Deep Space Fleet

Vol 3 Chapter 323: The war ... begins!

? At this time, Kunlun Mountain had fallen into the most chaotic time period. Various internal electromagnetic waves cross-propagated, and one computing center was successively captured. This is tantamount to a complete disaster for humans who fully realize informationization!

After these digital lives have passed the incubation period, the speed at which electromagnetic waves erupt and multiply is always faster than humans yelling. Many people at 35xs didn't even know what was happening and found that their communication equipment was completely paralyzed ... As a result, they were notified from the tweeter of "cut off the network and defend against digital viruses" one hour later.

Some people in the living area turned on the mobile phone, but found that the mobile phone was beating the numbers randomly, and the mobile phone could not send any messages at all!

"Kunlun Mountains" began to lose power on a large scale, and people tried to kill these digital lives by means of power failure.

But how easy is it to want a complete power outage?

As long as a mobile phone is on and has not been powered off, these digital creatures can make a comeback!

What's more, the information that has been destroyed is difficult to recover in a short while, and the system can only be restored again, which makes the processing more difficult.

In this way, except for some computers that are completely isolated from the outside and do not have any wireless functions, as long as they are any electronic devices with any wireless signal receiving function, they are all captured within an hour!

This powerful digital life even propagated to the surrounding convoy ...


"Fuck, you first find out ... Is it the virus sent by Kunlun Mountain, or was it sent by the other ship? Why was it suddenly infected?"

Li Junkang, the captain of the destroyer Yingying No. 1 frowned. One hour ago, the communication between the mother ship and the entire fleet had been completely disconnected, and the entire ship suddenly paralyzed with them.

All military personnel have no idea what these **** viruses are. This feeling is like a frog on a hot pot, and it will be cooked alive in the next second.

Anxiety, really anxious, he is constantly urging technicians to repair related electronic equipment.

Fortunately, because the hull is not as huge as Kunlun Mountain, yelling with a tweeter can also pass information smoothly.

"No, Captain Li, really not. We don't understand the working principle of this virus for the time being. We only know that it can spread through electromagnetic waves."

"Unless you restore all the instruments to the system at the same time ... it takes more than ten hours ... and some complex software cannot be restored by our ability!"

Li Junkang glared at a few technicians with a frown, already scolding his mother anxiously: "What about our firewall, the password? This password is only known to me. It has 32 bits. Why was it suddenly cracked? Not to say it was adopted An encryption method that cannot be cracked ?! "

"Captain ... no firewall is perfect."

"So, what about backup electronics ?!"

The technician hurriedly said: "You must not turn on the standby system now, or you will be infected ... you must wait until these viruses are completely removed."

Just now, the entire spacecraft has been completely powered off, trying to eliminate this digital life, but I don't know where, or some of the power armors hide this digital life, and as a result, it has multiplied again. . 35xs

Immediately after a power outage, it was not completely eliminated.

Just kidding, even the team of experts in the Kunlun Mountains are at a loss for this. Of course, the soldiers here cannot easily solve this problem.

Fortunately, there are still a small number of computers, including some life support equipment, which can run normally, otherwise this group of soldiers will have to be killed in space.

"Check again, are there any corners we left behind."

Just then, a correspondent shouted in the next room, "Captain! We received a signal from Kunlun Mountain!"

"What signal?" Li Junkang was overjoyed, "Is the communication device all repaired?"

"No, it's the light signal on the surface of Kunlun Mountain ..." The correspondent was observing his mothership with an astronomical telescope, and the signal lights on it were flashing regularly.

This ancient communication language has come together into one word-attack!


attack! !!

"The war has begun!"

Li Junkang took a deep breath and now the most important thing is to calm down. If his commander is caught in a panic, all the soldiers will panic.

This battle is not impossible ... It takes time for the opponent's spacecraft to catch up.

You must use this time for repairs!

The smaller the size of the spacecraft, the easier it is to repair; the larger the volume, the more difficult it is to repair.

Recovery of frigates is the easiest, recovery of destroyers is slightly slower.

"And Kunlun Mountain will not be able to restore combat power in a short time ... Damn it!"

"I don't know to what extent our spacecraft can be repaired ... We must restore a small amount of combat power before the other party arrives, must!"

Without the calculation of the central host computer and the auxiliary observation of a large number of electronic devices, they could not even figure out where the other spacecraft was.

Cosmic space is really too large, even if the two sides are only 10 to 20 million kilometers apart, it is already smaller than a dust to human eyes.

It is impossible to hit anything simply by manual operation!

The time passed in such a minute and minute, and every technician was sweating anxiously. On the contrary, Li Junkang no longer urged, but just carefully observed the light communications of more than 20 frigates around him, relying on this primitive communication to dispatch the spacecraft.


A soldier saw a bunch of bees with a telescope, and rushed over.

It is the opponent's leading UAV square!

Li Junkang's eyes narrowed: "Accelerate, accelerate our spaceship ... the mothership has issued instructions to protect ourselves first. Release the UAV square array to fight back!"

"No, Captain. Our communications have not been repaired. UAVs do not have a central supercomputing command. They are not very useful."

"The fusion engine is also paralyzed! We are doing repairs."

"... Turn on the spare chemical engine and accelerate as much as possible!"

Li Junkang knew in his heart that if he was caught up by the drone of the other party, his semi-paralyzed spacecraft would soon be completely destroyed.

Don't underestimate the combat effectiveness of these small drones, even if they only carry some of the simplest lasers and kinetic weapons ~ ~ but close-range fighting, ants bite more like death, a destroyer is definitely not Large group of drone opponents.

But the advantages of destroyers are:-Weapons and equipment are diversified and their functions are more complete.

He observed it with an astronomical telescope for a while, pointing his finger in one direction, and the expression on his face froze, "Prepare an electromagnetic pulse nuclear bomb, give me a hard shot!"

Electromagnetic pulse weapon is a new type of nuclear weapon whose main feature is to enhance the electromagnetic pulse effect. Its main function is to destroy electronic equipment and interfere with battlefield communications. Since human beings do not have electromagnetic communication, then simply put an electromagnetic pulse bomb to bridge the gap between the two sides ... Everyone simply doesn't need to communicate.

The same anxiety arises among all frigate captains, even if they have a large number of weapons in their hands, but in the case of such equipment paralysis, there are not many means available.

All frigates just want to manually control, while protecting their own spacecraft, they want to protect the Kunlun Mountain.

This is the mother ship of eight million human beings. Once the Kunlun Mountain is lost, everyone will be dead and clean, there is no possibility of survival!

Even if they are such soldiers, even if they escape, can they really return home in the universe?


Once the mothership is lost, waiting for humanity is the end of total annihilation.

So hold on, hold on!

At this instant, a nuclear fireball suddenly appeared 100,000 kilometers away from Kunlun Mountain. The explosion of this electromagnetic pulse nuclear bomb also opened the curtain of human first interstellar war!


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