Defection Starting From Cp9

Chapter 19 Trading And Sandstorm

Under the scorching sun, hot steam rose up from the endless desert, distorting the air.

Bazel, Gutus and Jonah formed a triangle formation, surrounding Crest in the middle.

Victor was hiding behind the dunes not far away, holding a glass bottle containing purple potion in his hand that was soaked with sweat.

"Huha... You bastards... Huha, you're even hotter than a dog!"

Celeste gasped for air and bent down from exhaustion. Big beads of sweat dripped from his forehead. They were evaporated by the scorching heat before they even touched the sand on the ground.

Directly opposite Celeste, Bazel was also covered in sweat and panting slightly. It was too hot. He reached out to untie the black skull belt tied around his waist and the dark gray double-breasted uniform he wore on his upper body. , while saying in a deep voice: "It's okay if you want us not to chase you, let's make a deal!"


Celeste looked stunned, then remembered that the other party still had a pile of arms in his hand, and couldn't help but said: "You are really good at choosing the right time to make a deal in this situation!"

"A permanent pointer to the Sabaody Archipelago in exchange for your life. Or a permanent pointer to other islands ahead will do, but don't play tricks in advance."

"Don't think you 03 can defeat me, you bastard!"

After listening to Bazel's words, Celeste was quite crazy and said angrily: "And my life is so worthless? Kangran is worth ten permanent pointers?! I would like a bounty of 429,000 Wanbei is a thief!"

"A traveler lost in the desert will be willing to give up all his property for even a simple bottle of water!" Bazel shrugged and said something very reasonable.

"But why are you going to the Sabaody Archipelago's permanent pointer? Isn't this thing still unavailable?"

As soon as he finished saying this, Celeste's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something, and he gloated: "I remembered the group of black dogs hiding in Rapeseed Port, and the ambushes in the waters of Shengting Island. The Marine fleet is here for you."

"You know them?"

Bazel raised his eyebrows and asked in reply.

"Hmm~ Tilo Company has almost a monopoly on all large arms transactions in Alabasta and several surrounding countries. If such a large military operation by World Government and Marine takes place here, it is naturally impossible to hide it from Tilo Company's eyes and ears.

Celeste's face was full of pride and he said boastfully: "If it hadn't been for the group of black dogs and hypocrites who have been silent since I arrived, I would have thought they were coming for me.

Bazel narrowed his eyes and looked at the opponent's bloody right thigh, without opening his mouth to refute.

As a big pirate with a bounty of 490 million beli, Celeste is indeed worthy of Marine's aggressive action.

If Xi Luoke hadn't used the ability of "Munch-Munch Fruit" to injure Celeste with his "Blank Bullet" move, Bazelle really wouldn't have been able to stop him.

Because Celeste's most serious injury was his right leg, which made him limp when walking, he lost his speed advantage and was surrounded by Bazel and others in the desert.

If Celeste's legs were injured, even if he couldn't defeat Bazel, he could easily escape with his speed advantage.

In this way, unless the Scythe Pirates have a decisive battle with Marine and defeat the Marine fleet, they will have no choice but to hide in the desert and play hide and seek.

In fact, in terms of Xi Luoke's strength, plus Bazel and others, although there are few people, they are not unable to defeat this Marine fleet.

However, this choice has never been among the choices of Xi Luoke and Bazel - the reason is also very simple, or because the number of the Sickle Pirates is too small and their combat power is seriously insufficient.

The first is Victor, the ship's doctor who has newly joined the Scythe Pirates. He is not a combatant himself. If he suddenly participates in a battle of this level, he can easily die on the spot.

Next is Jonah, the youngest and still a trainee crew member - a man who is extremely lacking in strength and combat experience, but he has good Devil Fruit abilities, so his survival rate is much higher than Victor's.

Under such circumstances, once the Scythe Pirates face thousands of Marine elites headed by three Marine Vice Admirals - hundreds of government agents headed by CP9 - plus Sir Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea , there will only be tragic results in which both sides will be hurt.

After all, there are only six members of the Sickle Pirates so far, and losing two or three of them would be a huge loss.

Soon, Celeste thought for a few seconds, then raised a finger towards Bazel and said seriously: "There happens to be a permanent pointer to the Sabaody Archipelago on my ship. "I can also give it to you."


"But those cannons and muskets in your hands must also be sold to me!"

“If you don’t lower the price, there will be no problem!”

“Then I need to see the quality of that batch of arms.

Celeste glared at Bazel and bargained: "If the quality is good, I will buy it at a price one level higher than the market price. But if the quality is average or worse, I will only pay five levels above the market price!" "

Hearing this, Bazel frowned and said with a slightly mocking tone: "He is obviously a pirate, how can he look like a businessman."

Celeste was triumphant and said nonchalantly: "I have transformed a long time ago and am a pirate merchant who specializes in doing business with pirates like you!"

"Okay, then I'm not afraid to tell you that we snatched that batch of arms from a king's castle, and the quality is definitely not bad!"

Bazel nodded thoughtfully, then took off his sweat-soaked clothes with some effort, revealing his upper body covered with scars.

"No wonder the world government is trying so hard to catch you!"

Celeste's eyes narrowed and he silently looked at the various scars on Bazel's body.

Knife wounds, gunshot wounds, whip wounds, burns... as if they had been tortured.

"Stop talking nonsense."

Bazel snorted lightly, waved to Celeste, and said in a deep voice: "Go back with us, and then ask your subordinates to exchange you for the permanent pointer."

"Look—it's a sandstorm!"

Suddenly, Victor, who was hiding behind the dunes, let out an exclamation, turned his back to everyone present, and pointed in the direction of Rapeseed Flower Port.

When everyone heard the sound, they also looked back.

I could only see the direction of Rapeseed Flower Port, with howling winds and yellow sand all over the sky, affecting even the clouds in the sky.

A tornado formed by countless sands is rotating at high speed, connecting the sky and the earth. It was like a wild dragon with its fangs and claws, roaring like a "rumbling", and the sound was terrifying.

Soon, a biting wind blew over, accompanied by countless yellow sand, so that everyone had to reach out to cover their faces to prevent the sand from getting into their eyes.

"Tornado?! It seems to be the captain's ability!"

"It could also be Crocodile's ability!"

"No matter who's ability it is, it looks like the fight there is fierce!"

"Jonah, call the captain and ask him to get out of the fight. We have reached a deal here, there is no need for the captain to continue fighting with Marine."

"Then I'll call the one-eyed man and ask him to push the boat into the sea first, and we can set off when we arrive.

"No problem, that's the decision!"

In the fierce roaring wind and sand, everyone shouted and talked at the top of their lungs. .

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