficult to hide for half a day, how to hide for 79 days?" Child Elder mumbled to herself: "If we hide in your Shaolin Temple, its an excellent location...." Xu Zhu had a huge fright, he is trembling from head to toe. Child Elder said furiously: "Damn monk, what are you scared of? Shaolin Temple is so far from here, how can we go there?" She incline her head and said: "If we travel west for several hundred li it would be Western Xia. That **** has deep relationship with Western Xia, if she pass down her orders the experts from Western Xia First-Class Hall will all come to search for us, then its difficult to escape her evil clutches. Little monk, in your opinion where should we hide?" Xu Zhu said: "We should hide in deep mountains, fields and caves, hide for 79 days, i think your martial sister will not be able to find us." Child Elder said: "How you know? If that **** can't find us, she will definitely return to Western Xia and gather a huge group of dogs, these several hundred hunting dogs have extremely keen nose, no matter where we hide these animals will definitely find us." Xu Zhu said: "Then we have to run South-east, move far far away from Western Xia."

Child Elder gave a sigh, she said: "That **** have many spies under her, naturally she already deployed her men at the south-east routes." She muttered to herself for a long time, suddenly she clap her hands and said: "I got it, little monk, you solved Wu YaZi's 'Zhen Long' chess formation, what is the first move?" Xu Zhu is extremely worried about the current critical situation, unexpectedly she still have to mood to discuss about chess formation, he said: "Junior monk close my eyes and made a random move, i killed myself, i let my opponent kill a huge group of chess-piece."

Child Elder said happily: "Correct, for the past 10 years, there are countless people who are 100 times more wise and talented than you, none of them can solve this 'Zhen Long' chess formation, because no one is willing to bring about their own destruction. Wonderful, wonderful! Little monk, carry me and jump up the tree, quickly travel west." Xu Zhu said: "Where we going?" Child Elder said: "To a place no one would ever expect us to go, although its dangerous but we will find a way out of the danger, we have to take this risk."

Xu Zhu look at her broken leg, he sigh and pondered: "You can't walk, even if i am not willing to take the risk its no use." He saw her injury is serious, he no longer care about the rule that forbids direct contact between men and women, he carried her on his back and jump up the treetop, he followed the directions pointed out by Child Elder and ran west swiftly.

He ran over 10 li, suddenly he heard a gentle and coy voice from far: "Little monk, have you fallen to your death? Elder sister, where are you? Little sister really miss you bitterly, quickly come out!" Xu Zhu's legs turn soft when he heard Li QiuShui's voice, he nearly fell off the treetop.

Child Elder scold him: "Useless little monk, what are you scared of? Her voice is getting further and further, isn't she travelling east?"

Sure enough the voice is gradually getting further and further, Xu Zhu is very impress with Child Elder's wisdom, he said: " come she knows that we didn't die after falling down from several hundred zhang high?" Child Elder said: "Obviously someone talk too much and leak it out." She pondered for a long time and said: "Granny never left Misty Peak for over 10 years, i didn't expect martial studies to make such rapid progress. That young gentleman who neutralize our falling force, his technique in borrowing and redirecting force, pushing aside a thousand catty with four liang, it really reach the state of perfection. Who is the other young gentleman? How come he knows our Carefree Sect's [Graceful Steps upon the Waves]?" she mumbled to herself, she is not really asking Xu Zhu. Xu Zhu is afraid that Li QiuShui will catch up with them, he gathered his energy and ran swiftly, he didn't hear what Child Elder said.

When they reach level ground, he choose to travel on minor road, they rest the night in a dense jungle, the next morning they travel again, Child Elder still directed him westward. Xu Zhu said: "Senior, you say westward is Western Xia, i think we can't travel west anymore." Child Elder sneered: "Why can't we travel west?" Xu Zhu said: "If we pass the borders of Western Xia, wouldn't it be walking right into a trap?" Child Elder said: "The land you are stepping on right now, its already the territory of Western Xia!"

Xu Zhu had a huge shock, he shouted: "What? This is Western Xia? But you said your martial sister has enormous power in Western Xia?" Child Elder laugh and said: "Yes! That **** can go on a rampage in Western Xia, she can demand and do whatever she wants, but we go against expectation and break into an important place, she will never imagine it till the day she dies. She look around everywhere, but she will never expect me to be resting peacefully in her nest and practicing my skills. Haha!" she is extremely proud of herself, she said: "Little monk, i copied your method, the most stupid and most illogical chess move, but in the end its really wonderful and useful."

Xu Zhu really admired her, he said: "Senior divine calculation, its indeed hard for people to fathom, but....but...." Child Elder said: "But what?" Xu Zhu said: "Within Li QiuShui's important place, there must be other capable people, if they discover our tracks......" Child Elder said: "Heng, if that place is uninhabited then how can it be considered dangerous? Going against all odds and difficulties, throwing yourself into danger, that is the proper conduct of a true hero." Xu Zhu pondered: "If its to save human or save the world, its worth it to throw myself into danger, but you and Li QiuShui are roughly the same, both of you are not really good people, why should i willingly risk this danger?"

Child Elder saw his hesitation, she already guess his thoughts, she said: "I ask you to brave danger, naturally i have good stuff to give you as thanks, i won't ask you to suffer for nothing. Right now i will teach you 3 palm style and 3 grappling style, when you combine these 6 style of martial arts it is known as [Plum Breaking Hands Of Heavenly Mountain]."

Xu Zhu said: "Senior your injuries have yet to heal, its inappropriate for you to exert yourself, you should rest more." Child Elder roll her eyes and said: "You resent my heretic martial arts, you disdain to learn it correct?" Xu Zhu said: "This...this...junior definitely don't have such intentions, please don't misunderstand." Child Elder said: "You are the legal successor of Carefree Sect, this [Plum Breaking Hands Of Heavenly Mountain] is precisely the high-level martial art of our sect, Wu YaZi ask you to go to WuLiang Mountain to find that **** Li QiuShui to teach you martial arts, heng, that **** is cold and indifferent, she might not be willing to impart to you, today i voluntarily choose to impart it to you, its your enormous fortune and fate, you get it without asking, how come you are not willing to learn?" Xu Zhu said: "Junior is from Shaolin, i really have no relations with Carefree Sect."

Child Elder said: "Pei! You entire body is equipped with internal energy from Carefree Sect, you dare to claim you have no relations with Carefree Sect, you are talking rubbish. The conduct of Child Elder Of Heavenly Mountain, i never do things that benefit others and not myself. I teach you martial arts, its for my own benefit, i need you to act as my proxy to resist powerful enemy. If you can't master this 6 style [Plum Breaking Hands Of Heavenly Mountain], you will definitely die in Western Xia, its not important if little monk die in Western Xia, but your granny will also accompany you and die as well." Xu Zhu agreed and said: "Yes!" although this person intention is bad but she still say it out loud, she can be considered straightforward and upright.

Immediately Child Elder impart him the mnemonic of the 1st palm style of [Plum Breaking Hands Of Heavenly Mountain]. This mnemonic has 7 words in a sentence, a total of 12 sentences, 84 words. Xu Zhu has superb memory, Child Elder only need to go through 3 times and he remembered everything. This 84 words are extremely difficult to pronounce, 7 flat tone in succession, followed by 7 oblique tone, the phonetics is completely different, its similar to tongue twister. Luckily Xu Zhu usually recite "Xi tan duo, bo tan luo", "Jiedi, jiedi, boluo seng jiedi", etc, he is familiar with incantation in scriptures, he didn't really find it strange.

Child Elder said: "Carry me on your back and run west, recite this mnemonic loudly." Xu Zhu followed her instructions, unexpectedly he manage to recite 3 words, he can't utter the 4th word 'Fu', he have to stop and regain his breath and finally utter the 4th word. Child Elder raise her palm and slap the top of his head, she scold him: "Useless little monk, you can't even recite the first sentence." Although this slap is not heavy, but it hit his 'BaiHui' acupoint. Xu Zhu body sway, he felt dizzy and light-headed, he recite the mnemonic again, he is obstructed on the 4th word again, Child Elder slap him again.

