Defying Natural Order With DeoxyriboNucleic Acid

Chapter 13 - 7 - Heaven-Defying Paradise oh fuċk

Once I, -unwillingly-, accepted a fourth member in the THREE musketeers, I seriously reconsidered the whole purpose of my life.

Should we really be called the Four Musketeers? Like? Even if he's D'Artagnan, it wouldn't make sense to still be called the Three Musketeers, right?

Like, the whole problem with the Three Musketeers as a book is that it's not about Three Musketeers but FOUR FUCKING MUSKETEERS.

I can't make the same mistake as the author right? I went to primary school right? I can't be…

Oh and fuċk it.

Let's go for the Four Musketeers.

-Let's go to the Consortium!

It's basically the place where you register your guild to the world.

And it's not a group of companies or smth.

You pay to register it.

But I swear it's not a group of companies or smth.

They make profit to make new Consortium Buildings.

But it's not a group of companies or smth.

They got shareholders.

Okay, it's totally a company.

But it's not a GROUP.

You got the whole point.

I took at look at it.

-Holy shit, that door got teeth!


║Consortium Building:::::::::::║

║HP: ∞/∞::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::║


║Skills (0 points)::::::::::::::::::║



I guess if you didn't know it was a shady company BEFORE looking at the building, now you do.

It's good there are terminals before the building, so I don't have to be eaten alive.


║Consortium Terminal::::::::::║

║HP: ∞/∞::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::║


║Skills (0 points)::::::::::::::::::║

║Price increase(99,MAX):::::::║


I guess I'm going in.

Now it's finally time to enter the glorious names of my nakamas & start navigating on grandline, fighting other pirates and… oh wait, wrong series.

The filling process is explained close to the entrance, it's pretty simple:

1) You enter a private room with your future guild-mates.

2) You say a command to start the process.

3) All your guild-mates say they agree to join.

4) You finished the process, your account is deducted of the money.

So, let's go.

-Hey, I'm SilentVoice are you going to register a guild?

I'll just ignore him.

Dartagnan: Yes, why not.

OneStroke: No problem.

PinkyKitty: ... I… think… it's… fine...

Me: No, there are already 4 of us- WAIT WHY ARE YOU TEAMING UP AGAINST ME???


So, now is the time to say the registration command.

The 5 musketeers, huh? At least we know how to count…

So the command is:



I look around the room.


Something something something something… oh wait, there's 40% off-

-Heaven-Defying Paradise oh fuċk

Everyone looks at me with light akin to the brightest flames of hell in the eyes.

-Calm down everyone, the 5 musketeers wasn't really better, we can still cancel anyway.

-Price deducted, do all present agree to be members of Heaven-Defying Paradise oh fuċk?

SilentVoice: Yes!

I have to do something.

-Come on everyone, these were all our economies, you know no one will have the courage to play ever again without the guild bonuses.

Something something something something something…

-I know that everyone in the entire world will see that slip-up. And that probably everyone will laugh at us until the end of times. And that if someone ever knew our real identities, we would probably be ridiculed and bullied. But we still got 5% off taxes on the item sales in the market.

Pinky: Yes

Ok, I totally know that she's more in because of me than because of the 5% off the taxes, but that's still okay.

The only thing I regret right now is to not have used my seduction skills on the guys too. There's no sėxuȧŀ orientation when there's money involved.


OneStroke sighs and: Yes.

The only one left is Dartagnan.

I have to make him comply.

Oh wait, there's totally no need to. He wasn't even supposed to be there in the first place, why do I even care about him.

-You know Dartagnan, there's no need to join if you don't feel like it. We understand you don't want to be ȧssociated with this name and you should feel free to refuse to join. It's VERY important you affirm yourself and make the right choice for your future.


-Yeah, I understand, it's good for you that you refus-what?

If I knew Dartagnan was so weak to social pressure, I wouldn't have insisted so much previously, if I just focused on OneStroke by using bro power then ignore the rest, I could have the perfect guild.


-And this is how me and my guild started out, before we were the world first to clear the "Mushy Forest Bull"!

SilentVoice: World First! World First!

OneStroke, holding his head: It was just a low level world boss…

Pinky: ...

Dartagnan: World… Fi-First! Wo…

Don't follow the trend if you're scared of the other people in the inn about to throw knives at us, ffs!

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