Deep Space Fleet

Vol 3 Chapter 347: Badit routes

Lao Guo looked at the forum posts a few times, all kinds of debates, quarrels, somehow feel a bit bored.

He yawned and stood up from the stool. "I don't know how long it will take in this area. There is nothing good. Some people give him five reincarnation enjoyment. It's not enough. Really don't be too greedy ... dead I'll die when I get over, I don't know if I can't think of anything. "

"Living too long is sometimes boring ... a life that has not changed, and has been repeated for 10,000 years and 100 million years, I don't know what it means."

Seeing that it was not too late, the two got up again and headed to the large conference room in Kunlun Mountain.

This time the discussion meeting was quite grand. There were more than 1,500 participants, including experts and scholars from all walks of life, and many issues were discussed.

The first issue is the discussion on the technology of the virtual world. Now that this technology has been revealed, including the announcement of the Transcendent Plan, how to use it more effectively has become the biggest problem.

The military wants to use virtual world technology to train soldiers; engineers want to use it to do some simulation experiments; artists have generated all kinds of crazy ideas, want to join in, and create the world! There are also a variety of tourism, food, close to nature, education and so on. When it comes to this novel technology, people always seem very excited, and all kinds of messy motions are piled up in a brain.

After all, it can change every aspect of human life!

In the end, Zhang Yuan coughed heavily. "Everyone, everybody, please be quiet, listen to me first."

After all, Zhang Yuan was an old captain, and he was still very prestigious. Suddenly, everyone was quiet.

"With regard to virtual world technology, we must use it. First of all, let me explain some specific principles."

"The virtual worlds 1-11 are experimental, not very stable, and easily collapse. Once collapsed, life inside will die, so we do not consider specific applications. The main applications are in worlds 12, 13, 14 . "

"The virtual world on the 12th is a weak ruled world, which is generally stable under normal circumstances. What is a weak rule? That is, in the real world, a computer mouse clicks, and a Kunlun Mountain appears in the virtual world. Therefore, it is quite good for military exercises. But because there is still a back door in World No. 12, there is still the possibility of collapse and even tampering. Therefore, if humans enter, they must be strictly monitored, otherwise security problems may occur. "

"World 13 is a strong rule world. What might you ask? Strong rules? That is, even if the real world is operated by a computer, there is no way to interfere with the internal operation of World 13 ... Everyone understand, this world There is no back door. At best, we can only send people inside or close it forcibly. "

"Only in this way can the entire virtual world be guaranteed to be safe and reliable enough. After all, no one wants to walk on the road well, and suddenly he is killed by the stone that was created for nothing."

Everyone laughed when they heard this, thinking about the same reason.

Zhang Yuan continued: "World 13 is equivalent to a derivative of the real world, and the Badit is held here. Our soldiers who have been killed also live here."

"There is World No. 14, which is the real virtual world, an ideal world. This world community involves the transcendent plan. Don't think too much before everyone die ..."

Therefore, according to this principle, except for some military and experimental motions, most of the plans have to be strictly discussed, and the security issue is still the most important.

Just kidding, I would rather slow down and slow down the development of this technology than to mess around.

The discussion that follows is to decipher the confidential information in the black box, and the knowledge system contributed by the Badit people in the recent period.

This is also a point of great interest to everyone.

Yes, the confidential information in the black box has been deciphered after some overtime work. In addition to the uninterrupted interrogation of the Badit people, the entire civilized translation work is still going smoothly.

The content inside surprised everyone.

Including some cosmological common sense that mankind desires, and a lot of technology, it is a supplement to the work of Badit interrogation!

But don't forget that this alien civilization's spaceship is a commercial spaceship. Its main purpose is still for commercial trade.

And the transactions between interstellar civilizations are mostly not material, but information and technology!

The farthest exploration distance of this spacecraft reached a distance of 110 light years from its mother star. During the entire voyage, two batches of aliens with interstellar navigation capabilities were encountered, while humans were the third batch. A part of this information was stored in a black box, which is now intercepted by humans.

This discovery can horrify everyone. I did not expect that this booty is much richer than expected, and it is absolutely true and reliable, and unlikely to be cheated.

Sorting out this batch of information has naturally become the current work of choice.

"Look, everyone!"

When talking about this topic, everyone raised their spirits.

Zhang Yuan clicked his finger, and a large image of a star road was displayed on the big screen. There were more than a hundred stars on it, connected with each other by thin lines.

Zhang Yuandao: "This route is the route that Baditts have traveled this time. In order to obtain greater commercial benefits, it can be said that they deliberately detoured a little distance."

"And at the end of this route, there is a fourth-level civilization market ... Most of the technology in the black box is exchanged from this exchange. There is also some information, which is traded with two other interstellar civilizations Got it. "

"As for these two interstellar civilizations, they just passed by during the journey and exchanged a little things at will."

"Therefore, the confession of the Badit people is not false. From these records, everyone should be able to understand why we are considered a rookie civilization. I hope that in the future, when we communicate with interstellar civilization, everyone can pay attention.

"And we're in a location about 44.9 light years from that exchange."

Zhang Yuan pointed a finger at a black area in the middle of the image, and the star on the far side was the destination of this time, 187j3x2.

The distribution of cosmic strings is like a complex neural network, but compared to the broadness of the entire universe, this neural network still seems a bit sparse.

Therefore, even if the Badit civilization has been exploring this starry sky for tens of thousands of years, it can only explore a small area around the cosmic string. 187j3x2, just the place that has not been explored.

Like the sun, stars that are several light years away from the cosmic string, interstellar civilizations below the fourth level have not much interest in exploration. This is also determined by geographical location. Even if it is a third-level civilization, if gravity cannot be used to propel it, most of the mass of the spacecraft will have to be used for fuel, and it is likely to go back and forth.

Zhang Yuan also pointed to the end of this route: "The star where this trading market is located—let's name it Huan Thai Star. The host civilization above is called Huan Thai civilization, a fourth-level civilization with curvature technology. .You should also know, what exactly does curvature technology mean? "

"Do you mean, can we also go to this four-level civilized exchange?" Ye Jun often stroked his glasses and was lost in thought.

"Yes ~ ~ Yes, if we want to expand exchanges with other countries, this is indeed a good choice."

After hearing Zhang Yuan's affirmative answer, the rest of them also whispered. Some frowned, feeling that human beings could indeed walk all the way to the exchange, and some people remained silent without speaking.

"According to the pause and maintenance in the middle, it took almost 600 years, and it was acceptable with hibernation."

In addition, there can be several life planets in the middle. These planets are all low-level civilizations ascertained by the Badit civilization. They are not high in science and technology, and some are even in primitive times.

Badit civilization does not have much interest in communication, but ... humans have it!

The new history of human civilization must collect more historical samples. The more this management discipline develops, the less likely it is for humans to take a detour.

Some people find it a bit dangerous ... Although the common sense of the universe has made up a lot, but not afraid of 10,000, just in case, if you are robbed once again by an alien, even if you finally win, humans must also consider the risks involved.

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