Xu Zhu felt really strange: "How come i can't pronounce this 'Fu' word smoothly?" when he recite the third time, he involuntarily gathered his energy, he blurted the 'Fu' word out. Child Elder smile and said: "Good chap, you pass the first stage!" As it turns out, the words of the mnemonic are complete opposite from regular breathing in pronunciation, its already not easy to recite when calm and breathing normally, while running its even more difficult to pronounce, the real purpose in reciting this mnemonic is to regulate breathing and internal energy.

As it reach noon, Child Elder ordered Xu Zhu to put her down, she flick her finger, a stone flew into the sky and shoot down a crow, she drank the crow's blood and practice her [Eternal Youth Never Ageing Skill]. At this moment she regained her internal energy till 17 years old, although she is still greatly inferior compared with Li QiuShui, but its easy for her to kill a crow with a snap of her finger.

Child Elder finish her training, she order Xu Zhu to carry her and recite the mnemonic, once he complete reciting she ask him to recite in reverse. This mnemonic is already extremely difficult to pronounce while reciting normally, when reciting in reverse it go against his breathing and obstructed his throat, disturb his tongue and hinder his teeth, but Xu Zhu rely on his willpower and perseverance, the sky have yet to turn dark, unexpectedly when reciting the mnemonic of the 1st palm style, either normally or in reverse, it flow right off his tongue and he recited with ease, there is no obstruction at all.

Child Elder is very happy, she said: "Little monk, you are really fortunate....ayo...ayo!" suddenly there is a huge change in her tone, her pair of hands turn into fists and she violently hammered the top of Xu Zhu's head, she scold him: "Little thief with no conscience, must have engage in some hidden affairs with her, i was kept in the dark all along. Little thief, you still want to deceive me? can you face me?"

Xu Zhu had a huge shock, he quickly put her down and ask: "Senior...what you trying to say?" Child Elder's face had swollen purple, tears stream down her face, she shouted: "You and that **** Li QiuShui communicate in private, correct? You still try to deny? Still refuse to admit it? If not, how come she impart this [Minor Formless Skill] to you? Little thief, really conceal it from me bitterly." Xu Zhu is unable to make any sense of the matter, he ask: "Senior, what [Minor Formless Skill]?"

Child Elder suddenly stare stupidly, immediately she calm down and wipe her tears, she sigh and said: "Its nothing. Your Master is not faithful to me!"

As it turns out, when Xu Zhu recited the mnemonic, he cleared many difficulties swiftly, when he recited in reverse its especially smooth and easy, Child Elder suddenly recalled, it must be due to the effects of [Minor Formless Skill]. Child Elder, Wu YaZi, Li QiuShui, although they inherited their skills from the same master, but the three of them learnt different skills, Wu YaZi had the highest accomplishments, his martial arts the strongest, he succeeded his master and became Carefree Sect's Leader. As for [Minor Formless Skill], their master only pass it to Li QuiShui, its a divine skill to protect her body, the power is extremely strong, in the past years, Child Elder tried to harm her countless times, Li QiuShui relied on [Minor Formless Skill] and preserve her life. Although Child Elder don't know [Minor Formless Skill], but she is extremely familiar with the form and appearance of the skill, currently she notice that not only Xu Zhu is equipped with this skill, the level of the skill is also deep and profound, in her shock and rage she mistook Xu Zhu as Wu YaZi. After a while she became clear-headed, she recalled how Wu YaZi deceived her and communicate with Li QiuShui in private, she is extremely angry and it aggravated her injury. In reality, she already guess this matter 10 years ago, but now she finally had convincing proof. The three martial brother and sister from Carefree Sect had extremely deep and profound internal energy, their martial arts high, but other than Child Elder, the other two are not devoted in relationship matters. Originally, Wu YaZi was in love with Child Elder, but afterwards Li ChunQiu deliberately sabotage Child Elder's training, Child Elder's body can never grow up, she lost out in appearance, Wu YaZi shifted his love to Li QiuShui, but he never break off with Child Elder.

At night, Child Elder kept cursing Wu YaZi and Li QiuShui. Xu Zhu heard her vicious curse, but her emotions from pain and sorrow is in fact much greater than hatred and resentment, he cannot help but feel sad for her, he advised: "Senior, life is variable, variable is suffering, all the worries in life, its all due to greed, anger and delusion. Senior, you just have to avoid these three poison, don't long for your martial brother, don't hate your martial sister, your heart will naturally be free from worries." Child Elder said angrily: "I insist on thinking about your heartless Master, i insist on hating that evil ****. The more worries i have, the happier i am." Xu Zhu shakes his head, he don't dare to advise anymore.

The next day Child Elder taught him the mnemonic to the 2nd palm style. Thus they kept travelling and kept on practicing their skills relentlessly. As nigh fall on the 5th day, they saw dense sign of human habitation ahead, they reached a huge city. Child Elder said: "This is the capital city of Western Xia XingZhou, you still have 1 more mnemonic to master, today we have to stay at the west of XingZhou, tomorrow we will travel 200 li westward, afterwards we will detour and come back here." Xu Zhu said: "We have to go to XingZhou?" Child Elder said: "Obviously we have to go to XingZhou, how can we penetrate deep into tiger's den without going to XingZhou?"

Another day pass, Xu Zhu thoroughly memorized the 6 mnemonics of [Plum Breaking Hands Of Heavenly Mountain]. At a wilderness, Child Elder taught him how to utilize the mnemonics. One of her leg broke, she have no choice but to sit on the ground while sparing with Xu Zhu. [Plum Breaking Hands Of Heavenly Mountain], although it only have 6 styles, but it contains the essence of Carefree Sect's martial arts, within the palm styles and grappling styles, there is also sword art, sabre art, whip art, spear art, grabbing art, axe art, etc, all the unique finishing moves of various weapons, the moves fantastic and wonderful, the variations complicated, Xu Zhu can't learn all of them in such a short period of time. Child Elder said: "This [Plum Breaking Hands Of Heavenly Mountain] of mine, it can never be completed, in the future with higher level of internal energy, wider experience and knowledge, you can automatically incorporate any martial art moves into this 6 styles Plum Breaking Hands. Luckily you already mastered the mnemonics, whatever level you attain in the future its entirely dependent on you."

Xu Zhu said: "Junior learn this martial art, its purely to protect senior, when senior regained your internal energy my assignment is complete, junior will go back to Shaolin and try to forget everything that senior taught me, i will learn Shaolin martial arts from scratch again."

Child Elder look at him from left to right, her expression flabbergasted, she appear as if she seen a rare monster, after a long time she finally sigh and said: "This [Plum Breaking Hands Of Heavenly Mountain], how can any of your Shaolin's martial arts be compared with it? You give up a jade and pick a roof tile, impossibly stupid. But its really not easy to ask little monk to forget your roots. Close your eyes and rest, when the sky turn dark we will enter XingZhou city!"


The time is the second of the five night watch period, Child Elder ordered Xu Zhu to carry her on his back, he ran to outside of XingZhou city, after jumping over the moat he lightly flip over the city wall and landed softly. He saw a group of armoured cavalry lifting their torch, patrolling back and forth, the soldiers well-trained and powerful, the military magnificent and powerful.

Child Elder gave her instructions softly, she ordered him to stick close to the wall and travel north-west, after walking around 3 li, they saw a skyscraper, behind the skyscraper is a building built densely layer upon layer, the structure is grand and magnificent, the roof made of glazed tile, its a dazzling sight. Xu Zhu saw this building is quite similar to Shaolin Temple, but its more splendid and majestic, he said softly: "Buddha is merciful, there is a big temple here." Child Elder cannot help but laugh softly, she said: "Little monk really have no knowledge, this is the imperial palace of Western Xia, but you say its a big temple." Xu Zhu had a huge shock, he said: "This is imperial palace? We come here for what?"

Child Elder said: "To seek protection from the emperor. Li QiuShui can't find our corpse, she knows i am not dead, even if she has to turn over the entire ground she will definitely try to find me. Within 2000 li, there is only one place she won't search, its her own home." Xu Zhu said: "Senior is really smart, we endure for 1 day and senior's internal energy will increase by another 1 year. We will go to your sister's house." Child Elder said: "This is her careful, someone is coming."

Xu Zhu shrink his body and hide in a corner, he saw 4 people moving from east to west, immediately after another 4 people came from the west, these 8 people pass by each other, they clap their palms lightly, and move past. These 8 people are nimble and athletic, clearly their martial art is not weak. Child Elder said: "The front guard patrol has pass, quickly flip over the palace's wall, another group of patrol will come soon after." Xu Zhu saw their influence and power, he became timid and said: "There are so many experts in the palace, we will be in trouble if they see us. We better go to your sister's house." Child Elder said angrily: "I already said it before, this is her house." Xu Zhu said: "But you said this is the imperial palace." Child Elder said: "That **** is the mother of the king of Western Xia, she is the Consort Dowager, the imperial palace is her home."

This sentence is beyond Xu Zhu's expectation, he is dumbfounded, another 4 people move from north to south. When the 4 people move past, Xu Zhu said: "Sen....." he only vocalize half the word as Child Elder stretch out her hands to press his mouth, another 4 people jump out from behind the wall, they made their rounds quietly. These 4 people arrive suddenly, but they never expect that someone is hiding in the dark corner of the wall. When these 4 people move far away, Child Elder slap his back and said: "Go to that small alley."

Xu Zhu saw how the 16 people patrol the palace, he knew he is in a dangerous place, without the guidance of Child Elder, even if he withdraw quickly he will definitely be discovered by the many guards, at once he followed her orders and entered the small alley. Both sides of the alley are high walls, in reality the alley is just a gap between two Palace.

He weave through this narrow passage, he hide for a moment within a peony shrub, when the 8 guards patrol pass he entered a large rock garden. This rock garden is winding and headed north, it stretch long and continuous for 50-60 zhang. For every 10 zhang he take, he will follow Child Elder's instruction and hide himself, its really strange, not long after he hid himself, the guards will definitely show up and patrol, it seems as if Child Elder is the supervisor of the guards, where they patrol, when they patrol, she knows everything by the back of her hands, she predict everything accurately. They evade and dodge for over an hour, the rooms near their vicinity are all simple and crude, the guards no longer appear anymore.

Child Elder pointed at a big stone house to the left and said: "Go there." Xu Zhu saw there is a large vacant land in front of the stone house, the moon light shine on the plot of vacant land, there is no place to hide in surrounding, at once he draw his breath and rush forward. The walls of the stone house seems to be made of 5 chi square rock, its exceptionally thick, the entrance is made of 8 rows of pine tree, the tree is chop in half and nailed together. Child Elder said: "Pull open the door and go in!" Xu Zhu's heart is thumping madly, his voice trembled: "Your...your martial here?" he remembers Li QiuShui's vicious methods, he don't dare to enter. Chid Elder said: "No. Pull open the door."

Xu Zhu grip the iron ring on the door, he pull open the door, the door is solid and heavy. Behind the front door is another door, a burst of cold air seep out from behind the door. Currently the weather is hot, although snow still covers the mountain peak but the snow already melted on level ground, the flowers flourish, but there is a thin layer of frost on the door. Child Elder said: "Push the interior door." Xu Zhu stretch out his hands and push, the door open slowly, a narrow slit appear between the door and a gust of cold air gush out. He push open the door and entered, the interior is piled up with cloth-sacks, they stack together and is as high as the ceiling, evidently this place is a granary, there is a narrow passage to the left.

Xu Zhu felt really curious, he whispered: "How come this granary is so cold?" Child Elder laugh and said: "Close the door. We entered the ice storehouse, nothing will happen to us now!" Xu Zhu said curiously: "Ice storehouse? This is not a granary?" while speaking, he close the 2 set of doors. Child Elder is in a very good mood, she laugh and said: "Let's go in and take a look."

Once the 2 set of doors are closed, the interior is dark. Xu Zhu fumbled around and entered from the left side, as he move to the interior the cold air is getting thicker and thicker, he extend his left hand and touch something, its a cold, stiff and damp object, evidently its a big block of solid ice. While being baffled, Child Elder already lit a torch, in an instant a strange sight appear before his eyes, he is surrounded by blocks of square shaped ice chunk, the light from the torch reflect off the ice chunk, the light is suddenly green and suddenly blue, its really a strange sight.

Child Elder said: "Let's descend to the bottom." She lean against the ice chunk, she hop with her right leg and lead the way, she made a few turns around the ice chunks and entered a big hole by the corner of the house. Xu Zhu followed her, he saw a row of stone steps, after walking down the steps its yet another huge house filled with ice chunk. Child Elder said: "Most likely there is another level in this ice storehouse." Sure enough, there is another huge stone room underneath the 2nd level, its also filled with ice chunk.

Child Elder extinguish the torch, she sat down and said: "We penetrate deep into the 3rd level, even though that **** is smart and crafty she will not be able to find us." She exhaled a long breath. For the past few days although she appeared calm and cool, but in her heart she is really anxious and worried, Western Xia is full of experts, they penetrate deep into the interior of the imperial palace and avoided the attention of numerous experts, to achieve that firstly you need to be vigilant and cautious, secondly you have to be familiar with the way things are carried out in the palace and with the guards movement. Only now did she finally feel at ease.

Xu Zhu sigh and said: "Strange! Strange!" Child Elder said: "What so strange?" Xu Zhu said: "Unexpectedly Western Xia store these worthless ice chunks in a cellar, what is the purpose?" Child Elder laugh and said: "These ice chunks are worthless in winter, but during hot summer, these ice are very precious. Think about it, at the main street, at the open field, the sun is like steaming hot charcoal, everyone sweat like sticky paste, if they have two big blocks of ice beside them, or put a few ice cubes inside the lotus seed and mung bean soup, what is the feeling?" Xu Zhu suddenly realize the truth, he said: "Wonderful, wonderful! But to carry so much ice chunks and store them, the effort involved is truly not small, isn't it very troublesome?" Child Elder found it funny, she said: "The emperor has hundreds of attendants at his beck and call, he can get whatever he wants, why would he even bother about troublesome or not? You think the emperor has to personally move these big ice chunks into the storehouse?"

Xu Zhu nod his head and said: "The emperor really leads an extremely comfortable life. But his comfort is really a bit too much, he will exhaust his karmic reward, his next life might not be good. Ayo, the emperor want to use these ice chunks, he will frequently send people here to fetch it, won't they see us?" Child Elder said: "The imperial palace has 'Sky', 'Earth', 'Mysterious', 'Yellow', 'House', 'Time', 'Flood' and 'Desolate', eight ice storehouses, this ice storehouse is 'Desolate'. They have to finish withdrawing the ice from the seven storehouses before coming to this storehouse. They might not come here for 3 months, at that time, no need to worry!" Xu Zhu said: "Senior, you know everything, you been here before? For example, you knew when and where the guards will patrol, how come you know everything?" Child Elder said: "Obviously i came to this imperial palace before. I seek that **** to vent my anger, how can it be only once? The breathing of those guards are thick and heavy, i heard them 10 zhang away, what is so strange about it?" Xu Zhu said: "So it is. Senior is born with divine ears, only extraordinary people can hope to reach your level." Child Elder said: "What born with divine ears? With deep internal energy, you can train this kind of skills, its really easy. I will teach you."

When Xu Zhu heard the phrase 'you can train this kind of skills', he suddenly remember, there is no birds and animals within this ice storehouse, its difficult to obtain warm blood, how is she going to practice her skill? There is a lot of dried food and cereals in the storehouse, but they can't light a fire in the ice storehouse, how to cook the rice and oats for food?

Child Elder saw he is silent for a long time, she ask: "What are you thinking about?" Xu Zhu told her, Child Elder laugh and said: "You think those cloth-sack contains dried food and cereals? There is only cotton, its to prevent external heat from coming in and melting the ice. Hey hey, you want to eat cotton or not?" Xu Zhu said: "Then we have to go outside and look for food?" Child Elder said: "The imperial kitchen have no lack of chicken and duck. But there isn't much essence in the blood of chicken, duck, pig and sheep, its not as good as the sika deer and antelope on snowy mountain. We will go to the imperial garden to catch some red-crowned crane, peacock, mandarin ducks, parrot, etc, i will drink the blood, you eat the meat, we can survive like this."

Xu Zhu quickly said: "No, no. Junior monk cannot kill and eat meat." He pondered, since Child Elder is safe here there is no need for him to accompany her anymore, he said: "Junior monk is a Buddhist disciple, i cannot see you kill living things, i....i have to leave now." Child Elder said: "Where you going?" Xu Zhu said: "Junior monk will return to Shaolin Temple." Child Elder said angrily: "You cannot leave, you have to stay here and accompany me, wait until i complete my divine martial arts and kill that ****, only then i will let you go."

Xu Zhu heard her wanting to kill Li QiuShui after completing her skills, he is even more unwilling to accompany her in this evil plot, he stood up and said: "Senior, junior monk have to advise you but you will surely not listen to me. Moreover junior monk's knowledge is superficial, i am clumsy and inarticulate, i can't think of anything to persuade you, you have to resolve the grievance not deepen the grievance, its time to let go." While speaking he walk towards the stone steps.

Child Elder shout loudly: "Stop moving, i forbid you to leave."

Xu Zhu said: "Junior monk have to go!" originally he wanted to say 'i hope you can complete your divine skills', but Li QiuShui would be in danger if she completes her skills, moreover Wu LaoDa and the 36 Cave-masters and 72 Island-masters, as well as Murong Fu, Duan Yu, etc, all of them will die a violent death, he is getting more and more afraid when he thought about it, he stretch out his leg and leap up the stone steps.

Suddenly his knees felt numb, he flip over and fell down, immediately after his waist ached, his entire body paralyzed, he knew his acupoint was sealed by Child Elder. In the darkness her body is motionless, she only need to hit the empty air and his vital acupoint was sealed, its seems he can only allow himself to be manipulated before such an expert, he is completely defenceless and can't resist at all. He calm down and chanted scriptures: "Arriving at hardship during cultivation, instinctively think about coercing by force, neglecting fundamentals and concentrating on details, excessive love and hate. Although i did not commit offense, but i lead myself to it, i willingly accept my suffering without complain. The scripture says: 'Do not worry during hardship, you will gain wisdom....'"

Child Elder interrupted: "What you ghost scriptures you chating?" Xu Zhu said: "Excellent, excellent! This is Bodhidharma's <>." Child Elder said: "Dharma is the ancestor of your Shaolin Temple, i only know he possess exceptional talent, but how come his so long-winded, a stinky monk with no moral backbone." Xu Zhu said: "Ancestor master is merciful, senior please don't spout nonsense."

Child Elder said: "You ghost scripture says: 'Arriving at hardship during cultivation, its due to the results of past life, have to accept it willingly, do not blame and complain.' Then no matter how others viciously torture you, you willingly accept it, never blame and complain at all?" Xu Zhu said: "Junior monk's cultivation is superficial, when assaulted by external demons my inner self will give rise to hate, i am afraid its hard for me to resist." Child Elder said: "Now you don't even have a tiny bit of Shaolin martial arts, the martial arts of Carefree Sect you only learn a tiny bit, you lose more than you gain, extremely terrible. Just listen to my orders, i will impart all the divine martial arts of Carefree Sect to you, at that time you will be unequalled under the heaven, isn't that glorious?"

Xu Zhu press his hands together, he chanted scriptures again: "All living things have no self, suffering and happiness is all predestined. The glory and reputation is all due to the merits of past life, now you reap the benefits. Karmic reward is exhausted and return to nothing, how can it be a happy affair? Gains and losses is predestined, there is no difference."

Child Elder shouted: "Pei pei, rubbish! Your martial art is weak and lowly, you endure abuse from people everywhere you go, its similar to you having your acupoints sealed by me, i want to beat you and scold you, you can't resist at all. Its similar to my incomplete divine martial arts, i have no choice but to hide here, that **** Li QiuShui is roaming outside, overbearing and tyrannic. Your Master gave you this painting, he ask you to go beg someone to teach you martial arts and punish that little demon Ding ChunQiu. In this world, the strong gets to bully people, the weaklings have to suffer and endure, if you want to be safe and happy then you must be the strongest person under the heaven."

Xu Zhu chanted his scriptures: "Common people fantasize constantly, they are greedy in all aspects, they seek fame and glory. The wise men understands the truth, their logic and action is opposite, they feel at ease and let things take their own course, their form adapt to the circumstances. There is suffering in all three realm, who can be peaceful? The scripture says: 'Those who seek will find suffering, those who do not seek will find happiness.'"

Although Xu Zhu have no talent in debating, but he is extremely familiar with scriptures. This <> is written by eminent monk Tanlin, Dharma travelled from Southern India to China and accepted Tanlin as disciple, the scripture recorded the words of Dharma, there is only a few hundred words, all Shaolin monks must definitely study it. He recited the scripture without thinking, but it refuted all of Child Elder's words.

Child Elder natural disposition is competitive and eager to excel, for over 10 years she gave orders and others complied, obviously none of her female servants dare to refute her words, those men from 36 Caves and 72 Islands, they all treat her orders as God's will, but today a little monk refuted her words and left her speechless. In her anger, she raise her right palm and strike the top of Xu Zhu's head. When her palm is about to hit the 'BaiHui' acupoint on his head, she suddenly remember: "If i kill this monk with a single palm, he will die without knowing and without feeling, then his fallacious argument is correct and i am wrong, heng heng, how can this be so?" she withdraw her palm, she regulated her breathing and energy.

After a while she jump up the stone steps, she push open the door and went out, she broke a tree branch and use it as a crutch, she rush to the imperial garden. Currently her internal energy is competent, although she lost a leg but her body is still light as a leaf, how can those guards detect her presence? She caught two red-crowned crane and two peacock and return to the ice storehouse. Xu Zhu heard her going out and coming back again, he also heard the calls of birds, he chanted 'Buddha is merciful', since he can't do anything now he can only let nature take its course.

The next day during noon, there is no day-time and night-time in the ice storehouse, the room is pitch-black, the internal energy within Child Elder is boiling and rolling around, she knew the time to practice her skill has come, she bite the throat of a red-crowned crane and suck its blood. After training her skill, she bite the throat of yet another red-crowned crane.

Xu Zhu heard the noise, he advised: "Senior, this bird, please leave it till tomorrow before drinking, why harm another life?" Child Elder laugh and said: "I have good intentions, its for you to eat." Xu Zhu had a huge shock, he said: "No, no! Junior monk absolutely cannot eat it." Child Elder stretch out her left-hand, she grab his chin, Xu Zhu cannot resist, his mouth involuntarily open up. Child Elder inverted the red-crowned crane, she pour the crane's blood into his mouth. Xu Zhu felt warm blood flowing down his throat, he struggled and tried to shut off his throat, but his acupoint is controlled by Child Elder, there is nothing he can do, he is angry and anxious, two stream of hot tears stream down from his eyes.

Child Elder drain all the crane's blood, her right hand press against the 'LingTai' acupoint on his back, she help him regulate his breathing, immediately after she hit his 'GuanYuan', 'TianTu' and 'LiangXue' acupoints so that he can't vomit the blood out, she laugh happily and said: "Little monk, your Buddhist's precepts, do not eat meat and fish, you broke it correct? Since you already broke one precept, why don't you break another one? Heng, if there is anyone who dare to oppose me, i will complete with him till the end. In short, i will make sure you can't be a monk." Xu Zhu is extremely angry, he is speechless.

Child Elder laugh and said: "The scripture says: 'Those who seek will find suffering, those who do not seek will find happiness.' You wholeheartedly wish to abide by the Buddhist precepts, then you are 'seeking', since you seek and did not get it, then your heart must be feeling bitter. You have to let nature take its own course, adapt your form according to the circumstances, if you can abide the Buddhist precepts then abide it, if you can't abide it then don't abide it, only then its 'non-seeking', haha, haha!"

This went on for over a month, Child Elder regained her internal energy when she was 60 years old, when she leave the ice storehouse and go to the garden her movement is like a formless demon, if not out of fear of Li QiuShui she would have left the imperial palace. Everyday she will drink blood and train her skill, she will seal Xu Zhu's acupoints and force the blood and meat of birds and animals into Xu Zhu's stomach, after 4 hours, when the food in his stomach digested and he can't vomit it out anymore, she would then release his acupoints. Xu Zhu was compelled to devour raw meat, his life spent in darkness, he really can't bear this bitter suffering, he can only rely on a sentence in a scripture 'Do not worry during hardship, you will gain wisdom' to forcibly console himself, but in reality he 'worry during hardship, hard to gain wisdom', thus he suffered more hardships.

On this day, Child Elder heard him chanting 'arriving at hardship during cultivation, instinctively think about coercing by force', 'willingly accept it, without complain or blame', she sneered: "Rabbit, deer, crane, bird, you tasted all sorts of meat already, you still considered a monk? Chanting scriptures for what?" Xu Zhu said: "Junior monk was compelled by senior, i did not do it voluntarily, thus its not considered violating precepts." Child Elder sneered: "If nobody compels you, you will definitely not violate your precepts?" Xu Zhu said: "Junior monk cherish my clean self, i definitely don't dare to break Buddhist's rules and regulations." Child Elder said: "Good, we will try it out." Thus she did not force Xu Zhu to drink blood and eat meat anymore. Xu Zhu is extremely happy, he express his thanks repeatedly.

The next day Child Elder still did not force him to eat meat and drink blood. Xu Zhu is so hungry that his stomach groaned, he said: "Senior, your divine martial art is nearly complete, you don't need junior monk to serve you anymore. Junior monk have to leave." Child Elder said: "I forbid you to leave." Xu Zhu said: "Junior monk is very hungry, then i have to trouble senior to find some vegetables or rice for me to eat." Child Elder said: "Its possible." She sealed his acupoints to prevent him from running away and went out. After a while she return to the ice storehouse.

Xu Zhu smell a burst of fragrant aroma, at once his mouth is full of saliva and he crave for it. There is 3 'Tuo Tuo Tuo' sound, Child Elder put 3 big bowls in front of him and said: "One bowl of simmered fried meat, one bowl of steamed fat chicken, one bowl of sweet and sour carp, quickly eat it!" Xu Zhu is frighten, he said: "Amituofo, junior monk rather die then eat it." The fragrant aroma of the food rush into his nose, he forcibly restrain himself and focus on chanting scriptures. Child Elder grab a chicken, she ate it with gusto, she praise repeatedly, but Xu Zhu kept chanting.

On the third day, Child Elder went to the imperial kitchen again and stole a few bowls of meat dish, ham, sea cucumber, bear paw, roast duck, the aroma is extremely rich and heavy. Although Xu Zhu is so hungry that he became weak and feeble, but he still endured and refuse to eat. Child Elder pondered: "You eager to win in front of me, you will definitely refuse to eat it." Thus she left the ice storehouse and wait outside, she did not return for half a day, she thought: "I am afraid you will definitely stealthily eat the food." Unexpectedly when she return and inspected the food under bright light, Xu Zhu did not even touch a single drop of soup.

On the 9th day, Xu Zhu did not have the strength to chant scriptures anymore, he only bite a few ice cubes to quench his thirst, he did not eat any of the meat dish in front of him. Child Elder is furious, she grab his chest and stuff the braised pork into his mouth. She force Xu Zhu to eat meat, thus she knew she lost the competition, in her rage, she slap him 30-40 times and scold him: "Damn monk, you set yourself against granny, you want to test how powerful granny is!" Xu Zhu is neither annoyed nor angry, he chant scriptures softly.

From that point onwards, Child Elder forcibly stuff him full of meat and fish. Xu Zhu resign himself and endured, apart from chanting scriptures he slept all day long.

On this day, while dreaming in his sleep, Xu Zhu suddenly detect a sweet fragrance, this fragrance is not from the burning of sandalwood or from the meat dish, but he felt safe and peaceful, an indescribable feeling of comfort, in his daze state he felt some soft object leaning on his chest, he was startled and woke up, he stretch his hands and touch the object, he felt the object is smooth soft and warm, unexpectedly it is a naked person. He had a huge shock and said: "Senior, you...what happen?"

The person said: "I.....where am i? How come its so cold?" the voice is tender and lovely, its a female voice, its not Child Elder. Xu Zhu is even more shock, his voice trembled: " are you?" the female said: "I...i....i am so cold, who are you?" while speaking she lean closer to Xu Zhu.

Xu Zhu was about to stand up to avoid her, while he push out to support himself his left hand held onto the maiden's shoulder, his right hand wrap around her soft and slender waist. Xu Zhu is 24 years old, in his entire life he only communicate with 3 female, AhZi, Child Elder and Li QiuShui, before that, he is always at Shaolin Temple, chanting scriptures and meditating. However its human inborn nature to be lustful, although Xu Zhu adhere strictly to Shaolin's rules and regulations, but during spring when all the flowers boom, he will inevitably fantasize about the matters between male and female. But he don't know what a proper female look like on the inside, thus his fantasy and imagination are weird and bizarre, he is unable to determine the correct answer and he never dare to discuss with his fellow martial brothers. At this moment, his pair of hands touched the soft smooth and delicate skin of the maiden, his heart nearly jump out from his chest, however its difficult for him to loosen his grip.

The maiden call out delicately, she turn her body and hook her hands on his neck. Xu Zhu felt her breath is like orchid, the sweet fragrant of her lip rouge assaulted him, he cannot help but feel giddy, his entire body shivered, his voice trembled: "" the maiden said: "I am so cold, but my heart is burning." Xu Zhu can't control himself, he exerted force in his pair of hands and hug her in his bosom. The maiden gave two 'Wu Wu' sound, her lips move closer, both of them kiss.

Wu YaZi strip Xu Zhu off all his Shaolin's martial arts, Xu Zhu lost all his discipline, he is a robust man unfamiliar with sexual affairs, under the assault of the number one temptation under the heaven, unexpectedly he did not resist at all, he hug the maiden even tighter, at this moment his mind is somewhere else, he is not aware of his current location. The maiden's passion is like fire, she treat Xu Zhu as her lover.

Nobody knew how much time has pass, Xu Zhu's lust gradually fade off, he shout loudly: "Ayo!" he is about to jump up.

However the maiden embrace him tightly, she said delicately: "Don't......don't leave me." Xu Zhu's mind is clear and bright, but it only last for a split second, immediately after he hug the maiden in his bosom again, his pity secretly turn into love and affection, unexpectedly he did not hate her.

Both of them wrap themselves around each other, after a long time, the maiden said: "Good brother, who are you?" the sentence is tender and sweet, but when Xu Zhu heard it, its like thunderbolt splitting the air, his voice trembled: "I.....i made a huge mistake." The maiden said: "What huge mistake?"

Xu Zhu stammered, he is unable to reply, he said: "I.....i am....." suddenly the side of his torso felt numb, his acupoint was sealed, immediately after a piece of felt covered him, the naked maiden left his embrace. Xu Zhu shouted: "You....don't go, don't go!" in the darkness someone laugh three times, its Child Elder. Xu Zhu is so shock that he nearly fainted, his entire body turn limp, his mind completely blank. He heard Child Elder hug the maiden and left the ice storehouse.

After a while, Child Elder return, she laugh and said: "Little monk, i let you enjoy romantic happiness in life, should you give thanks?" Xu Zhu said: "I.....i....." his mind is muddy and confuse, he is speechless. Child Elder release his acupoints, she laugh and said: "Buddhist's disciple need to guard against lust or not? Did you break this rule yourself? Or did granny force you? You words are empty, you are a lascivious and womanizing little monk, you tell me, who won? Haha, haha!" she is laughing louder and louder, she is extremely proud of herself.

Xu Zhu suddenly understood, Child Elder is angry over his refusal to eat meat, thus she captured the maiden and use her to tempt him to break his precept, he cannot help but feel remorseful, he is ashamed, suddenly he leap up and swiftly smash his head against the ice block, there is a loud 'Peng' sound, he collapsed.

Child Elder had a huge shock, she did not expect this little monk to be so resolute and upright, he just return from the land of the tender and immediately commit suicide, she quickly support him up and examined him, luckily he is still breathing, but the top of his head had a hole, blood gush out, she quickly bandage his wound and let him consume a 'Nine Revolution Bear Snake Pill', she scold him: "Are you crazy? If not for the [Pure Energy of Northern Darkness] within your body, this knock would have killed you." Xu Zhu cried: "Junior monk commit a grave sin, i harm others and harm myself, i cannot live anymore." Child Elder said: "Hey hey, if all monks commit suicide after breaking a precept, then how many will still be alive in this world?"

Xu Zhu is stumped for words, he suddenly recalled, committing suicide is also a huge taboo, in his rage unexpectedly he broke yet another precept.

He is leaning against an ice chunk, his mind muddy, he blame and condemn himself, but he cannot help but think about the maiden, all kinds of tender affairs between them, endless thoughts rush through his mind, suddenly he ask: "That....that lady, who is she?"

Child Elder laugh out loud and said: "That lady is 17 years old, beautiful, elegant and graceful, her beauty without equal."

In the darkness, Xu Zhu can't see the appearance of the maiden, but their flesh interlinked, her soft voice entered his ear, he imagined her to be an extremely beautiful woman, he heard Child Elder describe her as 'beautiful, elegant and graceful, her beauty without equal', he cannot help but gave a long sigh. Child Elder laugh and said: "You miss her or not?" Xu Zhu don't dare to lie, but he also don't dare to admit the matter directly, he sigh again.

Several hours pass, his soul seems to have left his body, he is in a daze. Child Elder put chicken, duck, meat, etc, in front of him, Xu Zhu already gave up and abandon himself to despair, he pondered: "I am a sinner, since i already entered other sect, i also commit murder and lust, how can i still be considered a Buddhist's disciple?" he picked up a chicken and ate it, but he only ate the food without concern for the taste, he is in a daze as tears stream down his eyes. Child Elder laugh and said: "Straightforward conduct, good chap!"

4 hours later, unexpectedly Child Elder went out again and brought that naked maiden back, she delivered it to Xu Zhu's embrace, afterwards she went to the 2nd level and let both of them remain at the 3rd level.

The maiden sigh and said: "I am having this strange dream again, i am really scared, but also....also...." Xu Zhu said: "But also?" the maiden hug his neck, she said delicately: "But also delighted." While speaking she press her right cheek on his left cheek. Xu Zhu felt her face is warm, he is aroused, he stretch out his hands and hug her slender waist. The maiden said: "Good brother, am i dreaming or not? If i am dreaming, how come i can feel you hugging me? I can touch your face, your chest, your arm." While speaking she gently caress Xu Zhu's cheek and chest, she said: "But if this is not a dream, then how come i am sleeping here for no reason, suddenly without.....without clothes, this dark and cold place? This place is cold and dark, but you are here, you are waiting for me, to pity me, to cherish me?"

Xu Zhu pondered: "So you got captured by Child Elder, you are also in a daze, your mind unclear." He heard the maiden's gentle voice: "Normally i am embarrass by the voice of strange man, but how come when i am here, mind is so unrestrained, i can't control myself? Sigh, if this is a dream it doesn't resemble a dream, but if this is not a dream it resemble a dream. Last night i had this strange dream, tonight i had it again, could it be....could it be our predestined relationship in previous generations? Good brother, who are you exactly?" Xu Zhu is scared out of his wits, he said: "I....i am..." he wanted to say 'i am a little monk', but he can't say it out.

The maiden stretch out her hand to cover his mouth, she said softly: "Don't tell me, i....i am scared." Xu Zhu hug her body tightly with both arms, he ask: "You are scared of what?" the maiden said: "Scared that if you say something, i will wake up from this dream. You are the lover in my dream, i call you 'Meng Lang', 'Meng Lang', 'Meng Lang', tell me, is this name alright?" Initially she covered Xu Zhu's mouth with her hand, but she shifted them and gently caress his eyes and nose, she seems to be showing affection yet she seems to be using her hands as eyes, she want to know his appearance. The warm and soft hand touch his eyebrow, his forehead, the top of his head.

Xu Zhu had a huge shock, he pondered: "Terrible, she touched my bald head." Unexpectedly the maiden touch a patch of short hair. As it turns out, Xu Zhu stayed in the ice storehouse for nearly two months, adding the days that had pass since leaving Shaolin, his bald head had long grown 3 chi long hair. The maiden said delicately: "Meng Lang, why is your heart beating so fast? Why aren't you speaking?"

Xu Zhu said: "I.....i am the same as you, i am happy yet afraid. I tarnish your clean and pure body, i can't repay you even if i die ten thousand times." The maiden said: "Don't say that, we are dreaming, no need to be scared. What you call me?" Xu Zhu said: "En, you are the goddess in my dream, i will call you 'Meng Gu', is it good?" the maiden clap her hands and laugh: "Good, you are my 'Meng Lang', i am your 'Meng Gu'. This sweet dream, we have to dream for a lifetime, we will never wake up." They are deep in passion, both of them immerse in this beautiful dream, is it really fantasy? Or are they in heaven?

After several hours, Child Elder finally use a felt cloth to wrap the maiden and carried her out.

The next day, Child Elder brought the maiden to Xu Zhu again. Both of them meet each other for the 3rd time, their confusion gradually fade, their shame diminish, their love and passion everlasting and unlimited, they rejoice in their love. Xu Zhu don't dare to reveal the truth about how they manage to meet up, the maiden also treat it as fantasy, she did not inquire how she ended up in this dream.

These three days of being entangled in love, Xu Zhu felt the dark and cold cellar is like paradise, why the need to bother about Buddhism or seek salvation?


On the 4th day, Xu Zhu ate bear paws, venison, etc, various delicacies brought by Child Elder, he expect Child Elder to go out and bring the maiden, unexpectedly he kept on waiting but Child Elder sat down silently and did not move. Xu Zhu is like an ant on hot pan, he can't sit still, he want to inquire but he don't dare.

He endured for four hours, his worried movements, all kinds of actions, Child Elder heard everything but she ignored them. Xu Zhu can't endure anymore, he ask: "Senior, that lady, she a palace maid?" Child Elder groan, she did not reply. Xu Zhu pondered: "You refuse to reply, there is nothing i can do." But when he thought about the tender affection of the maiden, he is really hyperactive and uncontrollable, he can't restrain himself, after enduring a while, he have no choice but to plead earnestly: "I beg you to do a good deed, tell me please." Child Elder said: "Don't talk to me today, ask me tomorrow." Although Xu Zhu is really anxious but he don't dare to inquire again.

With great difficulty he endured till the next day, after eating, Xu Zhu said: "Senior...." Child Elder said: "You want to know the identity of that lady, how can it be difficult? Even if you want to meet her everyday, never separate again, its also easy......" Xu Zhu is so happy that his eagerness is hard to bear, he don't know what to say. Child Elder said: "You want to know?" Xu Zhu don't dare to reply momentary, he stammered: "I don't know how to repay senior."

Child Elder said: "I don't need you to repay anything. My [Eternal Youth Never Aging Skill] will be perfected in a few days time, these few days are very important, i cannot relax or slack off for a single moment, i cannot even go out to find food, i already prepared all the cooked food and animals. You want to meet that beautiful lady, you have to wait until i complete my skill."

Although Xu Zhu is disappointed, but he knew Child Elder is telling the truth, luckily its only a few days, he have to endure the pain of missing her, he immediately replied: "Yes! All according to senior's command." Child Elder said: "Once my divine skill is complete, i will immediately seek that **** Li QiuShui for revenge. Originally that **** is definitely not my match, but unfortunately that **** broke my leg, i suffered great loss in my energy, i am not certain i can take my revenge. In the event i die by her hands, i can't bring that lady to you, its fated, there is nothing i can do. Unless....unless......" Xu Zhu heart is thumping madly, he ask: "Unless what?" Child Elder said: "Unless you agree to assist me." Xu Zhu said: "Junior's martial art is low and weak, how can i help?"

Child Elder said: "I will duel with that ****, the outcome of the battle will hang by a thin line. Its difficult for her to defeat me, but its also difficult for me to kill her. From today onwards i will teach you another martial art, [Six Solar Palms Of Heavenly Mountain]. At the crucial moment of our duel you will use this palm style, you only need to press your hand on her, her energy will drain off, she will lose for sure."

Xu Zhu felt really awkward, he pondered: "Although i broke Buddhist precepts, i can't be Buddhist disciple anymore, but to assist her in killing someone, this kind of evil deed greatly goes against my conscience, i definitely cannot do it." He replied: "I ought to agree to assist senior, but if you kill her as a result of my action then junior will commit another grave sin, henceforth i will sink into vice and i can't reincarnate anymore."

Child Elder said angrily: "Hey, damn monk, you can't be a monk anymore, but you still have the heart of a monk, what kind of thing are you? Li QiuShui is a evil-doer, how can you sin by killing her?" Xu Zhu said: "Even for wicked traitor and evil person, we ought to instruct and reform them, we cannot be rash and commit murder." Child Elder anger burst out, she said sternly: "You refuse to listen to me, don't ever think about seeing that lady again. You better think carefully." Xu Zhu is so sad that he is speechless, he simply chant scriptures in his heart.

Child Elder saw he is silent for a long time, she said happily: "For the sake for that little beauty, you have no choice but to agree, correct?" Xu Zhu said: "I definitely cannot agree to harm another human life just for the sake of my own happiness. If i can never see that lady again, then its predestined in my past life. Since we exhausted our predestined relationship, i cannot force it. Since i cannot force it, let alone being forced to commit evil? I definitely cannot do it." When he finish speaking, he recited scripture: "Its constructed for a reason, once fate is exhausted it returns to nothing. Gains and losses are predestined, there is no addition or subtraction." Although he said it out loud, but he is aware that he can never meet that maiden again, he is very sad.

Child Elder said: "I ask you again, will you learn [Six Solar Palms Of Heavenly Mountain] or not?" Xu Zhu said: "I cannot comply, senior please forgive me." Child Elder said angrily: "Then get lost, scram, go far far away." Xu Zhu stood up, he bow deeply and said: "Senior you have to take care of yourself." He thought about their meeting, although she made him violate his Buddhist precepts, he can't be a monk anymore, but as a result he get to meet his 'Meng Gu', deep in his heart, he felt more gratitude towards Child Elder and less of hate, he cannot help but feel sad now that they are parting, he suddenly recall that her powerful enemy is still around and she had yet to escape danger, he said: "Senior you have to take care, be very careful, junior cannot serve you anymore." He turn around and walk up the stone steps.

He is afraid that Child Elder will seal his acupoints again and prevent him from leaving, once he set foot on the stone step he immediately leap up, he gathered his [Pure Energy of Northern Darkness] and rush to the 2nd level of the ice storehouse in an instant, immediately after he rush to the 1st level, he stretch his hands to push the door. His right hand touch the door ring, suddenly both his legs and back ached, he shouted: "Ayo!" he knew he was ambushed by Child Elder again, his body sway, both his shoulders ached as if pricked by needle, he collapsed immediately.

He heard Child Elder said gloomily: "You are hit by my hidden projectile, are you aware of it?" Xu Zhu felt some of his wounds are numb and itchy, some of them are aching from being pricked by needle, its like ten thousand ants biting him, he said: "Naturally i am aware of it." Child Elder sneered: "You know what kind of hidden projectile it is? Its 'life-death talisman'!"

Xu Zhu ear is buzzing, at once he recalled Wu LaoDa frightened expression when mentioning the 'life-death talisman'. He only know that 'life-death talisman' is some charm or amulet that can control a person's life and death, unexpectedly its a hidden projectile, Wu LaoDa and his group are all violent and savage, but they become meek and docile when controlled by 'life-death talisman', he can well imagine the power of this hidden projectile.

He heard Child Elder said: "Once the life-death talisman enters the body, there is no cure or antidote. Wu LaoDa and those bastards revolt against Misty Peak, evidently they are not willing to be controlled by the life-death talisman, they wish to steal the method to break the life-death talisman from Vulture Palace. These dogs are deluded, they can keep on dreaming, how can the method to breaking granny's life-death talisman be stolen?"

Xu Zhu felt his wounds are getting more and more itchy, in addition the strange itch gradually penetrate deep, less then the time taken to eat a meal, his vital organs start itching, he really want to smash his head against the wall and kill himself as its much better then suffering this torture, he cannot bear it and groan loudly.

Child Elder said: "The life-death talisman, what is the meaning to the two word 'life-death'? I guess you finally know it?" Xu Zhu said in his heart: "I know, i know! I can neither live nor die." Other than groaning, he did not have the slightest bit of strength to talk anymore. Child Elder said: "Just now, when you are about to leave, twice you told me to take care of myself, your speech shows concern for me, you are not without conscience. Moreover you save granny's life, Child Elder Of Heavenly Mountain differentiate grudge and kindness clearly, i have my own reward and punishment, nevertheless you are vastly different from Wu LaoDa and those scoundrels. Granny planted the life-death talisman on you, its punishment, but i can also get rid of them for you, then its reward."

Xu Zhu groaned: "We must have prior agreement, if you try to use this matter to coerce me, ask me to commit outrageous atrocities, i....i rather die..then....then...then....then...." the phrase 'i rather die then submit', his unable to say it out.

Child Elder sneered: "Heng, i can't tell just by looking at you, unexpectedly you are such a resolute person. But why are you groaning and muttering, can't speak properly? You know why Cave-master An stutters?" Xu Zhu said in alarm: "He is also hit by your he is in so much pain that he stu....stu.....stu....." Child Elder said: "Its good that you know it. Once the life-death talisman flare up, it will get worse day after day, the strange itch and acute pain last for 81 days, after that it will gradually diminish, 81 days later it will progressively intensify again, the cycle repeats itself and never ends. Every year i will send my subordinates to patrol all the Caves and Islands, i will grant pain-killer and medicine that stops the itch, the life-death talisman won't activate for a year."

Xu Zhu finally understood why all the Cave-masters and Island-masters treat Child Elder's subordinates as god, they willingly allow themselves to be beaten, its all for the sake of the medicine that can guarantee 1 year of peace, but won't he also become an animal and allow himself to be manipulated by others for his entire life?

Child Elder live with Xu Zhu for almost 3 months now, she is very familiar with his character and temper, his conduct is soft and amiable on the outside but strong and resolute on the inside, although he is meek and amiable but he can be extremely obstinate and stubborn, he will definitely not yield to threats, she said: "I said before, you are different from Wu LaoDa and those bastards, granny won't give you medicine every year, you will worry everyday and you can't sleep properly at night. I planted nine different life-death talismans on you, i can remove all of them at one go, cut the weeds and eliminate the roots, you will never suffer again."

Xu Zhu said: "Then, many.....many....many....many...." his unable to say the word 'thanks'.

At once Child Elder let him consume a pill, his pain and itch stop for the moment. Child Elder said: "To get rid of life-death talisman, you have to use the internal energy of palm force. I am about to complete my divine skill, i cannot exhaust my energy for you, i will teach you the method to channel your energy and the palm moves, dissolve the life-death talisman yourself." Xu Zhu said: "Yes."

Child Elder taught him how to channel his [Pure Energy of Northern Darkness] from his dantian to his 'TianShu', 'TaiYi', 'LiangMen', 'ShenFeng', 'ShenZang', etc, the various acupoints, afterwards they will pass through 'QuChi', 'DaLing', 'YangHua' and reach the hollow of his palm, the method to channel energy from the meridians to the hollow of the palm is the unique wonderful skill of Carefree Sect, she also taught him how to take in and send out large quantities of energy, how to circulate and revolve the energy, how to disperse the energy, how to control and release the energy, etc, various different methods. Xu Zhu's body contain sufficient internal energy, after training for 2 days he became proficient.

Child Elder said: "Wu LaoDa and those bastards, although they have low moral standards, but their martial arts are really not weak. Among those gang of rouges, there are a few who have extremely deep and profound internal energy, but none of them can use their internal energy to neutralize my life-death talisman, do you know the reason?" She pause for a while, she know perfectly well that Xu Zhu can't answer, she continued: "The reason is because i planted different kinds of life-death talisman on them, the techniques i used are also different and interesting. If they tried to use hard and 'yang' technique to neutralize the life-death talisman, but if the life-death talisman is located at the 'TaiYang', 'ShaoYang', 'YangMing', etc, various meridians, the yang energy will drastically increase and intertwine, it will penetrate deep into their inner organs, the outcome is irremediable. If they tried to use soft and 'yin' technique to neutralize the life-death talisman, the 'TaiYin', 'ShaoYin', 'JueYin' meridians, the life-death talisman within these meridians will flare up. In addition, every life-death talisman i planted have different composition of yin and yang energy, how can outsiders undo it? The nine life-death talisman on your body, you have to use nine different methods to neutralize them." At once she taught him a palm style, when he is proficient in it she will spar with him, she will use various complicated and sinister palm moves to attack him and force him to use the newly learnt palm style to counter.

Child Elder said: "My life-death talisman have countless changes and permutation, when getting rid of it, you must be adaptable and change according to the situation, if you make the slightest bit of mistake, you will either spurt blood violently, energy obstructed and die, or entire body paralyze, meridians reverse, internal energy leak out. You have to treat the life-death talisman as a powerful enemy, make an all-out effort, you cannot allow yourself to be relax or complacent."

Xu Zhu receive instructions and train bitterly, the techniques imparted by Child Elder are incomparably ingenious and magnificent, the energy flow according to one's wishes, no matter what kind of vicious or fierce palm moves she use to attack him, he can simply use this set of palm technique to neutralize, in addition while neutralizing, his technique will definitely contain moves that allow fierce and violent counterattack. The more he train the more he admire it, he finally understood, the 'life-death talisman' can make the 36 Cave-masters and 72 Island-masters break out in fear and become terror-stricken, the talisman indeed has its own inexhaustible might and power, if not for Child Elder's personal instructions, how can he know there is such wonderful and marvellous neutralizing technique?

He spent four days of effort, he is finally proficient in nine different technique.

Child Elder is extremely happy, she said: "Little....little chap is not stupid at all. There is a saying in military tactics: 'Know yourself, know your enemy and emerge victorious in every battle.' You want to subdue the life-death talisman, you have to know the method to planting life-death talisman, do you know what life-death talisman is made of?" Xu Zhu is stumped for words, he said: "Its a hidden projectile." Child Elder said: "Correct, its a hidden projectile, but what kind of hidden projectile? Like sleeve-arrow or steel dart? Like Bodhi or Daylily?" Xu Zhu pondered: "I was hit by nine hidden projectiles, although its painful and itchy, but they disappear without a trace when i touch it, i really don't know what they look like." He found it difficult to reply.

Child Elder said: "This is a life-death talisman, take it and examine it carefully."

As he thought about this number one hidden projectile under the heaven, he is really anxious and worried, he stretch out his hands to take it, when it landed on his palm he felt an ice-cold sensation, the hidden projectile is light as a feather, its a small circular sheet, its only around the size of a toe, the edge is sharp and its thin like paper. Xu Zhu want to examine it carefully, but he felt a cooling sensation on his palm, after a while the life-death talisman disappear. Xu Zhu had a huge shock, Child Elder did not stretch out her hands to take it back, how come the hidden projectile will automatically disappear? Its really unpredictable and inconceivable, he shouted: "Ayo!" he pondered: "Terrible, terrible! The Life-death talisman drill into my palm."

Child Elder said: "You understand now?" Xu Zhu said: "I....i....." Child Elder said: "My life-death talisman, its just a thin slice of ice." Xu Zhu cry out in surprise, he felt at ease immediately, he finally understood, the thin ice is melted by heat from the palm, gone in an instant, the energy in his palm is like furnace, it turn the ice into vapour, unexpectedly there isn't any water-stain at all.

Child Elder said: "In order to learn how to break the life-death talisman you have to learn how to launch it, to learn how to launch it then naturally you have to learn how to make it. Don't underestimate this thin slice of ice, to make it as thin as paper, unbroken and undamaged, its really not easy. Put some water on your palm, afterwards channel your internal energy in reverse, let the energy be several times colder than ice, the clear water will naturally turn into ice." At once she taught him how to channel his internal energy in reverse, how to convert hard and 'yang' energy into soft and 'yin' energy. The [Pure Energy of Northern Darkness] imparted by Wu YaZi possess both yin and yang, the skills learnt by Xu Zhu are all hard and 'yang', but since his internal energy already had solid foundation, its not difficult for him as long as he go against normal principles.

After learning how to make life-death talisman, Child Elder taught him the hand technique and strength in firing as well as how to target acupoints, on the thin slice of ice, she taught him how to attach hard and 'yang' energy, how to attach soft and 'yin' energy, how to attach 30% yang and 70% yin, or maybe 60% yin and 40% yang, although its just yin and yang energy, but the sequence is different, the amount is also different, it follow one's heart's desire, countless changes and permutation. Xu Zhu spent another three days and he finally learn everything. Child Elder said happily: "Little chap is not stupid at all, you learn rather fast, you already mastered the fundamental skills in life-death talisman. As for subtle and profound variation, able to recognize acupoints without error, that is future matters."

On the 4th day, Child Elder ordered him to regulate and mix his internal energy, gather internal energy in both palms, she said: "One of the life-death talisman is behind your right knee, on the 'YinLing Quan' acupoint, channel 'yang' energy to your right palm, use the 2nd palm technique to smack it quickly, channel 'yin' energy to your left palm, use the 7th palm technique to slowly draw and pull it out. Pull three times, the hot poison and cold poison in this life-death talisman will be neutralize." Xu Zhu act according to her instructions, sure enough, his 'YinLing Quan' acupoint was originally sluggish and obstructed but it clear up, his joint flexible and agile again, he felt really comfortable.

Child Elder gave directions one by one, Xu Zhu simply followed and neutralize the life-death talisman. Eventually he got rid of all nine life-death talismans, Xu Zhu is extremely happy.

Child Elder sigh and said: "Tomorrow noon, my divine skill will be complete. While completing the skill i have to resolve multitude of loose ends, its incomparably dangerous, today i have to calm down and mediate, don't talk to me anymore to avoid disturbing my thoughts." Xu Zhu said: "Yes." He pondered: "The days pass really quick, unexpectedly three months simply pass by."

At this moment, he suddenly heard a tiny voice like mosquito buzzing in his ear: "Martial sister, martial sister, where are you hiding? How come you are at little sister's house but you did not come out to meet me? You regard me as an outsider, you somewhat upstage the host, correct?"

The voice is extremely soft and thin, but he heard every single word clearly. Who else can it be other than Li QiuShui?

to guard the iron chain, when the enemy arrive they will release the lock in the middle of the iron chain, the iron chain will separate into two parts, the ravine is 5 zhang wide, its difficult for a person to jump across even if he possess extremely high level of lightness martial art. Currently, the group of females notice that the iron chain is cut off by a sharp blade, most likely the guards from Great Heaven Division did not have time to release the lock when the enemy attack the bridge.

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